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Oh, but now let's be honest about fireflies - if they actually addded them, half of this sub would be whining about "another useless mob" for centuries


I feel like they should be added as particles. You heard me right, particles. I mean it's a flat image anyway, and extremely small. Fits the requirements for a particle to me!


I thought that was the original idea


No, because when frogs would eat them they'd disappear, which couldn't be done with the way particles are rendered in Minecraft


I mean, it could be like dragons breath particles as to use a jar on them, and that the frog could interact with it


I had an idea one time way before they announce them where fire flies is one big entity that emites particles and you can then grab with a glass bottle and pute them back anywhere you want I think it's a good compromise


I also thought of that... Amazing idea tbh


Firefly jars as an alternative lighting source are right there. Give them a use, everyone’s happy. (There will always be those who are not but oh well)


USELESS MOB AND BLOCK!!! Why i need firefly in jar if i can just grab coal and stick!!! Stupid players!!!!! /s from me. But unfortunately that true from some others. I see how people whining about new, nonfunctional blocks like decorative terracota... Damn, they WANT new blocks or NOT?..


It would be cool if you could put it in your off hand


I seriously would love fireflies. But yeah, you’re right :/


We just should ignore the whining part of the haters because people disagree for ABSOLUTELY everything Mojang does so there is no a 'right' feature


Honestly I think the frog is just a scape goat, mojang probably experiment with it for a while realizing it isn’t their cup of tea. So rather than say it out loud they just remove it with a “reason” Which imo is the right move cause the 2 pixel looks horrible, particles could be better~


This is what primarily irritates me about this sub because like 90% of the people here are literally incapable of being happy


People only complain because we’re drip fed content that’s been modded in for 10 years now. The problem isn’t “another useless mob” it’s the fact that that will a major point of the update rather than a small part.


That's so true :( They just can't be happy and play the game






The parents could fucking step in and watch what their kid does


But then that means they actually have to parent the kids they made instead of just putting them in front of the TV or an ipad all day.


Microwaving grapes is boring You should try being like kevin and microwave glow sticks


What I still don't get is, even if fireflies are toxic to frogs, they could've just removed the interaction instead of scrapping them entirely


Exactly And to spread awareness, they could let us bottle fireflies and manually feed them to frogs, which would kill them like cookies do to parrots in this game. Bottled fireflies could also produce light when held along with being able to be placed down like a lantern.


Presumably they actually scrapped fireflies for game design reasons and the frog thing was just a justification.


they should have done the parrot thing, where if a frog eats fireflies they die, would be more educational that way too. honestly i think things like these happen because of microsofts wish to make the game as childish as possible


On the one hand, I DO agree, how their developement standards changed to seriously absurd mess over the time. On the other hand, being extremely toxic (yes, they're toxic to oblivion) than just making constructive criticizm will hardly help to do better.


We have to criticize lazy/soft Mojang or it will never change


Criticism = actually provide good feedback that they might look into. Calling them soft or lazy ≠ criticism


They hardly ever listen to good feedback. Proof? Just look at the outrage over the censorship nonsense that is still on this game and that honestly, most people in this sub would probably defend or say it doesn’t matter


Piston changes, fire and the blast protection nerf getting reverted and them getting buffed instead, wolf armor, and more, I can go on. And the “censorship nonsense” can be easily dodged


Right so all changes that don’t really matter Yes you’re proving my point about it being easily dodged lol. That just shows how lazy Mojang is that their own HATED feature can be bypassed by just downloading a client side OR server side mod


“All changes that don’t really matter”? What? How? I’m not proving your point, you’re instead proving my point that calling them lazy is *not* criticism and that you just complain for the sake of complaining


How do those actually change the game meaningfullyv


The buff of fire protection and blast protection makes the enchantments actually worth it and makes it useful in cases when you’re low in health due you falling in lava or when you’re facing creepers, and wolf armor getting changed and buffed also makes wolves more useful


I agree with many of your points but at the end of the day wolves are still more work than they’re worth and general protection is always going to be better than blast/fire protection so in a way I think he might be right just not good at communicating professionally


I feel like the wolf armour buff mattered quite a bit. Not sure what you’re on about.


