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They can’t nerf now especially her KOF is coming out in 3 weeks


Yup, they're gonna wait till everyone has bought her KOF skin, then drop a fat nerf that completely guts her kit.


Using as roam is so fun , literally bully the enemy mm and jgler . Just be 3 hitting them late game. Even late game the enemy tank is melted


Did people forget what she was like a couple years ago? I swear the devs just made the exact same thing 🤣. Literally back to square 1.


Except this Masha can one shot a full build, full HP tank. Masha back then couldn't.


No way that's possible. I say 3 hits not one shot.


Still technically one shot. Dying in 3 hits as a tank is wild.


Not sure about that one though, I fought against her a couple of times now but she never 3 shots me as a full geared tank. but I agree to this post that her damage is ridicilous. I used her one time in classic and ends up one shotting all backlines.


I just treat her like any other assassin...except you're fighting 2 instead of one at the same time


They are buffing her DMG lol. But yeah she is kinda hard to fight rn alone. Together with others is easy though


I mean yeah the damage is OP but that's all she has going for her tbf. Other than her damage she's not really a threat.


Using masha = easy winning mvp almost 90% of the games, granted if she wasn't perma banned that is. One-two shot potential, 3 ult dashes, free purify upon hp bar loss + dmg instance negation is just insane. I'd use her with sprint + s1 and that almost guarentees a free escape most of the time.


Honestly just dominate her early. Also, smart targeting so you don't miss your ult.


Real. Time your cc and she's not a threat. It goes with any other hero; they aren't a threat unless it's a counter pick.


Flicker is better, but its to for preference.


Can you tell me your build, embleme set?


I would use 49 pen items with bod and malefic, corrosion or sea halberd or even Dom ice depending on enemy compo.


https://preview.redd.it/78fjlwvra4uc1.jpeg?width=553&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27517f9db20c2d674cb6333a06f6de4680803e23 You can go petrify (if there is a lot with dash) or flicker (if there is tank in enemy team who can actually cover mm and mage) Above comments mentioned playing Masha is hard I Disagree, you literally just ulti > s1 > 2aa in late game lmao I have 100% wr with her just 5 ranked matches ( I haven't played much recently) as mythic 40 star solo player


https://preview.redd.it/h42cqk22c4uc1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b93e452e52fe82736ba049bfb905980ed32e0c4 also no you can't stun lock her, that + getting ulti after losing a hp bar makes her broken af Fighting her with multiple heroes is great but a reminder that you can't do that to someone who has good map awareness and It won't matter much if she is played as a roam Idk why ppl on reddit are downplaying her a lot, many ppl are insta banning her now Her and unlimited shield esm are most broken sht I got to use in this game


Yeah only ones who can use her are the ones who know her inside and out


She can bait cc


Then don't get baited. At this point it's skill issue if you get baited.


Well if one is an expert at using her, u can time Ur ult to immune any cc. There is a reason why she is considered almost broken by pros after all.


Never heard any pro consider her as "almost" broken. However I do agree with what you said about timing, but at the end of the day it's skill issue if you get baited. That begs the question: How good are you at mind games? Personally she's not a threat. I played Ixia against a Masha and one would think I'd get ripped to shreds, but nope. Just play smart and you'll win.


Well it early to mid game Masha shouldnt have an opportunity to kill u as long as there isn't a considerable skill gap between Ur team. u can also knockback + stun with s2, assuming u have s2 and gtfo (assuming she doesn't get the free purify at that convenient timing) Although Masha can avoid interruption with her ultimate. Or time Ur wind. Else ya gonna get one shorted in the late game. Well u can always apply "play smart and you'll most likely win assuming not a massive team gap" to any heroes,including Masha herself. I'm not an expert Masha user but I'd usually play her as the exp lane. Proper energy management is essential for her early game to have a fighting chance against other sustain based fighters. Use your energy wisely. Stay on one hp bar if there is little chance for a tank to gain max energy without self damage. Bait skills with S4 immunity. Use enhanced S1 and ulti where appropriate. Late game play her like an assassin. Go in when enemies are distracted. Kill the back lines, front lines, kill tanks as you please. Free purify let's u be less afraid of cc until Ur almost getting to 1 hp bar. Insane chase as well with ulti cool down refresh.


Funny how you defined a Masha I played with a few weeks ago lol But yeah I did have a hard time against a Masha that did exactly what you stated who kept immuning my stuns and all that. I still won tho. Tactic I used is to never appear in the map unless I see her first.


"time your cc so u don't get one shotted by Masha" It can work the other way "Masha times her engage when u don't have much cc left" Same goes with any assassin Vs mm


Then play smart. Outsmart the enemy


I have news for you, in the recent patch update in the advance server they increased masha's ult damage and the reason for this according to the devs was " she's not been performing as they intended"


Why dev never learn when designing skill or passive that damage based on max hp of enemy should have low scaling. In late game two masha basic attack already dealt 30% or more max hp to enemy. A frickin fredin get burst in 5 basic attack is stupid.


Pardon me but ive never experienced this and all this post talking about it kinda scares me


Lucky you : )


Btw what skill do they mean by masha that keeps one shotting them?


The one that enhanced her basic attack and makes her attack faster. I think it does something like 40 percent damage to tank or smth, u need vengeance to survive. Plus one of her skills I'm 90 percent sure can stop fanny. She also has a annoying slow skill, and can heal with her special skill


you will experience soon.


Thats the only thing she has now tho. Removing it will make her unplayable, since they won't revert her


That's no logic to keep a hero broken


Yes, but its either this or revert. Moonton is too proud to revert and fix things


Ban her, when she gets thru pick XB and zone her til shes behind and go Immo first item.


I am in mythic honor still haven't seen a masha pick till now -_- maybe not many people caught up to her new damage yet


Use her or ban her, i havent unlock masha yet so i perma ban her, i dont know how to deal with her


Natalia counters masha pretty hard because of her 2nd skill.




made her an assassin


Franco have lowest hp among tanks