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It’s not garbage, it’s just inconsistent for some reason. It can one shot point blank but then take four shots to kill same distance, same could be said with medium range too. Semi-auto is kinda mid tho


Yeah, I really can't nail down what the specific issue is. When I do an ADS pellet spread / slug build, it works pretty damn well. But i simply cannot get it to work in hip-fire or tac-stance. I already have multiple clips of me 1 shotting someone at \~20 feet, then turning to an AFK enemy right next to me and taking 3. The lockwood 680, and even the MW2 pumps, don't have this issue. My guess is that the Reclaimer uses fewer high damage pellets / more low damage pellets than the others.


It's cuz the hipfire does significantly less damage, Goomie tested it. Like the 725, hipfire is horrid and u have to ads unless u use the semi auto or dragon's breath rounds


The way shotguns work in CoD is the same as Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Team Fortress 2, etc because they all started on the Quake engine. Shotguns in all those games shoot a randomized cloud of hitscan "points" that simulate pellets, with each hitscan doing a little bit of damage. In CoD, this cloud tightens when you ADS. So it's not that the ADS does more damage, it's just that the spread it functionally tigther. It's just an issue with the hip-fire accuracy.


Pretty sure they know about that lol, i take it it deals less damage with all pellets connecting otherwise the test would be pointless


Bryson choke will improve hip spread dramatically. Min spr 50% max and tac 14 or 15


Stack that with the bruen bastion


I forget which game it was, maybe BO3, but they made the first pellet do a flat rate and then each additional pellet was bonus damage. Shotguns were incredibly consistent in that game. Like the pump action shot 8 pellets, the first one did like 98 damage, and you only needed two additional pellets at close range to get a OHK.


Yeah, for me slugs are the way with this gun.


Slugs but still build for hipfire n pellet spread when you pap it, it shoots multiple slugs if spreads tight you put holes in everything. Enjoy it while it lasts I feel like it’ll be put down like the Lockwood soon


Aim high for range kills, aim low for close encounters


That's what I'm finding as well, main issue with this thing seems to be consistency. I genuinely don't know how many shots it'll take to kill someone when I take an engagement with it because I can 1 shot someone from 10 meters away and then take 3 shots at someone sucking on the barrel. I have found you can semi auto tac-stance it for a very tight spread which seems more reliable than the pump ADS for me.


I bet it's insane on LAN but online, like a lot about the online of this game, it's inconsistent.


its so weird. I hit marker the same guy twice and he one taps me w it from same range


Prob shitty servers making things inconsistent


Ya I've hit some of my longest shotgun kills with this thing then I'll shoot someone 2 or 3 times up close and nothing. Really weird and inconsistent


I looked at that stats yesterday and I noticed it deals really high headshot and upper torso damage but really low lower torso and leg damage, I can almost guarantee that’s why


sounds like MW2 for most of its seasons. I think in S5 they finally got the Bryson almost OP. Love it.


Sledgehammer >>>>> Spas


Dog goes yeet if you use this in zombies


It's the funniest shit to watch them and zombies get yeeted across the screen


Sledgehammer ≠ Spass *("Spass" is German for "fun")* *(Also: don’t blame me! That’s some German humor for you right there! We’re notoriously hilarious…!)*


Ja, aber ich hab kein Spaß mit dem shotty.. LOL


Hah mehr mit dem *"Shitty"* Hehehe


You’re not fun until you guys release a civilian version of the mp7. -every hk fanboi


The gun is actually Italian 😁


Use both


How’d you know my new class setup?!


Because its what i use 😂


This gun absolutely needs a buff, maybe some range


Yeah this gun is butt


Bal-27 wants a word that shit is ass


idk but i can work with it, its definitely not the best but i never thought of it as horrible as many people do


a P90 that does the same amount of damage as the P90 but is an AR It's a fucking hitmarker machine, levelling it was a frustrating grind


I used that gun for about two minutes after unlocking and haven’t touched it since. It’s such trash


It always 5 shots so thats something


i forgot about the bal-27 haven't seen anybody use it since it first came out😂


The M13C all over again


Nah M13C has always been goated, perfect replacement for the quimera if you want bigger magazines/don't care about the silencer. The recoil has always kicked a lot... So I can totally understand why a lot of people don't give it the chance.


