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Most of the stuff they add to the game doesn’t reach its logical potential.


Honestly this describes the entirety of the game. Every update they add a new item, block, mob, etc. and give it a single interaction and that’s it. Meanwhile it could logically interact with 4 other game mechanics, but they just don’t add those interactions.


I was so sad when I saw that Copper wasnt actually very useful.


Copper is a common material for wiring and electronics…and yet it barely interacts with redstone. * They could’ve added new copper-based redstone blocks (I like the lightning rod, but more things would’ve been nice). * They could’ve swapped some old redstone recipes that use iron to use copper. * Hell, they could add copper wire which behaves differently than redstone dust (going up walls like ladders, being able to cross redstone without powering it, etc.).


Crossing Redstone would've been sick and could've revolutionized minecraft computers


There is/was a mod called bluestone that added this feature.


I really want copper wire. Redstone surrounded by copper bits, it's waterproof redstone wiring and could be placed vertically


Your third point is particularly good. I love the idea of copper wires that can go up walls.


They could've added copper wires or tubes or something that can transfer redstone signals horizontally and vertically like placing a fence for example that's just one idea, there's just too many loose ends where a game mechanic should be


Yes all of this


Recently been saying that Minecraft adds like four new features each update and returns to one old one to update it, resulting in years down the line only a slim chance that one of those four gets touched within 5 years


In general I‘d say Minecraft gets pretty small updates for such a big game. I mean we get get one update per year and it always feels like its not really complete. Just my opinion


Yeah. Another thing that a lot of the newer stuff feels like is that it exists for 'existing'. Sure, archaeology could be used to add lore to your world, but the loot in the trail ruins is barely anything, and the only new content actually added to them that isn't pre existing content already in the game is a few armour trims. It feels 'shallow' even if the intent was for it to be more interesting


This. Like copper for example, its a great energy conductor in real life - why not make it so that redstone mechanisms require copper instead of stone, cobblestone or gold in their recipes? Not only this would give purpose to copper, it will also make redstone elements much cheaper to make and they will also be more consistent between eachother. Like it's so obvious


I think they should replace iron with copper with most redstone things maybe except hoppers and iron blockset. ar least copper has a gorgoes block set


Oh yeah I kinda agree with that. I remember there was this video suggesting that copper should be all about automatic work and iron should be about manual work. Basically they suggested that golems, compasses, clocks, redstone components, etc. should be made out of copper; Brushes, Spyglasses and other gear should be made out of iron


I love the idea of incorporating copper into common redstone components. Not sure about 100% replacing stone in the recipes, but definitely makes sense to use copper for that.


Absolutely. I think of Sculk Sensors and Allays, mostly...


I was just thinking that allays are a good example of this done right TBH. - They interact with noteblocks and jukeboxes, - add a new collection mechanism for farms. - They're mildly difficult to acquire, but not too difficult (my experience is that pillager outposts are the best place to find them) - Once you have one it's easy to get as many as you need Compared to Sniffers and Frogs which while cute feel like dead ends


Think Goats. Goats are only used for one thing now, and have one ~~more interat~~ Nevermind, I just discovered Goats can be milked. What. I always thought they couldn't. Well, now they just need to add the mutton drop to the goat.


They should drop like 1 to 2 more mutton but only produce string


I dumped like 20 hours into a frog setup. Gathering them, creating a frog light farm, breeding, etc. calling them a dead end is pretty brutal. There’s a giant mechanic with the frog lights tacked onto them.


That's literally it though


They were saying that Frogs don’t interact with other game mechanics. The froglight one is just one


Honestly, I thought Frogs were a neat but mainly cosmetic mechanic until the most recent world my son and I have been playing on. In it, our spawn links to a massive basalt delta in the nether, which made traveling there pretty tricky (we died a lot to magma cubes until we could build a small fortified base there, and even then it was tricky to do other things. Did I mention it was just above a nether fortress?). I started slabbing the area to spawn proof, but it was slow going, with lots of Monty Python maneuvers ("Run Away! Run Away!"), so I decided to use an iron golem. Which worked only slightly better than a balloon made with the same material (I got a little more time to run, but the golems kept getting overwhelmed and dying). Then I was trying to transport some frogs for a froglight farm. And plopped down a golem for protection. And suddenly the basalt delta was almost safe. Like, I could walk around freely, using the slow bedrock regen we have, and still be fine without running, as long as there was a frog and a golem nearby, I didn't have to DO anything and could spawnproof to my heart's content. I didn't even bother taking them to the farm location since it was going so well, and I was getting plenty of froglights for that stage of the game. I will never look down on frogs again. 20 tiny magma cubes just about evaporate with just a couple of frogs.


But thats it


To be fair I think the community was a bit delusional for thinking Allays would become the one-size-fits-all item sorter that they thought it would. They definitely have a lot of missed potential though for sure.


TBF if you manage to find the developer footage of them working on the allays, they actually were. They would even path find directly to hoppers. Allays are pretty great now for item sorting though TBF, it's just very annoying having note blocks go off all the time. Some tweets at the time showed the mindset the developers were in too. One mentioned wanting an army of allays walking around their base completing tasks... This is now impossible since they removed the ability to permanently pair an allay to a notebook/hopper as now the allay will forget where it's meant to return to after 30 secs


This is also the big one for me. Most of the new features are the embodiment of missed potential. They are not bad but they could be so much more.


Honestly, I don't think anything I could say would sum things up better. When they added the Mangrove seeds, my first thought was they should change the other sapplings to seeds. But...no, its just mangrove. When they added Nether fungus, I hoped they would change the overworld fungus! Abnormals had some of my favorite mushroom wood. But....nope. unchanged.


Most things added since 1.8 have added breadth, not depth. The reason Minecraft got popular was by being a sandbox. A game about building and making stuff, not about running thousands of blocks away trying to find this one specific item you need that only appears in one specific place. Nowadays it feels like they just add new shiny toys that stop being interesting after you try them once, instead of features with gameplay depth and longevity


Okay yes thank u for saying that. Just made a comment ranting about how frustrating it can be finding stuff thats sooo far away. I thought it maybe was a just me thing. I feel bad sometimes using chunkbase because its fun finding stuff on your own, but not when it takes 2 hours and requires you walk 28383788382 blocks. edit for another rant: One time for fun I used chunkbase to find a mansion bc i wanted to see what they looked like. The closest one was in the 10,000s for coordinates, and I was like in the low hundreds. I get they are supposed to be rare, but i have never travelled THAT far from spawn points. No fun tbh


The woodland mansion actually has an in game way to find it, the cartographer sells maps to find it. In my experience they usually spawn around 3/4k blocks away.


