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[Minecraft Survival Guide by Pixlriffs](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgENJ0iY3XBjmydGuzYTtDwfxuR6lN8KC) This is a very informative and absolutely kid friendly playlist on youtube, you could watch it and help her out, or watch it with her. If you only need information about the End, there's an episode or two dedicated to that as well.


My kids and I do this super helpful


I personally like PaulSoarsJr's survive and thrive s2


The OG


I was watching the series as it came out


He taught me how to play Minecraft like 10+ years ago. Wild.


For real. His OG survive and thrive series was what I used to link to friends who just bought the game way back in the day. Crazy how time flies eh?


> For future reference what does it take to live at all in the ender realm? Endermen only attack you if you look them in the eyes. So looking down at their legs helps. Alternatively, wear a Carved Pumpkin on your head, then they will ignore you. Defeating the Dragon requires some prep for inexperienced players. Should always have some Ender Pearls with you in case the Dragon flings you up into the air.


>Endermen My ass was so confused wtf a squid ghost looking thing was, but now that someone mentioned Enderman the description makes complete sense lmao


Sounds more like ghasts to me, I think they mean Nether instead of the End? Endermen neither look like a squid nor look like a ghost.


Definitely Nether, OP mentioned that ALL of the gold their kid had was missing for some reason, Piglins likely took it all Edit: forgot a word


Can it be retrieved back from the local Piglin base/mob or is it gone?


Sometimes. I’ve seen zombies piglins wearing my armour and holding my shield and weapons after I die sometimes.


The original gold they had would be permanently gone, but Piglin outposts usually have chests with gold in them, though even if you’re wearing gold armor the moment you open one of the chests the piglins will become hostile


Baby piglins keep the gold and any undead take the gear if a big piglin takes it'll trade


OP said she was *carrying* all her gold. All of her things were gone. Stay in school, kids.


Typically, yes, you do carry your gold for Piglin trades when you’re in the nether.


Op also said they tried to recover stuff but SPECIFICALLY the gold was gone, so ya know


Piglins stole all my OP gear…. It’s when piglins were first introduced. No gold armor… so…. Consequently, I lost all my diamond armor with all OP enchants, and my OP sword. 1 piglin decided to equip it, and wreck holy hell on me. Lmao. I gave up and just made new equipment. Found out you have to wear gold armor. I did that. Found that piglin, dug a whole, and pretty much killed it with all the TNT I had which was a full stack. I may have lost my gear, but the price to pay was worth it. But, I’m scared of the nether now. lol.


Oo maybe I could see both tbh As squid in Minecraft are definitely closer to enderman looking than ghast looking imo While as Ghast are more similar to IRL squids?


I assumed they were using IRL squid to describe ghasts, being white and having multiple tentacles. The "getting smoked" made me think of fireballs.


Oh ye, didn't catch the getting smoked part Definitely makes it seem like ghastly is more likely.


Yeah you can't get to the end without knowing what an enderman is really lol


Don't think the parent is the one that got there in the first place so this point is moot


Well, not really. I'm guessing the daughter is who described the mob in this way to the father, and he's just repeating it. If she followed a guide to the end, she would almost certainly know that it is an enderman and just call it that, where she wouldn't necessarily find out what a ghast is in a guide to get to the nether.


The only thing I can think of that lives in the end that even vaguely resembles a squid or a ghost would be shulkers, but that requires defeating the ender dragon


Not necessarily but that's not relevant


It says nether at the bottom


I'm thinkin maybe the nether and it's a ghast possibly


Also a bow and patience makes the fight 100x easier.


Potion of slow falling does the trick as well. You should still carry ender pearls if you get flung off the island somehow


I’d never put any real thought into it, just figured they can’t see your eyes when wearing the pumpkin. But maybe they think you’re some kind of golem?


Slow falling potions are a god send for this fight as well


Where you actually in the end (yellow stone and big black void) or in the nether (red stone and lava everywhere)? I don’t have any advice I’m just curious because some of what you said sounds like the nether.


>kept getting smoked by the big squid ghost Bro is in the nether lol, but it does look like he indeed met his end…


Big squid ghost is definitely Ghast but what first comes to my mind is Guardian boss in ocean.


That jump scare though lol


Learning as I go, she as obsessed about getting obsidian and then built a gate.


Yeah, you were most likely in the Nether if it was the red hell dimension instead of the End then, the floating squid creatures are called Ghasts and you can try to knock their fireballs back at them but it's usually better to avoid them entirely, and shoot them with a bow, or avoid them via tunneling


