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I was at LMS Prague this weekend and went 6-3 with Temur Rhinos, losing my win and in in round 9 to my first real punt of the day. Facing the mirror after winning game one I have a t3 Outburst. I have FoN backup and I decide to play around FoN from OP and play it in his end step. However, op has double Mystical Dispute and 2 for 3s me instead because I let him have the 4th land drop. Had I just done it in his upkeep he would only have had access to one of them. It would basically have won me the game as I would've gotten a swing in for 8 and keep up more interaction after that. Instead I lose the game after not drawing another cascader and mulled to a mediocre 5 in game 3. Really stung, but my opponent was as nice as can be and complimented my plays he had seen me do in a previous round he had seen. Matchups were as follows: R1: 2-1 v 4c Creativity R2: 2-1 v Amulet R3: 0-2 v Jund Saga R4: 2-0 v Burn R5: 2-1 v Living End R6: 1-2 v Scam R7: 2-1 v Murk R8: 2-1 v 4c Elementals R9 1-2 Mirror Hopefully I will get there next time!


Playing around 2x Mystical Dispute is hard. I'm not sure how much of a punt this is. Regardless, 6-3 is a great result. Congratulations!


It is a punt, it could also have happened with FoN + MD, not just double Dispute specifically. Granted, this example would require them to have triple blue with 4 lands as RUG Rhinos, which is not easy.


I misread the situation, thanks for explaining.


I mean, it's a punt in the regard that I allowed for my OP to potentially have access to two counters rather than one because I let him have a fourth land drop. It's small but those are the things that make or break a day 2! And thanks, I'm probably going to be a little salty about missing day 2 for a while, but overall happy with my result!


You should definitely feel your feelings. That's only human. But hopefully you can then move forward and focus more on lessons learned.


So basically played around FoN and not double mystical dispute? Hard call to make


10-5 in LMS Prague, which not allowed me to make top 32 on UR Murktide


Still, a pretty good showing!


Is that you Mengucci 🤔🥹


Not exactly, but his opponent in round 14, we had a great mirror match, which I was lucky to win ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I can't imagine playing that much murktide, my brain is fried after a league. Probably one of the biggest knocks on the deck, it needs such tight play Meanwhile I misplay all the time with scam and can crawl to the finish over them


3 rounds only with Hardened Scales. 2-0 against UR Murktide. I tried to be as clear as possible about the board state and the possible interactions of my deck but my opponent still punted hard, focusing too much on Saga constructs and bolting wrongly a Ravager. 1-2 against Rakdos Scam. Missed lethal on game 3 because I was playing with Pokemon cards as tokens and didn't remember that my Vulpix was a FLYING thopter. Good reminder of always playing real tokens. 2-0 against Rakdos Skelemental brew. Once again my opponent focused their removal on small Constructs. Won game 2 with Unlicensed Hearse hitting by 12. Overall not happy. I felt that I couldn't learn anything from my wins and led my opponents to have a bad time. I know it's not my fault and at FNM it is expected to find this kind of breaches in level and knowledge about off-meta decks but it was not a good experience for any of us.


Should've used a lugia ex token


Borrowed a friends goblins deck and played it for the first time. Went 3-1. Pour one out for my round 4 opponent. Has me dead on board game 1, I have 5 mana and an empty board. I play snoop and blind flip harbinger for the win. Game 2 I play snoop on 2, and just reveal kiki. Make infinite tokens in his end step


Snoop doesn't have haste...


Rescued an 0-2 into a 2-2 on a Green Red breach pile (with station). Deck just didnt want to cooperate. Good turnout at 29 though.


Was expecting the normal array of 16-18 players at my LGS and instead there was a total of four of us. A good chunk of the regulars went to the event down in Oakland and the other half assumed turnout would be low and just no showed. We ended up doing a free entry/play for the promo packs in which I got stomped. I was on zoo which I've normally used to great success there. Instead my kid 2-1'd me with heli-oak combo, got 2-0'd by Orzhov Scam/reanimater, and 2-0'd Elish Norn and her elemental squad. Oh well, looking forward to next Friday's modern fnm and then Saturday we have the store championship. The store did have a bunch of MH2 packs that I scooped up and the real win was my kid opening a foil esper sentinel and an Urza's Saga in the same pack. Also cracked a subtlety, a fetch, and a few other staples so overall not too shabby.


