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Competition is alwats good... but I've been in ML for many years and seen/played these ML killers(?): AoV > WR > now HOK... The number of players and ur friends playing them is always gonna be a factor... no matter how good the game is if u r d only one playing it while most of ur circle of friends playing ML... u gonna be out of place


Tbh ml killed aov not aov tried to kill ml


Aov killed aov




Haha I love this


AoV killed itself, but not VGlory levels of suicide ☠️


Soo true, I loved wr but none of my friends wanted to play so I stopped playing that


AoV had some weird ranking system, when i played it i've got to the diamond (or whatever this rank was called) at 100% winratio, i was epic in ml at the time


Aov had so much potential, instead they did a Kamikaze on themselves. It was growing well around most parts of the world, and then, suddenly due to poor management of their servers, no one else wants to play anymore. They handled European and American (Na/SA) servers so badly. 


What makes this worse in my situation is that my friends are slowly getting off of ML 😭


HoK is fun but it has the same issue Wild Rift had. Took to long to come out. People have been playing ML for years. Most won't drop it for another moba where they have to relearn and re grind for heros.


This is my gripe with Teamfight Tactics. Recently released in the PH, but Magic Chess has been here for years.


Plus, it doesn't quite serve the same purpose as magic chess. I've played both, i like TFT more since it's more nuanced, complex, and actually requires strategy. But the thing with TFT mobile is that it's TOO COMPLEX and competitive. When i play something on my phone it's mainly to pass time and I just want something simple. TFT works on desktop because that's where I'm on sweaty mode, but not on mobile where I'm on chill mode


And what do they offer that ML already doesn't? There's not really any reason for me to swap.


If you want better deals with a more difficult gameplay, Wild Rift does that Still trying HoK so still need time to properly test it, but in terms of macro, its easier than WR but slighty more complicated than ML, however i dont like the UI, lacks some of the social aspects ML has. But you get to play with some of the inspiritations of already existing heroes here (Hanzo based of Sima Yi per example)


if you play league, wild rift feels like ass. even my league friends play ml instead of wildrift. ml has been on the mobile moba business for years and imo the most "fit for mobile" gameplay out of all the mobas I tried.


Played both, i dont think theres any problem gameplay wise, not sure if its made up or a preference situation, but suspicious given how ML feels like a project i did a day before the submission period. The complain that is always brought up between anyone that played both versions of league, is tied to how they changed key aspects of a character, usually for the worst, tied with dumb-down skills, abilities, mechanics etc, ence they often dislike the game, for the same reason they dislike any mobile game. Wild Rift is the better game, objectively, just not the "best" for a market that wants easy and fast pace stuff. If i want to spend 30 minutes on a game i might as well turn my PC or playstation. The reason ML is succesfull is tied to how easy it is, how fast it is and how low device friendly it is. Im not sure if those friends are in these room, but if its a preference thing its a very weird one. Even if you dont believe on my take, the community on reddit or other social media pretty much say the same thing


it's the controls. champs don't feel right, csing feels like shit, 2 summoner spells push away mobile casuals, etc. in short imho league mechanics really belongs on pc alone. edit: ik this sounds like a massive skill issue but it's really just the case. there's only so many buttons you can put in a mobile game until you completely lock out casuals which is a massive part of the audience.


The HoK hype is dead because they took too long to release globally. I've waited for years and gave up. I'm now too invested in MLBB to ever leave ($2k in). HoK is basically AoV reskined. AoV has been dead for years. HoK will meet the same fate. It's only popular in China.


Same here


Who says you hve to leave tho? I play both games even tho I already invested a lot on mlbb. I'm having fun playing hok. Also aov is dead because LI gave up on it. Meanwhile the asia servers are doing great because Garena actually cares and provides constant updates to the game.


