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The photos were taken in the latest Bedrock version using the camera. You cannot obtain the camera anymore using vanilla commands so external commands were used. Right clicking the air holding it takes a picture, but you also used to be able to right click the camera after placing it down, run away, get into position and the camera would take a picture from it's POV after a little timer. You also can't add the pictures to Book and Quills like you used to. It was a perfectly fine feature, and I don't see any reason to remove it? This would've been perfect for Realms Stories even if isn't supposed to be obtainable in survival. I would've given it to people on my realm using commands.


Simple; it isn't really Bedrock exclusive, as it is education edition exclusive. It might be that Mojang wanted to make the education edition more appealing to schools, rather than them buying the standard version of Minecraft for students, which may be cheaper


It used to be a pocket edition exclusive, back when trying to take a normal screenshot would crash the game


When was that? I played pocket edition before bedrock and you could take a screenshot without issues.


Like 2012


The camera was added in pocket editing around 2015 - 2017 but I don't think it ever actually worked, and any camera spawned in would turn into lightning if you left and rejoined your world


It was added with the functionality I stated, removed, then re-added with that functionality


It was actually added all the way back in the 0.2.0 update in 2012, and it did actually work at this time. It remained in the game for a while, until 0.9.0 in 2014, then it got re-added in 0.14.0 with the behavior you described. Also, funny story, cameras got changed to be invisible later on in their first run of existence, I downloaded a map that had them in it as a child and inadvertently found them and took a few pictures. When those pictures showed up on my device later, I got really scared and was convinced I had found herobrine.


I'm pretty sure they can mandate educational institutions use the education edition subscription in their terms of service. Plenty of software has similar requirements, nothing stops them from also including the same features in other editions.


I don't think that makes any sense - java/bedrock is already $30 for a copy, vs $5/year for education edition. Obviously java is cheaper after 6 years, but I think a 1/6th upfront cost already makes education edition more appealing.


it's $5/year for personal use For school you can get it for free


Well the school is paying for it obviously


Or the district/department of education (Australia)


That’s the thing tho, it’s been in bedrock for a DECADE. It was in bedrock b4 bedrock, back when it was still mcpe. Although, it was only on the android version. I think They added it to devices that couldn’t take screenshots.


Education edition has a lot of additional stuff that is very much more suited for school, such as chemistry stuff, basic programming, very intuitive moderation structure for the teachers, overall your able to tell it is very much designed for school but it's based off bedrock edition


You can make a slightly jankier version of this now using the camera command, positioning it correctly, then just taking a screenshot, but this would honestly be better. Also, the camera is still accessible in the Education Edition (not the toggle that Bedrock has), and even works in tandem with the "Portfolio" item to display pictures in-game.


bro, the camera isn't exulive to Minecraft Bedrock, they added it to the Minecraft Education (they are close because Education Editon is based on Bedrock Edition)


It was* as in before the education edition even existed. Which is why I would believe it was a crappy move from Microsoft, not Mojang as it was a subscription service which can only be obtained from the Microsoft website. Aka. more money for big corpo


Which external commands did you used?


nbt editing using a client, don’t wanna publicly drop the name of it


They're not exactly the same but there's a furniture add-on that has cameras.


people say this was for parity but back when the camera was removed there was a wayyyyyy smaller focus on parity than there is now, and "Bedrock" edition didn't even exist as we know it now. The real reason this was removed was because more smartphones got screenshot buttons so there was less need for the camera now that people could take their own photos


it was moved to education edition in 1.14 but only recently got removed from there too. its also simply a better, more involved and fun way to take pictures without breaking immersion


Oh yeah I'm not denying that it's a really cool feature


I feel like it's more because the camera doesn't really fit into the game. It's fine in education edition, which is totally its own thing, but doesn't really fit with the base game.


Why doesn't it, though??




Daylight sensors? Jukeboxes? Stonecutters? Observers and so many other redstone things? Music disks? But a camera's too much?? Cameras were around long before jukeboxes or records were, wtf.


Look at the texture lol. Maybe if it was more a block. But anyway, external functionality like screenshot taking is objectively out of place.


Minecraft isn't a 1-to-1 approximation of real life. The camera just doesn't have the feel of Minecraft.


The feel of Minecraft has been evolving for 15 years lmao. If you showed Minecraft today to someone 10 years ago it certainly doesn't "feel" the same. Redstone changed the feel. The end changed the feel. Adding sprinting and hunger changed the feel. Nether biomes, sea life, villagers and pillagers, all of this changed the feel. There's no universe in which a camera ruined the game for anyone, no reason to remove it.


But being able to build a computer inside a computer game is fine? You make no sense.


All the “parity changes” involve removing stuff from bedrock that Java doesn’t have rather than giving Java stuff that bedrock has.


Literal bullshit, we got leashable boats on Java like two pre-releases ago. 


