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Sir, this is a Wendy’s


I'd guess 1. It's cold for a lot of the time. 2. Mosquitoes and ticks 3. Minnesota Nice probably impacts how comfortable people are with strangers seeing their bodies/seeing other strangers bodies


1 - Yup. But in summer time, it is great and the places that have popped up from time to time have been aggressively shut down, and not because of the outside temperature. 2 - Same applies to every other beach where people are wearing \*almost\* nothing. So, nope. Not it. 3 - Said another way, Minnesotans have too much body shame. Sad, but probably true.


Um no. Been to beaches all over. Except NE US no yo.little risk of ticks. There bad here. I got Lyme a year ago luckily caught quick.


Tick problems are worse in Vermont, and the whole state is clothing optional.


Minnesotans reserve that behavior for the tunnels


Don’t let OP in on that secret.


The men's locker room at any YMCA


The sex forest proposal failed. Talk to your councilman if you'd like to see it revived.


Have you been here for the past few months?


My whole life...


There is a clothing optional campsite, Twin Creeks. But it’s a ways out of town.


Right. And, it is more of a swingers club. I am asking about clothing optional places, not sex clubs.


> compared to other progressive places. Since you’re clearly just asking this dumbass question to be difficult, why don’t you cite some examples




It’s legal to be topless in minneapolis - I see it all the time during Pride. Likely that the average person in Minneapolis doesn’t have much interest in doing so.


I think if you started one up and went through the whole process of normalizing and making it visible, people in the Cities would get on board pretty fast, and I think it'd be totally doable to get rules revisited and relaxed right now.... It's just not a priority for activism, you know? Like, why get arrested in a stunt for THAT when there's an affordable housing crisis, a pandemic, racialized police brutality, etc etc etc. That said...start with saunas. As far as I know it's common to sauna naked in Europe and I know people do it in MN too, it'd be a pretty easy sell to go back to go that. Traditional practices, allowed in other places, something that would make us seem cool, it's the whole thing. Anyway yeah I don't think people here are more hung up on body stuff than elsewhere in the US? at least not in my experience (with random casual nonsexual nudity with friends, with the way I was never glared at while breastfeeding here but was in DC and Chicago, etc) but idk! I really do think part of it is that the amount of time when it's warm enough to be naked but not 98F is so small.


Aren't they trying to close the sauna co-ops?


I was suprised we don’t have a men’s bathhouse here.


Lindbergh terminal, near the northstar crossing.


It's cold.


OP, where did you grow up or spend your formative years?


The Twin Cities.


Cause nobody wants to see a stranger naked


isn't hidden beach kind of nude-friendly, or am i wrong?


I don't think so. Not any more. The City of Mpls cracked down on nudity there years ago and I don't think it is a thing there anymore.


damn :( sorry OP, no further suggestions


It’s still a thing


Lifetime sauna?


If it's something you want, make it happen. But consider the obvious: if it were to be a commercially viable option, someone would have made it successful here ages ago. And if it's not going to be a commercial enterprise, understand that it takes a FUCKING SHIT TON of collective work to get it started and keep it going. So the answer then is, either no one wants it, or you're not doing enough to make it happen/keep it going. Pretty basic.


OK. Not my thing so, no, I'm not going to do it. I was asking a question, not advocating for policy. I do know that, for some reason, the City of Minneapolis has been very aggressive against the places that have popped up from time to time. There have been various news reports about those events over the years. Other communities take a more "live and let live" attitude. Minneapolis does not. Does not fit the "progressive" profile it has. That's all I'm saying.


Clothing optional isn't a progressive ideal. Clothing optional doesn't have much to do with politics but rather culture. Its a decidedly conservative view to be against such things but progressive people tend to not have it as a policy issue, whereas conservatives view it as morally corrupt and the like. What about the children and so on. Most of the time progressives dont really give a damn. Much of Minneapolis is progressive but there are still many conservative and gentrified areas such as hidden beach. It still maintains a bit of its notoriety from its past but it is nestled in one of the wealthiest parts of the city. The well off and generally conservative people that live in the lakes neighborhoods dont want "nudist" beaches near their homes. Which is where people want the clothing optional areas for obvious reasons. So in short: Minneapolis' residents either dont really care or if they do - are against seeing nudity in public and in particular the surroundings of their wealthy homes. There's not really any free the breast movements that have gripped our public eye enough to make policy change either.


Best we got is the Freedom From Pants bike ride on July 4th. I have no idea if it is still a thing but it was fun when I did it. Probably less fun for those that observed me doing it.


I just went to a clothing optional spa in Portland and it was pretty cool, it’s called the Everette House.


Right. They are great. And very healthy. But MN has basically banned them.


Because nobody wants to see naked Norwegian men.


The twin cities are fairly progressive. The rest of Minnesota is decidedly *NOT*.


For one, it is too cold to be nude outdoors here much of the year.


There are two places I think in north of twin cities. Google it up. :)


There used to be a nude beach around here somewhere. Not sure if it's still around.


Just hire an escort


Thanks for reminding us all that many people have not grown out of the "nudity = sex" phase...


I’m suggesting that about you for sure.


LOL, which is funny, because ***you*** are the one who brought up sex. And, you certainly will not understand the irony of that. Now, I'm done with your. Bye.


There’s no irony. I was just making fun of you for being a creep. There’s nothing wrong with nudity. But… creep.


But, I was asking about nudity and you turned that into sex, which is really creepy... Bye.


No. I just realized you were asking about sex. I see through your bullshit. Were you erect when you posted? Are you erect now?




So why do you want to walk around with your junk out?


This is just a feature of the US as far as I know. What cities are you wanting Minneapolis to be more like in this regard?


Well, to be honest, it is not just cities. The entire state of Vermont is clothing optional, technically. And many places have nude beaches, even in very conservative states, like Florida.


Ok, there are some exceptions to the rule. Are other progressive cities like Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Madison, etc. similar to Minneapolis in attitudes and laws toward nudity, or is Minneapolis the outlier?


Portland, Seattle, San Francisco and Madison allow for public nudity. Madison even hosts one of the most famous events for World Naked Bike Ride. So, yes, of the cities you listed, Minneapolis is an outlier, by a long way, because the cities you listed to not just have nude beaches, they allow public nudity in many places, so long as it is not overtly sexual.


Are you aware that toplessness is legal in all parks in the Twin Cities? If you want full nudity, try Twin Lake Beach, which has replaced Cedar Lake's Hidden Beach as the unofficial nude beach. (But women go topless at Hidden Beach frequently.)