I had the will to switch to Wild Rift, and I want to say this game is much more fun, by having less powercreep, more mechanics to give you more information on the map, more objectives (and also more useful ones), more mechanical ceiling, and much more fun champions. Imagine a tank that can gain more health by killing targets and split-pushes the entire game. Or a marskman that requires specific combos to unlock an ultimate. Or an assasin that is sweatier than Lancelot and can reliably build tank. Or Fredrinn with his ultimate on a basic ability, gains a shield based on his damage lost, deal true damage in the middle, have low cooldown and has no damage cap. While not adding items to make your armor negative the whole game and have no chance to counter it, so you take more damage than you should


I've also switched to WR, one thing i've noticed is that champs (heroes) there tend to be more "balanced" in the sense that irelia is OP but you still have the chance to macro her. The skins and cosmetics are also high quality and cheap. A epic tier skin cost around 990WC which is equivalent to 500dias in ML or 6$.


Wild rift also doesn't have whatever mess MLBB matchmaking is. Sure, its matchmaking is not perfect, but it's an upgrade from what MLBB has to offer.


Who's gonna tell him?


Yes, it doesn't punish you and let your opponent snowball out of control with no chance to counterplay


Agree. I tried WF & its not for me. Maybe because i used to ML, but its kinda annoying (for me) to recall just to buy items. 


u never play pc moba didnt u?




Probably not. It doesn't change the fact that recalling at the correct time is an additional skill you have to learn only for the game rules.


I have no idea why you are downvoted. It's just true. But it sucks regardless. At least give me a pet that can deliver, like in DOTA


Yup! I tried Wild Rift and it is good but they released it wahd, 5 years late at least? I kept playing and feeling like damn, I wish I was on MLBB where I have every character and know all their skills/combos and counters. The learning curves for moba games take too long for me to restart


ngl im tired of ml meta being the same for like a whole ass century im down to play hok or even wild rift just to explore different play styles


ML has the first mover advantage that we all learn from Marketing courses.


Why would I want to go to a new game and be a newb again?


To challenge your self


But I already play solo in Rank and Classic...


they said to challenge yourself not torture.


Bro, this is going in my saved comments


Because I can try out new heroes


Many have tried, many have threatenes to leave, but MLBB still prevailed. After I last played LoL 7yrs ago, and moved to ML bcoz of busy life, I never looked back and never look anywhere. I installed AOV and WR just to play w/ friends but it never lasted. Also played another MOBA w/c only have 1 lane before ML


Is that Vainglory? That was my first MOBA ever, sad its gone now.


It's the sunk cost fallacy. Those who have even a few good skins will stick with ML because of the money already invested.


I dont think its just sunk cost fallacy after all I still get value from the ML skins I bought whenever I play. OTH KOH I will start from scratch and need to grind everything again. Its a better experience to play with everything unlocked and multiple skins to choose from than start from scratch unless KOH is multiple times better than ML.


You just described sunk cost.


No sunk cost means the amount you paid for it in the past shouldnt affect your analysis today. What I'm saying is you have everything unlocked in ML and have multiple skins in ML it is a better experience than having to grind from zero in a new game. It's more of switching cost rather than sunk cost.


Cost doesn't mean monetary cost alone. It can also be time spent, energy devoted, emotional attachment etc. You had spent months grinding at the game day after day to unlock all the skins, heroes, emotes and other perks. You have sunk your cost here in terms of all that activity and effort and don't wish to throw it all away only to start new in another game.


It's sunk cost but it's not fallacy. If you continue paying because you're satisfied with the product to the present day, then it's not a fallacy.  But if you continue paying just because you've paid it before despite not being satisfied with the current product, then it becomes fallacy.


A sunk cost fallacy is when someone continues to use a product or service, despite it being diminished in quality, citing their time, effort, and/or money spent as core reasons to continue it's use. It'd be like continuing to fix your outdated vehicle that consistently has mechanical problems, such as engine design faults, because you spent so much time and money fixing it when it'd be easier, simpler, and more cost efficient to buy a newer one. Another example is someone who works a dead end job continuing to stay despite the availability of more lucrative opportunities because they have "been there for so many years". If the resources you spend on a product or service are less than or equal to the value you gain from it, then it's not sunk cost fallacy.