MH2 set packs? Those are unreal grabs


0-3 with Mill because Endurance is a card. I made every match go to game 3, but could never close.


Have you considered finding room for ravenous trap in the deck? My friend is a big mill fan and from testing with each other it’s a pretty solid option.


I use Soul-Guide Lantern instead, but the main issue is they can Endurance in response. Not this weekend, but I had a game once where they hard casted one, I attempted to exile the gy, and then they evoked a second. It having Flash is the hardest thing to work around. It's not unwinnable, just difficult. Extirpate is the best against Endurance for mill.


3-0. Played Mono W shoal. Beat Mono black jank, Murktide and Infect.


2-2 from 0-2 with UW Hammer. Lost the mirror and to the nut draw from Goblins, won against Murktide and Amulet.


beating amulet with hammer takes some doing. respect.


From my experience, playing against Amulet with any deck can go one of two way: either it does the most absurd things i’ve ever seen on a Magic table, makes 300 mana on turn 2 and kills me on the spot, or it does nothing and I just kill it while he draw too many lands or no lands at all. The deck I most despise playing against.


Lost in the first round of top 8 of a modern rcq with white hammer splashing for haywire mite. Drew all four sigarda’s aid in game 3 so that was rough, but oh well


10-5 in LMS Prague with Boros StoneBlade whole tournament went better than expected, my only 2nd modern GP and made day 2 so super happy with result. R1 - Rhinos - 1:2 Loss R2 - Naya Midrange - 2:0 Win R3 - Mill - 2:1 Win R4 - Burn - 2:0 Win R5 - 4c Elementals - 2:0 Win R6 - Jeskai Humans - 2:0 Win R7 - 5c Elementals - 0:2 Loss R8 - Mono R Obosh - 2:0 Win R9 - UR Breach - 2:0 Win R10 - Jeskai Breach combo - 2:0 Win R11 - Rakdos Scam - 2:0 Win R12 - Living End - 0:2 Loss R13 - 5c Creativity - 0:2 Loss R14 - Mono R Obosh - 1:2 Loss* R15 - 4c Rhinos - 2:1 Win *only round i think i should have won if i played better


I would be very interested to see this list


Me too. What are your good match up ? How do you deal with Creativity ?


Hi, here is the list https://www.mtgtop8.com/event?e=43176&d=519061 Regarding Creativity, its one of my least played matchups, not many players localy are plaing it unfortunatly, and so far i feel like i have tought matchup with it, but if you have more creativity in meta, i think there is quite alot of space in side for Orvar instead of bolts (no space for them in main, and i like to have some somewhere in 75). Regarding good matchups, i feel like alot of aggro / midrangy decks, esp UR, domain zoo, scam. On the other hand combo (creativity, rhinos,...) is bit more tricky, usually is about slowing them with blood moon (or Ranger-captain agains cascade decks) and going for Caldra


Hi, no problem, its pretty much just slightly changed old AspiringSpike list. https://www.mtgtop8.com/event?e=43176&d=519061 Not sure how Spikes testing of new Nahiri and sword went, but they are quite good additions to list in my oppinion.


Rough week, went 1-2-1 with mono black coffers. First week with the deck, so definitely still struggling to learn the ins and outs but matchups went as follows: Round 1: draw vs. omnath. Control mirror took us to time (surprise, surprise) Round 2: lost 1-2 against burn, tough matchup, couldn’t find marches to save my life. Round 3: won 2-0 against prowess, was able to keep the board clean long enough to slam Karn and power out sundering Titan and wurmcoil from the board and win in combat with a ton of life gain off the wurm. Round 4: lost 1-2 against humans. Just couldn’t find enough removal and they just happened to be main boarding 8 swampwalk creatures in a janky off meta build. Never found my extra copy of damnation in the side boarded games either.


2-2 with elementals FNM and 2-3 rakdos midrange RCQ. Meta felt quite unfriendly to rakdos midrange.