Well, i didnt know that! thanks for that info now i feel so dumb lol. Gotta find that guy now in my world.


This was only added in 1.16 or something so your fibe


Yeah, Minecraft has reached its all time peak with 1.16. Everything after that has been more quantity than quality (i guess that's the best way to say it)


Difficulty. The game has a large playerbase of varying skill levels. With tons of children who will probably not even get diamonds, and tons of players who have played for years and start the game by getting the elytra. The games difficulty modes do no do a good job. On low difficulty it is still super easy for inexperienced players to die. And experienced players find hard difficulty the easiest because of things like villager converting. Difficulty needs to.change more things than just mob damage. It should be locked to the world generation so that it can influence things like ore rates, number of mobs you can find in a group, amount of structures, etc.


And environment damage (falling, lava, drowning, etc). I feel like that’s the number 1 killer of inexperienced players


And experienced players. I have died to fall damage and kinetic energy more than anything else.   With feather falling 4 and a water bucket I rarely take much fall damage any more but it still is crazy deadly.


Get this man employed at mojang


He's too productive. It cannot be.


I like the local chunk difficulty mechanic, just wish the change was more noticeable and important. I also think peaceful should not despawn hostile mobs. Some normally hostile mobs can still spawn in peaceful but don't attack. It would make progression possible in peaceful and also keep hostile mobs in the world if the difficulty should be changed (like having to keep endermites in an enderman farm and as a result the world can no longer be put in peaceful without having to get another. I think peaceful is too easy but at the same time punishes you for playing on easy (not being able to get certain items) I think there should be another mode that is like what I describe. Peaceful can stay as is but I'm suggesting a difficulty between peaceful and easy.


I agree with this so much. I would love to play peaceful because honestly mob fighting is not for me but it just breaks the game. So many farms and things rely on hostile mobs that just become unavailable on peaceful. Can't even switch to it for caving because even my nametagged mobs will despawn


Another massive problem with difficulty and minecraft is villagers. They are absurdly broken and absolutely trivialize the game and make many systems irrelevant. I know it's kind of like pandoras box that can never be closed because people are so used to having them now, but I honestly believe villager trading essentially broke minecraft in terms of anything resembling balance and shouldn't exist.


Yes I agree. One of my favorite ways I have seen suggested to fix how broken villager trading is, is by adding more enchants to the game and not letting you get max level enchants anymore and instead make trades offs. This would allow you to keep op villager setups without them being as op.


I feel like the only thing that breaks villagers is the fact you can cycle the workstations. If they made it so that once a villager is locked into a profession they can't lose it or change it (along with their trades) then people would actually HAVE to go out and look for specific villagers. Which would in turn give players the incentive to explore their world even more.


I wouldn’t even mind a way to duplicate enchant books, just make it expensive. Even if it’s trading an enchanting book to a librarian with x amount of resources that then lets you buy that book from them would be nice and require you to go out and find the book first.


Duplicating books should DEFINITELY be a thing!


This is actually a cool way to balance villagers without nerfing them so badly that everyone will complain.


What? No. It would just make people breed more villagers and grind them infinitely until they get what they want, but investing 5 times as much time


How would difficulty changes effect old worlds? Probably why they hav'nt done it.


Maybe call the current difficulty “mob difficulty” and their suggestion could be called “world difficulty” which can only be set at world generation.


We can even still improve the mob one, by changing mob spawn


Honestly I would love this. I play on normal but I would love for easy difficulty on mobs but hard on finding ores and etc.


If it changed things in the world generation such as ores and structures, then ild chuncks would stay the same and new ones would have the new generation, just like every time they add new loot to chest, biomes, structures, or even recreated the whole world generation algorithm.


The difficulty should ideally be stored as part of the world like in Terraria


A very real list of things could just be "done like Terraria" and make Minecraft a massively better game than the already good game it is. Sadly, people hear "do X like Terraria" and get weird fast, though. ~~The way Elytras have ultimately been handled strikes me as a little embarassing considering how much less of a hassle things like Terraria's mounts and wings are - and those are items you get early!~~


Itd be cool to have separate mob and world difficulties.


I think mob cap should be adjusted with difficulty. Lower difficulty would mean much more sparse hostile mob spawning. I think that's that main issue because it's not that much more difficult to kill mobs on easy vs hard. Tying it to the mob cap would mean that players on easier difficulties wouldn't run into times when they're swarmed as much. The main downside to this approach would be that mob farms are much less efficient on easier difficulties. I don't agree with it being locked in each world, though. Lots of casual players switch between peaceful and other difficulties.


I too want a challenge but changing game mechanics would make a lot of people upset.


Performance and Optimization.


and what's crazy is that there are mods (Lithium) that improve the performance like crazy good without affecting any functionality. Like why not just make that vanilla lmao


Agree. Have a 200 villager librarian farm with four bone meal farms and two sugar cane farms to make emerald blocks. Can only be in there on the PS5, the PS4 is pretty intolerable and the switch you can forget it. Understand there is a lot of shit to render in there but c'mon...


The game is very wide but not very deep, which I suppose is typical of a sandbox game. There's a lot of mechanics that don't feel fully implemented or fleshed out, but I think mojang is scared to flesh them out for fear of making a mistake or making something people won't like. They don't want to kill the proverbial golden goose. Eg enchanting could be *wayyyyy* deeper as a mechanic. Material costs to influence which ones you get, more special effect enchants instead of stat boosts (like a sword that can shoot projectiles terraria style, or a pickaxe that auto smelts mined things), more things to place around the table to influence luck, tiers of enchanting table with different level maximums, etc. Mods go really far towards fixing this issue, but there's value in being part of the base game, maintained by a paid studio.


