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I was about 6 I believe and I went to a friend’s house who had a 360 and I built a house with no roof because I didn’t know the blocks had no gravity


Getting my brothers phone so I could dupe our food as a surprise for when he got home


When Minecraft was available for free directly in your browser


Playing mc pe lite edition on my dad's phone on my way to school hoping the progress I made would be saved when I got back to it again but it never was 😂


I remember watching my brother play pre-classic in 2009. I didn't start playing myself until early 2011. I built a wooden house, and decided to use lava as a light source. That went as well as you would expect. I also remember stairs were a pain in the butt because it took 6 blocks to make 4 stairs, but mining stairs dropped a regular block rather than stairs.


I was around 10, and a babysitter brought his laptop over and showed me the game. It was a modified version of beta, with clay soldiers, it might've had Minecraft Comes Alive, too, but that also might be a later installation he prepared for me. After that, I was hooked. I began watching the various YouTubers about the game almost religiously, oddly enough, mostly British ones like The Yogscast and DanTDM. I remember watching The Jaffa Factory as it was coming out. And around the same time, likely a bit earlier, I was playing the browser version on the old minecraftdotnet almost nonstop. Basically, I was introduced to the game as a kid, but awhile before kids flooded the game's community. God I miss the old, unfiltered internet of my youth. I miss slogging through the angsty teens, the nerds, and the perverts across various website. Now the internet just feels like TV with extra steps, but I know there's still an unbridled web out there, it calls to me, it beckons me forth with a siren song of parody, specialization, and a crassness disallowed by public broadcast. God I miss flash games.


I got Minecraft when I was 8 years old by then my mom refunded it because I killed a villager in the tutorial world and then I didn't play it again for like 3 years. I remember being hyped for the DROWNED because he appeared in Animation vs Minecraft Shorts Ep 13.


playing mcpe lite on my kindle and getting scared when it was dark so i would dig myself in a hole and just wait lol


Minecraft Lite


Building a small castle out of cobblestone and surrounding it with water. It was probably between 2009 to 2011


Playing classic, one of the oldest versions ever, thinking this is stupid and turning the game off for the next 10 years


Ambient sound effects. They are scary Prove me wrong


Some Swedish programmer showing his game, where you can place and break blocks. At the time, there wasn't even block variety and 100% of the game was just being able to place blocks next to other blocks.


I was around six and my brother blew up my house. :(


Joining a server for the first time, but it was night and the zombies and skeletons kept killing me.


Playing with my boyfriend in high school on the PS4... I remember struggling so hard to find IRON of all things, and when we finally did it was so exciting


I was 6 and went to a village in the desert in tutorial world 13, went into a basement in one of the villages and it was night and a spider climbed on top of the trapdoor out so I got scared and gave the controller to my dad who broke the entire house trying to climb out and the spider killed me anyway and I was too scared to play survival for a while after that


i mustve been like 10, being at my then-best friend's house and seeing him play it on mobile


I was 11 when I first tried to play the demo version of minecraft in late 2012. I hadn't played any games on PC before and I couldn't really figure out how the Controlls worked. I found it out only a little later and was instantly addicted to the game.


I was 7 and got PS 4 from Christmas present with minecraft. After that I didn't know how to update it so I played older versions of minecraft, I mean there weren't even horses, I were kinda mad because the bee update was coming and everyone talked about it, but I started playing. I made mostly bad "amusement parks" and other stupid things in creative.


Minecraft pocket edition, must have been 2013. I didn’t believe my brother that having a big gaping pit mine without torches was a bad idea because as I told him, I knew there were no monsters down there, because I’d dug it myself. I got the nether reactor core once… those were the days.