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Hostile mobs spawn in the dark or at night time. If you place light sources, they won't be able to spawn. Torches are your friend. There isn't really a way to detect mobs but you can hear them if you have your volume up. However if you see any dark space, you should expect to see some mobs. Other than placing torches, the best thing you can do is gear up properly for such circumstances. Tame a wolf because they hate Skeletons and would actively go kill them for you. They will also any mob that hurts you (including other players). Creepers are scared of cats so if you have a cat with you, Creepers should just run away. For weapons, go for a sword or axe (preferably the former). Carry around a shield in your off hand as it can block attacks for you and that is extremely helpful against Skeletons and Creepers in particular. Remember to heal whenever you need to. Either eat food, or use potions, or eat Golden Apples to do so.


Not sure about bedrock but in Java you can turn on captions and you'll get some notice about what's close to you (zombie moans, skeleton rattles, etc)


how am i just now learning creepers are scared of cats. i need a damn cat.


Keep in mind you need to stay within the cat's range, and the cat won't follow you until you distance from it


When you enter a cave there isnt much space to distance yourself from the cat


Depend on the cave's shape. If we are talking about a spacious one there will be plenty of room, but it won't if is the noodle kind or really one with very limited space.


Creeper & Phantoms


i get destroyed by skeletons without a shield, so important imo


Peaceful mode makes it to where hostile mobs do not spawn, besides that it's really just using audio to tell if there's a mob by you, also carry a shield if you do not have one.


In addition, I recommend turning on subtitles, as they also show what kind of mob youre hearing from with direction (also other stuff like lava or animals)


Was about to add this. Will clarify that this is a Java feature though. As someone hard of hearing, could do with this coming to Bedrock!


The other commenters here are spot-on. My advice to you is to always overprepare for whatever adventure you will go on.


Ranged weapons like the bow and arrow are my go-to. They can’t hurt me if they’re dead before they even see me. I suck at hand to hand, but I’m good at enchanting.


I'm all about caving with my mending bow for creepers and skeletons, my mending diamond sword for zombies, and my unbreaking shield. Though I did get swarmed and died over the weekend, only to find a zombie coming at me with the mending sword when I got back lol


Hostile mobs are everywhere in this game. Just gotta listen out for them. I recommend playing with headphones on, as the sounds are location specific.  You can also turn on captions in the accessibility settings, which will give arrows towards various sounds even the player has trouble hearing. 


Not really related to hostile mobs spawning, but a general mining tip I have is to always bring half a stack or so of wood. You may want/need to craft a new tool or make some more torches. Also, you can craft doors to explore underwater caves, as they don’t get waterlogged and they will give you a space to stand in and breathe


As others have said, light prevents mob spawning, but so do non-full and transparent blocks. Think: carpets, slabs, glass, leaves, etc. Lighting dark areas is generally the most efficient but there are purposes for the other method too (like if you want a certain ambiance or mood lighting). Here are some other tips: 1. Punch grass for seeds. Seeds can be planted in farmland (craft a hoe and till the dirt at a maximum of 4 blocks from water). Wheat will grow which can be used to lure and breed cows and sheep. Beef is a great food source, and wool has a few handy uses as well. Similarly, potatoes and carrots can lure/breed pigs. Baked potatoes are another decent food source. 2. Do NOT break mob spawners (little cages with a mob floating inside). These can be farmed (see "redstone" in #7) for mob parts. 3. Do NOT look at endermen (Skinny dark purple dudes with purple eyes) in the eye. 4. Different ores can be found at different y levels. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/s73u3i/i_have_created_some_graphs_of_the_118_ore/) is a useful chart that shows where you can find them. Note that you'll need to find a mountain for good coal distribution. 5. Upgrade your gear! (wood > stone > iron > diamond > Netherite; gold is an outlier that is good for enchanting but it's not very durable) Not only because the higher levels are more durable and can mine faster, but also lower levels can't mine everything. In other words, don't try to mine diamonds with a pick at a level less than iron. Don't mine obsidian with a pick at a level less than diamond. 6. Collect 14 obsidian (using that diamond pick), assemble a 4x5 vertical rectangle, and light the inside of the frame with a flint & steel. Good luck (and maybe stick all your valuables in a chest). 7. If you find redstone while mining, that opens up your world in a huge way. A massive chunk of this game is automation, circuitry, and logic. Most resources can be automatically generated and harvested. Beware, when you look up tutorials on Youtube, specify either Bedrock (consoles, phone, tablets, or PC) or Java (just PC).


