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grounded tacticool aesthetics are so good man i bought a ton of them in 19 but they don’t make them anymore lol they used to have some that changed the appearance of the gun like there was an M4 blueprint in 19 that added the carry handle so you could kind of make a full auto m16, good times. they don’t care about us anymore tho


Yup, mw2019 content is uncomparable to the one we have today. Even the maps were much better. Those new agents are a f joke. They took word ,,modern” way too far


Are you saying mw2019 maps are better? I swear we are playing a different game.


So, You think that maps in mw3 are better?




I'm new - is shoot house still in the game?


I’m pretty sure it is




So tell me which map is ur fav one then


Yes, without a doubt. Have you played Grazna Raid? Have you ever played Euphrates Brige? That has to be worst map in CoD history. Mw2019 maps are a million angles and safe spaces for campy gameplay. Maps were all grey and devoid of life. People literally blended into the background.


Grazna was fun in search.


"the maps were much better" found the m4/725 + claymore user


What are you even saying, and what about huge camp maps in mw3? Read: Afghan, Highrise, Rundown, Derail, Wasteland, Estate. I respect map pool in Mw2019 for maps like Crash, Gun Runner, Hackney Yard, 1ST Shoot House. You must be this claymore user. That’s why you’re soo specific about the loadout LMAO


replace crash with shipment and those are the only maps where they didnt place a trillion safe spaces for people to camp, even hackney yard had the buildings in the back of each spawn that were so shitters could stay there. also that last comment is so stupid, did you forget the M4/725 claymore was memed to death when the game came out? your rose coloured glasses must be affecting your memory


Why are you taking this thing soo personally? You’re sad


>respond to comment >chud thinks it's personal reddit remains undefeated


I said basing on my opinion, that I think maps in mw2019 were better, and you instantly compared me to some camper, touch grass


Controller non-skill that cried probably many times in mw2019


Calm down bro, you're freaking out on an internet forum


I know it’s a long shot because there’s different operators but I’m hopping one day we can recover all of our skins from mw1 for like 15 bucks or something cause if they could profit from it they will (they will probably re-release the packs separately😔)


I only use gromsko manticore skin and the shadow 0-1 skin for graves


König’s arachnid skin is pretty good too


Nolan’s night vision skin from the first mission of the MW3 campaign was leaked as a buyable skin


Really? How much is it?


It hasn’t come out yet but I’m expecting anywhere from 1600-2400 depending on what the bundle comes with


Sick. I’ll keep my eyes open for it


The worst part is there's a skin in MW3 which is very close to this, they just put loads of crystals all over it.


I know, I was annoyed bro and done with any skins they came out with. They know what people want. People praise SHG, but a lot of the things they've done is lame. L skins, no support for GW or gunfight, like what is this nonsense? I'm tired of 6v6 and want more GW maps man.


This was my favorite one.


Man, Cod used to have an art style


Now it has an identity crisis, and it somehow works.


Just bring back al mw2019 skins.


Brin all old skins back plus the real Makarov from Mw2, not the wallmart one we have rn.


Not the frat boy makarov


Bring back realistic skins in general! Feel like I'm playing a cartoon rather than cod


Surprised the usual stock replies of "CoD is an arcade game and has had weird skins since 2014" haven't cropped up yet, as if to say that it has never had a consistent military artstyle and is in fact, Quake Championa.


Didn't understand the second part of what you said but to answer you lol. I know the game has always had funny looking skins, but I'm just saying in the new MW3 and towards the end of MW2 all the skins have been cartoony or stupid. Not so many realistic ones besides the ghillie suits.


I meant like, whenever these threads pop up, you always get people saying that glowing weird skins have always been a part of CoD since it’s an arcade shooter, as if it’s the same as a game like Quake (it isn’t). They totally ignore that CoD is still (technically) a military shooter. An arcade military shooter, but a military shooter none the less. And often also comment that anyone wanting realistic *looking* skins should go and play ArmA.


I just figure that the era of COD widely considered to be the golden era (2007-2012, give or take a year each side) had quite a consistent theme between campaign and multiplayer so the flashy skins don't make or break the game, they're just visual noise that gets filtered out because they're not my taste. like if a MultiCam wearing wizard came along and made all the goofy skins disappear, my experience with current COD wouldn't be too different. I still think COD WWII had it right when it came to balancing representing what the multiplayer was about with skins inspired by various units in WWII but genericized and a some zombies skins and some funny skins thrown in too


Same here. The game is very much point and shoot, so skins don’t really bother me. I have a preference, but not to the point where it breaks the game.


Oh okay gotcha. Yeah that's how it is. Most of those comments are not OG CoD players though I feel lol


Why can't they just bring over all the mil-sim skins from MW19 over to MW2&3???


Because if we get all of our skins we actually like back then we won't spend money on the trash they're peddling now


But we'll spend money on the good stuff they peddled before


I completely agree. I'm just giving the reasoning from Activision's perspective


Won't happen. They start adding more and more deranged shit, turning the game into Fortnite because old fans moved on with their lives, and young people like looking like idiots and clowns in the game. Even MW2 was more tame in comparison to MW3 -- at least the first two seasons


They have what would have been a good frogman skin if they hadn’t colored it with Crayola crayons and fucked up the color schemeI’m referring to the “Beach Boomin” bundle’s Wetsuit skin.


They need to straight up give us all our mw2019 skins. Or at the very least, the limited ones.


The should import all the operator skins from mw2019


What we had: Marine expeditionary force, CTSFO, Obi wan Nairobi, Korean SF, Parajumper, MARSOC, GROM, JTF2, Shadow company, Russian infantry, FSB, Serbian SWAT What we have now: A whole inventory from a zoo




Ale do dupy są


They could just make this exact same skin in MW3 and Id buy it, guess enough ppl would. Idk why they wont do it


They have him as the Outbroken skin essentially just with Aether crystals


Tactical human yegor is #1


“Denied, buy our fantasy skin that has no place in a modern theme shooter so you can unlock half of a bundle.” - Activision.


Lol another super default basic ass skin. Yay!


Don’t worry, pink flashy skins for kids are on their way. They didn’t forget about people like you Tom.


That’s not what I’m talking about. Theres so many skins that looks basically the same with a slightly different colour lol. Which is fine but they are still charging ridiculous price for these clones as well. Makes no difference to me. I won’t ever buy any skin bundle except one with the cod points I saved up through battlepass but I will never spend actual money on these low effort skins.


Low effort? Lol...you're the entire fucking circus.


Lmao. Enjoy the terrible skins I guess!


It's almost as if soldiers have a consistent look...


Dude take a look at recent photos from special forces around the world… this one is legit GROM kit. Would have preferred the HK416 over the G36 cuz as I know GROM is using the HK416. But I loved that KSK Top rail for the G36 on that blueprint.