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I completely agree, a good squad should have all play styles. The being said, If there is a playstyle that is missing from your squad, take up the slack! For example, in Hardpoint. you need to have an Anchor (someone that only gets seconds in the zone), you need a bodyguard (someone in the zone, that kills and dies around the anchor), you need one or more fire guys (setup to defend access to the zone, but never getting seconds) and every good squad should have an asshole/wildcard. (spawn killing, or killstreak destroying, surprise player).


Dibs on wildcard


I'll be the anchor. My aim sucks anyway.


Deliciously fun with a dash of semtex and or fire grenade chaos!


I'm a thermite guy myself.


i hate you and want you to be you. Those mfs get me COOKED in the hardpoint.


This would definitely be an effective team, albeit hard to come by without friends. But so would 6 people fully committed to relentlessly throwing themselves at every hardpoint the entire game. That's always my strat, and usually if there's 2+ other people doing the same, the team is near unstoppable.


as soon as i am not the only one throwing myself into the objective, the score goes crazy.


I like to multiclass as anchor/wild card


The problem is, good synergy is hard to find without a full team on Comms. I've noticed more often that most people wanna be the wildcard but then go to the weirdest spots to do it in and not contributing at all The guy with maybe 4 more kills than the defender but zero seconds on point and letting most enemies through is not helping the team at all I'm all for the roles you define here but then the whole team needs to fill in those roles In ranked a wildcard can even be a deficit to the team with only 4 players on a team


> one or more fire guys (setup to defend access to the zone, but never getting seconds) This is me, two-shotting guys with a marksman rifle from a flanked position 30 yards away.


The frequency at which I have teammates providing cover to help others grab objectives is very low


Extremely low


I have never and will never complain about someone contributing to the team. The dude stacking bodies in the enemy team's spawn on hardpoint is golden. Keep it up. You're a credit to your family name. The dude hiding in a corner trying to hold an unused lane on the opposite side of the map from the hardpoint who goes 2-12 with 0 time on the hardpoint is getting insulted.


What bothers me are people that camp some remote corner of the map and scrounge up a handful of kills while not dying to protect their KD and the people that stand 2 inches from the objective and refuse to take it.


That is some real camp fest TDM bullshit there. I hate that.


The guy in kill confirmed with 30 kills, 4 Confirmed and 1 denied. Love it.


I’ve noticed that there seems to be a good number of people playing Hardpoint who sit just off the point without taking it. At first I didn’t understand it, but then I noticed that they were using the HP as bait. On the mini map the HP shows up as free, but when I get there three guys are waiting just off the point to kill me. In KC, I see guys two steps away from a tag without ever grabbing it. They’re just using it for bait. That tactic is understandable, but I’m tired of being the guy who takes the bait and dies.


Yes but the amount of times the hardpoint is empty and my teammates are 2 feet away and ain’t doing shit


lol same, every time I play hard point or domination I swear. Like take two steps over buddy and help me out. But nothing grinds my gears more than losing in a match of kill confirm because people don’t collect tags. Played a match last week and I had the most confirms on my team with 38, next highest was 9 😑


Definitely agree, but too often people are only interested in getting kills. I only play HC, and way too often I see people actively avoiding the flag in Domination - even with several teammates around. I usually try to run through the zone and pick the rushing enemies off as they come running to defend the flag. What does annoy me, though, are the campers in the outer corner of the map just waiting to get 5 kills throughout the whole round. They aren't providing cover fire or anything to help the team.


Theyre working on camo Unlocks.


Then stay out of objective modes if you're grinding for kills?? It makes no sense. Objective game modes are meant to be engaged with in a more competitive manner than hehe durrr run and gun


the fact of the matter is that objective game modes are by FAR the easiest way to farm high kills for challenges. this comment can get downvoted to the shadow realm but its just the truth, a tdm game goes to 75 or 100 with near random spawns and most people will get near 15-25 kills. a hardpoint or dom game has predictable spawns and has no kill limit, ive had games where i got multiple guns gold in the same lobby after leveling them prior. that kind of stuff simply isnt plausible for a person grinding camos. everyone who says stuff like “stay out of obj gamemodes if you just want challenges done” has never grinded these camos because it is an indisputable fact that the grind goes by WAY faster in modes like hq, hardpoint, and dom.


