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It turns out that you only need one player in a group to buy the DLC/hero edition for the others to be able to play. Neat! Economi


stonks. Sadly I don’t have any friends.


Ill play with you are you on Xbox?


I’m on Microsoft Refrigerator


I’m on Xbox yea. I’m just starting adventure but i would be willing to make a new character. I’m in Europe time zones.


I have a ps, if you r a fellow ps player, we can play together, I bought the hero edition =)


They just need to add repetitive side objectives such as dailys, endless survival, and power level increases to make the game more replay-able.


I second this but they should give it variety too


Repetitive doesn't indicate a lack of variety in this context.


They are going to add end game stuff, and I suspect it will be something along those lines.


Unlimited dungeons or 20 level boss raids 🤔


We need cross realm and the ability to find a random online match to join up with.


There haven’t been any new content really so I would like both...


Yeah. Me too


Oh, the Jungle DLC doesn't count as new content?


2hours to complete, so I don't really


It's still content, does it have to be 100 hours or something to count as content? >.>


No, it doesn't, but when you pay 5$ to complete a dlc in 2 hours, half of which is mindless grinding (just like half of the game is), its not really new content. Meta is basically the same afaik anyway.


Issue is about the grind (it's actually always about the grind). With grind in question, we talk about ratios, percentages and breakpoints. Hence it essentially doesn't matter how long something takes and why we shouldn't base our judgement merely on length alone. 🖖🏻 Companies going grind first tend to make content itself minuscule in the form of ratio while the actual hours come from time investment; a demand of participation instead of embracing clientele schedules. This means that a game of grind essentially isn't about its content. It's merely a time sink. The content is just a way to decorate the sink. If you'd take out the grind from a game of grind, developers would actually have to code content to connect together the content that would otherwise be governed by pseudo-randomness variables. A game of grind without grind is a loose belt without a buckle and holes until they are introduced. It goes like this. Grind is the product of participation. Grind is the only thing devs don't need to code. They actually cannot code it into a game, in a way, coz grind is the result of variables, having minimal linkage between, answering to player feedback, asking them to invest time (and therefore money) in the form of repetition instead of finite steps and involve reward intervals (principals of a game of chance). Hence they can't make it less of itself, unless they ask players to play less their game. Otherwise they can only keep it as is or make it worse, unless they negate the variables they've coded into their game and that is a relativistic suicide to a game that relies on grind (which isn't always the case). As long as the unpolished grind exists, the issue exists. We can only make sure to minimise it as best as we can so the actual hours come from farming the game, not grinding it. However, a game at this point isn't about grind anymore. 👍🏻


Fucking consoomers. DLC is just paid afterthought. The AAA gaming industry is robbing everybody blind and it’s being applauded.


Its dlc man get over it. It's a company there goal is to make money.


Just cos you get money from something doesn't mean it's right. They made you pay $6 dollars or something for 2 hours of mild fun. You get free to play games on mobile bigger then MC dungeons


It took me 5 hours. *shrug* People drink 5 dollar coffees and don't bat a fucking eye.


What a weak excuse. “It’s just a casino’s goal to make money.” “It’s just a drug dealer’s goal to make money.” Just because it’s their prerogative doesn’t mean it’s ethically sound. Fucking. Consumer.


How is a 5 dollar DLC ethically unsound?


I guess they're argument is it's not worth it? I haven't bought the dlc but to me it be worth it just having more levels to grind. I've paid more for dlc in games so I don't know how this one is exactly 'so bad' that it's not even worth 5$. Doesn't seem ethically unsound to me at least


"Not worth it" is not the same as "ethically unsound". They're trying to conflate Mojang with certain other large game devs.


But does that mean they should just give out free shit NO you're retarded if you think that they owe you somthing because you bought the base game


And $6 is a good excuse for pretty short content and just a few new weapons? No it isn't, I'd happily pay for more after the two DLCS, but they just aren't giving enough content to make it feel like its truly worth my money.


Did you make the fuckin game? No you didn't get over it!


This is not pog.


Your pfp is literally the rage you currently have over me saying I'd PAY if they made larger amounts of content for the game, why do you so badly think we should listen to anything a dev says? No one wants this game to be lackluster after Creeping Winters, so of course there's outrage, not about who makes the game smartass, otherwise you think everyone should've dealt with EA's bullshit in various games and buy into microtransactions because the players didn't "Make the game".


How does a small DLC for 5 bucks count as "robbing everybody blind". And I ain't applauding the triple As. Haven't bought an EA game since before the travesty of Spore, haven't bought an Ubisoft game since they used the stupid Starforce DLC which would eat your hard drive. Five bucks for a DLC that took me 5 hours? A dollar an hour is robbery, eh?