It's recoil was even worse when it released and had awful damage. They buffed it a few times before MWIII released.


Except it has the exact same mag size as the Chimera? The mag size was nerfed to 45 rounds with the release of MW3. So you obviously haven't even used the gun in this game. Why make this comment?


when it came out it was ass cheaks


Why use the m13c when the B is just 10x better and always has been, even if you need a chimera like gun, M13B just does it better. It has not been goated, i remember getting that shit in MW2 and shit was dog water, low damage and horrible recoil. Suprised i was able to get it max level. Maybe they buffed it? I'll use it today once im home and give a report for it in MW3


M13B has been the best gun in mw3 since launch, not many ppl knows since everybody uses mcw only 😂


I wouldn't say the best gun, but its definitely one of the only MW2 guns left standing that can completely shread people and stay on par with MW3 guns. Saying this as it's one of my favorite AR's and one of my most used guns.


I actuall have found if you ADS for some reason, you can absolutely demolish people at close range, and on the plus side, it's helping me get more accurate with close up follow up shots since this shit one shots about as well as a Kolibri (iykyk)


At least the Kolibri was a god tier meme gun if nothing else


Ok that's fair, mapped someone one time after I hit them for 99 with a martini Henry and cross mapped his ass with the Kolibri


Yeah I’d be pulling out the kolibri every time I’d get a hitmarker for quite a while trying to get one like that but never got one that good


I've seen people blowing up dynamite with it to make it look like they downed a tank or even Behemoth with the Kolibri. Bonus points if it was on PC and you get confused chat reactions or hackusations. (For reference, blowing up dynamite with a weapon and killing something displays it as if you used that gun to blow up the tank)


The kolibri was coated for people on AA guns. Walk up behind them and magdump them in the back of the head. Easy kill every time 👌


Who remembers the model 10A Hunter was a monster in its heyday. Going back even further, USAS-12 with frag rounds was even more busted. Only gun that made me giggle as much as those guns did was when the AS VAL could shoot through the earth back in MW19


Man the 10-A hunter in the beta would make people fuckin cry today. Shit was a monster, then the trench gun with the slam fire came in. I need to redownload and play BF1 again


Oh 100 percent. I’m watching some old YouTube on it now, just to remember how broken it was. It would cause so many posts to be made about it here if any gun was like it


my problem with that is if I have to ADS with it I'd rather just use the Kar98




This thing In zombies unholy devil GOLD TRIPLE PACK IS SO ASS


PSSSSST use the slug rounds. It’s like the 680 all over again


Yep. It absolutely rips with the slugs, took down tier 2 HVTs with single pack and uncommon tool and it was surprisingly easy


Thank you for the award!


There's precedent with this one, though. Every pump action in the game, and tbh most of the shotguns in general (emphasis on most) are complete garbage. The only consistently good pump was the 870 before that one barrel that made it decent got completely nuked. Only other exception is the Wardens, if you want to count an akimbo lever action with the pump actions. But most of the shotguns just need help, not to become super giga busted, but not be easily replaced by a Superi via it's speed, consistency, and good power, or Knives for the speed and consistency. Like, off the topic of the SPAS, the double barrel with the trigger that shoots both at once only shoots 6 pellets total for damage that doesn't really carry you very far past 150 outside of melee range. It's a gun that shoots once every 2-3 seconds, it should be dealing like 100 per pellet across 10, and well over 150 past it's first range. It's an insult.


Meanwhile the Kar98K is the best shotgun in the game


Also the Kar nerf is like unnoticeable in my opinion, shit is still amazing in pvp


Conversion kit will probably drop sometime and make it op, but who knows.