Wear at least one bit of gold armor in the nether though.


I use the trick with slabs to prevent mob spawns in the soul sand valley and inside of nether fortresses because mobs can spawn at higher light levels in those places.  I’d amend number 3 and say that you can easily defeat enderman by hiding in a 2-block-tall spot and looking at them. They’re too tall and thus can’t get to you. Same thing applies to wither skeletons in nether fortresses.  I’d add onto number six that you only need ten obsidian because the corners don’t count. If you need an extra four obsidian for an enchantment table, you can collect the corners of the portal that generates in the nether. 


Since I mine a lot, I have some mining tips for you! All of these tips can be applied to general survival, but I find them especially handy in mining escapades. Keep in mind this is all from a Java player's perspective; if you play on Bedrock, not all of these will be ideal 1. ALWAYS have a water bucket with you, notably in your hotbar so it's always ready for use! This item can be a life-saver or simply a useful tool! Having a water bucket can save you from lava, act as an elevator to get up or down, and SO much more! I CANNOT stress this enough, a water bucket is a MUST in any mining venture. Even if you think you won't need it, BRING one 2. Since vanilla Minecraft has a HORRIFIC inventory system, try not to overfill your inventory with too many tools & items. Don't carry stacks of torches; have ONE stack & mine coal as you go so you don't run out of light sources. Have some wood, I recommend logs & sticks to keep it minimal. Have some spare iron if a tool breaks. I also recommend having 2 pickaxes at at any given time alongside 1 of any other tool you want to bring. TL;DR, keep all items to a minimum; you only got 36 base inventory slots & they will be filled FAST 3. Continuing point 2, if you can combine ANY item into multiples of itself--9 iron ingots make 1 iron block for example--ABSOLUTELY do so. Again, you have precious few inventory slots so you must do whatever you can to keep those spots available 4. If you pick up an item you don't see an immediate use for--I'll use rotten flesh as an example--pitch it. If you don't play on peaceful mode mobs will be a constant irritant, especially when it comes to how many mob drops you'll be picking up. When it doubt for a use, throw it out 5. If you aren't playing on peaceful I HIGHLY recommend you have a shield in your off-hand. You might not use it much, but being extra prepared is better than not being prepared enough. A shield can be the difference between life & death, especially when it comes to creepers exploding near you or you're being overwhelmed with too many mobs 6. Speaking of being overwhelmed with too many mobs, try not to get a lot of mobs' attentions at once! All mobs have their own detection range so this may be difficult, but this is important to keep in mind nonetheless. Try to be in open areas with more space to move around! The more space you can roam, the less likely you'll be hoarded by hostile mobs 7. Light up as much as you can! Hostile mobs spawn in pitch darkness--I could be wrong, this is what I remember it being--so lighting up areas is ESSENTIAL, especially in vast open areas 8. This is a tip specifically for creepers! Let's say you're mining & don't have a shield on you--the next thing you know, you hear a creeper hissing. Place a block between you & the creeper! The block will absorb most of the blast damage, leaving you (mostly) unscathed. This is a very handy tip in general! 9. Food is of course an essential item if you're not on peaceful. I recommend bringing cooked meat--especially porkchops & steak--with you. These 2 food items have some of the highest hunger & saturation stats in the entire game & they're easy to get!


are you playing bedrock edition or java? if you see your player character on the main menu, it's bedrock. if not, java.


