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Guys i don't think mojang cares about this protest thing I'll be honest, even if they did they'll probably just scrap the mob vote entirely and give us useless mobs afterwards


Remember chat reporting? They never said a word about the outrage lol


I think they wont do a mob vote next year. Remember when Agnes almost cried because people were upset about the birch forest concept art? Now they have people spamming all of their content and harassing the devs/calling them lazy over something that is supposed to be fun. The mob vote is supposed to be something fun while the chat reporting was supposed to be to protect children online. The different motivation makes it easier to cancel the mob vote than the reporting system.


Yeah and they’ve done it since like 2017… time to move on anyway. The devs act like it’s a burden to them to do the mob and have time for the true update, so just get rid of it and take away one excuse of why they constantly fail to deliver lmao


It’s kind of sad that people want to remove the mob votes because some people can’t emotionally handle their choice losing. We don’t get all three, they want to add one and give the community a say in what that one will be. The alternative is that they choose one without us, or we get none.


honestly not a single one of the mobs to me have added anything of value i feel like


Yea I kinda like the mob vote regardless of who wins, but also team armadillo :)


Mojang updating the End: 😴😴😴 Mojang making the community mad: 😎😎😎


E N D .


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