Unlimited dungeon sounds great


I was downvoted for saying this when the DLC first came out. For 25 quid the full game playing through all the difficulties and DLC (When Creeping Winters) eventually comes out. But the reason this game has such a small fanbase then what it should do is that its got no reason to make people talk. Nothing special that happens. It came out, not with a bang but with a whistle and then it gets quieter until Jungle Awakens came out which was basically a jungle themed reskin of stuff we've already done and fought. And thus, people defend it but its still not good. When creeping winters comes out, if they stop adding stuff to this game then it'll be dead. And it'll be this communities fault for accepting the small amount we are promised and given.


This game is a watered down Diablo clone in the worst kind of way. From the lacking loot variety to the boring missions. It was fun for like six hours but it lost my interest pretty fast. I see this game going down the route of milking the fuck out of the brand name with lame ass reskinned "new maps" with "new content".


Exactly. And for people who are going to ask why I'm on this sub as well as yourself. It's because at least for me this game was fun, and if they built on that rather than used the name, it'd of been great. But it's just not.


They're not done, so. Like Minecraft, it'll get bigger, and better, over time.


But, unlike minecraft dungeons, minecraft is actually fun


In your opinion, sure.


That’s why I made this meme


Nah, what we truly need is a Battle Pass


Get. Out. Of. This. Subreddit


Right away, General


Can we have an actual endgame? Just replaying on the hardest difficulty to get better weapons gets boring fast.


We need raiding of some sort.


What about the wither the ender dragon


That would be awesome—just adding some un-soloable mob encounters every now and then (or even into current levels) that required a group to work together would be awesome.


Can someone tag the devs or official account in here? This thread is the culmination of what the ENTIRE community is talking about, they legitimately need to see these complaints and address them if they don’t want their game to die. I was sooo obsessed when it came out, all the way to the jungle awakens update. Then I finished it in less than 24 hours and I stopped playing within less than a week and haven’t felt like playing since.




Waves with increasingly better loot drops or guaranteed drops would be a welcome addition




*better* multiplayer options for the Switch. Let P2 pick another user’s character, not this lame “guest” business.


"people" who play on consoles, especially on the switch don't deserve anything.


You okay, bud?


completely finished the game on all difficulties then just got bored grinding and haven’t went back to it since


Drop rates suck and there’s not even one item set


if there was a general new goal in mind i’d go back to playing it, the main reason i played it more after i finished it was to beat all my friends stats


$12+ for 6 missions... Hmmm I think they should stick to reg mc


I don't want this game to die, but mojang isn't doing much to save it. They should have done constant updates while the playerbase was at its peak at launch I would have rathered a delayed release than this few content


TL:DR - gear doesn't mean anything, playstyles need viable variation, music and production of the game is done really well, game is way too damn easy to grind anything except the uniques you want at the item level you want, IMO maps feel unique (not the jungle though), fuck Pumpkin Pastures and its rare ship, I played way too much Diablo, I'm really bored and can't sleep I play this game because of my ten year old. I played Diablo and Diablo 2 religiously. The gameplay is terribly repetitive, gear really means nothing, and provide no difference in mitigation or health pool (provided they are of similar level) There is no variance of play style. You are a melee fighter, and can focus on being a ranged player, but limited ammo and lack of variety limits it severely. The artifacts can add a little flavor and some are especially powerful in the correct situations, but as with the other gear, really doesn't matter. The difficulty of this game is insanely easy, extremely easy to work the system to hit 113+ item level, and even easier to afk farm experience to get however many enchantment points as you want. Finding the secret levels can be horribly horribly grindy (fuck Pumpkin Pastures and its 100+ personal tries to unlock Arch Haven). Specific uniques aren't terribly hard to find but RNG can slam you in the same way. I have found only 5 or so 113 unique weapons, but at least 40 level 110 unique weapons, and they drop constantly despite my character having max item level. And then the rng on enchantments can add further frustration. The maps are designed pretty well IMO, and each one feels fairly unique (sans Jungle). Music and sound in the game is surprisingly well done, and obviously Minecraft has a giant fan base so it is easy to get people interested. A full overhail of the game is not needed, but plenty of QOL changes could really bring this game to a good place. Harder difficulties, guaranteed or at least alternate methods to obtain gear or enchantments to customise items would be a good start. Making ranged a viable play style, and introducing ways to make the pet items stronger via gear (example: a 20-30% damage increase on specific gear, or even some sort of mitigation) could add another separate hunter style of gameplay as well. Magic user/caster exists with the soul system, and with specific loadouts you can farm souls somewhat quickly enough for it to be its own viable play style, but why would you when you can play melee ranged magic guy all at once? I still play fairly often though. That diablo itch is strong. Send help.


Or fix online multiplayer on switch, haven’t been able to play that since I bought it a month ago


Check to make sure your linked Microsoft account wasn’t locked due to “suspicious activity”. Had that happen to me, for no clear reason. Just... added Dungeons.


How would I go about that?


