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Mathilda all the way. Go Roam or Mage doesnt matter just spam her until you get to like Honor where people start banning her. Im on 85% WR with her this season


Played her in 4 matches and gave up after since no one uses the wind in epic/legend...


It's alright she is still a beast without it. If you build enchanted talisman and equip impure rage you can make a ton of damage and provide shield/heal every few seconds. If you learn to aim her ult landing properly she can also make very nice knockup sets.


What’s the wind?


The free dash to Mathilda. That's the wind.


Can you provide the build?both emblem and equipment


problem with Mathilda mid is her slow clear speed which can cause some early game problems when climbing up


Only if the jungler is willing to pick a tank + exp laner is also willing to pick a beefy one.


I'm a roam main but I can't seem to grasp her. Can you give me some tips?


I poke the enemy every time my skill 1 is available, i also use it to check bushes since they automatically hit enemies. Thats why i build enchanted. Try to land your ult behind enemies from where you're flying. So if youre to the right, aim left. You will knock up everyone in your path until you land. Also you can ult the roam and then land at the backline + if you use skill 2 mid flight someone can dive with you. And don't be scared of diving or loosing hp, cus every 15 second you can heal with favor roam. Late game i dont even recall.


do you have any tips on how to make more impact? i feel like when i play mathilda, i'm not able to make as much impact as mathilda's kit lacks the hard and reliable cc in heroes such as tigreal and mino needed to win teamfights


From someone who's played with Mathilda for a decent while, her kit revolves around providing mobility to her teammates. Her ult has a knock up/back effect but pretty much her gimmick revolves around getting teammates out of a sticky situation/providing mobility to teammates to coordinate a gank. With 40/45% CDR, she's a beast of a roamer due to her kit. Edit: yeah she can also give heals with roam boots (green one, forgot what it's called) since it provides a shield, ergo procs the roam heal effect.


Thank you! Okay I'll try those


Update: I'm either good with mathilda or everyone reports me for being afk. I'm now banned from ranked match making until tomorrow 🙃🙃🙃


How dou you build her for mage?


What's your build I need a good damage build


At least 90% ban rate in my game


zhask and Luo Yi as mage. Mathilda as roamer.


I feel like pre nerf zhask (the one that you can spawn enhanced spawn again when it dies) is what makes him better. Nowadays i barely play zhask because of stupid AOE mages rampaging meta.


Zhask? Epic


Op is stuck in gm-epic so zhask will work very good for soloQ, pushing as well defending.


Missed the rank and was confused about zhask being a good choice. To be fair, I don't know the meta, I usually play gord/ Vale or nana. Nana feels a bit op because of how much damage she has


Ouh I'm really sorry I didn't see that. Better play vale or lou yi bc zhask has really long CD. Really need a good timing and practice in the real battle Most zhask player is really good at killing but still defeat imo


? Mathilda is good sure but isn’t she only good for 5man/trio where teammates can properly utilise her dash? SoloQ has a lot of dumb teammates..


Last season I went to honor by spamming zhask. I can push, defend and take lord alone. Zhask supremacy


There no best hero. Only sensible teammates


S5: Only good at mage.


Luo and Mathilda. Luo Yi is best here since Mathilda is like banned all the time (not much in Epic but you'll see it so in Legend and Mythic)


Zhask & Luo Yi.. One can solo push the turret. One can change the tide of match with Ult.




Not in the options above tho.


Luo yi


luo yi for mid, mathilda for roam


i would go hylos as a roamer since roam tanks are rare and people rarely build antiheal


Lou yi for sure


im legend 3 rn and i have been seeing a lot of success with zhask. his ult basically counters most burst assassins and he can burst down the enemy backline easily too. i build burst instead of atk speed with demon boots, feather and rush fleeting time for that ult cdr. it can take some time to learn how to position yourself and your spawns but u are much safer and less team reliant than most mages. there isnt really a very bad matchup for zhask but i always ban saber because he can shut down anyone's solo carry potential.


Don't go mathilda, majority of public players doesn't know how to use her dash, they don't even know they got extra dash


Use GLOO!!!




Hylos and Lou Yi for fast roaming


I would say luo yi and mathilda of course


Pharsa and Faramis imo. Pharsa: high damage and mobility, position yourself far away and blast enemies with your ult. She also has a stun which can be life-saving at times or crucial for pick-offs. Impactful in all stages of the game. Faramis: despite being a support-oriented mage, has high damage, especially when enemies are gathered. Has a passive stack that can reduce your death timer and heal a bit when needed. Skill 1 can pull enemies close to your team, tower, or even cancel out punishing CCs like Franco's ult. Ult is game-changing. One good use will turn the tides of a war. Sounds like he is good for other than soloQ, but in soloQ, you can use the ult to save your team and just leave if you think your team won't survive even after the ult. You can just save your jungler or adc, anyone relevant that is carrying your team, no pressure to save everyone at all times.


Mathilda gets banned in almost all my games in legend but she is a very strong pick and a good mathilda is a nightmare to the enemies.


Mathilda, specially when enemy picks Fanny or Ling. Easy counter mage build.