3-1 with Temur Rhinos 1.- BYE 2.- 2-0 Amulet titan, first game i start just FoN to amulet, rhinos and easy win. Second game i started with Gemstone, FoN to amulet, rhinos and sublety the azusa ​ 3.- Merfolks 0-2, first game on the draw, he put too much pressure with lords and aether vial and i when i have fury he have 3-4 with ward. Second game mulligan to 6 and get rushed by Islandwalk 4.- 2-1 Living end, the first game he just owned me, turn 3 living end with no response. Second game i prismari command to discard my two Furys, when he resolves living end i put my rhinos and blink the 7/7, easy win with two furys. The last game i win cause my opponent dont cycle the cascaders and i put rhinos for pression. People say Merfolks its favored matchup but i feel pretty hard


Won 100$ cash (3rd place) at a 27 person Tourny on saturday played r/G food lost round 1 didn't draw a saga or ovalchase daredevil game 1 or 2, got the bye round 2 then went 3-0 to go 4-1 and 2nd place for top 8. won the top 8 against temur rhino's and lost to 4-5c rhinos in top 4 on a mull to 5 game 1 and them having a very super interactive hand including a turn 2 force of vigor for my saga with trigger on the stack rip. almost clawed back into it.


I host events for the Military Magic community on the island of Okinawa, Japan and this past saturday we had 130 show up. Most people play commander, but we offered a Neon Dynasty draft and an Unfinity draft (because of April Fool's Day). Of the 16 drafters, 12 had never played anything other than commander so it was a great experience for them, as well as great experience for me as I work towards L1 status.


Switched to prowess for a week after playing an 8-round qualifier with Pioneer Control last week. It's one hell of a drug. Very volatile, but it feels broken when it works. Ironically lost to control round 1, then beat some 12-shadow jank, Merfolk and Murktide. Deck is pretty fun but it can't keep me off my darling UW or Blue Moon for long.


3-1 with RW taxes. rd 1 lost to infect rd 2 beat mono black burn rd 3 beat mill rd 4 beat 4 color elementals


Imperial Recruiter or just Moonbro?


I went to a newer shop in the area we'd with a friend. Cool place but pretty small turn out since it's pretty new. Went 2-1 with Rb Obosh. Beat murktide/scam and lost to prison tron


Last week played paper modern for the first time in about 6 months. Brought my pet deck UR Through the breach after upgrading with a splash of white for Tef3eri and silence (my attempt to counter leyline and solitude). Overall went 2-1 - 2-1 jund shadow - 2-1 scapeshift - 0-2 4C omnath (I punted game 1 by just going for an emrakul which got leylined instead of playing teferi first) Debating on trying out Utron next time or whether to upgrade my 2020 Amulet Titan.


Still adjusting to my new deck as I could not continue being at such a disadvantage playing my beloved slivers. Not a bad event though, 2-1 in my 3rd event with burn. ​ Come on wizards just print \[\[crystalline sliver\]\] in modern.


[crystalline sliver](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/3/d30d18c1-65a2-447a-9ebd-194e74e46015.jpg?1562431745) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=crystalline%20sliver) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tpr/207/crystalline-sliver?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d30d18c1-65a2-447a-9ebd-194e74e46015?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Sadly did not get to go due to tornadoes lol, but I did order some cool borderless cards!


Played a new deck I'm trying out that pairs Urza's saga stuff (wrenn and six, couple artifacts, fable) with a Domain package (Leyline binding, Kavu, and Scion) that went pretty well. Beat 5 color rhinos, Rakdos goryo's vengeance, and lost a close match to burn. Made a few changes and bringing it back this week.


Smaller turnout than normal, got the 3-0 with Murktide ft. FoN, and secured top 2 in our store's modern standings. This was week 11 of a 12 week season that our store runs with invites to a big year-end tournament. R1: 2-1 vs Rhinos, business as usual, strong sideboard plan and ledger shredder is a house as always. R2: 2-1 vs Burn, the highlight was force of negation on their t2 searing blaze to protect my ragavan and start getting in R3: 2-1 vs Creativity, back and forth to start, then opp kept a fetchless wrenn hand and got stuck on 3 lands while I started to pull away with it


Top 4 RCQ with G Tron 💪


3-2 at my local RCQ with RB goblins. Last minute swapped my graveyard hate to leyline of the void over relic of progenitus which was a great plan in hindsight. R1: lose to dredge. Mulliganed to 4 for the Leyline G2, should have mulled to 3. R2: quick 2 wins vs murktide. My opponent was inexperienced in the matchup so I got to combo for free game 1, game 2 beat him on the fair plan like I expected to have to for every game. R3: lost the tightest 3 game series vs yawg I’ve ever played. Leyline made the matchup feel close unlike the usual blowout. Lost game 3 in time (could have forced the draw by playing a little slower/at normal pace but didn’t want to do that) R4: 2-1 win agains enchantress. I kill to 5 game 3 and expect to lose. They just kept a medium 7 and we’re on the ascendancy plan so they couldn’t win fast enough. Glad to be running [[masked vandal]] as a 1 of main. R5: win vs creativity. Another free combo for lack of matchup knowledge. Post-board never even had to search [[orvar]] off of matron.