If that’s your standard of “quite a bit” then im not surprised people defend mojang so much


It went from being papier-mâché in defences to making wolves nearly invincible. And do we dare need to talk about how this update effectively introduced rocket jumping with the wind charges and mace? This changes everything about PVP on its own. Sorry you don’t have your End Dimension revamp, kiddo.


Let’s not start pretending more than 6% of players actually use wolves


I really really hate to say this but yes, online harassment can in fact make products better. Remember the original sonic design when the movie was released? The model so bad it was reused as a joke in Chip and Dale rescue rangers? Did anyone see a 3 movie series (and potentially more) coming out if the movie kept that original model? Just one person speaking out will not be enough to change the minds of a company conglomerate that lives do make profit. Everyone either has to speak up or shut up.


It was not the harassment that made them change it. It was the extreme media response of people saying how bad it was that made them change it(if we don’t go by the idea that it was a media stunt). Complaining, criticizing, and harassing, are three very different things.


There’s a difference between harassment and genuine criticism. The Sonic example you used was people genuinely criticizing it while meming it as well. This meme just calls Mojang lazy and tells them to shut up, not actually telling them what needs to be done.


“Giant spider enemy” sounds lame, and is more funny, if anything, with the Jerma implications. “Blind ogre that can sonic blast you and your entire family through walls” sounds a lot more threatening. Minecraft spiders, normal or cave, aren’t even that creepy.


maybe they're just an arachnophobe (bigot) idk


TIL i am a bigot


I confirm I’m also a bigot


"no real life hostile mobs" wait who's gonna tell em about skeletons?


Who's gonna tell them about dragons?


And pufferfish? Or dolphins?


🤓:uhhmmm AkTuAlY they're neutral mobs Also I forgot dolphins can murder you


AND r*pe you apparently


Learned this on King of the hill




There was a woman who fucked a dolphin


Evil bastards.


I don’t get what’s the point of the 🤓 emoji lol they ARE neutral and that’s different from being hostile


The nerd emoji is an essential part of any text that starts with "errm akshually" (or something similar)


I get it but like usually the person is mocking someone


I use it when you're correcting someone on something that they are basically correct on


neutral and hostile mobs are pretty different... you can't say a dolphin and a zombie are "basically" the same


Yeah because one I shoot and the other I force feed Passive neutral and pissy neutral?




you can still feed them cookies… just that they die


They made custom enchantments possible, they added the mace, they reverted the nerf of fire and blast enchantments and buffed them… You’re forgetting that they did a lot of great stuff with 1.21


A lot..?? That's like 2 and 1/2 actual things you mentioned there.


The tons of variations of the trial chambers, leashable boats, 20 paintings, more wolf variants (that’s 1.20.5 but still), bad omen rework, 4 potion effects, vaults… And custom enchantments can do a lot of stuff, from giving you attributes to summoning mobs with just a sword


Those are incredibly minor changes lmao, they are NOT the stuff you expect from a **major game update**.


Wow you're one spoiled brat are you


Ok bro, why not just make 1.22 the most boring and plain ass update that adds literally nothing. And if you complain, I'll call you a spoiled brat.