Ngl I'd love a full alchemy/magic system for the base game cause it's nearly unchanged since it's creation and enchanting is so boring atm


I mean it is very deep.... for redstone and builders. Just look at some of the farms and technical stuff you can do with minecraft. You can build chunk loaders to send minecarts to other people on a server who arn't even on through the nether. ​ The main thing I agree with minecraft not being very deep is the survival progression. It's extremely shallow for their aging playerbase. Look at terraria and how deep it goes, vs minecraft. It's like a big oof.


Building and redstone are pre-microsoft additions, they are pretty much OG features that have undergone little change at their core. Redstone is a particularly difficult feature because even though is incredibly deep the game has basically no built-in information to get you started at all. And its not like you can work things out easily because many crucial features of redstone are completely invisible. This leads to most players simply mindlessly copying contraptions from others instead of learning, which immediately turns redstone from an incredibly deep feature to the shallowest thing possible with hardly any gameplay involved.


Imagine auto smelted fortune 3 iron and gold 🥹


Everything I would have said has already been said, but my main gripe NOT mentioned is that the sky is so boring & the only mobs that spawn there are hostile or semi-hostile. Parrots don't count as they also just kind of hover a block off the ground at best. Gimme a bird or two, damn it! I want to see vultures circling in deserts and savannahs! I wanna see big winged birds floating up in the actual sky!


Don't sleep for three days and you'll get "birds" circling above your head lmao


vultures got second place didn't they? maybe next update


I would love to see a biome of smallish sky islands ala Tears of the Kingdom. But I'm biased, as I have a hyperfixation on floating islands.


I do too XD


Find some bugged world generation and voila kek


It would be great if they added a giant bird you could tame and ride.


I think it's detail I've played modded pretty much since 1.2.3. came out and huge modpacks usually excel at making the world feel alive and detailed. Stuff like moss, small pebbles or twigs on the ground, fallen trees, small little structures which add a story to the world. Fireflies and other ambient mobs also do a huge difference


Playing modded lately and being able to use vertical slabs or pillars adds so much little detail to the build, without it being bulky.


100% this. Mod packs have completely redefined the Minecraft playing experience. It's such a shame it's not available on the console editions, because I played vanilla for thousands of hours on console. The switch to PC is always an entirely new experience, I adore mod packs. EDIT: For any console players switching to PC, download CurseForge when you do and just search by mod packs. It's super simple to install and your entire playing experience can be completely reimagined in just a few clicks.


I agree. Minecraft feels pretty stale. Rn I'm playing with mods like Let's do Beach Party and Let's do Blooming Nature and I've realized how colorful Minecraft could be


Even after so many years, the game feels really empty. More mobs, variety of mobs, More villages. Bigger villages to the point where they're effectively towns with larger buildings like taverns, castles, monuments. Smarter villagers who have more set routines and better pathfinding.


The game really feels empty on singleplayer. Ever since I played a few SMPs I can't seem to go back to the loneliness of singleplayer.


The best feeling in multi-player is stumbling across someone else's build you haven't seen before.


This is why i love 1.20.5+, those updates give lots of life to the overworld, maybe a bit too much as when waiting i constantly get reminded of whst will happen and how i have the infeori world.


This would happen no matter how much they added because over time you’d get used to it. The game originally just had zombies and sheep. That was it. I’ve played worlds with modpacks that add hundred of mobs and eventually it feels just as empty as it used to…. Because no matter how much filler you put in you are still fundamentally on your own




I think Mojang ought to be careful when it comes to adding new structures, if you make them look too nice, too easy to find, and offer too much convenience, it’ll end up incentivizing the player to just move into those instead of building their own things. It’s why I think villages, with their simple architecture and sorely lacking defenses, are actually in a pretty good spot right now. If someone spawns near a village and wants to make a home there they still need to think about defenses. Your neighbors can give you valuables, but they’re vulnerable.


I would counter this and say it got too crowded, and too polished. Without the ender dragon, Minecraft used to be about building cool stuff, but these days I often loose half of my friends once we "finish the game". Anything that we build is built for practicality, to be best equipped to finish the game. Not many play for building stuff, which I think is a bit unfortunate. The color palette used to be great, it didn't matter how good of a builder you were, the buildings always looked okay. These days I often find myself looking at the things I've built with disgust due to color palettes not quite matching. It takes a lot of tries to find the right one. And that's not even talking about the biome colors, which often make grass- or tree-based buildings look dull. World Gen is more realistic now, but this has cost us the amazing cliffs you used to get in every world, that always inspired you to build there. The new mountains are so much more boring due to their realism. I miss building risky structures to climb vertical surfaces or build on floating islands. And all these ugly stone variations...


Ooo like giants that were raised by villagers so they’re passive and help build. That’d be so cool


For the acquisition of newer items, the game relies too much on boring walking/flying around. When the archeology update was released I spent hours trying to find a site to dig, once I did I was already pretty tired and upset, and didn't even do the dig itself for a few weeks. I've been thinking for years that this game really need a "biome/structure compass" some kind of system that can help you guide to POIs. If the stronghold was put in the game now, by the way they are implementing digs and the Trial Chambers, they might not have included the ender eyes showing you the way.


Oh God finding the stronghold would be such a nightmare


They should hire the developer of FarPlaneTwo to implement LODs into the game so you can just build a tower and look for stuff in the distance


The horrendously bad optimization of Java.


Agree thankfuly mods exist


does Sodium pretty much solve the problems or are there more that can be combined?


there’s a ton more, check out the mod pack fabulously optimised for more




Progression feels fairly stagnant and similar to how it has been for a a decade (Minus the nether changes). There's not much in the way of sidegrades. There's not much point in turtle helm when you can get the same effect via enchant on a regular helmet. The arbitrary nature of whether a block gets a full set of slab / stair / wall variants. And, the controversial one; Bedrock insisting on parity within itself across all the platforms it's on, drags down consoles and win 10 due to limitations of mobile/tablet.


The game has drifted from survival sandbox to almost fully sandbox over the years. Since the end got updated the progression has remained the same. The introduction of netherite did not even change that since it doesn't really enable anything that diamond can't already do.