Again you arent understanding its not just about the time and effort you have SUNK, its also about NOW and in the FUTURE your playing experience is better because you have all these heroes and skins unlocked whereas with HOK you have nothing so its a worse experience. Sunk cost is about the past, I'm talking about benefits in the present and future. Like objectively speaking ML with all heroes and akins and emblems available is better than HOK with nothing and you need spend time and effort learning all the heroes and skills etc. So in a cost benefit analysis you will see sticking with ML is better than going to HoK. Like I said it is switching cost rather than sunk cost. There isnt enough of an incentive to switch games.


It definitely plays a part in it too but the hassle of relearning what each hero does, matchups, items, having nearly every hero unlocked, etc doesn't seem worth it to me.


Nah, I've played ML for so long that I doubt I'm planning another mobile moba, I'd rather just stop playing.


I played a few matches and the in-game graphics are just ugly, tons of heroes definitely need revamps. Nobody likes outdated graphics, probably need to work on that if they want to compete with ML.


I kind of agree, seeing how it looks from the streamers who qre playing it. I mean, you'd expect a better looking game if it came out just fairly recently. The graphics would be excusable if it was a few years back but if you just compare the graphics of it now to their competitors, it just looks worse


Hero names are hard to pronounce for sure


Imagine names like Zilong and Zhuxin but for ALL of them


And to remember


The only ones easy to pronounce are the SNK heroes.


PH player here, if everybody and their mothers only play ML, no matter how good HoK is, it will never beat ML in playerbase. WR is arguably the better game but it's playerbase pales in terms of ML because the majority of the people around us plays ML. You can bond with your coworkers, friends, boss, etc. over ML because chances are, they play it. ML is no longer JUST a game, it's a way of socialization and interaction.


That's true, many people around my country know MLBB a lot there.


You could stroll the streets of manila and you'd hear 'lauch attack' everywhere lol


Facts. That's why ML is the dominating MOBA game in the PH.


Please get big, better, smoother and most important of all cheaper for every skins.... So Moneytoon feels threatened and in shambles.  Please please pretty please


imo MLBB is already very generous if compared to HOK unless HOK global version have anything significantly better, MLBB still conquers the MOBA market


HOK skins are more expensive than MLB, they have the most highest grocery in MOBA games for a reason.


Mobile legend already have their own fanbase they got this large number of fanbase. Basically like Genshin impact, people might said oh this next upcoming the killer version of this and this but at the end of the day people still coming back and playing ML after trying one of those game.


Unless the new game provides on-par experience, as what Wuthering Waves challenging Genshin Impact


Still never gonna kill Genshin though is it. When Natlan is released it will probably be streamed more than its previous record. Same with mlbb, it’s been so popular, years of updates and the team tournaments - nothing will overtake it.


Yeah I agree. My point is that they both now coexist, competing with each other. Instead of the newer one "sinking" shortly after release


Agreed. Hopefully it pushes the competition to constantly raise the bar improving both games.


Well.. It will be similar to WildRift... The graphics are top notch, but MLBB still remained strong. It will still take long before HoK becomes what MLBB is right now.


Lol it looks so similar


Hok is not good graphically compared to mlbb imo and it lacks less popularity compared to ml in global, since hok is only really popular in china . It might take a long time to compete against mlbb


1. Pacing is faster than ML 2. A lot of QOL improvements in-game. (ie, you can ping a specific Skill if it’s ready or on CD) 3. A lot of Heroes are locked behind Events/Draws 4. Draw Skins have horrendous RNG. Pity system is outrageous too. 5. VIP System for spenders (max at lvl 10 for 188k ingame currency) 6. Fast matchamaking (since the game just recently released). As to fairness, cannot comment on that as of now. 7. Somewhat cheaper ingame currency than ML.


We need that number 2 in ML. But idk, bonehead teammates dont listen to normal pings, why would they listen to something as specific as that.


