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Is this a Pico-8 game?


It's for the NES


What’s the exact name of the game? Can’t seem to find it in my tiny best set…


I have "Pac-Man: Championship Edition (Namco Museum Archives Vol 1)" I think I got this from Vimm's Lair like I do most of my roms but they dont seem to be hosting this file and many others any more due to recent cease and desist letters.


I've been playing this every day since I discovered it a few weeks ago. Haven't gotten a score worthy if that list yet, but the improvement is clear. Amazing demake.  For anyone that doesn't know it, it's pacman on acid for 5 mins.


My score was probably just like yours a month or two ago. Just keep grinding and you'll improve. My playstyle is to focus on getting pellets as efficient as possible. I usually farm ghosts in the very beginning, the blue key stage, and during the chaotic last 30 seconds. You will lose your combo somewhere in-between these moments so it's not always worth chasing ghosts when they might only give you 400 points. You're better off using power pellets to stay alive and clear boards when your combo is down.


I'll be following this advice. When I break the 400k I'll let you know!


Interesting! I prioritize the ghosts but it's a much bigger boost getting the boards clear? :D


Clearing boards is a necessity if anything as sometimes ghosts just aren't worth chasing. A lot of my mid/lategame deaths I noticed were on the difficult boards where I would use the power pellets to wipe out ghosts and they would just come back and kill me causing me to lose my pellet combo.


What’s the name of the game! I like Pac-Man *and acid* Edit* it’s Pac-Man championship for NES, I’ll get it. It’s funny you can’t just take a game name anymore, you need the console too lol


One of my absolute favorites