Yeah the state of survival balance makes me sad. Mending, elytra boosting, anvils being broken and super exploitable villagers really break progression. I've been running a survival server since 1.10/1.11 with some people, we reset the player data every major version and move to a new location but the old cities remain in the world. Here are some of the versions which I can absolutely tell had an impact on survival balance and progression: 1.11: Added firework elytra boosting. We used to have a vast network of rails and also cool launch towers for elytras. You could really feel the scale of stuff because you were pretty much stuck to the ground, since before 1.11 Elytras were only for gliding unless you did the bow trick. After 1.11 though? People barely touched rails or horses anymore. Zero train stations or subways in the new cities. Combined with the fact that mending can be combined with unbreaking 3, Elytras essentially let you fly forever. 1.14: Villagers became really easy to exploit to get incredibly OP trades by just placing and breaking workstations. Before 1.14, it took us months to get the best armor, the best tools, etc. After 1.14, the server started having this 2 week cycle, where players would start out normally but then zoom through the early, mid and late game because they found villagers and got all the trades they wanted. After 2 weeks everyone had pretty much everything they'd ever need so they got bored and stopped playing until the next iteration of the server. This took wayyyy longer before 1.14, and in some cases it didn't even happen. Villagers used to have their trades locked so finding a Librarian with Mending was pretty rare. So for the next iteration of the server, I'm taking the following measures to fix survival balance: - Villager trades cannot be re-rolled - Trades have been rebalanced, such as locking powerful enchantments to max tier trades - Anvil functionality has been rebalanced: - Repairing, renaming and enchanting are all independent from each other now. - Renaming has a flat cost of 2 XP. Repairing has a linear cost now. - The XP cost of enchanting is simply determined by the target enchantment(s) now. - The XP cost of tools, weapons and armor doesn't stack anymore, and "Too Expensive!" has been removed. - These changes make repairing stuff via anvils an actually viable alternative to Mending. - Controversial, but made Mending and Unbreaking incompatible with each other - Elytra firework boosting didn't get removed, but it damages your elytra now so you're discouraged from using it all the time - Minecarts are faster


Did a similar thing myself, I also got a few mods that give mobs more tricks, and it's worked amazingly.


To be fair to the turtle helm, you can put those enchantments on the helm, and they will stack with its natural effects meaning that you can stay underwater for MUCH longer


only just recently got into building anything other than terraforming and the missing block sets are so infuriating


The game doesn't properly reward it's namesake: Mining. Even with beacons and max enchants, mining out anything of appreciable size takes FOREVER. There's no way to scale up production the same way that you do with red stone farms. Even with the nerfs, Villager farms are almost mandatory for high level play.


Yeah, I'd love to make a big Dwarven thing. But part of the appeal is the shear grind it takes, but it's so so difficult to plan in this game without mods or swapping to creative and back. Like you can do it with redstone TNT duping, but then you need to work with the negative space, and abuse exploits.


Mojang's stubbornness to make minecraft extremely "kid friendly". they try so hard to make the new features as non hostile as possible. we didn't get fireflies because they are poisonous to frogs... ok, and? make the frogs not eat them if frogs dying is too harsh to kids... in a game where we already butcher livestock to eat them as if it's much more kid friendly than animals dying from natural causes...


or even better, mojang should stop acting like they're every kid's parents and act like a game studio instead


Lol, they literally coded so that a parrot dies if you give it a cookie. The "fireflies poisonous to frogs" excuse is BS. You know what is even more harmful? Eating a cube made of magma. Also, most players have to resort to canibalism for the first in-game days (human eating rotten flesh) The real non-BS reason we didn't get fireflies is that it would require too much processing power for a mainly ambiant feature. Fireflies weren't suposed to be particles like the leaves falling from the cherry blossom. They were supossed to be mobs. Imagine going to a swamp and game starts lagging like hell cause it just spawned over 200 new firefly mobs each with its own AI. And 200 fireflies for a whole swamp still looks like barelly no fireflies at all


Inventory space. - Double Shulker Boxes, Ender Chest and add additional inventory slots. - An Share Chest for Servers as well.


Just do the following: - Add one more row to the inventory - Instead of the weird convoluted idea they came up with, just make Bundles shulkers you can open in your hand but with way fewer slots so shulkers aren't obsolete


The inevitable abandonment of old saves. Most people I know binge the game for a week, then forget about it for another year or two and I think this is why. They see cool new updates, and want to hop back on with some friends, dreaming of an active, long-lasting server with little towns and roads connecting each others homes together and cool community-projects. But they can't return to their old saves. The world file is outdated. They won't find the cool new stuff unless they venture far out into brand new chunks. And at that point - they're basically abandoning everything they built anyway. Might as well start a new server. But new servers have the same problem. New update? Gonna have to travel hundreds of blocks to see any of that new stuff. And when players start thinking ahead to new updates, they realize this and their motivation to invest into their current server dwindles. More consistent players often end up spread thin between different servers hosted by different friends, unable to choose which one they'd like to dedicate their time to. The problem worsens when you realize that certain updates and changes are available on bedrock, but not java (or vice-versa.) That FOMO divides players' allegiance between saves and servers even more. I know this is a crazy idea that they'd never implement, but if they found a way to prevent saves from becoming obsolete or to allow players to travel or send items between saves or servers - like with portals - that would fix everything. I don't know if it's doable from a technical standpoint, but from a gameplay perspective I think it's totally viable. One player builds a portal on their server/save, it generates a unique code. Build a second portal on a different save or server, enter in that code, and voila. They're linked.


when they added the extra negative y values for caves update they added them to old chunks that was a great thing they did


That's actually a good point


I think it is doable because games saved on bedrock realms get updated, so I don't see why that couldn't be done with games saved locally


Old worlds on java do update. It's just that no existing generated chunks will be touched. I think bedrock in general does a thing where chunks are not saved until you actually change them, so just flying over them doesn't freeze them forever like that.