also people move in objective modes I don't care that I'm not sweating for a win 1. it's a videogame, no one cares 2. TDM is a literal campfest I'm not playing that


It doesn't matter if objective modes are the easiest to grind camos. People don't want teammates who selfishly play to grind camos and ignore the team's objective.


it doesnt matter what people want, theyre literally always going to be there. the only way to have it change is to make challenges adjacent to obj play. “Get ten headshots while capturing a flag” “5 Double kills while holding the hardpoint” its a problem that will never “fix itself” no matter how many people bitch about it. like dude, theres multiple posts a DAY about the fact that most people dont gaf about the obj and it hasnt changed a single thing. ive grinded every camo since bo4 and when i tell you that the majority of the time, the camo challenges are the antithesis to playing the obj if you want even a modicum of efficiency. i guess you could try to support your team while getting them done if you want to quite literally double the amount of time it takes.


It's a camo, on a gun. Doesn't change its performance just an aesthetic. There's posts like yours made everyday that also don't change anything. No one is suddenly okay with it because they respect your camo grind. Another way to fix it would be for camp grinders to play modes that aren't team or objective based, but again... can't have that because people "need" their camos. It's selfish behavior, don't blame the game.


okay, cool. have fun trying to convince people to play suboptimally for your benefit. changing camo challenges is infinitely easier than trying to convince people to play a different way. dont be the stereotypical dumb call of duty player and realize the core of the issue is not the players. people are going to grind the camos, every game, until this shithole franchise crashes and burns. the challenges should be less counter intuitive to obj play. and they can be! the challenges have gotten better and better each year. hope the new 3arch game comes in clutch


How bout you stop whining over video game, ya big crybaby


Hc is different strategy. If you give up your position, you have <10 seconds left before you get killed. If you are outnumbered, stepping into a flag circle is suicidal.


The problem are the people who consistently think they're playing TDM. You know how many teammates I'll see RUN past objectives that need to be held or taken? It's all so they can stimulate their brain into an ADHD ridden gun fight asap. It's not hard to play domination and defend your points, or not hard to take a hard point instead of trying to spawn trap? They just dont want to relax and take a few seconds. Like I agree but also disagree. If you don't wanna play an objective based game mode play TDM or Free for All


Those are objective based games as well lol


Okay smart ass lololol you know what I meant buddy. Non kill objective game modes. There's you happy :p


Played hardpoint a while ago with a few guys with mics and we absolutely destroyed the other team. 2 of us stayed on point two protected the point and one guy just did what he wanted. Soon as hardpoint moved the two closet jumped on and other two took up spot's guarding it. Was fantastic yeah you all don't need to sit on the point to win but playing as a team deffo helps


I play without mic, and when that happens it's like oh! Magic!!! Let's enjoy, help each other to win the game as a team. I don't care about KD or being first in the team. I just want to win as a team. When I see that no one is taking it, always running to take it and hold it, that makes me be the first in points even when I have less kills and sometimes people who just want to be the first have to stop by the objective at least 10-20s or helping with the flags.


The only people that think otherwise are the ones that sit on the objective 24/7 while collecting 30 deaths. Trust me, you would’ve died wayyy more if I didn’t protect your ass the whole game


I've been saying this since MW2019 but all the losers just want to sit on the obj with the whole team and become a big massive target.


They mindlessly throw themselves at B, feed the opponents streaks and think they're superior to the actual good players


Bro and then all die in the hill and then the entire team spawns out and bow the other team has the point. Everyone on objective is a terrible idea and only the idea of bad players who can't hold their own in a gunfight.


I've been saying this 15 years ago in BO1 !! Lmao


I would have said COD4 but it never seemed to be an issue back then.


People have been saying this since COD4 lmao. If people are playing smart and rotating through objectives it’s all good. People scared of getting near an objective because they aren’t good enough to have a high kd and play an objective at the same time are cowards though


I agree, to a point. My group has objective getters, while one is our slayer/ big kill streak er, then a utility/support. It’s when you join a map of domination and 4 guys are lying on their dicks not doing shit.


