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This was ages ago but some random balmond decided he was gonna be different and went magic build. Bro... we were losing aswell. I was gonna say the most vile things to him till I saw the ugly ogre had 8 2 4... whilst everyone else had more deaths than kills. Mfer was cooking that magic build. Can't even complain


This is me using marksman build on Kagura.


What rank were you...?


This was in legend, now I'm in mythic glory star 13


huh? glory star 13?


Mythic I meant


Gosu general had a magic build balmond video


Me Franco had a frustrated fanny on my line up, entire team was feeding. Out of spite, mid way through the game, she started building full tank build. And as we lacked damage on the team, I ended up building all damage. NEVER FORGETTING THIS GAME, WE BOTH COOKED. This was the fanny btw, took her SS after the game https://preview.redd.it/nsmuweygn31d1.png?width=1222&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d39123123985aabeade3f30dd8c8fe489d7bf32


Dude you met the best fanny in the world what was is name ? Blazer something?


20000+ matches?!?!?!!! Bro gotta touch some grass.. https://preview.redd.it/1uzdgrsgo31d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c97970f33981e672f5a6b7b3af3e380a25185ad9


I mean, tank Fanny *was* the meta at one point. I still remember using her during that period and just going ham the moment I got two items.


Bro she or he idk have a ytb channel named Blazer Gaming look up but what do you mean she was frustrated ?


The people who started natalia tank, karina tank, joy tank, harith tank (when that worked).


Firend of mine that was former top global Layla said he was gonna use layla tank build with Rose Gold Meteor and wind of nature as his only damage item. Bro went full ballistic mode going 1v3 for most of his fights and came out victorious. The enemy picked burst heroes not knowing the Layla they were gonna target lock was fucking rambo


I don’t know if this was normal but we had a Chang-e whose spell was Inspire??? Bruhhh I don’t even know what to say but we ended up winning the game. Mfer was the MVP too


Chang-e has super high basic attack and as such, is a powerhouse tower killer. They were probably focusing on that aspect. Makes sense once you think like that. They were focused on objectives, not kills


To be fair, simply building Feather of Heaven then full magic deals way too much on basic attacks and can even beat actually MARKSMEN For pushing and damage


Totally dependent on shield being up though


Yeah that's why I build Blood Wings lol, without the shield she's useless


So true. I've won games where the enemies engaged at the Lord and didn't realise I wasn't there. Cleared the wave with ult and basically zoomed to their base and chunked it down with basic attacks. Feather of Heaven makes Chang'e a veritable machine gun XD


Change atk spd is a new meta. Inspire, bloodwings, demon hunter sword, golden staff, feather of heaven, crystal


Tried it and it’s Amazing hahaha


So opressive if there are no assassins


It was months ago but had an ally build attack speed Novaria, literally dominated the whole match lol, don't even know how it worked so well


I mean, any character can be a mm if you try really hard (and build CS, DHD and GS).


Brb gonna try angela mm build(Also what does cs, dhd, and gs mean)


>(Also what does cs, dhd, and gs mean) Corrosion scythe, demon hunter sword and golden staff respectively.


Some people are just obscenely talented and can pull this shit off in MG while carrying. I know a sweaty Kagura player like that.


Drop the Nova build so I can try it too 😂


My layla support build Got mvp 10 matches in a row And then some guy decided to be toxic


Tank Layla located


Layla with Flask of Oasis new strat bruh


Im going slow build tbh


Define layla support build


https://preview.redd.it/yotnsiqd361d1.jpeg?width=2712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4469f37a6e379cfb1014c2d579cc6c6646afc134 Maximum slow build


Yeah, that is very troll. Basically anything with ranged basic attacks would be as effective with this build as layla. She doesnt have enough atk sod to slow nor enough hp to tank.


She slow them for enough time for team to kill if they dont i just ult and kill


At that point valir sup?


I mean a lot of people use him as that His passive also stun enemies sooo


But yeah, I can respect doing weird builds for the sake of it


"loli enjoyer"? 🤨


Lolita i say loli for the reactions


blud's not winning the allegations


I just love seeing people reactions makes me laugh


Add arrival muhahha


Thats the popol roam strategy


Jungler nana in rank. They were last pick (I picked Xavier bcs no one req to play mage) and suddenly they picked Nana. Said "Trust me" so everyone did lmao. No one trashing them. Me and Mino helped Nana farm early, thankfully they're good at retri so we always got the turtle. Nana actually destroyed the enemy team and we won. Ngl it was a fun match.


Aldoug mid


before they changed the stacks he got from minions, that was how he was played. i’m assuming this happened before the change, but aldous was supposed to swap with midlaner for first 5 min of a game back then, for extra stacks.