[masked vandal](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/0/f0a9c72a-e450-41e3-80e5-06f2f1171245.jpg?1631050675) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=masked%20vandal) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khm/184/masked-vandal?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f0a9c72a-e450-41e3-80e5-06f2f1171245?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [orvar](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/f/7f36775e-9e48-49cc-a771-d58481712edc.jpg?1631047424) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=orvar%2C%20the%20all-form) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khm/70/orvar-the-all-form?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7f36775e-9e48-49cc-a771-d58481712edc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I mulled to 5 in g3 against dredge today for leyline, but it was a 1 land hand and he had me on the play. Was brutal to see 7 turns go by, no land, and he foundations the leyline Pretty annoying matchup in that regard...


Yeah my dredge opponent was actually a friend of mine so they told me that there wasn’t a single card in the deck post board to destroy the Leyline after the match.


So my opponent tells me ahead of time he’s only ever played standard for a couple of months up until tonight, and he is borrowing his friends, modern deck to give the format a shot, and so he apologizes in case he makes any beginners mistakes or misplays. He was really nice :) Unfortunately, I’m on Mardu land destruction. First game of the night, he mulligans to five, I cast back to back thoughtseizes taking his only good cards, then blow up both his lands, and he can’t draw a third one for five turns while I kill him with fulminator, mage and ragavan. I felt like a monster for giving this guy the worst introduction to modern imaginable lol (Luckily, he still had a good time and him and I talked for like 10 minutes after the match about strategy and stuff.)


Brought [this abomination](https://archidekt.com/decks/4239159) to FNM and went 3-0 with it while shit-talking the whole time about how my opponents showed up to Commander Night with modern decks. Round 1 vs Mardu Scam Reanimator: G1 he pitches Goryos to Grief and regrets it. G2 ephemerated Grief on 1 followed by an Atraxa on 3. Hand is in shambles and can't race the Atraxa. G3 he has the Grief but not the Ephemerate, then renaimates an Atraxa and finds the Ephemerate to refill his hand, but he's facing down an Orvar, a Prosperous Innkeeper, an Eternal Witness, and two Ephemerates. The Lost Boys grow by an additional Innkeeper and a Witness every turn, gaining 10+ life off the cycle every time. He understands he's kind of just stalling, and after a few cycles, a Sublime Epiphany is drawn and the writing is on the wall. 2-1. Round 2 vs Izzet Boombust: turns out having your lands Busted isn't that big of a deal when you're EWit looping. 2-0. Round 3 vs Domain Ferrus: T3feri with ephemeratable Loran is extremely strong, nigh unbeatable if you don't tick T3feri down. Add an Orvar into the mix and remember that you can make copies of T3feri while also sending him back to hand? Yeah, they're going to have a bad day. Lost game 2 because I'm an idiot and forgot that Ferrus has pro-mono, and set up a line where I T3f bounced a token and then tried to Sublime the Ferrus. Had I sequenced it correctly I would have 2-0'd that one too. 2-1 Brought Back is a deceptively strong card, and T3f+Ewit with Brought Back and Ephemerate is dreamcrushing G1 where you can double-fetch Brought Back and then go into turn 3 with Ewit to get back Brought Back and still have enough mana to cast it if necessary... and it doesn't even matter if they kill it in response to the trigger. It folds a little bit to counterspell decks, so timing and sequencing are really important: they're fetching their first land? Trigger on the stack, double-fetch Brought Back. Blood Moon is a real threat, which is why [[Prosperous Innkeeper]] is a secret allstar: ephemerating him generates colored mana, and one ephemerate loop gives enough mana to cast EWit to get the ephemerate back and keep going.