All the shotguns in this game are either straight up trash or the fucking Wardens. Why aren't these weapons just secondaries at this point? They fucking suck ass


How does putting them in the secondary slot magically make them viable? A shit gun is a shit gun no matter the category Agreed tho SHG really has to rebalance all the shotguns, especially when they heavily rely on attachments


Because then there's leeway since they're then being compared to secondaries and not primaries.


Except that the cor45 is better than 90% of the weapons in the game


Shhhhh. Don’t let SHG know that


As an auto tac sprint user I just gave up on hip fire shotguns and akimbo pistols a long time ago. I always just end up tac sprinting while trying to shoot. The last shotguns I used was the doof doof fire breath. Or maybe the jak 12 but that was full auto.


Maybe try the ninja vest with the all terrain boots, it gets rid of tac sprint but you run faster to compensate and it’s almost as fast. I can’t stop using them, I love not having to spam sprint anymore and I win a lot of fights due to not having tac sprint-out times.


Even with those, I’d still have auto sprint/run unless I turn it off and do manual toggle. I’d have the same problem. If I try to move forward at all my gun will stop shooting if I’m hip firing a non- automatic weapon. I got better with it eventually by just trying to make sure I don’t move forward and strafe side to side only. But it’s like u basically just can’t close distance by moving forward while hip firing with auto tac sprint. 🤷🏿‍♂️ I don’t know if this is something they will ever make an adjustment for. It’s just a downside of the setting. Can’t close distance to enemy unless you aim down sight


Even as a kbm user those boots are goated for hipfire weapons and quickscoping


Akimbo cor and renetti are fucking insanely good, what are you on lmao.


Non automatic akimbo are simply just not the best with auto tac


First you say akimbo pistols, now it's about non akimbo? Also what is auto tac sprint? You're automatically sprinting in tac stance? What am I reading?!


Automatic tactical sprint, it's a toggle in the menu that lets you always tactical sprint, you don't need to push a button.


How do you not know what auto tac sprint is


Brainfart, still doesn't explain how he talks about akimbo pistols and then says non akimbo they suck due to tac sprint. Like what?


Hip firing automatic weapons no problem. But with auto tac sprint, if you are hip firing a non automatic weapon u cannot move forward while shooting. The tac sprint will disrupt you firing weapon immediately. So if u are trying to close the distance while shooting an enemy close range, you have to aim down sight to avoid this. This basically makes semi auto shotguns, or akimbo semi auto pistols (bcuz you can’t aim down sight), difficult to use with auto tac sprint. To a point where you just avoid using them unless it’s absolute meta. Bcuz u can only move backwards or side to side while shooting.


Same here, tac sprint and shotties is a horrible combo. I finished grinding the new one yesterday though, using those boots that disable tac sprint.


It’s gotta be bugged, no way it’s this shite


So I'm not the only one this thing as ass


The Sledgehammer melee is also funny af to use but so slow which makes sense. Send people flying.


I gave up on the heavy attacks with it, way too slow. But yeah, it's a nice addition :)


If you build it right and play to each builds strenghts, it's actually really workable. Probably the best shotgun, which I mean the shotguns are the worst class in this game, but still ADS build in Pump Action can get you semi-consistent 15-18 meter one taps, Hip-Fire/Tac-Stance build in Semi-Auto to run around like a maniac (and one tap in Hardcore from 30 meters in hipfire, which is mental) Work around both and if you switch your firetypes right, get a pretty fun gun to run around with. Sure it's not stupid OP, but I didn't think we wanted that?


That's the vibe I got with the shotgun playing with it tonight. Semi toggle when I'm moving indoors, pump when I get back outside, as a general rule. I'd honestly class this as being a gun with a slightly higher skill floor, and honestly a little mechanically intensive for y'know, a shotgun. Not bad, not broken, just fine. They also finally did the two-at-a-time reload on empty that I've wanted these animators to do since 2019, so bonus points there.


