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That's great, or awful. I couldn't tell. You need punctuation.




GPT fix: “I was browsing Aliexpress for a gift for my little brother and came across a Miyoo Mini Plus. The seller is charging a higher price because he's including a 256GB microSD card. This seems excessive since the Miyoo Mini Plus only supports up to 128GB, and using a larger card could cause issues. Additionally, the seller claims that PSP games will be playable on the Miyoo Mini Plus, which is doubtful. We all know that it struggles with higher-end emulators like N64 and Dreamcast, although it handles NDS games quite well.”


There hasn't been a single issue with the 256GB SD card in the last 3 months, I don't know where you got the idea that 128GB is the maximum supported capacity.


The official Miyoo Mini+ Aliexpress page states the max supported card is 128GB, but yeah 256GB cards seem to work just fine.


Mate, not to attack you or anything, but you're spreading bias by saying the Mini doesn't support 256GB cards and that 128 is the maximum. Please, double check this kind of misinformation prior to make statements.


Yeah I've never heard that and I have a 512gb in mine because it's what I had around when I needed a card. Hope mine doesn't implode! /s


The official Miyoo Mini+ page on Aliexpress states that 128GB is the max supported expansion card so I understand why he thinks that, but if you format a 256GB or 512GB card to FAT32 then you can use them just fine.


I have a 256GB card in my Mini+ and it's perfect with 200GB+ content on it. The only hoop you need to jump through is formatting it as FAT32 using a 3rd party application (not Windows). You'll soon need that extra space if you start loading up PS1 games 😅


I only bought from the official store on aliexpress. I kinda refuse to buy from third parties


Had a 512 in two MM+ from the start. Not a single issue.


Seller on Aliexpress is lying? Colour me surprised. Just don't buy from this guy, however 256G should work fine as long as you use small clusters. Anyways, it's best to just not buy any SD with it and getting separate Sandisk/Samsung SD with good reader.


Yeah, that's exactly what I said.


Love the Caws decal!*