I did terrible at a 36 players RCQ/1k. 1 win 1 draw and 4 losses with a boros obosh list splashing blue for T3feri. Felt terrible. 4c Omnath 0-2 - game 1 I connected with a monkey and grabbed an abundant growth from OP. Turn 3 played blood moon and the judge ruled that blood moon shuts off the abundant growth. Realized later that night this is an incorrect ruling? Bummer. One of my worst matchups and against a very solid player. Yawg 1-1 - Got him game 1 and game 2 he fought through all my hate (3x temp lockdown and 3 more relic) but the match went until 1 min. Game 3 I double furyd on turn 4 to whipe his board to force the draw. Bummer Dredge 2-1 - dredged me game 1 in 3 turns. Game 2 and 3 drew all the hate and locked him out. Jund Saga 1-2. Best match of the day but lost the top deck war in game 3 Bant Walls Ephemerate 1-2 - got dumped when I didn't blood moon on time Scam 0-2 - scammed me. And scammed me some more. Super fun Why does this game hate me?


4-2 at an RCQ on modern burn. Day got off to a bad start with the round 1 matchup against Neobrand. Then went on to beat Thopter Sword and Tron, lost the pair up to my burn buddy in R4, won out by beating Rakdos Scam and Murktide, finishing 12th. Played well, bummed I could Top 8, but that's how she goes!


I went 2-1 with UB Mill with good enough tiebreakers to get 2nd place thanks to some fortunate time-limit draws from others. Won round 1 (2-0) against Goryo's reanimator (looked like esper splashing off colors for leyline binding and prismatic ending) where his backup plan was ephemerating grief and solitude. I had 3 MD surgicals and found one to get rid of his Goryos. His ephemerated elementals couldn't close out either game before I found enough mill to take him out. Also Archive Trap = MVP Lost 0-2 round 2 to another goryo's deck, this time with MD Emrakuls and an Urza's Saga/Asmo cookbook backup plan. Game 1 I didn't find a surgical, and Emmy did his thing against me. Even after siding in all the grave hate, I couldn't deal with him making large Saga tokens and beating down after exiling all his big threats with extractions. He even sided in Haywire Mite to take care of potential Ensnaring Bridges, so I didn't have that as an out. I see why many lists run 2 Engineered Explosives in the SB now, as I was too lazy to take them out of other decks' sideboards before the event. Won 2-0 vs Yawgmoth round 3. In both games I found crabs to block his early 1/1 and 2/1 creatures while milling. I also surgicaled Yawgmoths whenever I could and added lots of grave/creature hate in place of Ancestral Recalls and slow Jaces (not sure if that's the right move, but it worked so idk). Turns out Mill is great vs most combo decks, as there are also plenty of people who play amulet titan in my meta too. I'll try to find space in the SB for 2 Extirpates, as I couldn't have enough of those effects against the GY strategies (4th Surgical was in SB already).


I love taking my suboptimal list from a meta now gone and stomping the 3 burn decks at fnm


It was very nice for my birthday a whole bunch of player came to the store and we drafted my buddie's cube and we had so much fun I drafted a swords deck and I went 1-2 but I still had a blast. Because of work I haven't been able to come to the store as often so it was very pleasant to be able to jam games with friends I haven't seen in a long time


Went 5-3-1 at LMS Prague. Super excited about it given that it was my first competitive event! Still waiting up my tournament report


2-1-1 FNM with U Tron. Round 1: 1-1-1 draw. Hammer with an inexperienced pilot. Went to time as they were a bit unfamiliar with the deck. Round 2: Enchantress: 0-1-1 loss. Honestly one of my favourite matches, but a serious grind. I was 1 damage on turn 5 off this being a draw, but such is life. Round 3: Yawgmoth. 2-1 win. Kinda rode an ensnaring bridge to victory here. Ugin was a house for cleaning up most permanents. Round 4: Mono Red Prison. 2-1 win. Well-timed repeals removed blood moon long enough for me to get big threats on the board. Overall felt like a really good night, took 5th out of 13.


0-3 my buddy and mine switched decks to see what would happen he took mill i took burn and i got rocked i am not a good burn player


Tonight was fantastic. After getting my clock cleaned with my UB Faeries and RU burn/empyrion deck the past two weeks I came in with my old FNM deck, Azorius Walls. Not only did I take third place but I took down 2 Murktide decks, 2-0 and 2-1, only getting my clock cleaned by a Rotpriest deck. This is an unmodified jank brew that was last relevant ~3 years ago and now I'm super inspired to tune it up. [[Wall of Denial]] is STRONK.