I play a lot of objective, and I play the objective because I like to win, and I can honestly say most people aren't playing the objective. Most people are farming kills. You don't even have to look very hard to see it, just play a few rounds of hardpoint or domination or even kill confirmed. There's going to be literally one or two people playing for the win and the rest are absent. Personally, I don't care what people do, but I'm not going pretend that it's acceptable for 4 of 6 teammates not playing the objective thinking they're helping anything other than their KD. The irony is by playing the objective I'm consistently farming the most XP.


To be fair, if I’m on the objective, or a team mate is….. as long as it’s blue… idc. The enemy can’t get on the objective if CaptainBigWang6969 over there doesn’t let them out of spawn.


this is all true but when your getting your ass handed to you 230 to 70 put the fucking lmg and stormender down and get on the objective with me. i play different all the time, sometimes camping with lmg or sniper and sometimes running around like a nut going for kills but no matter what if my teams loosing i cant help but pull out my shotgun and go for objective. i recently added the kar98 to my shotgun loadout and been holding objective alone just fine so play how ever you want.


So in other words, just leave one guy on the hardpoint to get swarmed. As long as you don't go negative, right?


This is why I don’t touch ranked or even warzone because you try to be a unit and you got everyone trying to be best trick shot guy or running off on their own and get mad that you didn’t help them


I love to play the flanks and middle of maps and will guard those areas so that my team can hold the objectives. Now if i end up on a team that is doing that, i will hit the objectives. Just depends, but yeah, there is more to it than just sitting on hardpoint the whole game.


A lot of it depends on the loadout. AR or SMG? I'm probably playing on or very near objective. If I'm using a sniper though I'm probably trying more to take out enemies heading towards it.


Yeah, but the problem is when the entire team is claiming to be that guy keeping the objective open and yet half of them have negative kd.


Yea, wild seeing people complain about no one playing the objective meanwhile 90% of the time it's the high K/D players absolutely wrecking house and then no one on the team is actually sitting on the objective, while the enemy team is getting their shit kicked in but there's always one or two on the objective if even for a second


And I will continue to shoot down air support with my Obsidian Stormender next season too


That’s a good point. Everyone can have a part to play for the win. I actually never thought of it that way. If everyone’s in the hardpoint, no one is covering the sides when they’re rushing in.


You should join the ranked forum if you want to get better at learning and understanding roles that you can play






how is bro supposed to understand the roles when only things available to him are a single killstreak one AR and bunch of SMGs lmao ranked is a joke


That makes roles even more important since every game is objective based obviously


As someone that plays ranked, only people in the lower divisions complain about someone not being on the point. If there is already a hill kitten on the team in HP, depending on what the other guys are running, I will either play as a sub and try to constantly get spawns or a main AR to look over the point. In both situations I might have very little time on the hill unless the hill player keeps getting wiped then obviously I will immediately try to hop on but you will rarely see high time on point for me unless that’s the role I’ve decided to play that game (specifically if my shot feels off and my teammates are frying)


Agree the players that help the most on say hardpoint are the demons running the map taking out the other side before they get to the hard point making it super easy to hold it.


You say that but I watch people spawn on the objective thinking perfect backup and they sprint thrugh the middle of shipment just to get away from the hard point. Spawn flipping them to the objective spawn isn't some 5d chess, people just don't want to take a shootout at a disadvantage and the game does literally nothing to make a win appealing. They backed out of tokens from bonus wins I believe, now that the BP is a lot harsher to progress than it has been the last few. Only stuff left is do A with B, and being the only one of the team playing objective means just a +20 on the death count for no reason so of course someone on the fence will lean towards not playing objective. It's a long term cod problem, but stems currently from wins being pointless imo.


I agree as long as the players are supporting the players that are but the guy sitting on the objective needs a break...we can't always play the objective sometimes you have to.


Ive said this before nothing wrong with guys not capping the flag or holding the point as long as youre getting kills and slowing down the enemy. the problem is with clowns going for kills messing up the spawns because "kills" whats worse is the people who are going for kills and end up going negative, lol


My favourite is Hardpoint, the guy with heaps of kills but no time on point "did nothing to get the win" but y'all camping the point did so with such efficacy because he was killing them before they got near you. If you have the skill to hold off the enemy and your team are pushing objective the most effective thing you can do it just get heaps of kills to keep them from making an effective push... I had it in CDL control the other day, I apparently wasn't contributing because I wasn't holding the objective... I was keeping them off the objective until they ran out of lives, and my 3 team mates mostly got 1 pushing at a time, sometimes two. They always held numbers advantage.