That’s still in advance server


Its a simple feature thats not meta breaking in anyway. Idk why they dont just release qol features asap. 😐


The game also has a role queue and in the exp/clash lane, there's also a portal in-between allowing fast rotation with a cooldown of 120 secs Too bad the ban is still 2 ban pairs in the lower ranked at 4 at higher.


Personally. The solo queue role is the deal breaker for me. Hence I'm choosing HOK for now.


6 is debatable. Even when I'm in SEA region, one match took me more than 35 seconds to wait.


Mobile legends has had too much time to dominate the the genre and it's so unlikely any other MOBA over takes it even if its better. Hell I think Wild Rift is better by mile better visually and gameplay wise. It isn't nearly as popular tho because of how much of a headstart ml had. Nobody is gonna just randomly jump to a different game after investing so much time and money into another. The game has to have a big spark and that's something HOK doesn't have. It's just a reskinned AOV and AOV has been dead for years.


mods should just delete these posts.. ive basically never heard of this game anywhere else but here in the Mobile Legends subreddit.


Me too, but I found out it's big in China and offers $10Million prize pool for their tournament. Wonder if it was true, did research and it was. Game is owned by largest gaming company Tencent. I'm curious and I'm trying the game out.


Just founf out Mulan is my good ol Yena... i mained THE FRICK out of THAT MONSTER in my AoV days. Works wonders as sidelaner/Roamer. https://preview.redd.it/l4snp3z55n7d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=189382eb90f4ebd293d9940c5211cb4dcebead1b


So I played a couple of games, and it seems very similar to ML ( idk which one copied the other), but it needs time to be good, its still clunky


When was aov release that is also somewhat the same release date as hok cn server


first of all ML is a copy of League itself so


If all heroes are free maybe, Aintnoway im grinding full roster again


I like how HOK describes itself as the number one global MOBA when it's just using the sheer number of China mainland players to inflate figures. Yeah, very "global" when 90% of the playerbase is in China playing a completely separate client of the game (as required by the Chinese government). What are the actual "global" numbers not including their domestic market?


To be honest I feel that MLBB is the actual number 1 global mobile MOBA outside of China.


They are basically misleading people


If it has faster matches in ML, it highly will compete. People want to have fun and too long causes people stress. It's the reason why ML is top on mobile games (cuz it's mostly 15-20 mins).


So I just started playing the game and I really loved playing Dolia, she's one of the recent new heroes with really high quality skills and graphics, but then you compare to other older heroes they have the shittiest outdated graphics lol. But yeah, I'm going back to ML, everything there is just way much cleaner and optimized, plus I've spent thousands of diamonds too, and especially my goddess Joy, how could I ever leave her behind.


Played global for about 2 seasons now and all I’m going to say is that it 100% depends on the playerbase. The playerbase before today was pretty horrible anywhere less than the highest rank.




Iirc, ain't HoK the highest grossing game in the world ? And that's before global release. So I think they can? Though I have some friends who played it before then decided it's not as good so they stick to MLBB so who knows.


First mover advantage cannot be understated for MOBAs, especially since all MOBAs are essentially the same game, just reskinned and with some minor differences. Many of us will try HOK out of curiousity, but unless ML F up massively down the road, the amount of money and time alr sunked into ML will probably entrench most of the existing playerbase.


played for a couple hours. it's like wildrift and ml had a baby basically. been using heino and he's amazing


I tried HoK awhile ago and I can say that the animations (hero and UI) can be quite clunky to look at. Very outdated looking graphics too. The items (personally) seems to need rebalancing as I find a few items to be redundant. (And heroes too) On the upside I'm having a lot of fun with it and they're quite generous with new heroes and very much so with skins (prob cause I'm a newbie)


