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I was in a Pilates class last week and a women’s phone rang. She rolled over and answered it and had a full conversation in the middle of class!


Seems like whoever was heading the class shouldn’t be. You have to be able to handle a little taste of confrontation, if you’re going to lead any group. I wouldn’t be going back to that class. How disrespectful to allow that behavior.


There's a woman at my gym who stays on the phone her ENTIRE workout, every single day. I don't get it.


I understand people that work at gas stations or drive taxis, lifts, deliveries that spend a lot of their time alone chatting with people who can for company. Yeah you can listen to music or books but sometimes you need engagement. I don't understand people who are grocery shopping while Facetiming about absolutely nothing with someone who isn't even responding and looking at something else. These people tend to just stop at random and have no spacial awareness.


I wouldn’t do it in a gym because rude, but I do measure a higher heart rate when I walk while on the phone. I assume the talking causes my breathing to be shit with increases my heart rate and thus makes my walk more worthwhile. I still don’t prefer it because I feel winded though.


The amount of trash you meet on the street, or even in public spaces having conversations on speaker phone - and typically private content - Is astonishing.


Speaking of privacy, I hate it when people are talking in the public restroom. So...everyone gets to hear me pee???


I used to work for a startup and one of the SDRs would take calls in the bathroom. It was weird. 


Insane to me. My phone audibly rang once from the cubby in the lobby during a Pilates class and I was mortified. Now it’s always on silent.


As someone who frequents spas, I firmly believe it’s up to the staff to police issues like loud and rude guests. If I go somewhere and see the staff ignoring this behaviour, I won’t be back to that spa because it shows they don’t care about their clients’ experience. 


Yes! Yes! Yes! Exactly. Seems like it’s just a trashy spa. This story certainly doesn’t merit “these days.”


Right? I’ve seen this issue caused by single men on the phone, women in groups… it’s not just one demographic. There’s trashy people everywhere and always has been.


What happened? 2020 happened. People got isolated and a good chunk of just social dynamics were forgotten.


No people were this annoying before. It just seems worse because we had time off.


Agree. There was some poor behavior before COVID. During and after though, it just accelerated.


You guys hit the nail on the head. That’s exactly it. There’s always been rude people. What’s changed is people feel the need to slap a variant of “these days” before every complaint. It’s actually starting to become a pet peeve for me.


So you'd say the average amount of complainers has gone up ... these days?


No, but you’re close. I’d say the use of these days has gone up these days.


I honestly think Covid caused brain damage. A lot of people ignored those safety measures and socialized. And for those that did a year and a half to two years of moderate precautions, that shouldn’t just remove a life time of practiced social etiquette. 


The research says it did/does. And they were shockingly ugly and cruel about my stroke. People I know irl, family responded to my stroke based on political lines which fucking stunned me. And not one of them checked in on my then-six year old.


I agree, I think it gave everyone some kind of  mini-strokes and the amount of damage varies depending on how many time you got it, and how vaccinated you are, and which strains, etc


When I went to see Super Mario Brothers in 2023 the little kids were all well behaved but the family of 3 with a teenage daughter all cackled loudly at weird times and didn't care about anyone else. It was so bizarre. I don't like going to the theaters anymore, people kicking my chair or having podcast debates around me while occasionally taking out a lighthouse to piss everyone off, I'd just rather enjoy it at home.


People were just as bad before 2020. In 2018 on our honeymoon we went to a fancy spa for a couples day and we had a husband and wife loudly fight the entire time we were there. No one told them the shut the fuck up.


That's just a toxic couple.


I don’t blame you. That’s not a social club lol it’s a spa like you said…..purpose is for relaxing! I’ve had a similar experience where some ladies went in and were chatty the whole time that a few other patrons sushed them.


When I was pregnant with my second kid, I didn’t want a baby shower again since I still had a lot from my first kid. I was asked what I wanted and I said I just wanted a spa day to relax, I had meant for just myself but it ended up being a few female family members and a couple friends. It was fine, it worked out. We went to this high end place in a ritzy resort area north of my hometown. There is this indoor jacuzzi pool chair area off the main locker room but it is entirely tiled on the floor and walls, etc. One of my SILs is generally a loud person, she wasn’t watching her volume and got shushed by a random lady lol. I’m sure it seemed even louder due to the tile in there.


lol it’s a spa? Yeah. That means don’t be loud Imagine if he was at a library


Libraries have changed in my area and kids are running around screeching because it's their place to play now.


