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There’s no “canon” choices. The whole point of Telltale’s games is that the story is (somewhat) determined by you.


I am aware that there are no official canon choices, but I just made this for fun and this is what I believe are the choices that make the most sense or are supported by the game.


sure, do you got the file for windows? i need to play mcsm so bad man.


Why are you asking here when I literally made a megathread specifically for that purpose


I have the file for windows. Are you able to use google drive?


That's was indeed the point, but upon recently replaying it's in no way the result. Just for those who don't agree, I still love this game I've just come to find I don't enjoy it as much as I used to when I was an 11 year old.


Why'd you say to keep the secret? Not judging just curious.


Because nobody seems to be that upset that they lied, at least not as upset as Jesse’s gang were and in season two everyone seems cool with the old order, despite them being fake heroes. Even Jack is very impressed by Ivor, a member of the old order, but is not impressed by Jesse and Petra, members of the new order. Eric Stirpe confirmed that Jack saw himself at around the same level as the new order, but looked up to the old order. This would not make sense, if the whole world knew they were frauds.


Fair point. I just felt personally that Jesse would be the honest guy


That’s fair, but it’s not like the choice really affects that much anyway.




For me not bringing Em to my world is a canon choice imo (Yes, I know there was no budget to add her into Season 2, but that's what do I think)


Yeah, I only thought that as they planned to bring her back in season two, but couldn’t due to budget issues. But since it’s one of the more minor choices, it doesn’t really matter.


There are no canon choices 😭 but even if they were, why would saving Gabriel or saving your best friend be the canon choice? And in EP7, wouldn’t it be better drama-wise to unchip Lukas so that Jesse and Petra have to fight each other at the end after all the arguing they did in the episode?? A lot of ppl will disagree with this and that’s kinda the whole point of the game


I’m aware that there are no official canon choices, but these are just for fun and what I think makes most sense. My reasoning for saving Gabriel is: • If you save Petra, there is no explanation for how she has armour in episode five. • If you save Petra, she does nothing in the final fight against the witherstorm, so it doesn’t make sense for her to be part of the new order. • Whoever you save gives tips and info about the order. It doesn’t make sense for Petra to give these. • If you save Petra, then Gabriel is barely in the game and feels wasted. • There are plenty of additional scenes if you save Gabriel. • It makes more sense that Gabriel would want to reveal the order’s truth, after being on the whole adventure, seeing Jesse’s gang persevere and after being weaker than the rest of the gang, as apposed to him only being slightly in it, without his memory. As for saving Lukas, I definitely see your point and this was hard for me to decide which makes most sense, but if you save Petra, she thanks you, but if you save Lukas he wonders why you didn’t save Petra. Also, in episode 8, Lukas wonders if they can trust Harper, whereas the rest of the group do. It would make more sense he didn’t trust her, if the only bit he saw was the very end, where Crown Mesa were mad at her. Just my thoughts though.


For the first one, I'd like to think that Episode 5 took a few days (or more) after Episode 4 and Petra was later given armor, when I was playing for the first times. I picked Gabriel a lot (as it was the most voted choice, but was competing with saving Petra) and thus I got to the point of Petra getting armor in Episode 4, after seeing a modded MCSM episode 6 playthrough, I thought that saving Petra would result in her not wearing armor in Episodes 5-8, but even when I saved her, she got armor so that's what do I think she got armor at some period before Episode 5 I do agree with some of your points such as Gabriel telling more info about the amulet and the order when you saved him (such as him saying the amulet doesn't work in the end, while Petra claims it's broken) and there's a few more scenes after saving Gabriel, although nowadays I do save Petra.


This whole game is about adapting to what you choose, not what’s canon and should be chosen. Also, I disagree with a lot of the choices


I’m aware there are no official canon choices, but this was just what I thought made most sense and was mostly for fun. What do you disagree with and why?


honestly i feel like helping petra is more ''canon' since more people do it. i like ur choices though!