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it looks sick. probably gonna make swamps annoying at night.


At least lilipads don't shatter boats any more.


Quite the contrary


Used to make swamp boating a near impossibility.


They're still very much annoying though, those things (a damn leaf on the water) make the boat come to a full stop. And if you're in a boat while being chased by one of these (arrow damage PLUS poison) it might as well shatter lol


Your boats stop? Don’t they just plow through them now and the lily pads break?


That's been my experience (leaving a shallow sea of bobbing lily pads in my wake), but it's been some time.


When you hit a lily pad the boat stops, breaks it, then keeps going. Tbf it's much better than your boat just falling apart


i think it depends on port (java/bedrock), if not either version or lag, because i think i’ve encountered both scenarios. and the coming to a full stop makes me want to rip my hair out


Breh, I built a house on the water in a swamp. Must had a chest full of lillypad stacks.


That unlocked a memory of mine. I has just started playing Minecraft, I was on day two after buying it. I had just built a boat for the first time, and I was so proud. (I didn't look things up back then, I found crafting recipes through trial and error) I was like, "WOOOO LETS GOO" \*smash* because I spawned near a swamp. My first boat ride lasted about 2 seconds, lol.


Ill do you one better: boat breaking into sticks and planks when you crash


And not even enough to make a new boat....


Oh ohhhh the memories ~


Noo, don't remind me. Bad times!


Ughh… don’t remind me!! Trying to get away and a skell popped my boat. Or my friends when I besieged his castle and I was trying to get away! lol.


I’ll do you one better, skeletons not sinking


I remember a hoard chasing me! lol.


Dang you just made me remember the first time I saw Minecraft. My brothers friend was playing probably beta 1.7.3 and was just swimming to the bottom of the ocean and beating up the squid lol. I guess it seemed cool enough for me to buy it shortly after


That hit me with nostalgia


Poison tipped arrows though >:) Gonna be nice having a way to get them in survival that makes em a justifiable investment


Maybe there should be more skeleton variants that carry different tipped arrows? Maybe you could create a "doctor skeleton" by using the potion of weakness + golden apple trick on a regular skeleton, and they follow you around and fire healing or regeneration arrows


I think that would still do more harm than good!


I like this idea, as do the Breezes and their wind charges they dropping in his death. The Boggers and their poisoned arrows are, in my opinion, what Minecraft was missing. Finally, poisoned arrows, maybe now we could at least get them from the Boggers (if those behind the development implement it) by killing them or be able to make them ourselves... this should have been added a LONG TIME AGO and finally it they made.


poison arrows have been around a loooong time, they're tipped arrows of poison, and you can get them from some master level fletchers and by crafting lingering potions of poison with arrows.


tipped arrows are almost 9 years old haha


Uh, weren't them added around 1.9 update? Has it been that long already?


Just looked it up, february 29th of 2016, damn, so a few days shy of 8 years, made me feel old.


They have been in the game for a while


Can't wait for the technical side of the community to make a hyper efficient Bogged farm.


hardcore players better get their dodging skill up or else a lot of runs will be ended early when passing through a swamp


They shoot slower than normal skeletons, have less health, and the poison from them only lasts 4 seconds, which doesn't take much health from you at all. They aren't much of a challenge at all tbh.


Poison only lasting 4 seconds is good news. Have had way too many bad experiences in the past where encountering a witch means walling yourself into a corner for half a minute until you're allowed to have health again.


I agree. The design looks good, but I hope it doesn't become an annoying mob.


Due to it being a skeleton my guess is its gonna be annoying unless they make there bows have a cooldown between shots


They shoot every 3.5 seconds instead of every 2 seconds.


They also have less health.


I often see the skeleton listed as everyone's least favorite mob. I don't quite get it. I'm cool with skeletons - I just shoot them before they shoot me. Creepers, on the other hand? Nah. Get outta here.


What people who complain about skeletons don't realize is that Shields just make them a complete joke. We've got the tools to turn it into a 95-5 matchup, people just choose not to use them and then complain lmao


Yep, because Combat Update Bad™. Shields trivialize most hostile mobs, to the point that I play without one just to keep things a little more interesting.


Totems replace the shield as soon as you get access to totems.


but annoying is the whole point! If they weren't it wouldn't add as much to the game imo


It really does look like a skeleton that‘s sick


Maybe if it was just a 33% or 25% chance of it being a poison arrow would make it better, just constant poison is too OP.


Would add a challenge to setting up your Mending Book villagers.


I like it, honestly they should add a bunch of other mob variants in a similar vain to the drowned and husks. Doesn't seem too hard and would add alot of variety to the world. Although they seem very worried about messing with the classic 4, creeper, zombie, skeleton, spider combo so we'll see.


