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We all do. There hasn't been anything quite as good since. It was literally the perfect mobile game - simple, one-handed controls, turn based in a way that didn't feel turn based, the multiplayer was great (when you had a good team), the story was an interesting and unique take on the FFI cycle... Farmable premium currency (with limits)... A cool level system... The Hall of Pain to upgrade outdated jobs... Dedicated roles and the ability to change between them on the fly... ... All while having a really deep combat system. You really had to plan how to beat harder levels. It wasn't just "pick this element/character and win", but you didn't HAVE to have the gacha skills either - you could farm perfectly usable skills from enemies. And the events were awesome! Echo costumes were adorable, and anytime Ultros or Gilgamesh showed up, you knew it was about to be funny as shit. I would 10/10 pay for a premium offline version of Mobius.


Everyone would and I +9000 every single word you wrote ❀️‍πŸ”₯πŸ’―


Take heart in the small victories... like the fact that it's known even to SE themselves that it WAS quality. It just didn't generate cash in the ways they'd hoped. The TCG uses tons of it's art, and in FF Theatrythym FBL Mobius got 5 songs. Brave Exvius got none. Mobius got a Steam port, none of the rest have one. ​ They know. ​ The corporate overlords didn't believe in it enough to keep it running. Sad truth is it was ahead of it's time, and if it had come out NOW when people's phone specs on average could have kept up with it, and data plans have generally all started to lean unlimited, then it probably would have had a better chance. One of the most common complaints I got from people back in the day was this game looks cool, but my phone can't run it.


I had to buy a new phone to play it, but I (obviously) regret nothing!!!! But yeah, I think we the community should come together and beg Square to give us something Mobius-related. It took 20 years to get a FF7 remake, but we did it - and by God, we can get a Mobius re-release or premium offline. (LET ME DREAM, OKAY!?)




Hey wait a sec






Started playing ff7 ever crisis since launch. Not nearly close to the quality from mobius, and mobius is almost a decade old game


i played that crap too tried to force my self to play it.. i played it for a month or so (when the second part of sephiroth event was out i gave up) Very bad gameplay coulnt control my characters very annoying swap to much time wasted on attack animations Extremely awful design almost everywhere on the ui too many clicks to do anything too much scroll on the skill tree why? To switch items u have to spend like1 min for something it should have been like 20 secs tops... The grind... omg if u want to do any kind of progress u had to grind and grind and grind.... unless u spend money of course then its easier coz u can just buy the items instead some of which f2p users cant get unless they appear on a event... AND MAKE IT TO TOP The game is unfair on your choice of characters pick i wanted to play as zack and have it as my main... zack story for memories was missing lol Bugs i had so many bugs especially on release day the game was crashing every time i was pressing skip on the stamps i can go on and on the only good think was the story (dah) and the graphics looked kinda cool ​ Mobious was way better and it was fair game for f2p players that thing was awful grinding gacha game...


I uninstalled the game (ever crisis) already for 2 days after seeing how mundane iron giant was. At lesst sephiroth was interesting in terms of mechanics. And yes, i still miss mobius, that game is prolly the pinnacle in terms of quality, presentation and balance for an official FF ip gacha game


I have the two posters up in my room, so I think about it every day


Dang, seeing old pictures brought up sometimes hits me hard... The posters must be a constant supply of emptiness :'c


Mostly emptiness, but also reminds me of the good times, too. So do the FFTCG cards


I played this game for a while and love the game for its dark story and gameplay and it saddens me that this game had to be shut down


FFVII EC was good at first same vibes but on the long run.... Mobius was just perfect




And to think, kingdom hearts union cross unchained got a standalone update to play offline~


I still have to listen to Blank Slate every now and then so this game can live on.












Me too :(


Me too. Been playing a lot of ever crisis and it’s been helping but no game quite captured my attention like Mobius!


I think we all do. The closest I can get to reliving Mobius is listening to its soundtracks.


is there really no private server yet?


There never will be~


Why not~


Capitalism! Seriously though, I don't know. It's been years, and there's just been no word on it. I keep my steam files just in case though


Check out the discord for more information


im in it already but didnt see anything abt it


Well, there is that one guy who developes "Blank Project". He did realy great job already with recreating MFF. But Blank Project is still in development and on very early stages. After all it is just one person who does himself a job that was meant for the whole big development team.


I am aware, I'm following the Blank Project's development :))


Mind sharing a link for it?


Looking back, I have mixed feelings toward Mobius. On the one hand, I loved it, as I was able to sink near unlimited amounts of time into it without ever getting bored. I honestly could never have imagined that I’d be able to enjoy a mobile game as much as I enjoyed it. On the other hand, though, the decision to shut it down completely killed my faith in online-only service games; not just on mobile, but on PC and console as well. Watching hundreds of hours of progress (maybe even thousands) just erased in an instant was incredibly painful and something that I have no interest in ever experiencing again.


Was actually just talking about this over on the MegaMan X Dive section; this is sadly the sort of lesson that is better learned earlier than later. With Mobius though, it definitely hurts more than usual, I think due to the sheer level of quality behind it. At no point did it ever feel like Mobius was goading me into spending on it or holding a gun to my head to keep grinding. The Final Fantasy library as a whole is missing such an amazing win-of-a-game by leaving this offline, so long as Square continues to do nothing with the Mobius series.


Me too, mate.


Same man, I legit cried when they were taking it down. One of my favorite mobile games of all time.