To put in comparison, this is everything that was added in 1.14: - complete villager rework and buff - new village types and structures - villager related blocks ( campfire, bell, furnaces, barrel, smithing fletching cartography tables, lecterns, lanterns ) - raids - pillagers and ravagers - crossbow - bamboo forests and pandas - scaffolding - wither rose + other flowers - signs for all wood types - bunch of new slabs and stairs - cats and foxes - brown mooshroom + sus stew - wandering trader and llamas - pillager towers - zombie villagers and villages - new commands And y'all say 1.21 is a "big" and "exiting" update? Lmao


Ah yes, every update must be as big as 1.14 or 1.16 else it's small and worthless. (Also the original commenter said 1.21 adds a lot of great stuff, not that it's extremely big and exciting)


If its going to be a major update ( 1.22, 1.23, etc ) then it SHOULD be as big as 1.14 or 1.16, if its not, then it should be a 1.20.X update


1.1 to 1.6, 1.10 to 1.12, 1.15, 1.17, 1.19, 1.20 Most of these really don't compare with 1.14 and 1.16


1.21 revamped 1.14’s bad omen effect and added tons of technical changes no to mention that alongside 1.20.5, they revamped how items/blocks work internally, which can serve as them getting added far easier in later updates


That's too little to be considered a major update to the game, if it was just 1.20.7, it would have been alr


I mean, same 1.20.5 added wolf armor and armadillos. Which also added many new attributes and rewrote how items work internally, instead of NBTs, they’re item stack components which allows for even more possibilities


DoN'T YoU GeT It? It's cLeArLy aLl tOo lItTlE! sorry…


errrm... if i cant touch the feature its no actually a featur


Exactly, compared to other updates, 1.21 is VERY underwhelming


The community better shut up after this one Can we stop beating a dead horse


It's literally a repost and yet ppl fall for it with hardly anyone pointing that out. I've been better entertained by Mojang's seemingly cyclical trend of either making a universally likable change or a near universally despised change, than this subreddit


Like 95% of this sub is only beating that one dead horse, its pathetic really


The other 5% is that dead horse


Honey wake up, it‘s time to pretend to laugh at the 927291829282928282th mojang bad! meme


Better than the infinite posts on here that unjustifiably defend Mojang


Both are bad I miss it when this sub had actual minecraft memes instead of endless war


And you unjustifiably call Mojang lazy when they are not lazy


Mojang isn't lazy. It's just that updates have felt very underwhelming recently, especially when you compare them to previous updates. The content of the updates just isn't noticeable. Take 1.13, for example. When you first create your world, one of the first things you'll notice is how good oceans look now. Now, you might say that it's because 1.13 was a big update, which isn't wrong. However, if you take 1.15, again, one of the first things you'll notice when spawning in is beehives. You'll probably notice one as you start exploring, and you'll approach it, try to figure out its uses, etc. In 1.16, as soon as you enter the Nether, the differences with the 1.15 Nether are everywhere. In 1.18, you'll almost immediately notice the much bigger and more imposing mountains, and you'll soon notice the much larger and varied caves. Now, let's move on to the more recent versions. In 1.19, unless you happen to be quite lucky and spawn right next to a mangrove swamp (which is extremely rare), you will probably spend some time wondering what this update added, at least until you start exploring very, very far away (mangrove swamps often spawn thousands of blocks away, and ancient cities are very rare). In 1.20, after multiple hours of playtime, you might see a trail ruin sticking out of the ground and dig around, only to be extremely disappointed by the contents of the structure. You might also not even know that bamboo blocks were added until you start doing research, and camels are such a rare occasion that, despite having played for almost a hundred hours on 1.20 (of which a good 80 were spent on the same world, with about 10 hours of exploration of those 80 hours), I've yet to find a single camel. In fact, 1.20 was so unbelievably underwhelming that I honestly had a hard time remembering what it added while writing this comment. Finally, this brings us to 1.21. This update is also quite underwhelming. Don't get me wrong, some of the stuff in this update is revolutionary (like the crafter or mace), but for the average casual player, they just wouldn't notice these changes at all, and, despite trial chambers being the main theme of the update, the fact that you have to go out of your way to find them makes them completely forgettable, therefore making the update very underwhelming. I remember being extremely excited about new updates, playing every new snapshot, paying close attention to the changelogs, and playing the new version pretty much as soon as it came out. However, since around 1.19, or maybe 1.20, the updates have felt very underwhelming, I haven't been waiting for the update to drop, I didn't follow the changelogs, hell, I didn't even pay attention to snapshot releases. Calling Mojang lazy is in itself unjustified. However, updates have been so underwhelming and have felt so empty lately that not noticing anything different and therefore calling Mojang lazy is understandable, though objectively wrong. TL;DR/conclusion: while calling Mojang lazy is indeed unjustified and objectively wrong, the way updates have been lately have made them extremely forgettable, meaning a lot of people simply don't notice anything new and call Mojang lazy. Updates just haven't been hyped like they used to be, with no theme announced until late in the dev cycle, and all the additions feeling very disconnected from each other, leaving the player base confused, and quickly making them lose interest in the update. It seems Mojang has fundamentally changed the way they announce and make updates since the half failure that was the Caves and Cliffs update, and not for the better, as having less communication with the playerbase is (obviously) detrimental to the game and is the exact opposite of what Mojang should've done.