I’ve been playing HOK for more than a year in the Brazilian server. It’s a very interesting game with some nice peculiarities. For example, instead of the turtle and the lord we have two different dragons who spawn at the same time in different places (both have an improved version). If the match lasts longer than 20 min, a final monster, the Tempest Dragon, will spawn and drastically boost your minions. And there’s a way to teleport from the exp lane to the river area near the gold lane. One thing I really appreciate is how well made the AI training is in HoK. There’s no queue, it’s fully solo, and there are 4 or 5 difficulties (one for every rank). Practicing there vastly boosts your hero proficiency and you get some rewards for mastering new heroes (there are different proficiency levels). The skins are gorgeous and they’ve got a ton of collabs (my favorite so far was Sailor Moon) and some of the collab skins are obtainable without gacha shenanigans and sometimes for free. And l love how the KoF collab characters were released as full units there, not skins (and all of them have at least two skins now). You could get all of them for free. Mai Shiranui is absolutely broken haha. Their event calendar also works pretty well and it was implemented from the beginning. There are some cash grabs tho, especially when Flawless skins are involved. The game is also quite generous and the rewards you get for ranking up are really good. I got a lot of heroes and skins like this. The Global Release events are even better than the ones we had when the game was launched in Brazil last year ML remains my main moba because I started it before, but I actually enjoy HoK


It's still too early to say so I say let them cook


For context, HoK is a year older than MLBB. They only did release it globally just now, but it's been out in Mainland CN for like 9 years atp.


AoV was a modified (westernized) version of HoK.


Yeah, AoV is basically HoK, but it was MEANT to represent HoK Global, that is until it kind of became the outlier instead, which is funny ☠️☠️☠️




Is that IGN a r1999 reference?


Nah. Re:Zero


Some people saying its better cos its easier, to that I simply say: skill issue


To at least compete with it, maybe, but we'll just have to see cuz MLBB is still doing good in the mobile MOBA market. I play both HOK and MLBB and they both seem good for me to play.


I tried it and apparently every single character has their own emblem that you have to upgrade so it's a very big turn off. Deleted immediately.


I was surprised to find out that there are few heroes straight out of AOV and there's slight difference from china's HOK 🤔 eg this guy : https://preview.redd.it/zy0tezakjo7d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09987c3d8d415d8689d8aa51bb156a21a047628d


AOV was HOK rebranded for outside China.


angela in HOK is like chang e and gord in one frame in terms of skills. I also have seen a marksman hero in HOK that is similar to claude. Cai yan is like estes, 1st and ult skills are heal. theres so many skills in HOK thay is similar to ML. and heroes' names are so damn hard to pronounce haha


I don’t think they can compete, but I’d still play nonetheless. I might learn something I could use in ML. Also, when I need a timeout from ML, I’ll play this one.


I really liked the events tho. They are giving free skins and heroes for ~28 days daily.(any one skin/hero per day, you just need to refresh till you get what you want) Theres also the SNK and Bruce Lee Collab, which is really cool since I would basically be set for heroes that I want to try and use them for ranked. (Mind you, this is my first time playing HoK, I didnt play on any other server or early access things before.) The only thing that bothers me a bit is that some heroes are direct copy from AoV. (I know that its the same developer and HoK is supposed to be AoV for china or smthg like that.) Dont get me wrong, I also played AoV (still do) and I really loved it. But when a game has the same hero design and just a remodel of them, it really feels awkward and kind of repetitive. Overall, HoK is still fun and gives me something to play if I got bored playing other MOBAs. - From someone that played AOV,MLBB,WR,PU(Pokemon Unite) and just recently HOK. (Yeah, Im addicted basically. hehe)


Is it fun? I just recently started hearing about it


At the moment I don't think it can compete against ML because is still very new on Global, maybe as the time pass it can compete. For now, I will say it is competing against WR. However, it just came out 50 minutes ago and everyone I know are saying that it is amazing.


Which one is easier ml or hok?


Probably ML


Then i'm not switching, ml already hard for me😂😂


Nah ml hard cause of stupid match making and teammates


ML, for sure. Controls are too wonky. Map layout is the same with wild rift. Jungle rotation is hard, and easy to invade. TP duration is too long (and you cannot TP spam). Game is too burst heavy due to hero balance.




Ml much easier


Obviously MLBB, but it's not bad, as a working person MLBB is just way more suitable for those kind of people, if u get wat I mean.


Tried it but I spend a lot already in MLBB so I will never play it again.


