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More End biomes, but not super crazy. I’d really like having ruins like the Overworld ones but in the end islands, like end cities that didn’t stand the rest of time. Add another mob or put the Endermite as part of the End, maybe one the new biomes could have infested end stone. I’d like it if they added end ores, maybe andend equivalent of quartz so we get another set of decorative blocks.


Now that I think about it I haven't been to the end more than a couple of times - farm up my elytras and shulkers and that's pretty much all it has to offer at the moment.


and the occasional trip to the Endermen xp farm


Always imaged end biomes being the Nether/Over World Biomes but looking as if they "Crashed" into the end through a portal. Have the same mobs/structures in the biomes but corrupted by the End


A new mob with an abusable spawn mechanic in a specific biome so people make farms of it, make it drop something useful or just a shit ton of xp.


There are lots of things you can do with a wasteland aesthetic. It does not mean there has to be literally nothing in it like some people still believe. The nether was also always meant to be hostile and it still is after the update. A vast field of sparse vegetation with a ruined structure still counts as a wasteland. New mobs that have made the end their home despite the vast emptiness still fit into it. Just make them really suspicious of your mere presence. I like the feeling of not belonging in the End, just like the feeling of open hostility the Nether has. But currently I just get the feeling that there isn't anything in the End, it is just there to get the Elytra and a shulker inside the emptiness. To set the mood better the End needs to be feel a lot more strange and generate a little bit of unease, not boredom. Now what would I do? ​ * Have some strange plants and mobs that react to your presence with suspicion. Mobs watch you but keep their distance, plants shrink when you approach. Not hostile but weary of you being there. * One or two old structures built by something not human in a world that is not human. The end ships already don't obey our laws, have some more structures that also don't. * You could have a natural slow falling effect in the end to make it actually feel alien. * Implementing items that allow for a new form of movement in line with chorus fruit and ender pearls teleporting you. Those are just some of the top of my head.


I really like the idea of adding more massive mobs to the End. Or just in Minecraft in general, non-hostile really big creatures that don’t mind you, but feel very alien, and make the End feel populated but otherworldly, and you even more significant and out of place.


I really think the game, but especially end, could benefit from mobs that are much more akin to bosses. The structures could spawn them in rarely, though I’d rather not just more Warden-like mobs who are super dangerous and lack loot (and the farm-ability of wardens is a good reason they don’t have loot). But, even if it’s just beefed up regular mobs. Like the giant Zombie could be fun out there. Perhaps a group of Piglin Brutes that are just ransacking the resources of the wasteland. Perhaps such mobs can crop up once per server/game hour or even just once per day. But, adding in some more epic and end game level mobs and encounters that can’t be trivially farmed. But, when they are killed, it’s meaningful. Emphasis is on trivially farmed - if it takes some contraption and effort like what’s done to farm the Ender Dragon, I’d be ok with that. But, ideally nothing as simple as trapping the Wither in end stone and whacking at it until it dies with no risk. I think The End is a great destination for something like this. Perhaps even the occasional Overworld or Nether incursion (like Skeleton Riders), but primarily a reason to go back to The End but not have to endless explore in search of the next End City. But, you still could (of course). Another possible option would be for a special crafting station whose components can’t be moved (akin to the End City portal frames). You’d have to huff it out there to make more. But, I think The End has a lot of potential and if they can do at least as well as the Nether update, it would be great!


The outer islands can have some variation like chorus overgrowth or the opposite and more structures because 2 structures isn't enough


Look at the nether, it's also a chaotic wasteland but still has a lot of diversity. Some of the things I would like to see. * One or two new mobs for the end (perhaps even put the Phantom there) * A couple of ores of sorts, so there is a another reason to visit the end * Some more vegetation. I should be said that I do think other aspects of the game are more in need of an update than the End, I do think it's okay as it is now.


What type of ores because that would get people going to the end more.


Good question. I have no idea to be honest. But I'm sure mojang would be able to come up with something, like they did when they added ancient debries to the nether. Not that it should be a new ore for tool making, for building would also be nice. But there are close to endless possibilities.


