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Take Mark away and Jez very quickly goes to living in a bin bag in the corner of Big Mad Andy's bedsit or sleeping in superhans bath.


Not Super Hans' bag


There is an awful lot of snakes in that room




They definitely hold each other back, but they also support each other in a ton of ways, so basically they make no real progress


"I'm not sick, but I'm not well"




Jez is a leach but I think Marks life would be significantly more lonely without him


This is the main reason he keeps him around and puts up with his antics


They hold each other back and also keep each other alive. Perfect codependency


Very true. Jez seems the only person Mark can just be himself around. Every other character, even his family or his love interests, he seems to put up a front for. It must be nice for him to have someone with whom he can relax a bit.


Jez is Mark's "One".


They're symbiotic.


Yeah he enabled Jez so he never actually has to take responsibility for anything.


I think Jezā€™ natural ā€œcoolnessā€ or ability to socialize is pretty severely hampered by Mark being so lame and hanging around him. And considering thatā€™s kinda all he has going for him, it does probably hold him back.


Definitely. He probably made Jez more neurotic. A toxic relationship where they both hurt each otherā€™s self esteem but showed camaraderie along the way. As many friendships do.


i think youā€™ve got too much time on yer hands boy *sniff*


Hold on there Cowboy, who's holding who back? Jeremy holding Mark back? Sure about that? Jez encouraged Mark so many to times to get out there live life. The stag boat thing, the party where Mark puts the big shop in the fridge, and even when Jez encourages Mark to just run away from his JBL dumpster fire. Jez didn't hold Mark back in life as much as one would imagine. Mark was dependent on Jez for most of the series. When Mark was down, Jez was there. If anything, Jez put mark up. Mark did live with someone like him, and it was awful. I can't even remember his name but he ended up in a sleeping bag in an elevator. Jez and Jeff got along because Jez is chill dude. He might be a druggy, but he makes music and is relaxed about most things. I don't think at all Jez held Mark back. On the flip side now. To answer your question, Yes. In some ways Mark did hold Jez back, I believe. To me, it seemed Jez really tired hard to have a good time with Mark as a mate. But sometimes Mark didn't reciprocate. Example the Christmas gifts scene. Mark held Jez back by not being as happy-go-lucky as Jez. They could have had some good times together. It was Jez that helped arrange that dinner date with those two ladies at the stag weekend, where Mark was able to do job negotiations. That's not holding someone back. Although Jeremy did run over and kill their dog. šŸ¤” But since Jez was so free-spirited, maybe he really needed an ocean-colored pants, straight and stable type of guy, which is exactly what Mark is. I disagree about Jez's intelligence though. His smartest move was using a magazine to provide the pizza from letterbox hair. šŸ˜† The olives šŸ«’ first pressing one line is not even close to witty. But excellent post! I can't wait to read what others think. Cheers!


Well he prevented him from flourishing in a cult. Jezā€™s orgone levels have always kept him back


They help and hold each other back. Jez has no work ethic, so without Mark he's homeless. Mark is pathetic, so he keeps Jez around to have control over someone and feel like he's winning in some way. They're each other's 'one'.


Witty one linersā€¦..you know how this thing works right?


Do you have to live quite so relentlessly in the real world?


Are you kidding? He's like a life support machine!




Marksā€¦ canā€™t live with themā€¦ canā€™t live without them.


Jez needed someone at some point in his life to force him to stand on his own two feet. This starts with his mother who never made him grow up properly and take responsibility for his life. I used to know a guy like that. He's in his 40s now and still lives at home. I don't think he's had a job for about 20 years and he's never left home. In the words of The Offspring "just sits at home smokes a lot of pot." Jez's mum tries to force him to look after himself a bit but it's too late by then, really. I think if there was a new series of Peep Show we'd see Jez living with an older gay man (hell, could even be The Orgazoid) while Mark is in a loveless relationship with a stern older woman who mothers him and tells him what to do. Unless Jez has somehow made a fortune in bitcoin and him and Mark's situations have been reversed.


Jeremy would be living a pretty harsh life in Hans' Bag or going back to live with his mummy until he could find someone else i reckon, probably a woman who takes pity on him.


Oh yeah he definitely held him back, he was held back from his career as a rent boy, being in a cult, trying to threaten people with a gun, being gay when really he was just a sexual deviant, held him back from eating more dogs, held him back locking people in their own bedrooms, I mean the list goes on really Mark is a dream dasher, and he shit's on people's bonfire's! Its well known!


They are two crabs in a bucket. As soon as one makes any kind of progress, the other drags them back down. Forever trapped in the bucket.


no jeremy is a parasite on mark's life. mark would be so much better off without him.


Itā€™s a totally co-dependent relationship. Neither could function effectively separately *or* together.