Thank you


>kept getting smoked by the big squid ghost looking things. [These](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.wikia.nocookie.net%2Fminecraft_gamepedia%2Fimages%2F5%2F58%2FOld_Ghast_Closeup.png%2Frevision%2Flatest%2Fscale-to-width-down%2F1200%3Fcb%3D20110924231829&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=3c7010577d5cffa2812ca5954b66b3e1fbfb6d506a1a1d2996823d46a801d3bd&ipo=images)? Your kid was in the nether, not the end. Her dropped items have probably since despawned or gone up in flames. To live in the nether long-term, here're some tips: * Water blocks evaporate instantly in the nether. Water in your inventory is safe, though. * For food, bring some sweet berries or melons / melon seeds and a little dirt. No water means most crops don't grow well, but melons do ok. Chickens are also viable: smash a lot of eggs to spawn some and use the melon seeds to raise them. Mushrooms naturally spawn in the nether and can be eaten as stew, and [growing a huge mushroom](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Huge_mushroom) means each shroom has a lot of food potential. The [hoglins](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Hoglin) are a great food source, but they're really dangerous. * For resources, bring some tree saplings (and some dirt to grow them on) and lots of iron. * For protection, bring a little gold and make (and wear) one piece of gold armor. [Piglins](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Piglin) are no joke, but wearing gold will keep them chill. * If you hear a crying cat baby thing, run for cover. If you're taking cover and hear it scream, run *away*. * If you find any buildings, castles, or fortresses, be prepare to die if you go in. * Watch your step. Holes in the ground and 200+ block falls into lava oceans are common. Enderpearls and/or a stack of gravel or sand can be helpful to safely get down from high places. * Make a note of the portal's coordinates as soon as you cross over. On Java, press F3 find your position, and write it down (or press F2 to make a screenshot). * Don't take animals to the nether. If it doesn't wind up suffocating in the portal's frame when you cross over, it *will* die to some other tragedy. * Do not build with wood, wool, or any other flammable block. There's lava hidden everywhere and fire-breathing monsters. Anything flammable will go up in smoke. * DO NOT USE A BED IN THE NETHER. [They won't find a body afterwards.](https://imgflip.com/memetemplate/263612746/Kaboom-Yes-Rico-Kaboom) Also tell your kid that some streamers have a mean sense of humor and intentionally do things that are misleading. Don't just, y'know, follow them without thinking and assume everything will work out for you like it did for them.


I didnt know about the bed the first time. I thought I was so clever, but damn I went up in flames with shock.


lmao I didn't know about it for *years*. I had a bed in my fort, but I just never thought sleeping was necessary since there was no day/night cycle. I took out the bed as soon as I learned they're functionally dynamite.


They make a quick way to mine for netherite lol


They're more like a charged creeper, the explosion is so strong


Thank you I think she needs to muster up the courage to go back, but this will give her something to point and progress towards.


I feel for her, poor kid lol we've all been there though!! You aren't a mincrafter if you haven't lost all your gear in the nether at least once! It's a tricky game! Takes a good couple years of experience to learn how to do a lot of stuff in the game! Great advice out there though!!


I hope she gets the courage to go back! The nether is challenging and dangerous, but it's also lots of fun. Tell her dying in the nether is a rite of passage every Minecraft player goes through, and we all come back wiser, more careful, and more prepared. Welcome to the club.


I will definitely tell her, she will feel very special for sure


I haven't played in 5 or 6 years but got back into it a couple months ago. My gf and my world .. I've refused to go into the nether. We are doing all the fun we can without touching that cursed place. (Though I did give myself half a stack of soul sand via cheats for my birthday last month)


Haha gotta do what you gotta do


I'm 35 and the Nether still scares me lol Try to enclose the portal into a sealed room and put slabs on the floor asap to prevent nether mobs from spawning (nether mobs spawn regardless of light level, but not on transparent/half blocks) and so ghasts can't see you. It can be a tiny room you just gotta get a barrier up. Take flint and steel so you can ignite the portal again in case you put a block in it or otherwise break the active portal and need to re-light it. Wear at least one piece of gold armor so piglins don't attack you. Piglins will always attack if they see you open or break a chest, so wooden doors are not a good option as piglins can open them and then see you using a chest. I prefer iron doors or fence gates. Once I have a secure enclosed foothold into the nether I can start setting up chests/crafting/etc and start expanding into a small base, and then expand that into a large base section by section, or explore, etc. The important thing is to make a safe zone for the portal!


Why that Ghast look like it's giving you the nastiest side eye.🤣🤣


Some additions: >If you hear a crying cat baby thing, run for cover. If you're taking cover and hear it scream, run away. * In general, keep moving so you won't be anymore where the slow moving fireball hits. But also watch where are you are going! The environment in the Nether is as dangerous as are its denizens. * Sounds in the Nether are not directional – or at least those from the Ghasts. So don't try to locate them by their moans, *look* for them instead. * Always have a [Fire Resistance potion](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Fire_Resistance) in a quick slot and maybe train to use it beforehand under the stress of having fallen in Lava. They'll make you *completely immune* to fire so you can even swim in lava unharmed. But watch their duration: 3 minutes normally, 8 minutes extended. Brew the extended version by adding Redstone to the potion in the Brewing Stand. * [Zombified Piglins](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Zombified_Piglin) (formerly known as Zombie Pigmen) will ignore the player until attacked, but then \*all\* of them in that area will hunt you! So just leave them alone.


> Water in your inventory is safe, though. I forget how much "obvious" stuff about the game, isn't actually super obvious, and I've just been playing Cube-Game for too long...


I love this. Wish I had this when I was younger. Although, how does the same/gravel help you?


Thanks! Sand and gravel can be helpful because they're affected by gravity, so if you're stuck somewhere high with no way down, you can build a pillar and then mine it to safely descend (plus pillar up to get to high places). It's also cheap AF and space efficient: 64 gravel takes one inventory spot while 64 ender pearls take four.


What kind of useless advice is this... Why do you think they want to *live long term* in the nether? The kid just died while visiting and the parent is trying to get the stuff back, and your advice is to *bring saplings*?


Especially dumb advice considering the nether has its own trees since 1.16


>For future reference what does it take to live at all in the \[nether\]? I interpreted "live" as in "live long-term down there, with a base and enough supplies to not die or have to resurface anytime soon." I.e., come prepared.


Where's your survival guide written for a parent that doesn't play minecraft? Wait, you didn't write one? You just want to sit here and act like your way is the only way to play the game and anyone who does it slightly differently is totally wrong? Cool bro. I bet that mindset does great things for you.


