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You'll see a clearing up ahead with a lone bottle of precious, clean Sprite set upon a rusted out and long emptied oil drum. You know it's a trap, how could it be anything other than a trap, and yet: you have no choice but to obey your thirst just the same. The raiders are on you immediately. However this too is a relief, in its way


I love this lol


Is it Sprite or Sprite Remix?


"r-r-re-re-reeeeeeMIIIIIIX" you sing defiantly, as the raiders drain your person of all usable water


I get sprite and death before the sinus pain? I’ll take it.


The sprite is in a green bottle too


it's the last surviving green thing on earth. you must possess it


Probably convincing AI impersonations of loved ones


It’ll be a thriving legal business. Your best friend that died, your mom, everyone will be simulated and you’ll pay a subscription for it to never end


Baby Billy was onto something


This is so dark!!


And other people will pay to be immortalized as AI.


So sad.


Like I'd answer my phone anyway. 


Oh God we are going to get calls from dead family members and friends asking for iTunes gift cards


This is already happening. And the scams have worked on more than old people. Business contacts too. https://www.newyorker.com/science/annals-of-artificial-intelligence/the-terrifying-ai-scam-that-uses-your-loved-ones-voice


There's a fictional podcast (or "audio drama") called Life After that explores this idea a bit. It's pretty good! [https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/lifeafter-the-message/id1045990056](https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/lifeafter-the-message/id1045990056)


I think we're all too cynical, so whatever it is will have to be good. I Google every phone number that calls that isn't in my phone and block anything even remotely sketchy.


Be like me, I never ever answer the phone ever.


I answer if it's my mom. That's about it.


Hey it’s me ur mom


Pam? Oh no! Who died?


Omg so do I!!!


I'm glad I'm not the only one!


Social Security


Realist comment here 🗣️




I feel like Deep Fakes and stuff will ravage society, millennials and all.


It’s gonna be something stupid like the actual government actually calling you on an actual phone to actually tell you that you are in actual immediate danger, and we won’t even answer the phone. Of if we do, we won’t believe it’s real.


Idk about the government but, i do think your onto something. There will be actual danger, flood/fire/lightning and a mass media message will be sent out. Millennials will be like "nah, its a scam".... lol


I think we'll be less apt to fall for them because I don't feel scamming was such an issue just 30 years ago like it is today so we're being taught to be very vigilant about it unlike past generations.


I like your optimism and hope you’re right! I find my hyper-vigilance makes me paranoid and thought that,THAT is exactly how I’ll somehow get taken down when I’m 75. Scamception. Meta-scam.


I didnt see shit!


Also what's the point if scaming people with no assets? What are they gonna take $50k of student loan debt?


I just got Zelle scammed


As a 7 year banker I wouldn't use Zelle for any physical items, cause once it's gone- it's gone and the same from cash app. Only one i would maybe* trust is PayPal since you can dispute it and even that's pushing it since their customer service sux azz


Only if you do Goods And Services. If you send money on paypal via Friends And Family, it's gone. That's one of the reasons basically all the buy/sell subreddits mandate it.


The only time I use Zelle is for family


I have too many trust issues, I ignore texts, emails and don't pick up the phone enough to be scammed.. I only pay attention to my credit card notifications. good luck to them 🤪


So, what you're saying is, your attack vector will be figuring out how to convincingly fake credit card notifications I'm being sarcastic of course, but you might actually want to be careful!


Nah ones on the app lol not text messages and stuff but if they fake them then ya they got me


I always just sign in on a separate browser and check my credit cards to see of I have a message on there if I'm worried. I'm not clicking links on emails. 


Same lol. I silence any calls that are not in my contacts. I look up callers on google. If I get a fraud alert on my credit card, I directly call the bank instead of responding to the text. I have alerts for every transaction for each cc.


As a banker, thank you for calling the bank directly. I can tell horror stories all day about people getting scam texts/calls and giving out their info (usually it's boomers+)


Haha yeah I refuse to fall for any of those scams. I can’t trust anyone.


Mind-uploading as a means of life extension


Like any of us would want to extend our lives


Amen brother


Anything somebody tells us that sounds really bad for us we will believe instantly. "Your social security check is trapped. Don't claim it this month, or hackers will steal your credit cards." So we don't, and they snatch it from our digital mailbox.


We're going to believe the ai human bots are actually human


They already passed the Turing test in writing (not that big corps use this for their absolutely shite customer assistance AIs) How long until it'll happen in speech? Then in video calls? It's going to be indistinguishable before we collectively kick the bucket.


Real Estate


If some fantasy-world tech manages to develop and become widespread in the next generation, that will be what takes down millennials when we're old As for what that might be, I'd guess it'd be something to do with augmented reality


I want nothing to do with AR, VR, or AI. Don't trust it.


Until I better understand how it works, I'm trying to reserve judgment but also avoid using it so I don't make a fool out of myself. It could be useful if applied ethically, but I want to make sure of that first if I'm going to have anything to do with it


I think this is why we'll be hard to scam. I feel the same way. We've grown up with so many scammy internet things that we're, rightfully, skeptical.


Ha, as if we'll have any money to be scammed out of.


"Win a house!" I want a house


The millennial group had “stranger-danger” drilled into them. I think there are some trust issues that resulted from that whole deal.