I'm downloading it now


Yeah. The main thing other MOBAs fail at is that they don’t have an audience to jumpstart their game. They have to rely solely on advertising and when they advertise against an already existing game (MLBB) everyone sticks to MLBB. Now, HOK is the most played MOBA on the planet - even more than MLBB. HOK has a HUGE international fan base due to how many international Chinese students and adults there are. They already have a huge audience to jumpstart their game, a lot of them will start advertising the game via TikTok and more just by playing it. Also, you don’t know the power of WeChat and that red app. 😭 Sure, the people at the top of MLBB won’t leave as easily. The rest? They would definitely switch to try it out - and the game isn’t like other MOBAs. It’s completely comparable to MLBB, the graphics and the decades the game has been developed means that it’s on par if not better than MLBB. **And to everyone making the arguement that they wouldn’t switch to a new game and be a noob again, your mechanics stay fundamentally the same otherwise games like Valorant would NEVER exist compared to CSGO.**


LOL how many Chinese students do you think there are around the world? >90% of the playerbase is in China, playing on a China-only client. You'll never see them.


**”The number of international students in China has increased significantly from 2009, by over 106%. There are 492,185 international students enrolled in Chinese universities, according to the latest statistics up to 2018.”** Half a million is a big number, am I wrong? 😁


Yes Cause 1. They have Stable Network Optimization 2. They'll focus on it. Unlike in Wildrift where the devs just left it thinking *"They'll definitely choose this over ML cause we're THE MOBA game"* 3. They have an ESports scene that already has a massive audience And TBH, Wildrift could have a chance. If they weren't so arrogant and lazy


Wildrift didn't stand a chance against ml. Wildrift came in late and people conditioned themselves playing in ML pace, But wildrift has a foothold in the market now. If people wanna play a much more competitive and team oriented moba they'll look at wildrift, if it's casual then ML. Not sure if HOK is even bringing something new to the table


> If people wanna play a much more competitive and team oriented moba... They'll play League on PC.


I played it on mute. I don't like how tinny or can-like the sfx are (tunog lata in tagalog)


It will be a famous game for sure but not on MLBB's level


I tried it a month ago and it had a bug where everything turned pink, and i deleted it , i don’t know if i should re install it or not?


It will definitely see decent player numbers. People have been waiting for HoK to go global for a long time. Anyone that keeps up with the mobile moba scene has heard of HoK and will no doubt at least try it. I believe it will all come down to the pace at which matches are played and how flashy/fun their champions are. Will it kill ML? I don’t think so.


the heroes arent that hot they can't compete (chinese games barely make true monster heroes) except for gan/mo, i actually love their designs. but i HATEE how they make the monster look like a guy in the skins arrgh


A fellow r1999 player :0


I think it will compete but not now, it's too new and need players before they can compete any global moba game.


im playing it so ml gives more skins when they see more people switching


The worse thing about ML is its solo queue matchmaking. I remember having a 10 win streak and suddenly I was paired with dude with 8 lose streak with 41% win rate. If its matchmaking is better, I would definitely play HOK.


Will have same issues with wild rift. Penetrating the SEA region in the mobile moba genre will be hard, given that the region is ml dominated.


I thought that's a new esmeralda skin.


It’s pretty much as close to ML as they can get without being the same game, but the map is half the size and the skills are shallow, I’ll stick to ML


Globally? It's still not available in my region


My device hasn’t enough space.


Yoo this Esmeralda looks kinda different from what I remember. But she's still hot. Is this her new upcoming skin? 👀


I always feel AoV and WR are better than ML, but even they were not able to even make a dent in ML's popularity because they are too late already. I agree with what people are saying here: that no matter how good a game is, if you don't have a lot of friends playing it, you'd get burned out on the game easily.




Huh? HoK ???? You mean r/JumpAssemble


HoK is popular where?