What? What are you on about? I haven't even said anything about "my way" haha You don't need to bring saplings to the nether to survive. Period. Also the very first step in their guide (about water) doesn't even contain any advice... it's just useless trivia. And like... grow melons? In the nether? without water? Why?? How will that get OP their items back? The entire guide comes across as a ChatGPT response with how little it relates to the actual issue OP wants to solve. And just because you asked for it, here's my "survival guide written for a parent that doesn't play minecraft": * 1) Bring flint and steel and remember the location of your portal * 2) Bring enough food * 3) Wear armor, ideally one piece of gold armor * 4) Don't attack Pigmen * 5) Don't enter any structures * 6) Don't fall in the lava Doesn't take that much effort to write something like this. And you waste a lot less time reading these 6 steps instead of the sapling mess up there.


Keep Inventory is a must if you hate losing your items. If she thinks it takes away part of the fun (like retrieving the items after death), get a **gravestone mod**. Their main feature is - items get collected in a grave (chest) on the place of death and gives you the coordinates in the chat - pretty helpful. Gravestone wont save ur stuff when you fall in the end void.... but if she hates losing her stuff, it could happen all the time so gravetsone (or just keep inventory) could help. Games should be fun, not stressful/frustating. As for now - You can cheat in the items through Creative Mod as others have suggested. But consider my advice for future mishaps.


This this this. Keep inventory is fantastic for kids and newbies. Its like training wheels . It's also absolutely essential for servers with multiple kids. It prevents 90% of the drama.


Honestly, I've been playing for like, 12 years, and I play with keep inventory on. My logic being I've already spent SO many hours of my life retrieving my items from dying, and at this point, I'd rather just enjoy the game without all the time waste. It doesn't ruin the fun at all for me, it makes the game more playable.


I go back and forth. It's like two different games. Everyone shpuld play the game the way that's fun for them.


Oh absolutely. My personal rule of thumb is you can't cheat in a game where you make your own rules lol!


Same, its not fun to lose your shit. I explore more with keepinventory


I duno. I think kids learn better if there is actually risk but I do think a gravestone mod is always needed in every game that has “drop items on death”, mainly because dying and dropping all your stuff is a pretty big punishment already Most gravestones mods do actually save your stuff from falling in the end void by remembering the last block you stood on and creating the tombstone there


The mod I always played with would have created the gravestone on the last valid building block over the void, making it a 50/50 if you can grab your items before they cross and despawn


Build a platform around it before accessing it?


You can also change your difficulty to peaceful mode to retrieve your items. Won't work once you have farms with hostile mobs in spawning distance, but at that point youre likely set up enough to recover from losing your items or get them back without hassle.


It seems like she was actually in the “Nether” dimension, not the Ender one, a few tips would be to bring fire resistance potions so she doesn’t die in lava, cobblestone since the squid looking fellas can’t destroy it, and at least one piece of gold armor since one of the mobs there won’t attack unless attacked while wearing it


Ingredients for potions are found in the nether. Cheat in a few fire resist potions?


Trade gold with Piglins & you can get Fire Res Potions.


Yes she went to the nether and well you know the rest


Bringing fire resistance potions to the nether is impossible without going to the nether, isnt it?


I think you’re right actually, that’s my bad


There’s technically a way it’s just a tad risky/difficult. If a witch is lit on fire she will whip out a fire resistance potion. If you kill here while she is drinking it there’s a tiny chance she will drop it


Dude I’ve been there. I remember the first time we went survival and my kid lost his stuff - some hard tears were shed that day. Depending on the version you’re playing you do have some options - recovery compass, keep inventory, going into creative mode and restoring gear… I did all of that at one point or another. I’m sure some will downvote me for being a snowplow Minecraft parent but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to allow your kids to learn the game in a way that they’re emotionally ready for. Back to the original question; since you mention “squid ghost” I’m going to assume you’re talking about the Nether, and that mob is a Ghast. Those guys will blast you if they see you, so stay out of their view. Their blasts can’t destroy cobblestone though so bring lots with you and build shelters as you explore so that you can retreat if necessary. Other tips include always making sure you’re wearing gold armor of some sort so the Piglins don’t attack, and don’t look Endermen in the eyes - you can wear a pumpkin on your head so they don’t get mad if you do look at them though. That last bit applies to the End as well, where there are tons of Endermen. To stay safe around Endermen it’s always good to have a shelter to retreat to as well, but in the case of Endermen all you really need is a roof over your head that is two blocks (not more) high. Endermen are too tall to fit under a low roof. They also hate water so carry a bucket around and throw it down if you get mobbed by Endermen. That will give you time to build the shelter. There are tons of good video guides on surviving the Nether and the End. Watch them with your kid. Enjoy playing with your kid if you can, and learn about how all the Minecraft “cheats” work so you can prevent or fix problems if they happen. It’s a fun journey, Minecraft and parenting. Good luck with both.


>They also hate water so carry a bucket around and throw it down if you get mobbed by Endermen. Water will evaporate in the Nether, but this is great advice for the End


Yes I should have clarified that.


Most none speed runners go full diamond, plus feather fall and some other enchantments. The endermen will only attack if you look at their face, but you can't leave the end unless you beat the boss dragon which probably won't happen if your having trouble with the endermen




If she's ok with turning on cheats I think it may help to turn on keep inventory, it makes it so you don't lose your stuff when you die. I think its nice to have when you're still learning the game.


I appreciate it! Thanks


I haven't seen anyone else mention it, but you can *turn on cheats after you die*. If you've lost something extremely important, open your game to lan, and click "enable cheats". You can then switch to creative mode, which makes you invulnerable and able to fly. Then it's easy to pick up what you dropped. Only one warning: you can actually overfill your inventory in creative mode, and then items disappear permanently. So I suggest taking a chest, placing it down in the middle of your lost items, and carefully putting everything in the chest as you pick it up. You can then go back to the place where you came back to life (the origin), switch off cheats and go back to "survival" game mode, and let your kid try to get back to the chest themselves. They no longer have a time limt, so it's a bit less stressful.