As a solo that's why I play small maps and play objectives as the anchor. You can pretty much bully a lobby solo and if the other team has a few playing objectives it just becomes a challenge.


The main problem I have is that people who don't want to touch the objective run around the map looking for bad guys, which flips the spawns sporadically, causing enemies to come from every which direction instead of the one we're looking at. If dude could lay off snorting G Fuel for two minutes, we'd have the objective and the enemy spawn trapped, but that's far too boring for xxpipelayer42069xx, so everything gets fucked and his K/D still sucks cause he spends most of the time running from spawn to spawn cause he flipped them fifty times.


This is true. For example, on Safeguard in Black Ops 3, I'd often use the Dingo LMG to clear (and hold) sightlines so my team could push the robot. It helped a lot, but on the scoreboard it didn't look like I did much objectively.


I had someone on hardpoint the other day who was a bit of a twat when we lost and said in the lobby "everyone needs an Ok_Cow_3431 on their team. everyone needs one" trying to be a jerk implying I was the weakest player. Yet I had more than double the time on objective than him AND significantly fewer deaths (my 41 to his 67) Sure, not everyone needs to play the objective, but some players are just ass.


Hardpoint and domination is one thing. I only really gripe about this when it comes to KC, since I see a lot of people run by tags or just trade sniper shots with the other guy on the enemy team sitting in spawn sniping. Killing people fifty meters away in enemy territory is detrimental to winning KC


Had a game yesterday on Rio 10v10 Hard point and they had a super sweaty player dropping 80 kills but we still won the match because we had more points. You can drop high level streaks but if they aren't winning you the match or you're not playing obj enough you're still gonna lose no matter your mechanics. It's so satisfying.


you're not wrong but absolutely nothing justifies these idiots that run around tags on KC...


I understand how this works but you also have a bunch of Randoms that careless about anything and start to scream and yell when they start losing


This. Exactly this. If I jump in a game, whether it's Domination or Hardpoint (only Obj games I really play), I quickly figure out who on my team is playing which role, then I pickup where it's needed. If someone, or everyone, is on the objective, I'll load in with a run and gun type load out. This is usually to help keep the opposing team off the objective for the team. If they're running around, I'll play on the objective(s) to earn points for the team. Of course, this is to earn points, and possibly that W. I miss the days of having an actual team to jump into games with. I had a clan in BO2/3 where we had roles for each game type, even TDM/KC. Good times.


Oh cmon the amount of times I’ve played objective and the teams just camping letting the other team take objectives and not taking them back is way more often than not.


It's not just being on the objective though, there's plenty that ignore it completely on both offense and defense, which is what most people (myself included) complain about


stop complaining and just play your position! You can't hold everyone accountable for what they can and can't do in this game you'll go insane Bro


Not a complaint, jus a want for people to play for the team n objective n not just a glow in the dark colored gun, I don't really care in the end I still have fun playing 🤷


🤔 U came to my post yesterday saying I suck cuz I dropped 100 kills with 31 seconds on the hardpoint which is weird if u don't really care and havin fun!


Yes, u do suck for that, but I still had fun


This only works if you communicate with your team and are an actually good player yourself if you think 30kills with no caps/objective time will win you objective game modes you are wrong.


And if everyone played as you say no one would be on the objective.


Good thing everyone doesn’t play that way!!


I think that's already how most people play, at least the goobers on my teams always refuse to get near the objective


That's what I find when playing solo, they seem to think KDR is what it's all about. Help capture the objective and then defend it that's the way to go, no good defending a flag you haven't got or stopping the enemy getting it if you've not already captured it.




Stop scoring kills for objective based play. Base all scoring on something other than kills. Because kills mean nothing if you lose.


If you're not capping the capture point, #you are not playing the fucking objective!


Can't win Dom if you don't help capture the flags. Killing helps but it's not helping to win the game it's just helping you get kills


It's honestly a grey field