For me, when I attempted to switch to the online game mode, it would just spin and spin. Offline worked fine, of course. I went to [microsoft.com](https://microsoft.com) and logged in with my account, and it had a big "your account has been locked" message, and I had to go through the unlock process (code sent via email/text) to get it unlocked. Then, I closed and re-opened Dungeons on the switch, and I think I was able to get right in. I *might* have had to re-link it, but it's been a few weeks, so I don't remember for sure.


When I try to play a online game I get the loading screen and it tells me Minecraft dungeons services are unavailable, I had just made a Microsoft account when I bought the game, don’t see why I’d be locked out after making it. Plus I’ve logged into Microsoft account with no message like you received. Dang.... I just wanna play online lok


>Minecraft dungeons services are unavailable that's weird, man, sorry to hear that. This [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/MinecraftDungeons/comments/gs7l4z/join_session_failure_sorry_the_minecraft_dungeons/) suggests to set your clock to automatic, maybe your date/time is incorrect? It would make sense, networking-wise, at least




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I play it off and on. There's not enough "game" for it to me my main. And I say that as an experienced Destiny 2 player. If you play it in short bursts, and come back for new content/grinding, it's still tons of fun!


I completed the entire game in like 6 hours spread out across three days, like 45 minutes - 1hour at a time, and I just ended up getting bored and going straight back to destiny


All of the different difficulty levels too? I've only beaten the first two. Last time I played I just started the third tier of difficulty. I thought it was cool playing with people in matchmaking. You have guys that speedrun it and disappear, but sometimes I get players that have crazy builds. Not even sure what they're doing but it's fun to watch level 100+ guys tear through mobs. It's just that, fun to grind for a bit, but there's no way it can be a main game like Diablo III or anything.


I just got so bored. I honestly hate 'the grind' on any game other than destiny. Idk why I even enjoy that grind


Bungie has really perfected that "30 seconds of fun" loop they talked about way back with Halo 1. The gun play and controls are so *smooth* compared to other games. It's hard to put down exactly what it is honestly but that's what I always come back to. It's just fun to run, jump, shoot, use space magic, and have it feel effortless. I don't know of any games that have captured that same gameplay loop.




It will have crossplay. I suspect Sony was the one holding out, because Sony *loves* crossplay so much that they've never implemented it. xD


So you want content every couple of months, but content every three months is right out? What are you even complaining about?


The lack of content, and the fact we have to pay for both dlcs for even half a normal game


There's plenty of content in the main game, and sure, the DLC was tiny, but so was the price.


Like the main history of what? 9 chapters, oh wait! 4 dungeons with only the first one being good, no wait, one secret stage, nah, must be the extra 2 difficulties that, considering that almost everybody grinds and farms for 24 hours, will be a cakewalk


If by plenty of content, you mean the same 10 story levels + 4 secret levels repeated two times after you finish them, then you're right. Keep in mind that there were people that had fully completed this game in the first week of its release. Keep in mind that people have resorted to collecting every single weapon in the game to keep them entertained. There was so much they could've done in this game to make it replayable, but they didn't, they just branded it with a fancy logo and a release date and people came rushing forth.


People came rushing forth... just like yourself. They've not said they're done with the game, or that we won't have better, proper endgame stuff. Step back and take a look at Mojang. They've been supporting Minecraft for several years now. They've provide many small, and a number of large, content updates. There's no reason not to believe that Minecraft Dugeons won't get the same treatment. If you wnat to say it feels rushed, sure, I wouldn't disagree.


that you have to pay for 3 levels. the amount of actual content in jungle awakens is a joke


For a really small price. *shrug*


We need more.


I feel like another idea they would have is to make the player run through the whole game again on a new harder difficulty reusing all the same content


So NG+? Cant you just replay the game on Apocalypse VII and do the same thing? Though playing the game without any weapons but just enchantment points from all the gear to possibly NG+ and have new exclusive weapons, maybe ines that cost only points to use, or really just more magic weapons than melee.


that would be something they would do


Its not even two months from release tbh, and they did release free content earlier, there wasn't much but it shows that they will implement free updates more or less in the future




I too bought Hero Edition, I'm on pc, if someone needs/wants another person to play with or to like fill a void party space, you can ask me if you'd like!


4 levels.... Everyone keeps this 3 level meme Must only be a few people finding lower temple, that 4th level that was added....


It was already in the game, not included in DLC.


Couldn't be unlocked until after the DLC dropped. The level was unfnished and unaccessible until that point..... Yer that's not the exact same ...


I suggested in MC feedback to add creative mode to the game but it got deleted


They want to, but it takes a while to make new stuff. They should add a level creator to fix the lack of content


you guys are paying only 6 bucks???


Gimme boss rush versions of each level


What if they add PVP


No It's one of the less requested features and it'd be better if they spent their time improving the dungeon crawler aspects.




The game is going to have it.


So you’re complaining about what they’re already doing?


Paid 3 levels isn’t much bruh


For what I want is a alternative timeline dlc Whear you play as the arch illager and the final boss is the player character from the original timeline