With my kids I just turn on "Keep Inventory". When they're old enough to handle the stress of losing everything they can turn it off.


lol I'm nearly 60 and do the same! I'm too clumsy 😅.


Man, the nether is still terrifying even for veteran players .


Yeah that place is no joke


I’ve been playing this game since it was in Alpha. The Nether today is scarier than it’s ever been. I had no problem in there when I was 11, today at 24 I’m terrified in there.


Squid ghost things, it kinda sounds like the nether. Anyway, if she's playing a single player map you could ask her what she lost, change the game using cheats and just replace her items before going back into survival Edit: if cheats were never enabled in her game, if using the Java version, press esc. and open the game to LAN with cheats enabled


Thank you!


Unless she’s trying to get achievements or something put “keep inventory” on. I only play with it on because I get stressed and don’t explore and/or get frustrated with repeated dying. There’s nothing wrong with keep inventory and it makes the game more enjoyable (for me, and maybe her)


Thanks for the tip!


Enable keep inventory in the settings 


Not sure this post is in time to save anything. If you take your time building 2 enderchests you can recover pretty much everything in the end without killing the dragon. If it hasn't despawned yet by you going back over and over though. So if you only went back once or twice for short times before dying, might be worth doing it that way.


Sorry for the confusion I was in the nether and it’s for sure gone.


Ah yeah, that sucks. But it might make the game a bit more interesting. Easy mode is boring. We all need to lose our gear in lava from time to time :D


Keep inventory is your friend then she will not lose her inventory


I vividly remember my first visit of the Nether over 12 years ago. I didn't know *anything* about it except for how to build the portal itself. Arriving there, I found myself surrounded by Zombie Pigmen (known as Zombified Piglins nowadays), so I attacked the nearest one, because I didn't know that they'd *all* come after me then ~ and they did. I was just fleeing from them in a wide circle trying to reach my portal to safety, only to watch helplessly how a fireball from a Ghast hit the portal and extinguished it! There are no human words for the existential terror that I felt in this moment. 😱 I ran and hid in a slightly elevated Netherrack cave until the Zombie Pigmen gave up on me. Then I snuck back to my portal and re-ignited it with my flint and steel that I luckily still had with me. 😅 Over 12 years and this episode still haunts me. 🥶😉


I’m surprised it ended well. Most of us aren’t so lucky lol


A tip that could help in future is to make a copy of the world before you do anything really crazy. That way you can always go back to that last save point.


Ouu thanks for that.


>big squid ghost looking things That’s the Nether, not the End. Those things are called Ghasts. They’re a little annoying, but pretty easy to kill once you know how. Kid has a bit more of a ways to go before they can get to the End. That said, losing all your stuff because things happen is just part of the game. Doesn’t matter how “good” you are, there’s just gonna be days where you have bad luck. Even happens to those streamers she watches.


Cheating disables achievements. But... When my son and I started, I switched into creative when he was asleep and created a safe space to land in the nether. I would also use creative mode to explore at night with fly mode so that I could steer us in the direction of cool stuff together. Another til I used was a seed map online. You put in your seed and it shows you where stuff is, searchable and lots of good filters


A guided adventure would be good for this kiddo for sure! Thank you!


I think visiting the nether in creative first definitely helped me. I built the portal in creative and built a house then /gamemode'd over to survival and tried to do the best I could... Little did I know. No sleeping in the nether. Beds explode.


By the way it is possible to enable a keep inventory cheat on your world if you want to reduce the penalty for death and therefore the risk of exploring.


Makes it so when you die you respawn with all your stuff.


Go to settings, difficulty, peaceful. ✌️


Kid is a bit ambitious and wants to play survival. So she is just going to have to learn about risk tolerance and know when she is out of her lane, and how to get better.


Honestly, exploring the nether in peaceful first to get an idea of how it is laid out will help, then on a low difficulty setting to see how aggressive the mobs are. You can do this in a different world or a copy of the main one. Definitely watch Pixlriffs as another comment suggested. Otherwise: #1 protect your portal by building a small bunker with non-explodable blocks - stone, cobblestone, basically anything hard enough not to be destroyed by ghasts. #2 wear a gold item of armour so piglins don’t attack you. Don’t let them see you open their chests if you’re not ready to fight or run. All her gold was likely for trading with them. #3 have a protected route back to your portal for easy access/egress. Think tunnels or corridors. #4 if you survive long enough to find a nether fortress, set a safe room up in it with an entrance no more than two blocks tall. Kill as many blaze as you can. Use their drops (blaze rods) to make a potion stand, use magma cream from magma cubes to make fire resist potions. It’s a high risk high reward dimension, I’ve lost all my gear many times, it never hurts quite as much as the first though.


Thank you for the tips. She wants to steer away for a while as she licks her wounds


Question were you on java edition or bedrock? Java is PC only and says java in the title and bedrock is console and mobile. They are very similar but have some differences on java you can put cheats on such as keep inventory and still get achievements but on bedrock you won't get achievements and it'll delete the ones you got on that world


Look up keep inventory It's a cheat code you can use to not lose your items when you die


As a new adult player, I found these books to be helpful. They are general but introduce you to all the stuff. Kid read them all first :) [Mojang Minecraft Books](https://www.amazon.com/dp/9124131555)


Thanks she is my little book worm I’m sure she would crush these.


>kept getting smoked by the big squid ghost looking things Ghasts? Those are in the nether not the end. There is a big difference between the two. Teach her the value of throwing everything valuable in a chest and sleeping in a nearby bed before you jump into an area you've never been before. Don't try to get into a bed in the nether or the end. They blow up.


