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Hey, It's pretty easy actually whenever if you're doing it from [new.reddit or via Reddit Mobile.](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/15484365010196-Mod-Mode) Take in mind if you're using on daily basis new.reddit then it will be disabled entirely, Meanwhile in mobile it just shows on communities you moderate and can be easily be toggled on and off.


But this does not permanently disable mod mode for the redesigned web view, does it? I prefer new.reddit, but I heard new.reddit will not be there forever, so it would be nice if there was a solution for sh.reddit as well. And I, like OP, know how to disable mod mode on sh.reddit, it's just that it is always two clicks more when I visit reddit. So maybe this is more a suggestion for the admins?


Same applies if you're using sh.reddit since i tried myself at the main page feed and the icons to approve and such are not longer visible. And about your comment on new.reddit vs sh.reddit ehhhhh we'll wait and see but until that happens then we have those 2 to be used at free choice.