That's just because it's a shotgun for some reason they decided to make shotguns the weakest weapons in this game. It's still fun to use though


This thing gave me a headache


That's why I stick to HC. There's no meta in it and everything is equally viable.


You have to ads/kind of quick scope with it. It’s a very odd mechanic in cod where ads tightens pellet spread. If you are hip firing, most those pellets aren’t hitting


I’ve kinda noticed doing that makes the gun more consistent, glad I’m not crazy lmao


Every fucking shotgun in the game would like a word. Look at the shell ejection being the wrong color, size, etc. Look at the hitmarkers at point blank when you're dead center on their face. Look at the distances in which they can get a one shot kill being pathetic. Shotguns have been abandoned by Sledgehammer, like an unwanted dumpster baby. I've given up on Sledgehammer to balance things properly. Fucking SPR-208, SA-B 50, and Lockwood Mk2 have the effective damage range of a shotgun, even though they're marksman rifles, and should have waaaay more one shot potential, and yes they're more consistent at close range than shotguns. They nerfed the fucking CROSSBOW for God's sake. The weapon that I'm convinced only I use. I'm normally very patient and understanding about this kind of thing, but CoD has existed for like 20 years. They've focused so hard on reinventing the wheel with 150 health and fast movement, that it's clear that it's all they care about. Realism in DETAILS, not mechanics, like the proper shells ejecting from guns? Nah. 150 health, breaking the fucking MW2 weapon balance? Absolutely! You got it! Their attention to detail is way off. Why the hell does the Superi 46 eject standard pistol shells when the 4.6 looks more like a small rifle cartridge? Why are they blue when the gun is supressed?!? Infinity Ward is still my favorite CoD dev, as they USUALLY get attention to detail and balance pretty spot on, at the latest by the halfway mark as far as the CoD years go. They also make the game realistic without changing the fundamentals of what makes it CoD. Everyone whines about how slow MW2 played, but damn, if MW2 contained the MW3 weapons too, it would outback MW3 in every category in my book. The only thing better about MW3 is the variety of weapons, equipment, and killstreaks.


Heck in zombies it wipes the floor with the undead, sure you need the 12G slugs Rounds but heck Multiple slug rounds in 1 shot? I don't see anything wrong with that.


I just wish MWII and MWIII shotguns got the same treatment when PaPed.




I have mixed feelings about this. It's very ass. But then it's very good. *...and then you can just take it to HC.*


Semi auto mode is the way to go.


Has anyone here tried semi-auto mode?


Fastest sprint to fire in the game though


The damage model is apparently bugged. The gun one shots the first and second dummies just fine at the firing range.


“Look at how they massacred my boy”….


The hammer is more op that lunge is comical


Was so disappointed


This philosophy was already disproved with the BAL. The only people who still say that are people who try to come up with every excuse under the sun as to why the KAR98k was released in the state it was.


It’s your fault for taking words too literally. Of course not every single solitary new weapon will for sure be OP. 


Yeah no this gun is booty cheeks in every mode. Was so excited to use it in zombies but then i dropped it after realizing it was literally a pea shooter even when gold & papped to tier 3


garbage gun? it can one shot everytime if you "quick scope" it in pump action mode and in semi-auto it is a hipfire beast, I am sorry but you are just ass with shotguns if you think it is bad


It’s impossible to be ass with shotguns in COD lmao idk what your game you’re playing but it’s not the same one I am.


it is very possible, getting a good K/D while camping is not an indicative of being good with a shottie, if I see someone with a shotgun that went 32-27 I will consider him way better than someone that did 16-5. Either go full hipfire with semi-auto, or go full tight pellet spread with pump, if you are still doing bad, you are the problem


Bro take a look at the comments, I’m not the only one who thinks this gun is terrible. It’s ok to be wrong!


a lot of people that never play with shotguns it seems, everyone blindly thinks they are OP and have never or rarely use them outside of challenges, like I said, either go full hipfire build or pellet spread build, if you are still doing bad, it's on you


Ya'll don't realise this thing absolutely shreds with semi-auto 💀


Shoots too slow for that, will always need 2 shots even point blank and in that time anyone can rip you a new asshole with any gun.