I have taught her about shoving all the nice stuff in a few chests that I don’t know why she wanted to take her valuables with her. It’s usually pickaxe, shovel, torches, cobblestone, and sword. This time she was pretty pushy to get out there. Blow up!!


That's a weird title for this post, visiting the end (nether?) is part of the main game, but the phrase "watched too many streamers" seems like it's trying to shift blame for a skill issue... The nether is the red place. Bring food, pickaxes, mark your exit portal well, it's easy to get lost. It's also very hostile, easy to lose all your items to lava. The end has the dragon, once you enter, you don't leave until you win. I'd watch videos on strategies. Can she switch to peaceful mode or keep inventory on? As much as having a full on meltdown sucks for you to deal with, if it's remembered, it's a good lesson on risk vs reward.


Streamers aren’t the problem, her curiosity is what got her in the hot seat. The streamers were cool just made it look so easy she thought you just walk in there and chop some piglins. She will remember for sure the high risk she takes now for sure. Thanks for the advice.


As far as her losing her stuff, I know that sucks, but it's a good lesson in getting back up after a setback. I've lost all my stuff in lava and into the void several times. But in Minecraft, almost everything can be replaced with just a bit of effort. All her gear can be remade, she can mine out more diamonds and gold. It sounds like she's fairly young and new to the game, so I'm not sure if she'll be building iron farms, trading halls, or gold farms anytime soon. But if she does get around to building those, it can make replacing her gear significantly easier. I've seen several people mention turning on cheats, or using keep inventory, or a mod to make this easier, and I think that's bad advice. I think the lesson that will teach your daughter is that when she hits a setback then we'll just change the rules or cheat so it's easier next time. I think the far more valuable lesson would be her facing a problem like this and figuring out how to overcome it. If she's never had to deal with losing all her gear, I'm not surprised she had a meltdown, it's almost certainly the worst thing that's ever happened to her in the game. But if she knows she's lost her gear before, and was able to recover or even make better gear, then she's far more likely to just be frustrated that she screwed up and get working right away on recovering. I also just want to give you a shoutout for being a good parent. When I was a kid, there's no way either of my parents would have tried to help me with something I was struggling with in a video game, they definitely wouldn't have gone around and asked other people for advice on it. They would have just told me to either figure it out myself, or go to go do something else. I'm not recommending you do that by any means, but I think you should be careful about going too far the other way. Don't take the challenge and lesson away from your daughter by doing it for her, or by enabling cheats to make it easier. I think it would be better for your daughter if she was the one to solve it. Help her come up with a plan for how to protect herself from the ghasts you are struggling with. They are big flying squid things that fly and make a horrible cat scream as they spit bombs at players. I know it's easy to forget sometimes, but Minecraft is a survival horror game, and especially the nether can be pretty terrifying. But there are a few things in our favor. The fireball they shoot is fairly slow, so as soon as you hear the cat scream, just run, there's a pretty solid chance you'll be able to get out of the way in time unless you get stuck by the environment. They are also pretty weak and slow moving, so if you can shoot them with a bow, they'll go down in 1 or 2 hits. Ghasts don't have object permanence, if they don't have line of sight on the player, the ghast immediately forgets the player exists and wanders away. So hiding is really effective, if you can hide around a corner, or dig a hidey hole in the wall, or just quickly place down a wall, the ghast will just wander away.


>a good lesson in risk and reward She's a little kid, not everything has to be a life lesson. Just let her play and have fun. There is plenty of time and plenty of ways to learn hard life lessons besides Minecraft.


She's a little kid, EVERYTHING is a life lesson whether we want it to be or not. There is a ton of stuff she hasn't learned yet, and her brain is a sponge. No matter what OP does going forward it will be a lesson one way or another. It will be a lesson about recovering after a setback, or a lesson about giving up when things get hard, or about cheating when things don't go our way, or about creative problem solving, or whatever it ends up being. Because the next time she loses all her gear, she's going to remember the lesson she learned this time and do it that way again. Kids are learning about life every second they are awake, they are building the foundation of knowledge about life that will shape the person the will become. We, as adults, do not have the power to stop them from learning, we can just help shape what lessons they do learn.


You are missing the point of what I said completely... I am not saying this kid needs a life lesson, I am saying that is hopefully what happened to them. If next week this person's kid goes and does the same thing again, losing all their items to normal game mechanics, and having a meltdown... They are going to have a really hard life.


You’re too nit-picky and annoying


My personal tip for the nether is to make sure all my diamond armor is on and enchanted, and I have cobblestone or something similar handy. Once you cross over, build a wall around the portal that keeps you safe. The crossing over is very dangerous and if you can ensure it’s safe, you have time to prepare before facing enemies, and something to return to if you start getting injured. I usually keep a chest there of items as well.


Also you could turn on the Keep Inventory cheat


My kid and I play on a realm together. She takes a lot more risks than I do. We will make a copy and play on that, in creative if necessary, when we want to do really risky things. Otherwise, my job is to keep a chest full of enchanted diamond gear and a few extra elytra for when she needs them. It helps that I love building farms.


It's a tough lesson learned, but next time, take nothing but a stone pick and immediately carve a small cave then shield the portal with the mined material. Once you can safely land in the nether, it's much easier to avoid the mobs, and plan a next step


Thank you for the tip. If I would have known that, I would immediately start digging


If you're on Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, phone, or tablet. Or if you know you're on bedrock. You can turn on keep inventory in the settings. You will have to turn on cheats but it will never happen again. Idk if you can do it on java. Hopefully someone else can help.