The real bullshit was when they removed the ability to take horses on frickin boats


Horses become completely useless the moment you encounter a small river. Mojang needs to stop trying to come up with new stuff and focus on making all these useless features better


I stopped using horses like 6 years ago. They were the only method of land transportation before the elytra and ice boat roads, and back when iron was a lot harder to get in the bulk needed to lay huge minecart tracks. I'd just make bridges over the small rivers if there was somewhere I wanted to travel to a lot.


Yea but then you either have to spend a lot of time making the bridges look nice or you have to settle for having a bunch of ugly bridges all over the world


Tell that to my small army of skele horses. Small river? We going under. Medium sized lake? Hope my respiration holds out until the other side.


Can skele horses not drown?


That which has no lungs cannot drown


Nope, and they run along the bottom of the river or lake. With an extended waterbreathing potion, you could probably make it across most oceans without having the re-potion.


Oh wtf, I’ve been playing for 12 years and I never knew that. I have like 4 or 5 of those


you could just use a lead


Yea I’ve been doing that but the whole point of horses is to ride them. It’s not convenient to have to hop off and grab a lead every 5 seconds. Especially when a drowned is throwing tridents at you & your horse at the same time.


I do but having to pull out the lead everytime gets old quickly


Yea especially bc of limited inventory space, so realistically you’d have to place down an ender chest & grab your lead every time you want to cross a river. Unless it’s a mule or something.


I think the idea is that it's more realistic/dynamic to lead your horse over water than to just have them turn into a boat


Yea I guess, but since when was minecraft realistic. I mean you can jump off a cliff and survive 100% of the time if you land in a 1 meter deep puddle.


Yeah that was a bad choice of words, but regardless, you still get the point. It's lame to just have your horse turn into a boat. They're an early game feature and they should be balanced accordingly.


Wait really, wtf mojang


wait you could leash boats in bedrock before?


for a long time yes


learn something new every day especially after 2k hours on bedrock


Haven't played in ages. This was so useful for transporting my numerous pets.


Oh man, I remember wanting that as a feature around 10 years ago. Better late than never!


As a Java player I think we should push for all features to be added. Makes no sense for the games to be different. Aside from the Redstone that can't be changed.


For real. I play bedrock, if they want real "parity" then quit adding shit to one that you can't add to the other. At least it's better than adding something then taking it away for equality. There's so many things that are exclusive to either edition, it's wild.


Bedrock has thing Java doesn't, thing taken away Java has thing bedrock doesn't, Java keeps thing


Hate this because I love Bedrock's border block and all I want is to have it in Java because the only similar block, Barrier, sucks ass! Takes forever to load into view when holding it too.


the Allow and Deny blocks are really helpful too.


That's what people get for complaining about Bedrock so much SMH 


I don't think people were complaining about these types of features.


No, they complain about the features that make you die out of nowhere


Also, the redstone and mob spawning You know it’s an issue when you can’t even trust name tags on Bedrock.


Because microsoft wants to use server-side worlds for some reason


It's because ✨✨parity✨✨.




Mojang wants java and bedrock to be the same (even on bedrock, parity is written in the changelogs while on java changelogs, it's called like a new feature) the parity is more focused on bedrock than java I think. And because of parity, lots of bedrock only features (which were cool for me) have been abandoned. (Edit : But I want to say it : in 99% of the time, parity is positive)


Also Microsoft got rid of long term storage of screenshots on Xboxs without using their app, which isn't helping (I think unless you saved them to your one Drive (deletion started in May) screenshots can be no older than three months)


I've been waiting an eternity for the ability to put potions in cauldrons on Java.


My question is why they made bedrock different in the first place.


Bedrock was originally Pocket Edition, and is host to Education Edition. These two things mean Bedrock was built with different design sensibilities on the back-end, leading to sometimes fundamental parity issues (Bedrock handles all play sessions as multiplayer, under all circumstances, and redstone fundamentally works differently between the two versions, as 2 examples).


I see, never heard that term relating to Minecraft


They are making bedrock like java because java came first and for a long time bedrock was technically years behind in updates. Somehow i still remember all this. Gosh im old.




Yet they have stated they outright refuse to fix Redstone on bedrock.


They don't refuse: they just can't. It would require re-writing the entire game engine to make it work like in Java.


while it may be rather late now, if they had been more dedicated earlier on, they certainly could've done it exhibit A: 4J studios getting redstone to work very close to how it does on java back on legacy console


Legacy Console was legitimately just a direct Java port, if memory serves, especially to begin with.


legacy console was programed on C++ as well, just that 4j put a lot more effort into getting it to be very close to java but with minor differences and fun additions (i.e the beginning of crafting recipes and the tutorial world)


Implying they don't have the Microsoft money to afford to do that.


Yes, let me just plug my keyboard into my Xbox so I can press F2 and take a screenshot


I remember when the camera was a goofy camera on a record disc back in 0.5.0 pocket edition




Hasn't this always been an education edition only feature?


Nah it was in pocket edition way back, like before version 0.6.0 (waaaay before it was called bedrock edition). They removed it around the time when phones were finally getting universal support for screenshots, I didn't even know it was in education edition!