Babe wake up new copypasta just dropped


Compare recent updates to, say, the 1.10-1.12 era.


My man just wrote a college ahh essay




The are more post that say “Mojang bad” than those that defend them.




Then you have not been much on this sub.


More like you haven’t. Go to top posts this week. You won’t see any mojang bad posts but i saw 3 posts defending mojang


The top posts are not representative of the average post. Go to new instead.


Just went to new and quickly found 3 or 4 pro Mojang memes in like the first 15 posts


Now I’m wondering what you consider “pro Mojang”. Because I suspect many of what you consider pro Mojang is just “anti complaining posts”.


the defending mojang post to mojang bad post ratio is like 1:50


It’s probably the other way around in my experience




Go look at top this week


Yeah yeah I kinda understand but I kinda use Youtube more than Reddit and I always use Hot or Top (of all time) in Reddit


Also like you said it is my experience before I get downvoted to oblivion


The update just came out and now there already a "MOJANG BAD" meme and no Mojang won't notice your repost bad memes. Like can you make an original meme instead, or make an actual contrustive criticism on the feedback page, but no because it take actual thinking. If not just shut up and let people enjoy the update. Mojang isn't perfect but they nothing compare to some game companies out there, gosh this community is so whinny, this is a meme reddit not a rage one, so make an actual one.


haha guys mojang bad, now laugh


and when the pigs can fly achievment


No it's not Mojang it's Microsoft that's restricting these good decisions and making these bad ones


Let’s also not forget the HUGE MOJANG W , pulling the plug on chat reports


Really, they did that?


To my knowledge, they didn't. I have no idea what to discuss talking about.




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/MinecraftMemes. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1df665z&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 538,754,589 | **Search Time:** 0.20014s


Horrendous bot


And horrendous human as well Can ya just stop with this crap, no one cares


What was quasi connectivity


Are we not gonna talk about Mojang not letting the devs have much creative freedom outside of April Fool's?


(spoiler warning!) they don't 🥲


Just don't make the frogs eat them. Like wtf. Also they already eat creatures literally made of magma so I think fireflies should be fine.


In their defense, anti-nature stereotypes and misconceptions rule humanity these days. I don’t blame them for not wanting to add to it.


Blame our Microsoft overlords


Bro FR😭


I hate when people try to defend Microsoft. Screw them! You paid them, so please criticize them more if possible. They exist to make money. If you want them to change, make them lose money.


...How? You paid them thirty bucks ten years ago, and that was it.


and…? are you afraid bill gates get offended? lmao


You act like we all pay them constantly even tho we all baught minecraft once so what can we even do


and…? are you afraid bill gates get offended? lmao




jerma reference ⁉️




Just shows how Perfectionist they're becoming.


"nO rEaL lIfE hOsTaIL mObS" Dolphins: ...


They’re neutral…


Look up what they do to pufferfish, other dolphins, and humans when the mood strikes then.


We’re talking about Minecraft here