I think you definitely must mean the Nether, as "Big squid ghost things" only fits the description of a Ghast. In short, to live there comfortably you can do the following. Get Feather falling enchantments on your boots as falling to lower areas from a higher platform is common there. Wear gold armour, to not be attacked by Piglins (The guys with the brown robes that roam the red forests and wastes, not the zombie versions). They leave you completely alone if you wear gold but also, if you drop them gold, they will trade with you. Hence why she likely lost all the gold, the piglins picked it up. Otherwise, try to avoid getting stuck in tight spaces with mobs that can kill you nearby, watch your step as holes straight to the lava ocean below can be anywhere you least expect, and avoid ghast fireballs. You can also try to hit the fireballs back at them or shoot them with bows Losing it all is part of the fun of the game, so try to teach them that this is all part of it and that there is much to learn :)


this might be a controversial thing to say….but turn on keep loot… saved a lot of broken hearts for me as a kid


Turn it to peaceful which doesn't stop achievements and collect her stuff. Then change back it.


Sounds like she lost her stuff in the nether, through the obsidian portal. I would suggest turn on the keep inventory on when you die so if in the future it happens again she won't lose her stuff. As far as entering the nether, if you don't have enchanted diamond gear and are prepared to fight for your life you should equip something gold so the piglins leave you alone, you need a decent bow to handle the baby flying squid or you can hit the fireball back at them. We all have been there before and lost our stuff to the nether, there is still a chance her stuff is in the hands of mobs and can be recovered, I was lucky enough to find my gear days after losing it equipped and in the hands of zombie piglins. Good luck I hope this helped and again sorry to hear of the tragedy.


>kept getting smoked by the big squid ghost looking things. are u sure they were in the end not the nether?


Totally the nether


turn on keep inventory for her!


Nether...don't take valuable stuff lol. Secondly, the squid ghosts are called Ghasts, and they are annoying. Best bet is a bow, and try to shoot them down before they see you.


Its called the nether and you can pinch back the fireballs with a well timed hit i know those ghasts can be incredibly anoing but with better gear and a bow they can be easaly killed keep going also my previous comment was meant for the end keep going 👍


Well, the Ghasts (big squid-looking ghosts) are vicious but they are not the worst of the baddies. Having a decent bow and a quick shot, she can take them down pretty fast. She can even use a melee weapon to send their fireball back at them and killing a Ghast with their own projectiles will net her an achievement. If she is worried about still being able to earn achievements, she can set the difficulty to Peaceful, recover what she can and chalk it up to lesson learned. When she has what remains of her stuff and is safe, she can change the difficulty to normal or whatever. Changing the difficulty does not affect the ability to earn achievements. Other ways to protect yourself would be to occasionally make a copy of your world (you can keep or delete any old copies as you like). If she has a realm, she has the option to roll back to an earlier automatic backup. The suggestion of making a safe place around your portal is one I do all of the time. I actually try to make some interesting Nether Portal rooms. The Nether is very deadly but there are some vital things to get in there. If she wants to be able to brew potions, she'll typically have to find a Nether Fortress and collect Nether Wart. That is used in all but one of the potion recipes. Gather some Soul Sand, lay it out a plot near her base or wherever she wants to farm the Nether Wart and she'll have all that you can need by growing it. It doesn't need water--just the Soul Sand to grow upon. DOn't combine it into a block since it doesn't break back down into Nether Wart. But if she likes the look, she can build with those blocks. There's some other ingredients as well to scavenge for brewing as well. Another thing she will need for brewing would be Blaze Rods from Blazes--these guys are often found in the Fortresses and are often near a spawner. Fire Resistance helps massively and they are vulnerable to snow balls. The blaze rods are used to make the brewing stands and she can break down rods to make Blaze Powder--the fuel for the brewing stands. Though she does need to watch out for the Wither Skeletons since they are quite vicious and deadly. Try not to let them touch her since they will give her the Wither effect which is not fun and makes life a bit more difficult for a bit. But if she makes a safe place where the way in or out is only two blocks high, they cannot get to you and it becomes a turkey shoot. There are also normal Skellie archers so watch out for those too. Beware the fireball-spitting Blazes that live in the same area. Blaze Skulls can be used to summon the Wither--one of the bosses of the game. Very nasty customers that can do a lot of damage to both the players and the surrounding territory. There are some good strategies for dealing with them but these are a more advanced foe. The biggest thing that they drop are Nether Stars that she can use to make beacons. That's just a tiny bit of the hellscape that's the Nether. The things I mentioned above and and other loot alone are good reason to explore in there but many do go in there is to create a good Nether Highway system is to facilitate travel in the Overword. For every horizontal block you travel in the Nether, you travel 8 in the overworld. Vertical travel up and down is still a 1 to 1 rate. With some simple math you can easily calculate where you should appear in the different areas but the game will try to not let you pop into solid ground, under lava, ... when you pass through a portal so you may not be in that exact spot. When you really start to spread across the map, overworld travel becomes a pain since things can really get spread apart. Even with a good minecart or ice-boat track. I have an underground overworld cart track that exceeds a half-hour real-time to travel from the original cluster of builds near spawn to a Mooshroom Island where I am building my immense personal base. (One of my players is a mining machine and all that mining means he has a lot of materials to build with--including diamonds.) But we also have a track in the Nether that while still freakin' long, is a much faster way to get to my base from Spawn. As rough as the Nether is, when she actually finds an End Portal and goes to the End, she'll have a whole host of new problems there. It starts with the End Dragon and the hordes of Endermen that live there. But there are also high rewards there too--especially the Elytra and the Shulker Shells to make Shulker boxes.


Keep inventory to true.


Could always play with "keep inventory" it turns dying into fast travel, no tears needed. Though achievements would be turned off if that's a concern.