It absolutely does not shred. If I want a semi auto shotgun I'll just use the Jak Maglift kit on the haymaker.


Semi auto is way too slow. They can mag dump you before you get off the second shot


Why does the spas look like it has short barrel 💀


They actually do that, the Reclaimer is an exception.


BAL 27


True, true, but they mostly do it. It depends on commercial decisions, and many times new weapons are part of new bundles. I wish they cared more about balancing the game.


Ram 7, HRM 9, Taq eradicator, Taq evolvere, FJX Horus, SOA Subverter? Some are decent but none launched overpowered and most launched in a bad state


Not bad, just wildly inconsistent. One shot someone down the meat hallway but also got 3 hitmarkers in with 10 feet of someone


Idk I dropped 67 with only that gun only getting one shots


I love shotguns But i rather use my bare fists


Obviously not all new guns but a few definitely are made op to sell bundles


ADS spread in pump action mode is significantly tighter than hipfire, and basically required for any kind of range, but that range is surprisingly good with the first unlock barrel Hipfire spread is significantly tighter full stop in semi-automatic, and makes tacfire more viable in semi even though damage falloff is worse This isn't going to be the new OP ezmode crutch like most new guns, but once more people start working out how to use it and when to switch firing modes, it's far from garbage


It seems to be pretty good in the game’s biggest mode


The Lockwood 680 is simply better currently, every barrel is bugged and gives you 10 rounds and it can shoot faster. What's the point of this new shotgun? The Lockwood is also way more consistent with one shots.


Do we really need to be upset about a shotgun missing Gods touch? No we don’t. I mean I understand theres fans of touchin down in shipment so you can all run around trying to be the shotgun king. It’s kinda a real silly thing but I get there’s fans of it. Personally I enjoy getting into something much closer to a gunfight.


Another AK weapon would be nice.


Ass. Can’t believe I was hyped for a new shotgun only to miss 3 point blank shots and end up getting killed with the Lockwood 680


Why would a shotgun take less than anything other than one shot to kill at close range in any form or video game?


What makes me mad about it all is that EVERYONE was pushing my shit in with it. So of course I 680 my way through the easiest challenge ever to unlock the Reclaimer and low and behold... trash. There must be an attachment or preset from the store that made this thing godly. I have yet to figure it out.


Spoiler: there isn’t lol


It’s terrible and inconsistent. I feel like I get more hitmarkers with it than I even do with the Riveter. I only got it Interstellar by playing Hardcore. But even there I was sometimes getting hitmarkers. They definitely need to buff it.


Man first match of the new season and this dude dropped like 85-90 kills on us with this on Incline, the killcams made it look like the easiest shit ever, I couldn't believe afterwards reading everyone shit on it lol.


Tbh this is one of the gun they add that's actually good and somewhat balanced


Is it possible to get this with just warzone? In the battlepass it says I need to do the challenge in multiplayer, which I don't have


It’s pretty decent, it’s the only shotgun I enjoy using, when I’m in my friends lobbies, mine are shit


😂😂😂 That gun has been trash in every COD, they can’t break with tradition now.


Fun as hell on HC


Bal 27, SoA Subverter, TAQ Eradicator, all are underwhelming.


Dude you're full of s*** okay it's the two shot shotgun I've been tried it out and every phase of modern warfare 3 if they're three plated and they got a little distance on you sometimes it's a three shot and war zone but up close you ain't got a problem with this gun and if you put it on send me automatic you can fire a hell of a lot freaking quicker explore the gun before you come on and run your mouth about it


Big Mike , no need to be so big mad lmao I have the gun maxed, it’s ass.