Is there a seperate kids area at your local library? Our kids section is on a different floor and the adult space is still quiet.


Our library has a kids section where it's acceptable to sit and read a book aloud (softly) with your young kid and there are toys for borrowing etc. But I was still teaching my kid we had to talk quietly throughout and especially when he wanted to wander into the more adult areas. Nobody should be screeching...


Same. Libraries are NOT quiet anymore.


Libraries haven’t been quiet for a while now. I tried studying for a bar exam at my local public library ~10 years ago and it was so loud. I asked the librarian for a private room so I could study and she was surprised the noise bothered me.


I don’t think what you did was wrong at all, I have kids and they would absolutely know how to behave before going into a place like that and if they didn’t I would immediately remove them myself. I don’t think you ever should have had to, the employees should have told them to leave if they can’t settle down instead of you having to say something. It stinks it came down to you.


I think people are finding it harder and harder to put energy into caring these days due to the economy and no one’s needs being met the way they used to be. In addition, we’ve become so isolationist that people don’t know how to act in front of others anymore. We were already barreling toward this but, Covid sent it into hyperdrive.


No. That’s not right at all. For starters, the economy was worse just 16 years ago. Next, the pandemic isolation has been over for longer than it lasted. We’re done blaming all our problems on it now. Finally, there’s always been trash businesses and rude people. This isn’t some new phenomenon. Not by a long shot. OP is overthinking their experience. They just need to find a better spa.


I know exactly what you’re talking about and I also feel like something shifted in the last decade or so—maybe post Covid? I hate it. People lack all consideration for others. Recently, I was at a small local museum that had a small theater room playing a short silent film from the 1890s on a loop. I was enjoying the film, actually getting surprisingly immersed in it, and this family came in halfway through with a gaggle of kids and just talked at normal volume the entire time. Loud, rude, obnoxious. Sure, it’s not a film with dialogue, but their talking totally broke the immersion. They also pulled out their phones so the light was distracting too.


It definitely feels like most people have no regard/awareness for their surroundings


It was definitely like this in the 90s and 2000s. People have always been rude.


Thank you for actually doing something about it. Way too many people just seethe.


Nah. This isn’t acceptable. There’s always been rude people. They’ve always needed handling.


I sat in my normal hair salon/nail salon/massage location the other day and listened to. 20 minutes of a full on conversation between a customer and a Hulu rep on the phone (on speaker) about her not being able to change her cc for billing. Staff told her 4-5 times yo take the call outside, etc. bottom line she didn’t know the difference between;the app and logging in from a browser. I curtly let her know that she was disrupting everyone and to go outside or talk to Hulu once she got home. I hate to be so blunt but it was very disrespectful to thr entire salon.


In the 90/00s you were the annoying kid too oblivious to realize you were annoying. Now you're the crotchety old person too crotchety to realize you're overreacting.


I was not a kid then I’m a xennial


Exactly. And you’re being downvoted because you’re right and it offended their diabetes.


Masseuse is such an outdated term. We’re therapists. Not sex workers. Edit to add: I work out of America, and I understand that laws differ from state to state, especially regarding draping laws. That said: I love the downvotes from addled-brained morons that think they can subjugate licensed medical professionals. Have fun getting banned and possibly arrested from establishments trying to get the lady “masseuse” to get your happy ending on.


Tough to concentrate for your happy ending huh?  *edit* woke up to see all the down votes lol. For a generation that grew up on South Park and Family Guy, y’all have no sense of humor. You must be loads of fun to hang out with at  parties.


I don't like your implication




Apathy has been out for a long time


Try not to be so soft would you.


Try to be a better, more caring person, would you? Not being a dick isn't being soft. Being kind isn't being soft. Hell, even being soft isn't some sort of sin.


No u soft for sure I checked


K, tell me why you and he think that's bad


My wife says it's useless when soft


Brother, I made a joke for the original comment. And because you don’t agree with it and I call you soft now apparently I don’t have empathy and I’m not a caring person. Maybe you need to look in the mirror and self reflect


Oh wow. You just made a joke. Got a lot of snotty brats in this sub tonight. 75 pricks that can’t take a joke showed up just for you.


People socializing? The nerve.