If you're looking for a roamer, Mathilda is definitely the best you can take from this list. She's pretty easy to use. She can provide Heal, Shield, and Mobility for your team. Unfortunately, I don't think she's very effective at lower ranks like GM or Epic. Mathilda can really shine with good teammates that can utilize everything she can provide. Which is something you don't see often at lower ranks. In this situation, I would recommend Hylos for a roamer/jungler. Hylos has the highest HP in the game due to his ability to gain HP through mana items like Dominance Ice and Clock of Destiny. You can play him as a Roamer or Jungler. For a Tank, Hylos can carry your games due to his tankiness and DPS. Hylos can carry you from GM to Legend. From Legend-Mythic and above, I recommend Mathilda. I also see a lot of people are recommending Lou Yi for midlane mage. I wouldn't recommend her for me personally, since she has a bit of learning curve. Especially with regards to her Yin and Yang, her double stun, and the utility of her ULT. OP is still in GM-Epic. I don't think Lou YI is good for beginners. A beginner friendly mage that I would recommend is Vale. If you're good at positioning and aiming your skills, Vale can carry you to Mythic and above. Please don't get Zhask. He's just terrible right now at any rank. Other mages are just way better than him. Pharsa is also good. But, I think Vale is better for you. Kaja and Faramis are good in a coodinated team. They're not recommended for soloQ players.


Faramis mid will always be a good choice


Either u take a snowball mage hero or scaling like ceci


Hylos or vale


Faramis, Mathilda and Luo Yi Faramis is my top recommendation because Mathilda gets banned quite often and luo Yi is simply less flexible. Also faramis is the easiest to master and very strong early game to get the snowball going.


Vale.... Strong aoe CC, aoe burst. what could go wrong


Roam - Mathilda/Kaja Mage - Luo yi/Faramis Master these hero & ignore the other, I promise you'll be a beast & annoying to enemy that they will start locking you of afraid of you. These hero among the list have higher value in team fight and map controlling. Example luo yi, you'll love it when the enemy are cuddling togething and start exploding to dead.


Masha. No cap


Mathilda really great for soloq. Only once in awhile she'll backfire. The healing/escape capability she bring to your teammate is insane, can make dumb ally with zero micro a god. It can only backfire when your teammate is too overconfident because they knew they can escape easily whenever, and rely too much on you. Thats only S2, the ult and S1 also really good.


Imo Hylos , Zhask and Mathilda!!!


Mathilda and Luo Yi


Mathilda but she’s perma banned in mystic lol. So Luo Yi or Lylia or even Nana if you want something even easier.




where is lylia?


For SoloQ? definitely not roamers like kaja, mathilda, hylos and faramis. The best of these are either luo yi or zhask, and maybe vale


Hylos and zhask, I'm in mythic using this two and both of them can go exp too


my glorious king Faramis. or as I sometimes call em, Diggie 2.0. there's just no way for your allies to f*ck up like when flying away with Mathilda. team about to die? ult. enemies running away? pull. enemies together? skill 1. die? 2 seconds respawn.


I'd say Lylia is the best mage for soloQ (Highly recommend) As for Roam it's definitely Mathilda


Mathilda and Luo Yi, both are pretty damn busted


Zhask hurts to play against so badly


Vale is powerful late game


You can get Pharsa for free via ranking up


Vale got me to glory solo, this pre revamp tho. Haven’t played much since.


my juicy zaddy zh- nah i mean zhask. very fun to soloq just spam the spawn. and kind of brain dead gameplay since it dont have allat of combo stuff like gusion or fanny ovr there. and when you're inside his spawn it feels cozy and safe :3 and he can backdoor(go alone in one sidelane as the enemy is preoccupied with a team fight or while they're trying to secure the lord) using his spawn to push. as the spawn does not show in the map. but do noooot go into the front lane if you dont got an ult cuz bro is squishy asf


VALE ZHASK and Mathilda probably.. cuz math good on roam and dmg , vale have high cc and mov speed and zhask have his spawn to protect u and staying at safe distance


Luo Yi did bring me to Mythic many times in SoloQ. I used Mathilda as backup incase Luo Yi was picked or someone else wanted to mid and wouldn’t budge. Used Mathilda as roam or mid depending on my team lineup.


luo yi is not bad, and most support heroes are easier to climb with. I climbed with chou, gusion and leomord, it took a lot of killing but it got me mythic all the time, to glory if im not burnt out


Pre-nerf Zhask was the best. Now he's not that great. I solo queued to MG using Zhask.


ngl i laughed when i saw the second ss bc at first i was like “luo yi fs” then i saw mathilda and was like “yep thats the one” shes most broken hero rn lol