I think they should add “Enderite” to the end, so you can pick to upgrade your diamond tools/armor to either netherite or enderite.


If they do that, I would make it so there are advantages and disadvantages of both, and if you have one type, the other cannot be added unless removed (using a grindstone maybe)?


I see it as two separate upgrades, incompatible with each other and not able to be removed.  Maybe enderite teleports the items to the nearest land if it takes void damage. So if you are wearing ender it’s and you fall into the void it’ll teleport the enderite tools and armor to the nearest land instead of destroying it (similar to how netherite isn’t destroyed by lava)


Maybe something that can be used to make more powerful tools, make it rare though,


I want them to lean even more into the massiveness of the End. Everything currently is so much bigger than the player, and I want them to develop that more.


Maybe ruined end cities and crashed ships, would have less loot than the intact ones and possibly some more aggressive shulkers


Basically the nether update but in the end.


If the nether update was amazing, just imagine the end update.


I kinda want something like the backrooms or liminal space aesthetic Weird looking buildings or strange biomes that make no sense Or pokemon diamond and pearl reverse world/distortion world Just give it something lol


One change that needs to happen is more variation in the heights of the islands. At the moment, the tops of the islands only vary a couple of dozen blocks. The islands should make full use of the 384 block space.


yeah that would be cool to see


The End Mobs from Minecraft Dungeon would be awesome


Essentially what they did with the Nether but for the End instead. Currently the End is just a barren wasteland with next to nothing to actually explore, you go from city to city and that's about it. Add more creative bioms, more mobs maybe a new ore or two and new structures. Give us reasons to want to explore the dimension rather than just speedrunning to the nearest city, getting an Elytra and leaving again.


My issue isn't the wasteland, it's just boring. I'd do something along the lines of ruins.


I really don't agree with the "it's designed as a wasteland" arguement. The End was created at a time when the game didn't have a clear direction regarding other dimensions, by this arguement the Nether was also designed to be a wasteland. Despite that the majority of the Minecraft community really likes the Nether update, which made the majority of the Nether not a wasteland. Minecraft Dungeons made it clear that the End could very well be a visually interesting location to explore with it's own unique flora and fauna while retaining the alien feel. If they ever decide to update the End they definitely should borrow some ideas from Dungeons' art direction.


I’m thinking they add giant ruins to the end along with making it look like a desert with winds and giant creatures like from dune


A lot of things. Barren-desolate feel, but: more blocks, mobs, variants, biomes… Everything. Maybe even special ore, IDK… But definitely some plants/trees.


First thing that I'd do is actually make the End almost entirely void again. At the moment, once you get outside the initial ring of void, it's... not so much *empty*, as it is monotonous. There's stuff everywhere, just... the same stuff. It has none of the majesty of the void that it did back at launch, and also is not particularly interesting. So I'd make it like... 90% void. Giant, practically untraversable voids everywhere, with a handful of large landmasses scattered throughout, similar to the central island. These should each be spread so far apart that the player can never see multiple islands at once, even on the highest (vanilla) and bridging between these islands should be And then, each of those individual islands can be much more diverse and interesting than the current End. Bring back that great feeling of emptiness, evoking the vastness of space, that originally defined the End, and use that as its core identity. In order to make traversing this greater void more engaging, and introduce some new navigation challenges, the End Gateways should be linked. So those 20 gateways around the central island? Those lead to 20 gateways somewhere in the world, and those gateways lead back to the island. Meanwhile, out on those islands, you should be able to find *more* gateways, each of which send you not back to the main island, but further out into the End, with their own linked gateways to send you back. As you get further out, islands should be accessible through multiple gateways, and gateways should not be strictly linked to nearby islands - a gateway 5000 blocks north of the main island should be able to send you to an island 200,000 blocks south of the main island. This creates an interesting navigation challenge, mapping out the fastest routes between these gateways to traverse the End, and enables the creation of novel transportation networks. To help the player return home if they travel too far out and get lost, forgetting which gateways lead back home versus which lead further out, some of these islands (maybe 10%) should generate with their own exit portal to send you back to bed/spawn.


