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Hi there! A friendly reminder that you shouldn't use "mega-optimized" modpacks. As a software Engineer I'm very frustrated of these "modpacks" that just throw as much as possible of "optimization" mods into some kind of garbage soup and expect them to work. If you need performance, your basic start and end of mods of choices should just be a few mods from jellysquid3. [https://modrinth.com/user/jellysquid3](https://modrinth.com/user/jellysquid3) If you use Fabric - Sodium, Lithium, Phosphor and Hydrogen (and your Nvidium IF your NVIDIA GPU is GTX -16XX and NEWER). If you use Forge - Use Embeddium. Need shaders on top of that? Install oculus. That's it. That's the whole optimization of the game. Anything on top of that will cause more harm than good. It's not about better = good. It's about compatibility and complementary to each other. And it's a very picky and precise thing. Which modpack creator often don't understand and just create a soup of trash.


Thank you so much! I have a 4080-S so I assume I’m all clear for nvidium. Btw, Phosphor got sunsetted for 1.20 because the lighting system got fixed and updated. What about Bobby, CM2E and Indium? Those are fairly popular performance mods


General rule of works or not: 1. Install 1 optimization mod. 2. Play for some time. Check how's the performance while playing for some time. 3. General Performance better - good. Performance worse - remove. 4. Check for any issues with the game (rendering, stability). If something is not working as it should - remove. And that's for each perfomance mod that you think needs to be installed. Again, more ≠ better. Some mods are complementary to each other, some are conflicting. And if your mod loader doesn't tell you that mods are conflicting it doesn't mean they are not fighting each other quietly in the background. Also may I ask you why do you need to have so many performance mods on the 4080 anyways? It seems like a bit of overkill


I want as much of a performance ceiling tbh. Plus, from what I understand, shaders disable nvidium? I’m looking to get a pretty high render distance mainly just for the feel of it, plus some shaders, and then maybe some terrain mods like terralith. I haven’t really decided yet so I’m just trying to get as much room to mess with as possible


Nvidium is not compatible with shaders. It will disable itself if shaders are enabled.


Yeah I figured :/ Any mod that does work for both or no? I have noticed at random points when flying around worlds it tends to get choppy. I set the thread count to 8 for processing and it still does it


I have a ryzen 7 7800 x3d, 64 gb of DDR5-6000 ram and an rtx 4080-S 😭😭 lowkey just trying to find performance mods that let Minecraft run smoothly no matter what I throw at it (for the most part)


Have you actually… allocated ram to the game?  Idk about non-vanilla launchers, but it’s a relatively obscure thing to do in the vanilla launcher, AND you also typically don’t want to allocate the game itself more than 8G or something can do a funny and either you get no additional gain or performance actually decreases. Also, shaders can throw a spanner in works for both performance and graphics stability when you have more optimisation mods in the mix, so try to keep performance mods to a minimum where possible (I’d like to add that C2ME is **NOT** super stable from my experience, I’d give it a 50% chance of causing your issues tbh, especially as they relate to chunkloading).


Did you buy it all or prebuilt? How much?


If you have your game on a hard drive, try moving it to the SSD. I had this same issue and moving it fixed it immediately.


nope its on a samsung evo 970


There are a lot of things that can add to Sodium and Lithium. They are, after all, just single-point enhancements to the rendering engine and the chunk building engine, respectively. Mods that improve the performance usage of Block Entities, mods that add additional culling, mods that improve memory usage like FerriteCore (i.e. Hydrogen replacements because Hydrogen is no longer developed), and many more other single-point improvements will definitely add performance benefits over just Sodium and Lithium alone.


Hydrogen wasn't updated past 1.17.1 (they recommend using FerriteCore instead). The modpack that OP is using - Fabulously Optimized - is well mentained enough, to not just be a "garbage soup" of optimisation mods. It was probably C2ME (or other mods that OP added themselves) fault, like the mod page is saying, it is "currently in alpha stage and pretty experimental".


Haven't played in a while so I have to ask : You didn't mention Optifine, is there anything wrong with it? Is not as good as it was?