I think the developer team could definitely listen more to the community, who repeatly express dislike in things like the mob vote, which still continues. Also, on the topic of the mob vote, making the community vote on easily addable features when every update seems to have something super controversial in it is a very odd choice


They should make the inventory twice as big. I spend an extremely boring amount of time doing inventory management in this game


Not even twice, the inventory is the same size it was ten years ago when we had maybe 10% of the blocks and items we have today. The situation is so bad that if Mojang added backpacks, made the recipe be a shulker box surrounded by 8 netherite blocks, and it occupied a chest slot it would still make me happy


i agree when im building i spend more time running back and forth to my chest to swap my inventory than i do actually building lol


Am I the only one that sees an enderchest AS a backpack?


Yes, but you need to place it to access it. The enderchest is also more like a cloud, I don't want to fill it with Dirt and Sand and other junk when it is holding my precious items. Yes, my entire enderchest is filled with 25 shulker boxes, but you have to place them too.


Lots of people use them as a good way to access storage all over, but it's not quite the same as having a backpack. Ideally a backpack would let you access its contents right from your inventory, without having to move it to your action bar, place it, and break it again after you're done


Shulker boxes...


Sure, but enderchests are faster to acquire.


Especially since they've added a bunch of tools you're expected to carry around now


What tool were added that you need to carry that weren't around at the begining? You have pickaxe, axe, shovel, sword, bow, rockets, stack of food. Only two I can really think weren't there was a 2nd pickaxe, 1 for sill touch, 1 for fortune, but I keep my fortune put up till I need it. And rockets cause elytra weren't around back then.


Since they added elytra you need to carry around an elytra or chest plate depending on what you're not wearing, incase you're going to the nether you need to bring a gold armour piece, the brush if you find suspicious sand or gravel, enderchest so you can access that. They've also added way more different blocks and items in general which means you're inventory will the clogged up more easily when you're carrying around blocks that you don't have a lot of it don't wanna throw away. The inventory was decided to be 4x9 and has only gained one additional slot since it's release while there's now over 150 blocks not including items. There's no real reason not to make the inventory bigger. Obviously I'm not saying they should make it as big as the creative menu but they can definitely add another row or two


I just carry a shulkerbox for all the misc tools and items I may need, problem solved.


Yea but 1. That only works late game and 2. Then you have to open place down a shulker box, open it, take out what you need and put something else in and then when you're done you have to do that over again. It doesn't sound that hard but if you're carrying multiple shulker boxes you sometimes need to go through multiple ones to find the thing you're looking for


Yeah its annoying but its far more convenient than the alternative. I really wish we could access shulker boxes via the inventory UI, especially to prevent others stealing our items.


This would dramatically improve things


Has to be inventory. When it comes to building it’s just so hard to do anything detailed with such a small inventory. It’s fine for adventure play, but not building projects. Even if it’s a backpack attachment or something that would be great.


I’d also be really happy if you could toggle through inventory rows, rather than having a static hot bar. Then you could set up your rows based on what you need on hand Stardew Valley does this and it is so much more pleasant


It is annoyingly small sometimes. But if you think about it, that is a lot of stuff to carry on your person. Especially bc once you hit the later game and get Skulker boxes you basically have infinite inventory. I think it can be annoying but it’s just an element of the game you gotta try to be good at


Skill issue, i just want bundles


I don't get copper. Why isn't it more useful. Early game, I would love to make copper armour. Or use copper in a battery.


Imagine copper being the new iron in terms of its strength and durability, and iron being a new middle ground on the grind to diamond. Or leave iron as is and make reinforced iron or something like that using copper. Or use copper for new smaller one block logic gates, basically redstone but way smaller


It's kinda difficult to do this kind of thing because of how easy it is to get iron - **why bother smelting and crafting copper gear when you could just mine a bit longer and smelt+craft iron gear,** especially after a change that makes iron closer to diamond to allow copper tier to exist. I think if copper tier gear was added, iron would have to be harder to get - perhaps overhauling the smelting system, so getting iron ingots would be harder than just "put iron ore in furnace". Maybe smelting iron requires a special furnace that only accepts lava as fuel. Maybe something really fancy like the tinker's construct mod as the only way to process iron (and being able to simply furnace raw ores stops at copper, everything higher must be processed through this new mechanic). Or instead of making iron harder to get, make iron gear more expensive - eg iron armor/tools requires iron blocks in place of ingots, so you need a significant amount of iron to make iron armor (making copper armor or even gold armor more appealing).


I absolutly adore copper for building, its one of my favorite blocks! Foundation of many Steampunk builds, the age stuff is cool, buuuut for everything else that isnt building.. eh.. its meh


I’m in favor of an update in the future taking some ideas from the Create Mod and giving us basic machines with copper being the main ingredient.


The End is too quick to attain, which gives Elytras, Shulkers and End city loot, all of which makes everything else obsolete. It should be more of a journey with more steps than currently exist for it. To facilitate this there should be an inventory update.


One of my favorite mods that makes the end a little harder to get to is End Remastered. It's not an overhaul mod or anything like that, it just makes a pretty simple addition: more Ender Eye types. Only one of each type of eye can be placed in the portal frame, and each is crafted from elements found in different biomes or different structures, such as woodland mansions, jungle temples, warm ocean biomes (for coral blocks), etc. I'd say it still doesn't quite make getting to the End hard enough, but it's a step in the right direction, and the fact that it forces you to go exploring is really smart.


I mean, the End is too quick to attain when you know what you're doing. While replay value is important, it's not really the game's fault that you can end it quickly if you start hunting for villages, mining in optimal layers, making portals with buckets, mass trading with piglins or farming Endermans and killing the dragon with beds. You can play the game however you want, and some of these methods are faster than others. If you want to slow down progression, make a nice house, go fishing, tame some cats, I don't know.


Lol, I end up rushing the end to fix the inventory issue with shulker boxes. Then I put my elytra up and go back using horses for overland transport and expanding out my villages and stuff.