Yeah someone else suggested Pixelriffs, he has a YouTube series (the minecraft survival guide), he explains it well. He's chill, no screaming or cursing.


Ghast, you mean? But that's in the nether?


I remember back in the day I was deathly scared of ghasts. It was on the Xbox and I was slabbing the nether to keep them from spawning. I got it about half done and had to keep fighting them with my bow. I realized they were not that hard to take on. It just takes experience and learning how to move and be aware of your surroundings. Face them, you can hit the projectiles to keep them from hitting you. If you hit it back at the ghast it will take them out and you get the return to sender advancement.


You're going to want a shield, a bow, and armor with Fire Protection (one piece of it, probably helmet, should be gold. The rest should be iron or diamond.) Once she gets used to it, she'll be able to survive in there with less, but it's really difficult as a new player without proper equipment. The squid ghost things are called Ghasts, and it takes a lot of skill/practice to kill one if you don't have a well-enchanted bow and plenty of arrows. If you can hit their fireballs in midair, you can knock them back at the Ghast; this is possible with a sword or your fist, but it is much easier if you do it with an arrow. Also, if you use a bow and miss, you have time to switch to your shield to block the explosion. The other big threat you should be aware of is Piglins (they look like pig people, and they usually carry crossbows or gold swords). They will attack you if you aren't wearing gold, which is why you want to be wearing at least one piece of gold armor. They will also attack you if you mine gold ore or open a chest near them. If you give them gold ingots, they'll give you gifts in a system called Bartering; Piglin Bartering is the easiest way to acquire Fire Resistance potions (3.5% chance, or on average two potions per stack of ingots). If you can get Fire Resistance potions, then the Nether is much, much safer. If you see any big buildings/structures, avoid them for now (but try to remember how to get to them). The dark red one is called a Fortress, and it is how you unlock the potion-brewing mechanic. The black/grey one is called a Bastion, and it is how you unlock Netherite upgrades. Both of them are too dangerous for right now, but you'll need to go back to them when you're ready.


Coming from a 28 year old who plays Minecraft, I also have meltdowns when I lose all my stuff in the nether. 😂 I totally feel her pain. 😭 My advice is to reassure her that even when you lose all your stuff in the game, you can always get more. It’s rough, but nearly everything is able to be replaced. As for living in the nether (I hate the nether so I do not recommend), make sure to have at least one piece of gold armor equipped because if you don’t the piglins will aggro to you. Also make sure not to hit a zombified piglin and if you do, probably just pillar up immediately if possible or run away. If she is playing on bedrock edition I would recommend making a witch farm because then you have endless supply of fire resistance potions to keep you safe from lava. As for the ghasts (squid ghosts) I’m not sure. Only thing I do is either kill them right away or break line of sight. So building out of non flammable blocks and blocks they can’t explode is a good idea.


click the fireball


Tell your child to prepare a back-up for important stuff, works for me


Tunneling at the roof is the safest way to travel just be careful of one block lava pockets


I remember when the Nether was first released. There were no beds at that time. When the beds came out a year later, I was one of the suckers that fell for the trap. Through the panic to get back, I did learn that you could hit ghast fireballs back at them.


When you leave the nether, none of it stays loaded so technically you can go back at literally any point to get your stuff. If you die, go back in prepared


Thanks! I think we will try again later, she already resigned to starting again and being more careful.


It’s a hard lesson that every single player has learned many times lol it’s how we learn. But that same unloaded trick goes for the overworld as well. If you die far away from where you’re going to spawn, the chunk you died in won’t be loaded, and therefore will be “frozen” in time. I’ve found a spot I died in like weeks later bc all my stuff was just floating there. When you’re nearby, and all your stuff is loaded in, you’ve got like 5 minutes to get it all before it despawns. And obviously anything that falls in lava burns up instantly


While she did have a meltdown She should take it as a lesson 1) do your research 2) learn to cope with loss 3) nothing is permanent I feel sorry for her though. We’ve all done that mistake


Can you cheat the items back in? This is why I have cheats enabled, for times when accidents happen or the game just hates you


Or just enable keep inventory to prevent a situation like this.


Oh snap that’s awesome I’ll look into it


Didn’t know I could do that last time I played mine craft was 2012


See if you can go into creative mode, that'll let you get whatever items you need back


It counts as a cheat though, so does mean your daughter wont be able to unlock trophies/achievements on that world.


Thanks for the warning she loves accolades and achievements


I mean….really it’s just skill and luck. You can survive fine with nothing but unenchanted iron if you know what you’re doing, and leather if you’re good. Also that sounds like the nether not the end. Was it a black obsidian portal or a sort of yellowy greenish horizontal one




That’s the nether.


The big white octopus things, are ghasts, so i think your kid went into the nether, not the end


I would recommend turning on keep inventory


Should teach her to build automated farms and set up trades so no matter how many times she die she’ll have something to fall back on and recover everything through trades. This will make loss of items nothing more than a minor inconvenience.


If kid is having a meltdown over a few hours of progress in a videogame, a better attitude is a necessity to surviving the end.


Working on that part, I think she is just tired as it’s past their bed time. Thanks tho it’s something that need a bit of work.


Brp, its normal. Dunno her age but theres grown men on here who are worse i ASSURE YOU. Its likely dude above..


Someone dosent have kids




On the scale of years, sure. In reality, most people of ages even only between 15-20 can deal with the loss of hundreds of hours without 'total meltdowns' as OP puts it.


Was it the nether? Not the end? Squid ghost is a ghast.the end is worse, if u fall off the islands its just the void and ur stuff is just gone lol happened 1 time and I learned haha




I think you are merging Endermen and Ghasts here. lol


Makes sense


this is a case where enabling "keep items on death" would be useful.