3d models look better while the effects look far worse and yet it hasn't been sued by rito games. either way i'll stick with mobile legends.




is this going to be available in india because almost evrything here is banned


This global version will probably not be as popular as the Chinese version which is way better. But I also don't think this will be a MLBB killer. MLBB has the advantage of being way more friendly and has been on the global market for way too long.


The best thing in HOK is the Findmatch system. Before you Findmatch, the system will let u choose 2 lanes to play. Or you can click versatile. So when u got grouped with other 9, each of you have an assigned role. In my 1 month experience with 150 games I only experienced 3 lane stealers. Which in ML every 4 out of 5 games u will argue with a random team mate in a role.


Slowly but surely.


It just AoV with new drip You think HoK will kill ML? Nah, it sure will kill AoV


I tried it, but MLBB feels smoother in gameplay than HOK.


Not by much. Its a whole new alternate world with new characters and stories. Think of it as much as just like that.


i wanna play it but I will not stop playing ml. Like playing pubg, even if there is ml I still like pubg.


Wow , first wild rift now HoK both of them are not available in india . Mlbb is also banned wtaf


Ive spent money on the game already if I stop playing ML it would be such anwaste till I sell the account


If there’s a hero I like playing and it’s setup isn’t as slow as wild rift, I’d play it


Hok has the worst heroes names ever and I can't even pronounce half of them


How to download this game?


People will stick to Ml because it's a hassle to unlock the heroes again. Might try it but for sure it wont take long and players will go back to mlbb again.


Been playing HoK for a while now, i think HoK can compete with ML, they're similarities, like names, skill, but only thing i noticed is that HoK is giving diamonds for a different reason


Not compatible with my emulator...Don't want to install LDPlayer 9 when LDPlayer 5 still works with my MLBB. I'm also seeing the Timi Logo (Which is also in CoD mobile), which there would be a possibility emulators would not be allowed/bannable. https://preview.redd.it/539tti00pp7d1.png?width=1427&format=png&auto=webp&s=2df37ccaa8bcaceff7e6a677e5b92fcde66b79a4


Current Mythical Glory 70+ with several event skins (Ducati) and collector skins. Downloaded HOK and I can see the appeal of the game since the visual effects and character models are a lot better than ML’s. Friends are interested to try something different as well so let’s see if the game can sustain the momentum or whether I’ll be back playing ML.


From what we've seen from wild rift, no. It's almost impossible to kill the absolute behemoth that is ML. With how the Southeast Asian gaming market works, what stays at the top, stays at the top.


Hok actually and surprisingly better in some aspect such as better graphics, prices (obviously) and heroes are very easy to use even tho it says "very hard" such as Li Bai (I think?) who has very hard difficulty on him but he's quite easy tbh. Also it has Malaysia voice with different dialects from every state so yeah I will be continuing HoK till who knows maybe when Moonton drop their ego with the diamond prices and also the matchmaking. I'm still on a lose streak so I won't be playing ml much


It took me 4 matches to realize I don't like their design. Their heroes design, the UI and the mechanics(I can get used to the last one) But everything feels so oversaturated. Too much information on the screen and no place no rest the eye. The hero section feels like a blurr, I was looking for someone to simp 😏 But the same, super rendering, well done images but no one stand up. And even so, some pictures are looking a little bit weird, perspective wise (This is me being picky for no reason 🤣) Is a MOBA like any other but didn't catch my eye. I'm still faithful to you, Moonton, for now 👀 (I know what design changes you did in these patch and I'm not feeling it either)


Tbh they keep yapping about Turkey's best game, most popular MOBA game or whatever. If it was the best game, you would go on Arena Of Valor instead of creating another MOBA game, am I right? As Turkish, MLBB>HoK.


Hok was released before mlbb. Aov was a modified version of hok made to appeal to the western market but failed bec LI gave up on it.




A HOK post in MLBB? Back then if I made this post it'd get removed. Anyway, I think I'd rather play HOK for the time being. Meanwhile, I'll watch MSC because after MSC the meta will shift drastically. Also, the season is ending. Hence I'll just sit back and relax with a new game. I might even switch games. HOK is pretty fun.