I don't particularly care about the length of the content. In most other games, however, telling gamers that "There's plenty of content in the game, you need to play slowly", would get them up in arms about it. I've watched AboutOliver play a blind playthrough of this game, and it's amazing. I love what we can do without preknowledge. I'm not basing my comment on the content aspect of attaining the end. I think it has adequate steps. I'm using a gripe hierarchy chain. Most posts, comments, videos, and discord discussions I've seen about the game have people stating their personal gripes. Most of those gripes have a parent cause, or game mechanics, and those have their own parents, eventually leading to a specific game design. Most gripes I have seen end up with something to do with either Elytras, Shulkers, or the quality of End city loot. Trial chambers, Woodland mansions, any new structure is poor --> Not good loot --> Because End cities have better loot. Inventory update? --> No need, Shulkers are good enough Boats, Minecart Furnace, Minecarts in general, Ships --> No need, Elytras are good Phantoms --> Should put phantoms in the end instead --> But end too easy to get --> Would be too annoying --- I don't resent the newer updates, but most of the resentment I've seen from the recent updates is because the content is irrelevant because of the End. The most loud and reappearing argument I've seen is that "There's no point in adventuring on foot and at all, because anything you get from the End is much more valuable than anything from the other structures." Of course, they did that with other things, like adding Totems as a raid drop, which killed Woodland Mansions as a potential place to adventure.


It absolutely is the game's fault that such a thing its possible, what are you talking about? People like getting better loot, if the best way to do it is unrewarding its bad game design, you can't fault the player for playing the game the way it was designed.


Progression in general is too quick and poorly balanced


*Me, who has literally never reached The End*


Not for majority of players it's not. For casual players even getting to the end is a big and scary journey and getting to the End, killing the dragon and getting elytra is a big achievemnt. The problem is that small portion of players will always hyper optimize the route to unlock everything. > Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game.


I know. I've watched AboutOliver play, and watching him is refreshing because it is truly hard to play the game without any guides. I don't care about the length of the content needed to reach the End. I think it's okay, the most difficult part is to find a fortress and fight the Blazes. Enderpearls used to be hard, but now you can get them from Clerics or Piglins or use the Warped Forest. Yes, the End can be fun, but there's a problem. Shulkers and Elytras are somewhat necessary for most players in this game. Elytras less so, but Shulkers definitely. When asked about an inventory update, _this very subreddit_ says that organized Shulkers are good enough for inventory management. But if inventory is this useful, we cannot really wait and take our time, and we have to rush the end, because doing anything else without Shulkers is a massive pain in the ass. Yes, I 100% think the first few playthroughs a player does should be slow and deliberate, but over time even they feel the need for Shulkers and Elytras, and hence opens them to End city loot, which renders every other structure a little less. I guess the central flaw is that the Inventory and the End is Coupled. We need to decouple them.


Bigger inventory or backpacks?


Both I propose 32 slot inventory, 8 slot hotbar, and 2 slots for offhand, plus 5 slots of combat mode Basically, a new keybind puts you from combat mode (5 slots + 1st of offhand) to build mode (8 slots + second of offhand) This allows our tools and other stuff to be placed in the 5 slot bar, giving more space to place building blocks in the main bar. When we build, we place blocks more than we break them, so normally we would be in building mode, then if we need to break something, press C (or new keybind) to switch to combat mode, scroll to pickaxe and mine. The key idea is that Anything can be placed in any slot, so if you want to place pickaxe in the original 8 slots you stil can. You aren't restricted. If you want you can place Water buckets, enderchest, etc. in the combat bar. Now, as I said, the inventory is now 32 slots, which means a chest is 32 slots, and a double chest is 64 blocks. The backpack I wouldn't mind if it wasn't craftable but was one of the drops from the trial chambers or something like that, making loot from those NON end city structures more viable.


Your comment is why I’m in favor of the villager trading changes. There are aspects of the game that you can get to so quick simply due to how easy it is to trade with villagers. While it is a creative sandbox game, the survival aspects should have some sort of tiring and working towards.


Inventory management. I think they should add a search bar into chests so you more easily can find your stuff


Naming and color coding chests like in stardew valley would be cool too


The game progression in the survival mode makes no sense. - It's easier to grind mending from a random villager than it is to go to the caves and find enough diamonds for tool repair, even though mending is supposed to be an end-game enchantment. - You can upgrade most of your tools to tier III (iron) in a few minutes. - Structure lootables are unrewarding, as most of them give you things you already have at that point of the game And the list just goes on. This game is a perfectly good sandbox. But to get the most out of the sandbox mechanics, you'd make a creative world rather than a survival/hardcore one, since you get everything from the get-go.


this game doesn't reward exploration properly. It encourages players to stay at your home base, breed villagers, and to just mine around the area. They tried nerf villager breeding but thats not the solution. They need to reward exploration with BETTER rewards. People would explore more if you were guaranteed better gear or enchanting books. I would be more inclined to visit mansions and temples if they had better loot. The loot SUCKS!


Ik it's not a solution to the problem, but this statement reminded me why I use the Better Village mod in my modpack. It makes villages bigger, and ofc, it adds more loot, also if you're lucky you can find a full Iron Armor on an Armor Stand or rare blocks like Skull or Steve Head, plus that it adds compatability with Farmers Delight and you can find the new crops planted throughout the village


Elytra and mending and coordinates, as both trivialise otherwise important parts of the game. As soon as you obtain Elytra and get mending on it, any navigational challenge becomes obsolete, as there’s nothing to stop you in the sky, other than in the depths of the nether or in caves. Mending on its own also trivialises a lot of the resource management, which wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t a renewable resource from villagers that could be obtained early game. Coordinates are great for mapmakers and creative mode, but in survival it also trivialises exploration and navigation, as it’s just some superpower all players have to see their exact location relative to everything else at all times. No point in making a map or creating systems to guide yourself if you physically can’t get lost.


I see your point, but also consider how bad the ingame methods are for navigation. If you're a person that gets lost easily, having to use maps all the time would suck so, so, so much.


A compass is probably better for that, and easier to obtain, since it’s a good safety net that always points towards the world spawn I even made a datapack that gives compasses the additional function of showing your coordinates, and adjusting them automatically in the nether. So being able to see coordinates is turned into a resource and not something you automatically have at all times.


For a sandbox game, there’s not many settings you have control over. There’s also a part of me that thinks that there should be better building tools to help ease you into building bigger projects. Especially with the terrain generation update. That’s where the game shines after all.