It can be a wasteland **without being monoblock, monobiome monotony.** The end is 99.99% endstone, endless, flat, blobs of endstone. So rare patches, islands (in the metaphorical more so than literal) of "ender life" in the sea of the end wasteland.


Mini dragons who can hunt you. I want them to behave like phantoms, but without the sleeping thing. They should be on the end fortress, especially around the ship. And they should have a breath weapon like the dragon, but not that stand still thing. You could even make a wild version that can be tamed while leaving the fortress ones aggressive, or maybe do a system like cats with fish so if you are holding an item or maybe under an effect (dragon charmer perfume or something), they will slowly approach and let you tame them. Yes, I want them as obnoxious as phantoms. A gigantic endermite, it will barely move and when damaged, it blows a poison around them like a pufferfish. The poison will damage and keep teleporting you, so it's best to use a bow. It should be big as a ravager, and drop a meat that when raw, will teleport you like the chorus fruit, and when brew make a potion with the effect the mob does when you hit it. Endermans won't attack it because they fear it. You can even use it as a justification for why they kill regular endermite "they don't want it to grow like the gigantic one". The mob should have a rare spawn.


I’d like an End counterpart to Netherite, but instead of doing a powercreep, make them roughly equal in power with different perks (e.g., no damage from ender pearls instead of knockback resistance). End dust, mined in the End, which can be combined with iron to make Endiron. Combining with diamond items makes Endsteel items (because diamond is carbon). Netherite comes from ancient debris embedded in Netherrack. Endsteel tools and armor would be made with an ore(?) embedded in Endstone. Maybe it could be made from the dust that appears around Endermen and Endermites from a lore standpoint.


Add end themed trail ruins, a new wood type, and a few new pottery shards. The ruins could be a crashed end ship, and have suspious ends endstone or something that has a chance of dropping an 0 durability elytra and phantom membrane. This connects the idea that players can repair an elytra with phantom membranes, something that is not implied in the game


Caves or structures hanging beneath the End islands. Aboveground structures & biomes would be cool too, but I'd really like to see the "below" parts of the End expanded on. It's also a lot more dangerous to be down there, so there's some interesting gameplay that could go on.


I would start with the barren end closest to the end island, and then make it more and more vegetated with new biomes as it goes out.


We need to be honest here, of they did a strict "end update" more than half of the player base will NEVER see that content. I am not saying it doesn't deserve to be updatED, but it would make most sense to just do another biomes update PERIOD, and fix some of the more underwhelming overworld biomes at the same time.


I get that the aesthetic is a baron waste land, but if that's the reason the end is so boring then I'd rather have a different aesthetic. It looks cool but just adds almost nothing to the game other than a couple of trips of looting the exact same structure. Once you have the loot you don't need to go back. There should be a reason to go there besides getting some loot that you'll most likely never need more of


I firmly think that more biomes can be added that are all barren


Let emder eyes be added to gear and weapons for teleportation allocations.


Mire bioms and structures. Like they did for the nether. But also more end game stuff. Make killing the dragon be more of start of a new quest. To reach the end of the end. Maybe a new complex adventure to kill an even more dangerous final boss.


I love this copy pasta Let me just copy n paste my idea for the end update - Ngl. I want an end update Not full on new biomes. Just a destroyed land. It's the END not just the end of the game. The end of the world End ruins. Fossilized plants and mobs you need to revive. Endurium because if they didn't add that the fans would destroy the headquarters For the fossilized mobs. I think beta and unused mobs would fit. Like the giant :D (jk) For the fossilized plants. Same thing but maybe some end trees in blue and purple because yes. Maybe a new type of sculk that took over the ruins and killed all the inhabitants. And endurium could have a branching path with netherite. Both getting their buffs and weaknesses Like netherite gaining great fire resistance but making you slower and endurium making you much faster but weaker Definitely unbalanced but I could see some changes here and then Also. New purpur and endstone types cuz we need them


Some kind of flying mob With the floating islands it seems like the perfect place for something like that to live We also don't really have that many flying mobs (phantom, parrot, allay/vex, chicken kinda)


Same treatment as 1.16 did for nether


It needs an entirely different approach