I can't see the player's character. Maybe, it's java


alright, here goes. in caves, bring a light source. torches are the cheapest and most accessible. light will suppress mob spawns (as they only spawn in sufficiently dark areas). i'd assume you're using these already so you can see in the first place, but keep this in mind when trying to make an area (like near a base) safe. bring food, preferable steak, pork, salmon, mutton, or golden carrots. the type of food you eat is directly correlated to how much health you replenish. some foods are better than others and have better stats. foods like bread or apples wont heal you much. steak, pork, salmon, mutton, and golden carrots on the other hand are very nutritious and heal you for a lot. all of this is only relevant if you're not playing peaceful, which has mob spawns and hunger disabled. you will only replenish health if you have over 8.5 drumsticks. stronger, more dangerous mobs like baby zombies or endermen can be immobilized by forcing them to get into a boat. they will be unable to exit the boat until it is destroyed (either by you or other means, such as explosions or fire). they can then be safely dealt with from there, but can still attack you if you stand close enough. for melee combat, do not spam click your mouse. pay attention to the little sword-shaped bar below your crosshair in the middle of the screen. once this reaches full, it will disappear, and your weapon will be "fully charged", which allows it to deal a full-damage attack. attacking when this bar isn't fully replenished will only deal partial damage, and spamclicking will barely deal any damage. jump and land hits while falling from the jump to land critical hits which deal an extra 50% damage. after a while you kind of develop an intuition for when your weapon is fully charged, this way you won't have to constantly be looking at the middle of your screen when fighting mobs. if you feel uncomfy, use a shield. it blocks 100% of ranged, melee, and explosion damage from the front of your player character. shields can be placed in the left hand by selecting them in your hotbar and pressing F (can be done with anything, as well).


Don’t hesitate to play on peaceful. No hostile mobs spawn on that mode at all. You can switch difficulties at any time. If I’m stuck out at night or get lost in a cave, or I’m focusing on a huge building project and don’t want to waste time sleeping, then I switch to peaceful. You can always go back to easy whenever you’d like.


Like others sayd: you need to place light sources like torches. Best tip i can give is: You dont need to push forward. Play save. Have a way out and if you enter the nether: dont take anything with you for the first tiny round to scout the area and if the spot in the nether seems unsave, consider building a new portal a few hundret blocks away in the overworld so you can savely enter and exit. I see so many deaths because people play with an 'i got this' mindset and then they jump in and die.


If you are playing Java on pc, you can use the f3 screen to see details of mobs, it will tell you how many hostile mobs are in the direction your looking. It's not extremely useful for actual encounters, but can be used as a heads up. Might be a bit to advance for noobies.


Not a tip for dealing with mobs, but to learn minecraft in general: watching people play it worked well for me. I recommend watching hermitcraft on Youtube, that way you will learn far more about the game. If you are surprised by hostile mobs being in minecraft, then you will probably be surprised about a whole lot more.


If you're playing Java turn on subtitles, they can help you locate mobs near you. Though it won't help you when a mob is above or below you...


only if the glare had won the mob vote but monsters spawn in dark places, so placing torches around is very needed.


So, a tip from someone who got lost quite often in his early stages: when exploring underground, place torches only while going inwards, and only on one side (for me, left). This way, if I want to get out and lost my way, I just need to have my torches on the ride side to orientate myself


Don't use peaceful mode you can't beat the game on it and it poses no challenge, pretty much only for adventure maps


Additionally to the other comments I would suggest turning on subtitles. This way even if you can’t recognize the sound as a "hostile mob sound" it will say the name of the mob in the bottom right prior to you encountering it!


Use torches when you go exploring make sure you place it along the way


You can hear them if you have sound on, or you can use captions if you don't. Tamed parrots will imitate the sounds of any mobs near you as well.


Most people already mentioned good ideas, but i recommend you turn on subtitles. Not only does this let you visualize nearby mob sounds, you will also get subtitles for lava, certain blocks etc, which is very helpful


i play bedrock so different to you but i seen there is a mod to detect any mob by showing up on the bottom right of screen, you may need to do a little research on that though :)


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