Always, when you’re in the nether, wear a seperate set of armor (gold preferably) with a set of tools you’re willing to lose to lava.


My kid killed the ender dragon with me and got the killing blow. Then when she portled back she randomly died and all her gear disappeared, it was her first rage quit 😂


Squid ghost in the nether is a ghost that shoots fireballs. Keep volume up so you can hear them come from behind and dodge. Always wear gold so the piglins leave you alone. Don't mine gold. Don't pick up gold. Blue mushroom to get the hoglins to leave you alone. Just stay out of bastions. She's not ready for brutes. Fortress. Blaze... Fire protection potion. Bring lots of extra blox to stop the skeletons by placing at three block height. They're too tall and can't reach you. Don't look enderman in the eyes. All else fails, switch to peaceful mode. You don't state an age range... But my kids switch to creative or peaceful if they need to. They're fairly young and just play how they want to


Ohhhh haha. She was getting shot with flames by the ghasts. Yeah those guys are a holes. She needs to wear a piece of gold armor, like helmet. She can dig tunnels pretty easy to get away from ghasts or the other mobs down there. Have a good bow and arrow to shoot the ghasts or pumba pigs 😂is what I call them. Have her try to find a crimson Forrest or warped Forrest. Prob my fav places in the nether. Have her bring an axe and hoe to get the resources there. Dad play 2 player with her!!! It’s easier and more fun with 2 people. That way if she dies and you were there you could have gathered her stuff and she could teleport back to you right after she died. Pros of playing 2 player.


"The end" lol


big squid ghosts are enderman i am assuming ? best idea would be keep inventory on as it helps not having to run back to collect items.


She had good reason to have her gear, iron, and gold. The nether is difficult, so you want good equipment. Having iron on your person is always a good idea, and gold has a unique function in the nether. I also don't get what you meant by "watched to many streamers and decided" because there are tons of reasons to go to the nether. This post reeks the of dad Research, please.




This happened to me a long time ago while I was living with my grandmother. I went into full meltdown mode after losing everything in a pool of lava while caving. Full diamond armor and tools... I was destroyed. My grandmother had heard me crying and yelling as we were in the same room playing different games. Told me I need to take a nice, long break (which I did). The moral of the story is that I learned to take things slower. Not everything needed to happen right now, there was no need to hurry, etc. I was probably 18 (32 now). I'm still playing right now!


Depending on the version, there is a such thing as "keep inventory" where you can enable it and when you die, you go back to spawn, but don't lose anything. I myself believe games should be enjoyable and am fine with using it, but others may wish to continue on survival to not "feel lazy" for lack of a better term. Nether tips: build lots of tiny cobblestone structures, all kinds of stone can not be broken by ghasts Build 2 block pillars every once and a while. You hear a ghost sound, loop around it until you find where it is, then hide behind it. If you are quick enough, (or your game is laggy enough like mine) going behind a block will stop the ghost from even shooting. Other nether tips, you should wear gold in recent versions, piglins will attack if you don't have gold (piglin brutes (ones dressed in black with an axe will ignore and still attack) Warped fungus (blue nether mushroom) scares away hoglins, (big pig/hog thing)


I would look up some nether tutorials, but some basics: - The squid-ghosts are ghasts, they shoot explosives. Netherrack (the red stone everywhere) is very soft and will crumble under a ghast explosion. Look up some materials with better **blast resistance** that **aren't flammable** (not wool or wood, for example, as those will burn). Regular stone should be good enough to make a structure that lasts, but every block has a specific number for blast resistance that you can search on the wiki. If you break line of sight with the ghast, they should forget about you - Always wear at least one piece of golden armor, or Piglins (pink two-legged creatures with brown clothes and *no* green) will attack you. They will also attack if you open a chest or mine gold in their line of sight. They can also be dettered by Soul Fire (Look up soul fire lanterns, torches, campfires, etc) but I can't remember if this overrides their anger or just keeps them away. - Zombie Piglins (pink two-legged creatures *with* green veins) don't care about gold or chests and are completely passive to you UNLESS you harm one (even accidentally) in which case their sort of 'hive mind' will make every single one in the rendered area come attack you. They are very strong. - Hoglins (large boars) are also very strong. They are afraid of the small teal-and-orange mushrooms (warped fungus) but not much else. - If you see a red and black bouncing cube, they'll attack, but they're not *too* strong (they're called Magma Cubes) - If you see a red cube with whiskers walking on lava, that's a Strider. They're completely harmless, and if you jump through some hoops, you can ride them, but look up the requirements, lest you get stranded. - Don't sleep in a bed, it will explode. Look up Respawn Anchors for respawn points - Lava flows fast in the nether, like water. But since you can't use water in the nether, you can't put yourself out. Fire resistance armor and potions are very important, but to make potions requires you to fight in a Nether Fortress and obtain blaze powder. - The two structures you can find in the nether are Bastions (black stone) and Nether Fortresses (dark red bricks) these are highly dangerous, and you should look up specific tutorials on how to raid them before approaching. It's not easy to live in the nether, and there's really no reason to *live* there. But it has some useful materials, so she might want to come back to gather things. One of the Nether ingredients is actually necessary in order to *get* to the End (the dimension you thought it originally was) Definitely watch some tutorials, like others have mentioned. I've heard great things about Pixilrifs, but I personally tend to watch Wattles. They're all super helpful, tho. But tell her we've *all* lost precious supplies in a tragic Nether accident, and we feel her pain :')


"Squid ghost looking things" in the end? Do you mean the nether?


Step one, get a bed, having a respawn point there makes it so much easier.