You did use education edition toggle right? Cause its not a bedrock edition feature, it's and edu edition feature


yep, i held the Californium block in one of the images. only difference is that you can use the camera while holding it and right clicking in education edition. it isnt in the creative menu and /give doesnt work. same with a brand new world with that toggled on.


Quick question, why Californium specifically?


sounded funny idk


Best element


Wait, when was there a camera




The camera, I remember it being invented over 150 years ago


Wait a second, we had these?!


I’ve got no idea but I want it in both versions.


I think they were moved to eductation and were probably intended for that in the first place, so were considered redundant?


They're gonna upgrade it in a future version as well as include it in Java + bring back the isotropic renders from Java Edition and add it to Bedrock too. At least, that's what I hope they do.


It's not bedrock exclusive. It's mc education edition exclusive (as far as I know)


Because it's not on Bedrock. It's on Education Edition.


Still in EDU edition luckily


unfortunately not, i tested both base and EDU only difference is that you can use the camera while holding it. cant obtain without external tools


Pretty sure those pictures are from Minecraft education (I teach with this version, I recognise the purple element block in the player hand) but you might get it by activating education option in normal bedrock


tried that, didn’t work


Sorry then, I guess it's become an Edu exclusive now


i thought these were only for edu?


We don't use old cameras anymore and mojang cant have things that could confuse children right pff


As a java player: "the WHAT"


As a Java player I have never heard of this so called Camera


Because we don't need one.


Eh, I think it would be pretty cool to have vintage looking photos of yourself and friends, good times. Although these photos don't look very vintage so I would rather them be older looking or black and white


"Parity" then give it to Java too i want a camera, plus hey, more uses for probably copper and amethyst since amethyst seems to be a thing used in glass, or glass things that have a zoom. Just have it be a 3 part recipe, 1 part is the tripod, 2nd part is the camera and you can either combine it or don't


Yeah, would be great to have the option to save the camera photo as a jpg or png directly too, instead of just using it on books. I mean the code for that already exists and happens when you hit F11. The camera could hook up that same bit of code for that... Many people would enjoy that way more than those ugly shlop shlop piston sounds or stupid powder snow.


I'm honestly just remembering this old bedrock mod I loved playing that, guess what, let you take photos and while it didn't upload into a png or anything you could actually hold the physical photo as like a Polaroid (it was some safari thing)


Probably because mojang thought it's not minecrafty enough


It's fine it's still in mine imator lol


Why indeed.


I don’t need a camera I have f2


Hi can you tell me what texture you are using?


F.O.G Shader by Hyperest + Phantom 16x bedrock port


I always thought those were nonfunctional


Because every time you take a picture smoke comes out and obscures the image


Why isn't this in the game? It being only in bedrock edition is stupid. It would be cool to take photos of stuff and pin them up in places, etc.


I don’t know why mojang removed the camera. Stupid move. It would’ve been a great addition to Minecraft so you didn’t have to do all this mod stuff to record and replay your footage.


Its just for education edition


We should bring it back


I know there are mods for this but they should have this in the base game.


mojang obviously does not care about the community and never really has


It is an educational edition exclusive. Not bedrock.


because mojang is bad for minecraft


Because it's redundant. You can just take a screenshot, who needs to craft and place a camera? It's just another useless block Mojang has to keep track of in updates to make sure it doesn't break anything. And while I'm not a purist about time periods or anything, the fact that it's like, 1800's tech in what's otherwise a fantasy setting doesn't help.


Yeah, Mojang should definitely listen to the community and add every single thing the community wants to be added in! For example: Does the community want sharks? Add them! Does the community want 10 new dimensions? Add them! Does the community want 1,000 more biomes? Add them, and Mojang better do it fast too so that everyone will love Minecraft even though it will become a jumbled mess, like Mojang definitely intended


I know thisay not be the correct post to comment this on but based on the other comments I don't think this would be classed as unrelated. Is there perhaps a separate thread or maybe a megathread about Minecraft "parity" cus it seems like their should be


afaik, nope


According to mojang, cameras are homophobic and racist so they got removed


I don’t get it


Because its Minecraft Education Edition Exclusive not Bedrock


I hate parity TwT. Not because of features getting removed/added, but because I think it’d be nice to have two unique games and not the same game but “oh look it is two different languages yay!” Like, you could do so much more, make differences, let it be unique


Bc it’s completely pointless? *presses Xbox button twice*


There isn’t really a need for the item since most platforms have screenshot capabilities It does have educational uses which is why it’s in Education Edition All the other Education items have some special use that isn’t negated by other features but the camera doesn’t


What the fuck is “parity”


i d c cuz it does NOT fit with the game, java OR bedrock


Since when were there cameras in Minecraft bedrock and can’t you just play bedrock on an older version or is that not possible in bedrock


It is the education addition which is/was (don't know if it is still there) a toggle for creating a world on bedrock but it also is on the app stores on mobile


Mojang made it a command only on bedrock /camera


functionally they’re too different for that to be the case idk


The kid named f2:


theres no F2 on bedrock. simple screenshots are still a thing ofc but being able to take images *ingame* and being able to put them up on walls and in books easily beats screenshots