Yeah they have yet to make a creeper variant besides the supercharged from like a decade ago (is/was that even in vanilla?) And the spider hasn’t had a new variant since the poison one in mineshafts since a decade-ish ago too


Charged creepers are created when a creeper gets hit by lightning.


I know that but I’ve just never seen any in my 10+ years so I figured they might’ve been taken out or maybe not in bedrock specifically.


They’re pretty rare naturally, most people use a lightning rod and/or channeling trident to create them.


Channeling is best for farming charged creepers imo.


Lightning rod is probably best, since you can make it completely afk though


On bedrock you can push the trident with a piston.


Ah ok good to know


They’re how you get mob heads. They’re most definitely still in the game, especially since piglin heads were just added in 1.20.


Please respectfully shush lol I'm so scared of creepers I would hate a new kind


In hard mode spiders can spawn with potion effects


*cue Kurt angle stare meme*


What kinda creeper variants would be added?


Even just camo fariants for the different bioms would be cool. White/grey for snow etc. imagine if they could hide in deep snow and pop out haha.


Would be torture if it fills its hole with powdered snow


I’d like to see something that’s adds the difficulty and experience of fighting a creeper without the destruction since this is a building game and it really sucks when there’s a mob who’s purpose is to just destroy the things you make, I’d imagine a wind like creeper that explodes and does damage without making holes, and can also damage enemies too, it’d be neat to have this “balloon” like enemy that you can shoot to send hordes of mobs around it flying


I could see a Wind Creeper that when it explodes, it does very little damage to you or the environment but the knockback is huge, like launch you 20-30 blocks away in a more upwards direction. Maybe it spawns in mountainous biomes and has some limited air mobility, be it higher jumps or slowfalling.


Elemental/status effect creepers would be great imo. Would make for great biome specification. Wind/knockback for mountains, mining fatigue for oceans, etc.


I wish the MobGriefing gamerule could be separate for Endermen, Creepers, & villagers. I would disable Creepers but leave the others


Id rather keep creepers on than endermen, if I had to choose! Creepers are preventable, they only blow up near players. Endermen are straightup trynna steal the overworld no matter who's near


Remember Mojang's schtick about preventing lightning strikes with the copper rod because that was griefing and griefing wasn't fun? Laughs in creeper, enderman, ghast, natural spawning lava or even still lightning if you think the copper rod is hideous and don't want one or get struck by lightning before you made one.


Those can be avoided. Creepers and enderman with light, natural spawning lava can be taken down, etc. Before lightning rods, there was always a risk for lightning to burn structures. Like the only one that is somehow unavoidable is the ender where stuff will always get griefed.


A fire creeper that has does less initial blast damage, however fire erupts from it when it explodes, catching everything in the blast radius on fire. A poison creeper where slimes fly out of it when it explodes and everything in the blast radius is poisoned (besides the slimes) An ice creeper that does frost damage and casts slowing when it explodes A storm creeper that calls down lightning when it explodes and does the air blast that others mentioned A cute lil flower creeper that basically just does bonemeal and creates flower blooms when it explodes (maybe it sneezes when it explodes and releases pollen everywhere) I dunno lots, really


That last one... 😍💘


Implosion Creepers. They would really suck.


Check out the overhauled creepers mod honestly should be added in to vanilla maybe


I want husks to drop sand 😩 yes I can decimate a desert, but I’d like the option to not


Carpetmod can do that. We have it on our server where husks spawn in pyramids drop sand upon death.


I would honestly love more mob variants like this. I really hope they add some kind of Mesa and Dark Oak Forest exclusive mobs. Maybe make Dark Oak have stronger enemies that can only spawn at night to really add to that "this place is somewhere that is always dangerous" vibe they're supposed to have. Mesas could use another spider variant for those surface mineshafts too, so they're not easy free midgame loot if you spawn near one.


The swamp could definitely use a new update


it's crazy to me that they didn't at least make mud spawn there in 1.20


Yeah, that was disappointing because they said in the announcement that it was basically an overhaul of the swamp biome, and then, when it was released, the swamp was still the same, they just added some frogs and called it a day. They just added a new swamp biome.


I mean, we just got a really cool biome for it. They just decided to make it super rare and all of the new features from it are only in that one biome so it feels pointless


The only rare thing about Mangrove swamps are the mangrove trees Because mud doesn't depend on the biome. You can make it in day 1 of any server. And once you have one mangrove leaf you have unlimited mangrove propaguls, so not sure why it is pointless lol


They have guaranteed slime spawns on full moons, the only place to get black cats reliably, you can safely acquire tons of bone meal from tropical fish, and blue orchids. Plus after the villager update swamp village librarians will always have mending.


We were talking about mangrove swamps, regular swamps are more common.


A worthy challenge to go up against, but would be agony in hordes.


