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I think that's planetary launch terminal, the last crater


So i have now ruinous shores and stained mountains unlocked but not captured. in which direction should i go to unlock it


Just play all of the main ones. You have to capture them to unlock technologies anyways


And if u can teach me how to play this game stages like do i have to capture area from 1,2,3,4 etc or just randomly


I advise you take the first few craters, then just go capture random sector and unlock a lot of stuff. For now, don't do erekir, doing it right now and it's way harder than sector 24 and other eradicate enemy base on serpulo ( 24 being the harderst ), so stick with serpulo, i reccomend you try to unlock the launch pad fast and build an export hub on salt flats, and trust me, it's helpful, because on a sector with no titanium you can Just import it and have it. Enemy bases are easy, especially if you bring a core schematic. On any diffculty on a enemy base just try to build t3 and destroy the enemy, except extreme and eradicate Also, watch out to not place a router next to a factory


I already taken craters. And how to unlock launch pad ? Just capture factory places?


The launch pad was one of the craters, don't remember which one tho


U mean by craters the areas that unlock randomly like frozen forest etc.?


Not randomly, they have unlock requirements, like for this one which is actually salt flats, is...... i don't remember, ut just do craters and you will eventualy unlock it


https://preview.redd.it/6k0hetpc977d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a94913a27ae9d691f0ff43cf6506fc8dc919676 This one?


Launchpad is unlocked after beating extraction outpost


What is that and where can i find it


What is craters, precious? (I have captured more than 100 sectors on Serpulo and only remember one sector being named Craters)


Craters are the sectors that you can go to form whichever sector you have, after completing them you unlock new things to research, example being extraction outpost getting you the launch pad, nuclear facility the airblast drill and spectre, imacpt 0078 unlocking the force projector and overdrive, frozen forest the pneumatic drill, etc. They have an icon that looks like a factory(?) And it has a grey outline


There's this youtuber, FireFly11. He also started mindustry, like last year and watching his videos helped me gain game knowledge. Also, join the discord. You can get a lot of help there. Capture named sectors, get tech, get resources, build an export hub on salt flats and just conquer the rest of the planet. Hope this helped


Yes i will check thx


Try getting 175 nd 133, they're good for producing thorium, plast, titanium nd silicon early game


Nah that's salt flats, I recognise it from the pentagon sector below Salt Flats


Oh yea, PLT has the small one to the right


Yeah that makes sense. PLT is left of G0 and far away from anything else, so OP's sector corridor would have to be real long


You have stumbled upon a locked campaign attack sector. Attack sectors make neighboring controlled sectors "vulnerable", which means that they can send attacks even if you have already captured them. To unlock the sector, you need to beat previous campaign sectors, the named ones. If this really is Salt Flats, like another user has said, you need to first capture Ruinous Shores, then Windswept Islands. As for your current two vulnerable bases, they will get occasionally attacked until either you capture the attack sector or they fall. For now you can either fortify them against many more waves or sacrifice them to recapture later. Don't surround it with more sectors, they will just get attacked all the same


Since you're new: First step is plow through as much of the tech tree as you possibly can. You're gonna hit stagnant areas where you are required to capture the next main sector but once you've hit thorium and titanium you should be pretty set. Easiest way I did it was capture a sector and tap every single vein of ore on that sector. Eventually you'll get to where you can use launch pads to send resources from sector to sector. Pick a sector (usually salt flats) and build a massive export hub (YouTube or this group for reference. Really helpful stuff). It'll make taking on the harder sectors sooooo much easier that way.


Capture named sector And my advice, capture sector 223 as soon as possible That's the fastest way to get thorium. You first capture 222, which has titanium. Then from there capture 223. Also you need to capture wind swiped island earlier, for which you need ruinous soar. It unlocks Plastanium, which is the 2nd best conveyor. Also, when you unlock phase fabric, remember that it works in the same way as Plastanium conveyors. Phase fabric conveyor takes input and output from 3 sides to have the best efficiency. Do not question why the conveyor got stuck and not taking much input It's because your output is inefficient Phase fabric conveyor should have the equal amount of output as input, or best if it has 3 titanium conveyor as output at the end point


You can attack that sector from salt flats, because they are captured and are directly over that sector. From sector 41 you can't attack, because you are under attack in that sector. And from another sectors you also cannot attack that sector because they are not directly side by side this sector.


The sector is naval fortress. I think you have to capture coastline and research t2 healing naval unit. Its quite easy with just a few boats


are you serious thats a story sector


I just bring a lot of resources with me and then make factories and then (I have not got up to this it bit) make a army and then invade