What's really holding me back from trying out the game is just how blatantly they took a kit of another hero from another game. Like, it is hard to come up with something unique when the genre has been out for years already, but they didn't have to just take most if the things, if not all of the skills from one character of another game. Idk just feels cheap


Sht graphics. It's outdated. Compared to Wild Rift it's at least 10 years behind.


Playing MLBB since 2017. I will never switch to any other Moba game EVEN if its better.


this is gonna get the wild rift treatment, people will try it, drop it, and go back to mlbb. who would wanna re-learn 100s of mechanics for a game theyll probably drop in a week


Nowadays i play ML cause you don't need a very strong connection, with WR you need NASA level speed, I haven't opened my WR for months now... HoK on the other hand has a "dirty" feel to me... Like it's super all over the place, tried it just now and I'm just mashing button, I won though


Ehh tried a couple games. The interface looks kinda messy to me. The overall color scheme seemed quite brown to yellow-brown like in the image above, I'm not sure based on a few games if that's just the heroes/skins that I happened to play with and against. It has the season pass thingy being thrown at me, which I hated in WR and learned to tune out in ML. My first impression is that the menu UIs are messy. Controls seemed fine in game.


So I had it downloaded last night. And honestly just hated having to start over and go through the bot matches and stuff, put on top of that I didn't initially like the player model/name (30 second glance) I kind of shut it off. Maybe another day I'll be interested, some days are finicky, but I lost it fast.


do they have Kimmy? if yes... bye mlbb


Saw an ad from them, I feel like they have a huge gripe on mlbb. The ad was basically about how other moba games are "hard" "not fun" etc. (using footage from mlbb as an example btw like what? Moneytoon ain't even doing anything to them) and then the narrator says the generic stuff like how you should try HOK and how it's fun. Decided to try it, it's okay I guess. The details and characters look good, they just feel too "chinese-ish" for me. What I mean by that is the characters, and the overall look and style of the game looks like it was blatantly from a Chinese dev team. I mean yes Mlbb is also from a Chinese company, but at least it kinda looks "global" in a sense where everything isn't just based from one country and etc. Hok is good, but I don't see myself and a few others moving to this game.


I'd spent to much already on mlbb so nope, I'm not gonna switch lol


I thought that was a esmeralda new skin


Hok global now? I thought they already there.


I just want to be a newbie again just like every game because the longer you play the game over the years it feels like you've done it all played every character, tried every role, tried nana core it's always refreshing to try new things again.


I gave the beta version of HOK a try, but since I don't have any friends to play with, I went back to playing ML. Playing for extended periods strains my eyes, and I think the flashy skill effects make me dizzy because I'm not accustomed to them.


Played it, kinda good but the Arcana System is fucking bland. It's just increases stats no unique stuff, it's similar to Pokemon Unite's Boost Emblems, which is also bland but this is even blander. Also the map is blatantly just the map of League of Legends (probably more closer to the Wild Rift version) but with minor changes. Like hell, I thought ML's map is unoriginal. The heroes also felt outdated, some old graphics, some doesn't have good synergy with their own skills, some have weird skills and passives that could've just worked better as one or multiple skills instead, some heroes also doesn't have proper hero spotlights, some of the video tutorials present the skills terribly, and even not mention some parts of the skill's mechanics. They should've put a bit more effort in doing the global release, it's honestly just disappointing. Like they could've atleast remodeled the heroes with outdated graphics. Hopefully they can fix all the problems until the hype truly dies down as I am still hoping for an actual competition to ML. (As good competition = good games)


All mobile moba games are shit imo but they are fun at least


Mobile Legends hitched on LoL's popularity at the right moment. I's pretty much set itself up as the staple smartphone MOBA. Even the HUUUGE Pokemon fanbase could not keep Pokemon Unite aloft.


The game is pretty good. The control similar to ML, very comfortable. But the one thing that I didn't like about HoK is the hero. Like the does the developer just randomly create a skill for heroes in the game? Some heroes are just too weak and some are just too op. This is just my opinion. I could be wrong though.