And I'm sorry I don't shoot what comes with the gun I shoot slugs out of my shotgun on any game there is no cloud of splatter everywhere I mean all you got to do is put a choke on that and you can control that if you going to shoot pellets out of it


And also you don't take off the stock on the gun a lot of people are doing that and running around and complaining and calling the gun ass and it's unreal cuz a shotgun is a shotgun when you take the stock off you don't have no recoil support or steadiness for aiming


It’s beautiful on shipment lol.


Everyone is having a different experience w this gun as am I. When I aim, it has good one shot range at surprisingly long distances but when I hip fire it, it’s tickles them.


They nerfed it literally less than 24 hours but the Kar98k...the Kar98k is still kicking


It's an Ads shotgun remember the Argus see it like that the choke needs to be tight to get the one shot I almost got it down to a science with a max sprint to fire ads build with the wonky no stock Imao it's amazing and people will realize soon


They do this so that no one will skip the new gun. Alot of people only like to use their favorite gun but when they release a new one they gotta make it op for a while so everyone will give it a chance


Still waiting for the Kar nerf (maybe s6)


A Guy one shot me from 40m range to the body, rage quitted the lobby


the bal and the horus on release too


Have you actually used this gun? Because this post is pretty stupid if you have ACTUALLY used it. It’s OP. Just like EVERY gun they’ve released this far aside from the bal.


[Xclusive Ace says otherwise.](https://youtu.be/eWOV5bDYzz8?si=F2sM6QIOlTaDxZh6)


Did you seriously just cite a random nobody YouTuber? 😂😂😂😂 you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. If you build the gun with no stock and use tac-stance in pump mode, it demolishes. Start thinking for yourself, goofy


Xclusive Ace is a “random, nobody YouTuber”? Lol looks like you’re the one who has no idea what they’re talking about


I’m pretty sure I didn’t stutter. He’s a nobody, and the fact that you rely on social media people’s builds is REALLY sad 😂 get gud scrub


Honestly bro, it’s not that serious lmao


You made a Reddit post about it…apparently it’s pretty serious to you.


Sure, bud


No problem, pumpkin.


The pump action should be a 1 or 2 shot kill every time. The Semi auto should be 3-5 to kill The pump action does nowhere enough damage for how long it takes to pump and the damage it does. If you get a one shot you are the luckiest guy in the world. Baseline: There are better pump action shottys in thr game that there is no reason to use it. There are better semi/full auto shottys in this game that is no reason to use it for that either.


I don't care what it is I just use it and have fun, I also use the sledge hammer to counter meleers


For some reason you can one shot players and bots with the pump action mode but takes more with semi auto


The funny thing is that MWII shotguns are better than MWIII shotguns, the semi auto MX is really good for killing, other than the slow ads and sprint to fire, but the Bryson 890 is definitely my favorite, it kills at a decent distance consistently and you can also build it to have a tactical sprint speed of 7.6 while retaining the range.


Play hardcore and it will always be consistent


It's not garbage it's very overpowered it's just very inconsistent they have not released a single gun that has not been overpowered as fuck only two Nerf it like a week later and like 4 years


Turn it to semi auto and set it up for hip/tac stance, it wrecks


Downvoted for posting a factual statement. This sub is something else.


They're just pissy from people wrecking their shit with the shotgun after missing with the KAR98


It doesn't "wreck" you set it up tac stance and it's usable.  Literally outclassed by every other shotgun including the thumper with slugs and that's ass


Its a shorgun. They cant balance shotguna cause they are either demon or bot


Finally a Shotgun that acts like a Shotgun instead of a AR, Battlerifle or Sniper!


Bryson 680 > Spas


Everything’s one shot in hc and that’s why it’s the best mode imo


Idk I've had luck using bolo shells


The spaz-12 is (in my opinion) one of the most balanced guns to come out when it's released.


Idk… I’ve been destroying with this


Huh. I went 60 & 34 in my first round with it 🤷


You must have been playing the biggest bunch of bots on a 0.1 kd then because you will get destroyed playing against competant players 


Nope. Did it again after work last night 🤷