Right? In a programming-discord I frequent, a late-teen asking advice unprompted dished out their full ASL (for context I guess?) and I was like "Are you trying to get stalked??" and they were all "nah, it's fine, don't worry gramps" That moment stuck with me, cause it would've been unheard of to just identify yourself so clearly when we were young. I remember seeing literal posters in internet cafes about not identifying yourself, especially if you're still a teen.


I’m purposely vague when it comes to A & L, S though not so much. I never actually give my true age or location to anyone, sometimes I don’t even give my real age to actual people in real life


A scam inception. Someone claiming to protect us from the scammer, that is claiming to protect us from getting scammed. 


We’ll be the first gen to show the detrimental effects of long term exposure to smartphones. They’ll claim to have developed a cure or aid to reverse the damage but we’ll be too old for it to work. The scam is there is no cure, only safeguards that should be implemented but they’ve known this all along.


Youll be buying something online and not realize that the screen is not your screen. Its just an overlay or exact copy of your screen over the actual websites legit page. Like layers in photoshop. Youll type your card info in the space and it will look like everything is fine but it will be a 3rd party page above the actual page. Youll click "submit" and all of a sudden, every box you filled out will come back highlighted in red saying "*required"... Then it will hit you. Youve just been scammed. Your grandkids will make fun of you because you did notice it was an overlay. And you should have known because there are 2 spaces after the period in the last sentence or some othe bs thing like that.


I think we might struggle with cryptocurrency scams like some older people struggle with online banking scams. 


This is a good answer.  I don't use crypto but I find it intriguing.  I tried to explain to (same age) family members the difference between an exchange and a wallet, what it means to hold your own keys, etc, what happened with SBF and I don't think I got through to them.


We’ll think everything is a scam, not respond to any phone calls, but one of them was real and the IRS will take us away >.>


I'd wager it'll come in the form of a technology that won't be invented for another 40 years or so.


Capitalism, probably the biggest scam of all time with no safety net to protect us once automation fully takes over.


We ain’t making it to “old”


who the hell wants to grow old and find out?


AI. I don't care enough to actually call a person or engage in enough social interaction to verify that the person I'm talking to is real. I'm probably going to be old, messaging a bot on my phone thinking it's a real person. It will likely be my only friend given the rate I limit people.


Probably deepfake calls from our kids asking for money


I think deepfaked videos are a good candidate. [Something like this.](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/04/asia/deepfake-cfo-scam-hong-kong-intl-hnk/index.html) Imagine getting a video call from your "best friend", they need a few thousand for an emergency... the money ends up in Turkmenistan or Nigeria or whatever. Or maybe the scam will be much simpler...? Many 90s kids are utterly financially fucked with no hopes of getting rich the honest way. I can see some of us resorting to running pyramid schemes as we grow older, ruining friends and family before running away to a remote island we can't be extradited from.


Gabe newel calling you that he has a secret copy of half life 3 and all he needs is a high shipping fee


we living the scam right now. all of us


We can’t predict it but I’m sure fake video calls from ‘kidnapped’ family isn’t super far away. AI generated from pics/videos




Probably none since we will never have any wealth to steal. Can squeeze blood out of a stone.




I think we'll get to a point where the most common cause of death is voluntary suicide and it's normalized. Work until you have enough money, do the things you want and then piece out.


I don’t have anything to be scammed out of


Assisted Living Facilities


I'm 36 now. When I reach elderly status I don't think scams will be a thing. I expect to be living in a massive desert, fighting for clean water while avoiding the scavengers and bandits.


Y’all are some mega Doomers.


I’ve already been scammed when I was told Beanie Babies and Pokémon cards would be valuable in the future.


Not sure about when we are elderly, but Social Security feels like one now.


with AI scams of the future .... we could see a lot of millennials get cleaned out. get rich quick scheems are nothing new and they seem to get anyone from any generation. remember the crypto stuff that a lot of millennials fell for... yeah the AI scams of the future would be like the crypto stuff we see today but on steroids. my advice.. trust nothing believe nothing. if it sounds too good to be true... it is.


National debt / inflation. When a loaf of bread costs $800 and you’re not making 3 mil a year, you fell for it.


When we're older? My wife called me crying a few years ago because she needed a $500 gift card to send to the IRS or the cops were going to arrest her... Bless her heart I love her but I had to laugh. Told her it was a scam and to contact the local PD to put her mind at rest. We are in our mid 30's


I think we're being scammed right now with constant negativity and bad advice like, "don't have kids because of the climate/p\*litics/finances," and I wonder if it will catch up to many of us in old age when EOL planning becomes inaccessible.


Since I won't have life savings, not to worried about it, lol.


You act like millennials responding to remote work scams and buying things from wish.com and crappy Instagram ads isn’t already a thing. Scams don’t get people that are looking for a scam, they get people that think they’re too smart and that this person is trustworthy, so they could never be scammed. Thinking you’re unscammable is the worst thing you can do, because then you’re not paying attention. As a realistic answer, as time goes on and AI gets better and knows more about individuals, it’ll become easier to do custom attacks where they know the places you’ll look to see if it’s a scam, and make that work in their favor. In particular, I think it’ll be something like you were tricked into installing an innocuous app that takes control of certain things on your phone. You’ll get a phone or email saying you owe money, but you’re too smart for that, you’ll go straight to the website without clicking the link…but the app will redirect you and allow you to be scammed. Currently, there’s a decent amount of protections against this, but it’s a game of cat and mouse.