Optifine is one of the worst optimization mods out there for the time. Maybe it's the developer that decided to semi-abandon the project or it's just the persons ceiling of abilities. No matter the case, if you take a bit of searching you'll see just a huge wave of users having issues with other mods or sometimes even Vanilla optifine only. And the performance boost that optifine provides is kinda mediocre compared to Sodium/Embeddium/Others.


It's not the world generation, that works fine. Lag on your server/ low resources on your PC if singleplayer are causing chunks to not load.


ryzen 7800 x3d 64 gb ddr5-6000 ram & an rtx-4080. It does the same thing regardless of shaders, world type etc


How much ram you have and how much you allocated to Minecraft?


64 gb and idk how to allocate it but i think all 64


No lmao just allocate about 3-4gb or 6


how do i do that in the first place


In your launcher settings


this is modded through modrinth so i dont have that launcher


Oh then no idea try to search on Google to how allocate more ram on modrinth Minecraft If I'm not mistaken it should be like adding a java argument into the launch parameters so uhhhhh yea


Don't use ads-infested launchers, use Prism Launcher instead


What launcher do you use? usually all modded launchers have this option to allocate ram


nvm i found it it was hidden away


java in general doesnt like having too much unused ram, but thats a much bigger problem for java 8 (which older versions of the game use) than newer java versions (i think 1.20 uses java 17? maybe even newer idk). but you should still probably never give minecraft 64GB. 6-8GB is more than enough for something like Fabously Optimized, and for very heavy modpacks maybe go for 10-12GB. to change ram usage in modrinth, go to settings / java memory, where you will see a slider for max RAM in MB. also check if you override that setting with instance specific ram usage in the instance settings. if yes simply change it there (or use default ram to use your global setting)


If you don’t allocate it yourself, the default is 2gb iirc


Try refreshing your chunks. It's F3 + A


Is the game lagging possibly? (Like do mobs move if you punch them?)


mobs nearby act normal ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I loaded i non amplified world and some horses were walking around by the edge of where it wont spawn also I disabled indium for a test and it worked fine for like 20 seconds before the game crashed


The pack is on modrinth and it’s called “Fabulously Optimized” https://modrinth.com/modpack/fabulously-optimized Any chance you could take a look at it? If not I completely understand, it’s some one off question on Reddit after all Thanks again for your advice!


Nah bro that's just the end of the flat earth


see? we're right! /j


reload the world.


Wow my brain broke for a second when your camera rotated on the elytra


LMAO yeah its called Do A Barrel Roll


You went to the dark side


Alr so i had the same thing, what i did, the moment you load open lan then open cheats, the moment you do that use f3 f4 to change to creative, idk how it worked but it does




sorry I don't know the issue I just think your world gen is beautiful and interesting


thanks! its just set to amplified


try using bobby and other optimization mods


already did thats the weird thing


might i know what is ur pc build that gets you over 100 frames? i use 3050 8gb and get 80 fps with shaders and 400 without


ryxen 7800 x3d, 4080 Super


wow that terrain looks amazing!


thanks! its just set to amplified in the latest edition of mc


Dude ran out of minecraft


What happened at the end there? Did you pass out of something 🤔


This is Minecraft, baby


Did you try to mine the invisible blocks in the chunk yet? Because the chunk will detect the change and load I'm pretty sure.


yeah i did it multiple times in the video lol


Oh, It seems you did. Forgive me, I looked away by accident when watching the video.


I have some mods of course. Fabric, using the "Fabulously Optimized" Modrinth pack. I added Bobby. C2ME and Nvidium, plus some other stuff like FPS viewer and Do a Barrel Roll. I was using Rethinking Voxels as my shader in the video. I havent had any issues until now, though. Today I switched to the fabulously optimized pack so i'm thinking it might have something to do with that, but I used a lot of FO's optimization mods already, so idk what the problem is. Edit: tried it on three worlds. one time without the shader on. still does the same thing.


I've been using FO for a while. And have been running its beta on 1.20.6 for a few weeks now. I don't know enough to say it's not that but I haven't been having any issues with it. But I do like the top comment response.


The world is saving, so all new chunk rendering stops.


how long does that take lol it seems like its taking minutes on end


I could be wrong lol, I only said that from my experience with chunks not rendering


you aren't in Spectator mode?