Same with strays lol. Except you die much faster


Strays are worse


If the poison arrows work the same as poison pistols thrown by witches, you will be absolutely clobbered much quicker.




*Dodge this instant harming motherfucker*


Instant Harming IV


Tipped arrows only have 1/8 the duration of splash potions, so while a posion splash potion lasts 45 seconds, a poison tipped arrow will only last five seconds.


5 seconds is a long time. If you get 2-3 of these guys shooting you every 3.5 seconds (ignoring the fact they will probably shoot one after another and not in sync), they will fuck you up worse than the strays.




Poison arrows are pretty good, I think.


I agree, poison arrows can be great in combat but they can be annoying to get if someone doesn't get lucky with a fletcher or hasn't beaten the ender dragon yet (most servers I play save the ender dragon to do as a group but it's hard to find a day when everyone is ready). So this will be great for getting them easier/early game. I can also imagine poison arrow farms.


How does beating end dragon give access to poison arrows? Though you just needed the nether for blaze rods and nether wart and you are good to go.


Lingering potion is needed for tipped arrows, lingering potions are made with dragon breath


On Bedrock we can put a normal poison potion into a cauldron and then click on it with arrows to make poison arrows. No dragons breath needed.


The fact we don't have this in Java Edition is honestly a crime.


I play both versions, and it is a crime. One full cauldron gives you 3 stacks worth of tipped arrows, which in Java barely anyone ever uses because of how hard it is to get them.


I think the bigger problem is that they're not a particularly enjoyable mechanic to play with, not the difficulty in obtaining them. Hell, spectral arrows are insanely easy to obtain and players rarely use them because the added benefit is largely not worthy of having to manage inventory around their use. If Minecraft had a quiver or dedicated arrow slot and a mechanic to easily swap equipped arrows, I think players would engage with the mechanic more than if they were just easier to obtain.


Ya and it's 3 potions to fill the cauldron if I remember right. We had a civil war on the realm I'm in and it made prepping so easy. We basically just used the villagers for the arrows of decay.


You need dragon’s breath to make lingering potions so you can make potion tipped arrows


Or slime


Hardly unique, tho. Same with strays I’d way rather have a slowness IV arrow than a slowness 1 arrow. So literally I never use my skeleton farm as a stray farm I only ever want the plain arrows to enchant myself.


I do think we need a way to get stronger potions (or just the effects in some way) in survival, I don't care if they last like 3 seconds, I just need better potions


There should be more Regional variants of mobs


Not just for enemies either, imagine yaks in mountain biomes instead of cows or musk oxen in cold biomes instead of sheep. Or Boars and dingoes in the savanna instead of pigs and wolves.


Lmao regional variants, i like it


What? Why LMAO? This is an actual common feature suggestion


I was talking about the term itself, regional variants. Makes me think of pokemon more than "different biomes", i liked it


I guess it is a weird choice of words to say "region" instead of "biome" when talking about Minecraft.


Biomenal isn't a word :)


Alolan Creepers when.


I personally found it funny because it sounded like pokemon's regional variants, so I don't think the guy above was making fun of the idea itself.


It looks like the kind of skeleton to have a 10% chance of dropping a vine, and a 3% chance of dropping a slime ball


Fancy creature


I like plant themed mobs so I vibe with it Another layer of difficulty at least... not sure if I will came across it but it can be used it for map making


As someone who has a base and industrial area in a swamp it will be a pain


Is your entire base and industrial area not lit up? I haven’t seen a mob within 500-1000 blocks of my main base in years.


My spawn area is already centered inside a quad witch hut… so this guy will make the area even more interesting, hah


It has an epic model.


Very cool! Would be interesting to see a swamp variant of Zombies. Since those who die in a Peat Bog are often naturally mummified and preserved pretty damn well. could be interesting to have a chance to spawn a slightly more powerful zombie that maybe runs a bit faster or does more damage.


Don't give Mojang any ideas on making them run faster! Lol the baby zombies are bad enough to deal with 😂


I love it. When they added the poison arrow-wielding Skeletons to the Trail Chambers I was really hoping they'd go all the way to making them a new Skeleton variant, and I'm so glad they did. Strays are some of my favorite mobs because of how they spice up the combat with their status effects. I'm sure I'll end up liking the Bogged just as much. I also like that it's a potentially easier way to get Arrows of Poison in large quantities. A means of transforming regular Skeletons into Bogged similar to what Powdered Snow does for Strays would be great here - I'm fond of [this suggestion](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1aqqhch/comment/kqeoor8/) of having a skeleton standing on a Mud block for a certain amount of time.


Needs more shrooms, little less moss


Mojang going all out on preventing from people getting those mending books


We won but at what cost….. * *Shields exist* Oh wait nevermind


I hate it, it's perfection


It’s nifty, but unnecessary, but cool. I like it, it’s a welcome addition.


