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As mentioned in Rule 5, r/Millennials is focused on positive or nostalgic content.


Middle-age may be right around the corner, or you may be living it right now. Middle age isn’t 50 for most people because very few live to 100. 😢 But yes! Would be great if we didn’t age.


You’re already middle age. It just means your past puberty(~24) and before senior cit(~60). Continue being active with weight bearing exercise and stretching. Keeping strong and flexible greatly improves quality of life.


Middle age doesn’t really mean exactly in the middle of your life.


Immortality is overrated. Unless you're cool with losing every person you've ever known. The fact that life is limited is what gives it value.


You don't want to get old? What a totally original sentiment on this sub.


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Can’t we have both in your parallel universe ?


That was my first step in leaving the Mormon church: Realizing I don't actually want to live forever.


I don't want to live forever either, but aging presents it's own unique opportunities and flavors of meaning to our lives. My goal is to become old and to help GenZ and GenAlpha to succeed. If I can, I'd like to set them up for success. Boomers are so resistant to passing the reigns that we already feel like it's hopeless. The least we can do is to keep the coming generations from feeling as we have been made to feel.


My grandmother is 90 years old. She's the oldest of 8 child, all of whom are dead. She lives alone. Her friends are dead. She has no grandkids (not interested). Not sure I want to live to that age, honestly. What else is there to do but wait to die?


I get what you mean by middle age is right around the corner, socially and within a lot of cultures middle age is your forties. But I cannot relate to the not wanting to live forever thing. The whole "how could you watch everyone you love die?!" deterrent is completely acceptable to me. Hell, even the "what are you gonna do when the sun dies?" bit is a "I'll cross the bridge when I get there" hypothetical.


Why wouldn't you want to live forever? If we had the technology to live forever, as in to not age, that wouldn't mean that you are obligated to live forever. You could still kill yourself whenever you want to.


Its called ‘diet and exercise’


I'm turning 40 in August. I'm curious what 50 will be like. Is the whole "every bone you broke will have arthritis" thing true? Will my hair turn gray? Will I wrinkle at some point? How low will my boobs sag? So many questions that I won't have answers for until I keep aging.


One thing that I have found to slow down time is to break away from routine


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^All-the-ketchup: *One thing that I have* *Found to slow down time is to* *Break away from routine* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


I never don’t not want to want not to live forever


I’m 40. If we stop fascism, reverse climate change, control population, eliminate capitalism and growth for the sake of growth ideology umm if we eliminated racism and misogyny and we treated animals with respect…you know then yea I’d want to live forever. Oh and imo, religions gotta go, all of them.


lol you seem fun


I’m not :( but I’m working on it.


I’d probably focus on problems more immediate to your life.


Why not both? And imo, everything I said is impacting my life directly.


It’s not and focusing on things you can’t considerably change is just asking for anxiety and depression.


Bruh, how's everyone on Reddit have the exact same personality?


I think I read too much about our current predicaments / polycrisis.