[Wall of Denial](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/c/0cd95bba-0c3d-4f2c-94ea-bbd3f396292c.jpg?1593814738) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Wall%20of%20Denial) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mm3/201/wall-of-denial?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0cd95bba-0c3d-4f2c-94ea-bbd3f396292c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I played D&T at the shop tonight. 2-1 vs MonoRed Midrange 2-1 vs Yawgmoth 2-0 vs Devoted Combo I probably should never win against Spyro+Fury but Uncle Leo and GQ allowed me to put him off-balance long enough to take one, and my suite of pro-Red goons and my unwillingness to remove his Eidolon eventually got there. The combo decks are a fair bit better for me to handle, with Uncle Leo again punching above his weight and Lion Sash being an absolute house of a magic card against Persist and Undying in G1. G2 i bring in a PILE of cards including 3 Path, 1 additional Revoker, 2 Containment Priest and a Linvala, Keeper of Silence.


FNM was alright. We had 9 players so did 4 rounds. By the end of round three, I was the only 3-0 (was on Merfolk). Sadly lost the final round to Murktide as it's an awful matchup and I always struggle against it. What was even more frustrating was my one loss in the final round moved me from first place to fourth. End of the fourth round there was four players at 3-1 and I had the lowest OMW among them :(


LMS Prague Initially went 5-1 in a feature match with E-Tron. Round 7 I misscalculated my Ballista Pump by 1 somehow in the 3rd game and lost. In the last game I got blood mooned turn 2 all 3 games. First one I thought through and won in the other two I lost due to not beeing able to cast a spell. Sideevents on Sunday went smooth. 3-0ed all Double and Triple Ups I played and traded some of the tix in for a Jumpstart Display and challenged random people in the venue, was a blast to play 4mana deal 4 damage to target creature spells after so many rounds of modern, legacy and pioneer.


Went 10-2-1 into the top8 at MXP Oakland 20K with Living End, then conceded the QF to my opponent since I can’t go to Dallas. It was my first big tournament in 20 years and it felt great. Lucked out big time a couple of times (sorry, Greg), got to miss triggers and misplay on feature match with Reid Duke’s commentary, and made a bunch of friends. Apologies to all of my opponents for probably playing a little slower than necessary and attempting to tap a fetch for mana (sorry, Gabriel) - no malice, just a lot of rust.


Played BG Yawgmoth and went 3-0-1 at FNM winning $30 credit. Went 1-2 drop at the RCQ the day after. The RCQ was exceptionally disappointing. R1: L 1-2 RWU Jegantha Prowess. Not sure what the blue is for. Lost a close game. I think I should've cast my Punishment a turn earlier, and I think it cost me game 3. I held it in hopes of him playing more 1-drops into it, and was hoping that the Grist would give higher reward if it stuck. Looks like I cast Punishment on myself! R2: L 0-2 Goblins. Never played against it before. Mulled to 6 game 1, and I think I tucked the wrong card. Should've kept Yawg and tucked Grist instead. Game 2, he kind of had the nuts, with T0 Leyline of the Void, T2 Fury, T3 Blood Moon. R3: BYE. The only "win," at the RCQ. I think I was tired, knew I had no chance at top cut, and didn't want to sit around for another hour, so I dropped and went home. Likely would've stayed if I got to play this round. RCQ result was disappointing, but playing MTG was a fun way to end the week. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ FNM R1: D 1-1-0 Cabal Coffers. Killed my opponent super early. No idea what he was on, so I boarded in cards for Living End match-up. Lost game 2 to Sundering Titan. Game 3 came real close, and my opponent had me at lethal with Archon, but the game ended at turn 5. R2: W 2-0 Murktide. Game 2 was Young Wolf tribal. I opened with 3. lol R3: W 2-1 UB Mill. Game 1 was very interesting. I thought I had game 1 in the bag after resolving a big Endurance. But his new 3-mill hit a Yawgmoth, and then he immediately Surgical Extraction'd it. Then followed up with Ensnaring Bridge. I didn't find a Boseiju, and couldn't beat him down in time before he milled the rest of my deck. R4: W 2-1 Burn


Went 3-1 playing 4c rhinos. Only lost the first game against rb scam due to severe missplays from my side but hey 3-1 is good especially since I haven't played for 3 weeks. Got to play mono w humans twice which is a good matcup for me but not that diverse