I find the name really funny for no reason


It's like the mossy skeleton from Minecraft Dungeons. Design wise I like it but it might be annoying in survival.


Me before I have my coffee in the morning lol


Me before I take my methylphenidate lol


I'm wondering if a skeleton becomes bogged after suffocating in mud? Would be cool for farms


I can imagine that that mob could hide either under Lilly pads or the swamp grass and just pop out after u pass them or step on them. Good looks and good idea




[mossy skeleton](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Minecraft_Dungeons:Mossy_Skeleton) but better


I like it. I think it could drop mushrooms though (there are some on thop of the head texture), just to give it a bit more of a unique flair


Great addition. This mob will probably be annoying to fight, but will add some more challenge to Trial chambers structure and the swamp biome. I don't know why some people on Instagram are mad at Mojang, the game needs more hostile mobs in my opnion.


People will get mad at mojang no matter what


Always thought swamps needed some more mobs. Frog was a step in the right direction and I'm glad they're continuing


Does it drop a skull? I need it


A weaker poison variant of the regular skelly


Name seems funny but looks cool


I think it's cool. Swamps should be a bit of a harder biome imo


chat is this real




yes: https://minecraft.wiki/w/Bogged




it's so fucking cool. reminds me of the Rancid Remains and Draugrs from Valheim


It’s literally a skeleton


They keep adding skeletons everywhere


A re-texture of a re-texture




The names a little weird but other than that it looks pretty cool


aw they're so cute


New way to farm special arrows. And a new threat if you’re struggling to get back to your base. Plus, the swaps now have 2 unique mobs. Slimes and these these things, with the witch huts


cave spider 2.0 💀


I honestly liked this mob. I liked the idea of having a verity of mobs which are practically the same but with different textures. It helps the world feel more natural as the mobs adapt to their surrounding


Might be my new favorite mob. Before this it was Stray


I think it's cool


Looks like smth from The Betweenlands (in a good way)


I would love to see more mob variants like this instead of the random ones from the mob vote.


They actually added a new mob?


Looks like it is from dungeons.


this is what I want Microsoft to add, something simple yet it could really get the community more engaged in the game


This is single handedly my favorite update since the nether just because of this mob


Well personally I think it's a nice counterpoint to the Drowned so, there's that. It looks awesome and I can wait to fight them


It looks sick! Would be cool if it used a crossbow too, just to change things up a bit


Looks pretty nice, puts additional life to the swamp biome.


Love it but I think they should also spawn in dungeons and jungles


Oh god it's gonna be worse than that Ice skeleton fucker


Imagine if it dropped slime you could make a really op farm that doesn't need slimes


you can already make an op slime farm in a swamp


Neat concept, makes slime farming at night more dangerous. One problem I see though is that most swamps have one block deep water, meaning movement is going to be really slow (even more so if you use a shield to block the arrows), combined with poisoned arrows could make them very annoying




Pretty cool, plus anything to make the night scarier is a plus. Only worry is that they only give poison for a few seconds; is it even enough to be non-negligible? I replayed Dark Souls recently, and I liked how the projectile enemies in that game would be scary (e.g. the toxin dart guys in blighttown can give you the effect in a couple hits, which then persists for a while) but the projectiles move more slowly through the air so they're more reactable. In Minecraft it's kind of just a guarantee that you're going to get shot, so your only option is to predict the period and block at the right time with a shield. Which is fine, but it'd be nice if dodging was an option and it meant projectiles could be scarier, like these poison arrows giving a longer duration.


Finally, something from Minecraft Dungeons


I think they’re cool but people will likely have phantom reactions to them. Hopefully they’re spawning is less frequent like witches so they aren’t too annoying


They shoot much slower than regular skeletons and tipped arrows have a shorter duration that splash potions


I love biome themed mobs. I can’t wait to make a bogged skeleton farm to farm those juicy poison arrows


So this means you can make a mob farm to get some poison arrows or it won’t work?


pretty pogged for a reskin, we should have more mob variants like this.


Seems fun, definitely makes getting Slime harder


Poison arrow farm incoming, just give the community a couple of weeks


is this a new snapshot?


Painful,but cool


Like it Wish we had more biome variants of mobs just for the fun of it. Doesn't seem that that to implement either, most copy paste job that I'm sure no one minds.


Like a actual Mob or is it a mod or something else I don't know?


looks cool , but I'd like if they increased the poison time by 50%


Variants are always cool.


I thought it was a joke at first, or a player made design! He’s precious and I love him! I also love that the swamps are getting more details!


I like the model




I thought it’s a mod or something, cool tho


Looks too similar to existing mobs. It should be easy to tell mons apart from one another, especially at low light levels