I've played the game through hundreds of times and for several years and I personally think there not enough goals to aim for. Line when you start you gather your materials, then you want blaze rods and and ender pearls. You got to find a good lava source in order to get somewhere that has heaps but anyway the worst is the endgame part. You finally get your elytra and shulker boxes (2 of the best rewards in the game) and after then like "uuugghhh now what?" 🤷 So unless you have thought up a Mega Project then it's basically rinse and repeat


The size of the community has grown so leviathanically massive that it outstrips all of Mojang's hopes of satisfying everyone.


The main flaw of Minecraft is that Bedrock edition holds the game back. I'm not talking about the microtransactions/marketplace I am talking about the actual platform of Bedrock that has to be compatible with a lot of different platforms (console, mobile, PC). That severely limits what is added to both Java Edition and Bedrock. Mostly here I am talking about Bedrock running on Mobile Minecraft. It's why bundles haven't been added yet, it's why glow effect doesn't have more uses, and is why some recipes that should exist, don't. People don't realize that a lot of interesting stuff that could be added (and is added by mods) isn't added because the game has to be able to run on phones and a button-free & mouse-free interface. Mods don't have to run on mobile versions of the game so can make use of the better hardware that many PC/Java players run. They also don't have to worry about differences in hardware since all PC players will have keyboard and mouse. Developing for two platforms also slows development of the game itself as you have to find two different ways to implement the same thing at times.


Just a lot of little things. Lack of detail and optimization, YouTubers abusing it as a cash cow, a lot of little ideas with potential that often don’t go anywhere, lack of creative control in certain areas.


the game design philosophy. they are waaaaay too strict on what can be added other than that the dogshit performance probably


No vertical slabs or the ability to put two different half slabs in the same block space


For me it's the loneliness of single player. After a while in the same world it makes playing feel weird.


The progression system is really poor and hasn't really gotten expanded in a long time


For me personally it’s the inability to prevent hostile mobs targeting particular players on a server or realm.


What ruined the world for me is the terrain being like Swiss cheese now. Every time I’m trying to build a village or an underground base, I end up having to go cave spawn prodding for hours and plugging tons of holes. I hate caving and mining and mining is such a pain too now, I can’t just chill and mine half afk, you always find huge holes or whatever that are filled with mobs. I love the new cave biomes, but that update really made me play less Minecraft. I wish I could have new blocks and mobs like cherry wood and frogs, but with old terrain generation


I dont mind it not being perfectly tailored but there are 2 major flaws that harm the beauty of this game imho: * Mob votes. * Nether being infested with lame pig mobs and striders ( fight me ). ​ Now, these arent flaws, but more like missed opportunities: * Word gen not being good balance between what it is now and what it used to be before cave updates. Caves before were boring, but now they are tedious to explore instead at early stages. Make upper level ones like from old gen and deeper levels from new world gen. * Stronghold and Netherfortress updates. Two iconic minecraft dungeons that are both obsolette and carry massive potential. * No battle axes and bigger weapon variety.


For me its a lack of goals. I build a house, gain stablity and then get bored and move onto a different game XD but that might just be a personal issue.


Yeah, it runs off creativity too much. I feel like it should be more like terraria where you can get max armor and build anything you want but still have that progression element so you don't get bored of building constantly.


The game right now is way too easy, diamonds are way too easy to find and are as common as coal. So much stuff is easy to find. At this point theres no need to mine or dig out a cave, only finding and exploring one is necassary.


Minecraft would be a perfect game if it adopted a couple of features from Factorio, namely the hotbar and the big trains and tracks.


needing mods to make the game more fun. tbh i wish there was a way to play with mods that was easier than it is now ​ also the inventory they keep adding new bioms and new blocks that when exploring my inventory fills up so so fast it would be nice to add more space even if i have to grind to make it bigger i would rather put the time and effort into that than go out filll my inventory in an hour then have to go allll the way back to my base empty my pockets and then walk all the way back to where i was before ​ it would also be nice to have a fast travel or tp system thats actually built into the game again idc if i have to grind for months to be able to create it but it would be a nice addition. This is the main reason why in my survival world i allow myself to tp using in game commands it would just be nice to be able to do it legit thru the game bc i find i spend most of my time that i get to play walking back to my base then back to where i was before then back again when i need to empty my inventory


Inventory. Management. I cannot carry one of *half* of all block types and there is no easy way to transport them. Shulkers are nice but if you're placing blocks it's a pain to put it down, grab more keep placing etc. There are simple solutions too! Make shulkers carryable in your off-hand. In the same way middle clicking fetches a block from your inventory placing a block your holding fetches another one from the shulker box. You can now have one of everything you need in your hotbar and just hold a supply shulker in your off hand. Like they've made vanilla building and storage unnecessarily annoying. Not in like a fun challenging way but in a tedious way. The fact that there once was an update suppression inventory glitch used to do exactly what I just described means that the coding is likely not even that difficult as the mechanics already exist/have been used. You'd still need shulker loaders and a storage system but you'd only have to organize the shulkers once and then use them to build, not constantly waste game time with a clicking game with 0 reward.


Inventory management.


The user experience. I don’t want Minecraft to be factorio, but after playing factorio there are some interface and function ideas that would be amazing to have in Minecraft. Auto sorting inventory, a larger inventory, swappable hot bars, better functionality customizing. Moving with your inventory open. The q function. I’m not learning Minecraft, I’m working around the clunkiness of it. Heck on one computer I play on I can alt-q mouse over to drop a full stack but on another it doesn’t work and because there isn’t a specific key bind for that function I don’t know what to change to get it to work. Or if you want to move all of something you have to pick up a different item and then double click the item you want to move. Building in survival is almost miserable because I have like 5 hot bar spots filled with stuff to keep me alive. Huge sections of the game are essentially unused because of how difficult they are to use. Potions, tipped arrows, rail, maps, pack animals all come to mind. There are so many fun and interesting things about Minecraft that average players just will almost never use. There are so many situations where Minecraft gets in the way of its own fun.


I love building and I wish more blocks were available in stairs, slabs, and (most notably) walls. I’d especially like to have quartz and copper walls.


Continually adding features without really integrating them with the rest of the game.