Had a Natan EXP lane against Arlott.... It worked. My guy, ML is slowly starting to feel like Dota2&LoL and I'm not complaining.


Wdym feel like dota xD?


Playing characters in a role they're not even supposed to be but it just works. Tbh If ML goes with that same route then I'm happy. We're already getting those like Harith GOLD lane, Hanzo MID lane, etc.


Or full burst fighter lineup


not my team mates but me. im a khufra main that uses flameshot and support emblem. peak was no 35 global khufra. stole lord with flameshot at least 3 times. got a savage with khufra in ranked. i am currently in mythical glory


I had 3 roamers in my team yesterday: Johnson, Minsitthar, and Masha. We lost so bad at early game because everyone don't know where to go or rotate. We found our grounding when we were defending the base and kept winning teamfights from there making a comeback.


I used belerick and hylos hyper like two years ago and people kept taking my role cause they thought I was trolling but those that let me jungle saw how effective it was


Franco Sprint, Conceal, Rapid boots, Guardian Helmet, Twilight Armor, Cursed Helmet rest on enemy lineup. 5 men chasing me while miya doing a backdoor.


Some guy decided to use Ruby tank jungle, full def items and tank emblem. That Ruby ended up securing all turtles and lords, gets more than 20 assists, few kills, absorbs most damages.


layla arrival https://preview.redd.it/e09sfk9xc41d1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=689490c65fd85a3347aaab658d9f972c025088c5


Bod was actually bought last


I never thought the first pick to last pick remains the same after match


Once I had on enemy team a jungle Layla. Had a laugh about it pre-match, but she went on to beat us so hard the only reason she lost was because her incompetent team dragged her down with them.


When I play midlane Gloo And my team let's me


i let a layla jungler cook in ranked, used a tank minotaur cuz i don't wanna risk mmr. And when I say cook i meant she maintain a death of zero, and when I died for letting her escape, she was very thankful and proceeded to end the game with a kda of 15/0/5.


I had a teammate in classic say it was fine if our team was all marksmen. I believe it was 4 marksmen, and I was going mid (so playing mage). I kept telling them to adjust. He wanted us all to be marksmen. I told him no, and he said why not. Early game was rough, and this guy was in chat telling us late game we win. I was annoyed but it's classic, so whatever. But late game, we did win. If I remember right, the other team was balanced. I will say, they filled the roles properly, just as marksmen. I don't think it would work normally, but I'm sure he definitely felt he made his point.


Poor Moskov in our team was going 0 11 because of Nat and Lolita couldn’t do much to help him. At 15 mins he got super hella fed and ended up soloing the entire enemy in the end. Honour btw.


Roaming Akai with Atk spd items, inspire and marksman build. We were losing hard early then came back after he was fully built.


I saw a fighting franco delete everyone as soon as they got hooked or got into a bush where he was hiding. Our team lacked a roamer because he started playing assassin, tho. I said fuck it and went full offense with my vale as well. We got wiped out twice because of enemy helcurt + belerick + phoveus combo, but eventually won after a 28-minute match. This was the legend lobby btw.


Me using damage build Rafaela way long before people see it as a viable option, like 10 seasons prior. It always works every single time. Or when I used cooldown true damage build on YSS back in S10-16 before it became a meta for a short while in S18.


Alucard roam this guy picked alu and went roam cause obviously someone deleted all the other characters and had only one so this mf went roam and idk how but fought 2v5 killed 2 came back alive we won that game alu got mvp against a team that had good enough cc


https://preview.redd.it/lbcb26cl261d1.png?width=2688&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b5106c9aae4c1bb4608faefaa78260c75a19b31 haya tank


Was playing Dyrroth jungle against a jungle Barats the other day and that guy absolutely shredded my health so I was like fuck it, I'm building tank. I copied the exact build Barats had on him (needed those items against enemy comp anyway) and praise to the lord was I tanky alright. Became the front liner of the team (we had no front liner before this) and Barats even tried to ult me thinking he could easily shred my health as always when it only did like 1/6 of my health. We won that match only because I built tank Dyrroth lol


My Clint with tank build


Not teamates but it was me I did Cecilion and Xavier jungle In the Cecilion match my main focus was farm and get objectives coz i didn't trusted my teammates apart from our Roamer(Mino) And we had an Aldous, we had a bad early game coz our mm was feeding and 1 wad Afk i thought we'll lose but we started cooking at the and we won (unfortunately it was classic) Same with the Xavier match had to change spells last minute coz our Hanzo wanted to roam suddenly Did well enough but we lost


Me with the one time I used Xborg roam