Here mathilda no debate


I just have a heartfelt paragraph! ~~**Layla** is a fiend and a coward, and Layla has bad breath. LAYLA is a degenerate, noxious and depraved. I feel debased just for knowing LAYLA exist. I despise everything about Layla, and I wish Layla would go away. I cannot believe how incredibly stupid Layla are. The only thing worse than Layla logic is Layla manners. Maybe later in life, after you have learned to read, write, study, spell, and count, you as a Layla main will have more success. True, these are rudimentary skills that many of us "normal" people take for granted that everyone has an easy time of mastering. It just wouldn't have been "right". Sort of like parking in a handicap space. I wish whoever mains Layla the best of luck in the emotional, and social struggles that seem to be placing such a demand on you.~~ ~~**Layla** is a hypocritical, greedy, violent, malevolent, vengeful, cowardly, deadly, mendacious, meretricious, loathsome, despicable, belligerent, opportunistic, barratrous, contemptible, criminal, fascistic, bigoted, racist, sexist, avaricious, tasteless, idiotic, brain-damaged, imbecilic, insane, arrogant, deceitful, demented, lame, self-righteous, byzantine, conspiratorial, satanic, fraudulent, libellous, bilious, splenetic, spastic, ignorant, clueless, illegitimate, harmful, destructive, dumb, evasive, double-talking, devious, revisionist, narrow, manipulative, paternalistic, fundamentalist, dogmatic, idolatrous, unethical, cultic, diseased, suppressive, controlling, restrictive, malignant, deceptive, dim, crazy, weird, dystrophic, stifling, uncaring, plantigrade, grim, unsympathetic, jargon-spouting, censorious, secretive, aggressive, mind-numbing, abrasive, poisonous, flagrant, self-destructive, abusive, and socially-retarded.~~ # Layla IS LITERALLY SO FUCKING ANNOYING LIKE I HATE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT


Why no one chose Jawhead?


Luo yi is my main and is an absolute beast for rotations, countered by zhask tho. Vale is tricky to play with but the learning curve isn’t that bad. Pharsa is just the easiest of them all with an escape skill for those dire situations. Roaming with Kaja is so good u don’t have multi target CC like atlas but he is perfect for ganking side lanes where you’ll probably only see one hero. Hylos is hylos. Faramis is situational you gotta have heroes who can dive otherwise he isn’t as effective at saving his team. Mathilda is tricky but so enjoyable to get kills with.


I think Mathilda but you have to accept that not many people understands her skills


For me luo yi works well this season 93% wr


Zhask 🫡


Luo Yi alone but Luo Yi with Atlas is the best.


JU/LI/AN 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥


cecillion. doesnt matter if your team is bad. doesnt matter if they dont cooperate. Focus on your items and stacks, push all t1 and t2 towers until you hit your timings and you will win the game. you can solo carry games and wont die easily as long as you have ult ans onow how to position. You can also use your bad allies as bait


Vale for independent damage, Zhask for team fights and Hylos for just being annoying for enemies to deal with.


Kaja can do roam, mid, jungle and xp! Also he's the strongest of these in lore! Well ok lore doesn't win games, but he's seriously kind of solid in the current meta and works better as a DPS, than people think. + I'm biased for my 3rd most played hero :)


Vale is fun to play, i do tank build cause it's funny as hell


I've seen a few matches with Vale playing roam and succeeding.


Lou yi, she's a mage with zero counters (except herself) The only time.you will get fucked with lou yi if the team is super bad I use her last season and my wr was around 65%, pretty high for solo Q (i used her a lot when mid is available, her wr is around 72%) Funny enough, u just need 3 items for her to be very strong (arcane boots, talisman and truncheon) then 3 remaining items, u can use anything. Either go ice, glowing and holy crystal or genius, divine or holy crystal or u can fuck moscow with domi,blade and twilight for funny moments Mathilda...can be if you are good at mathilda


Luo yi still has hard matchups against fast heroes like fanny, lance, and yin, especially if your allies don't have alot of lockdown and the enemy focuses you.


Yin yes, he needs to ban that when using lou yi (its a dumb hero with easy usage) Fanny and lance, its rare to find good fanny and lance these days even in high rank so ig its not an issue for him


Lapu is a nightmare matchup for luo because of her low mobility and his high dive potential


But my team is always bad 😭 SoloQ sucks


it is what it is xD, moontoon doesnt have a good matchmaking wherein our desired position is not lock in during matchmaking so its gonna be terrible experience all i can recommend is push towers a lot, it will snowballed eventually


Faramis is underrated and has a great ult too. Super strong mage/roamer and can one shot if there are minions in late game. First skill great set and can go through walls to escape, and he can also get stacks to reduce spawn time by 99% so he comes back after 1 second in late game when everyone else has a 90 second death timer


For mid, I’ve heard amazing things about change, because she can push turrets like an mm. Lylia is good too and very underrated, vale is amazing also. Vexana obviously is very good but she’s banned a lot. For roam, idk about that but an amazing item for mage and roam and almost every hero with magic power, is the fleeting time. Angela with fleeting time for me had like a 10 second ult cooldown


What server do you play in that Vex is banned?! I like using her but get trash talked by my team mates saying she sucks. I usually play Chang'E for mid with max CDR build. Being able to spam your ult constantly is pretty amazing. Annoying against tanky enemies with Radiance though, and Lolita obviously.


Not banned as so much picked by the other team. And where does vexana suck?! She had “dominance in late game” and got nerfed a little bit. Can’t argue that she used to be not as good when her skill 2 slowed