Bad programming. The layers of how stuff generates is really shitty sometimes. Why does a mushroom take precedence over end portal frames? Why can a piston and TNT destroy bedrock? Why does sand not have gravity until something is done to it? And thank god they fixed the plains generation, because it was pretty clear that flat land would generate, then those random ass pits of water would generate afterwards and leave floating tall grass.


its fanbase


I think it has small flaws here and there, its biggest detriment right now is its community getting saltier but I feel like that's more an internet problem in general


But there are multiple reasons for the community getting salty. You might not have a problem with Minecraft and that's completely fine, but other people like and dislike different things, and Mojang's approach is pretty specific, which obviously isn't going to suit all people. Claiming that the community's natural reaction is THE problem is a bit misleading to me.


I'm not gonna say criticisms are or arent legitimate, my point is that wether justified or not the salt and doomposting is gonna hurt the game's popularity and development on the long run I've been around since 1.1.0, ive seen shitty and divisive updates but the extreme reaction is a very new trend to me


The game is trying to add rpg elements to a sandbox game, its trying to make a game with no story have story when the game was made for people to make their *own* story. To add they dont want to make it to "fantasy" but they want to add realism which is boring af, look at Minecraft dungeons, Minecraft Story Mode, and Minecraft Earth, so many cool ideas! But the one game lacking is Minecraft itself..


ok, what rpg elements? Because I don't see any skill trees or such.


I think funnily enough it's that there are so many different ways to play the game and everyone thinks how they play is the correct way


I believe that the game leans into being a "platform for creativity". The additions to the game align with that, which is reasonable. What I believe the game has overlooked is "discovery". Experienced players have seen everything....twice. Finding villages, mansions, temples, and other structures is no longer exciting. Additionally, most players have become so creative, the in-game structures look juvenile. A new sense of discovery would be a simple addition, without messing with the existing game: * Give players the option to generate "advanced" buildings/ruins/temples * World generation with this option enabled would contain the models/logic for generating complex villages, detailed temples, and other world features across the map * Let the players decide if they want the simple buildings or the new kickass looking ones. Just like Lego "ultimate collector series" with incredible detail, the Minecraft spawned buildings could be so much cooler and more inspirational. You fly around a world and spot some massive pre-built castle that spawned with chests and monsters...or a castle with ruins...or an abandoned village with detailed houses decorated with flowers or other creative designs. That would be spectacular. I'd want to wander to see what cool creation I'd find in some far off area. They don't want this in the base game. That's about survival and building yourself. They don't want you giving up your own plans because the game spawns buildings that are better than what you could create. However...for some of us...that's exactly what we want, and every time I see a basic village, I have to suppress a yawn.


The main flaw (for me) is actually a good thing. The game, while it has gameplay loops, they are not meant to keep you hooked, so I can play a lot one day and have some advancements half done, only to not touch the game in months. They did not put any malicious psychological tricks to keep players engaged and that's so cool, but makes you forget the game from time to time.


I find there are two main flaws: Progression: Getting iron or even diamond isn't particularly hard after you've played the game enough. Adding netherite and making it limited to another dimension is a great step towards pacing progression better, but really and truly, more should be done. There should be several tiers of tools and armour in the nether too, and then there should be additional tiers available in the end as well. The same way netherite requires you to have gotten diamond, the end tier tools should require you to get netherite or whatever the best tier in the nether is first. Perhaps it could be an ore exclusive to the end, or perhaps you should be able to farm dragon scales from the ender dragon to create some sort of dragon armour/tools. I've seen people compare Minecraft's progression to Terraria, and as much as I prefer Minecraft as a game, I can't deny Terraria handles progression far better. Disconnect from world building: a lot of new updates feel like they're adding mobs/items that serve one or two specific purposes. It makes new features feel almost like mods, and I think that's why a lot of people dislike a lot of the new features. Sniffers, glow squids, and now armadillos all serve the one purpose. I think they need to really expand on this to make all these mobs and features feel more like they belong in the world so players have a reason to keep encountering them. Phantom membrane only serves two uses. Repairing elytra or making potions of slow falling. What if you could use the membrane to make a paraglider? It could be like a budget elytra players can use before the post game. What if glow squid sacs could be used to make different sorts of lights? Or you could put it on your wooden doors and it would make undead mobs avoid that doorway because they don't like the glow squid ink?


I think they added rockets for elytra too early. In comparison every other mode of transportation is slow. Theres no reason to make a minecart track or horse path anymore. I don’t mind the elytra. I loved it when it first came out, but I wish they kept the same mechanics as when they introduced it (gliding only). It’s more interesting to me to build some sort of player launcher or tower for when I want to do a long flight.


Its greatest strength is it's greatest flaw imo. That all of its mechanics, no matter how deep or how shallow are entirely self motivated. There is no overarching narrative to drive you to an end nor severe upgrade or changed mechanics to drive you to the end game. All of your drive to play the game comes from "I want to do X or Y". That freedom is it's greatest strength, yet its also the reason many worlds are stopped mid project. As the moment your own desire to build or expand diminishes, the game has nothing to pull you back in on it's own merits.


The game needs more automation/sorting, a huge part of Minecraft is resource management and creative building, but storage and sorting of inventories is slow and tedious, hoppers definitely help, but some sort of pipes/conveyors really need to be implemented to allow players to actually efficiently manage the stuff they collect.


Everyone else: [waxing poetic about breadth and scope and immersion] Me: anvil suck No but seriously, the enchanting, repairing, anvil, etc. system could use a complete overhaul. It's a clunky vestigial limb from a simpler time. Possible solutions: - Remove invisible "Anvil Uses" metric entirely - Nothing ever becomes "too expensive" to repair/combine (if the player has 500 levels, just let them repair their dang pickaxe) - Enchantments can be carried over from non-identical items (transferring my iron sword enchantment to my diamond axe should be possible) - Enchanting table works more like a skill tree than a roulette wheel (if we must, we can include random chance in IF you get it, not WHAT you get) - I like the biome-specific book enchantment idea, but maybe also finding books more often in shipwrecks, dungeons, etc. And maybe they can be duplicated, like the armor trims Idk I feel like everyone has lots of ideas for how it could be better, but no one wants to mess with such a classic piece of the game.


As others have stated much of recent updates lack depth. I'm all for adding things like copper but it didn't have much use. At this point Mojang needs to stop looking forward and start looking backwards at how they can create more options and room for creativity from players.