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Phil pulls $45k per month on commissions at the minimum. Jay is a millionaire who retired and sold his company. Mitch probably makes over $100k a year as a very good lawyer.


I was hesitant about that Mitch one but I googled it and you are right. In California it’s like between 84-150k for pay. It was always funny how they always kinda had them on the “brink” financially then those last few episodes they move them into that mansion. Plus Mitch even said “it’s like a lot less money” when he took the job so I wonder what he made before if it was a step down.


Let's assume he's pulling in 150k. Even then, they're firmly middle class in LA.


Yeah especially in a single-income household. If Cam was able to pull in an extra 50-75k, they’d be way better off, but like you said Mitch is easily able to put them in the middle class mostly by himself


Yeah it helps that they got a big chunk of their house paid by Jay which would allow them to put more money into a car. Plus they rented out their top floor often for a while


Jay really shows how far ahead you get with a rich parent. He helped out Claire and Phil also


And how he gave his job to his daughter, who still did good but still, whom wasn't working for 20 years and zero skill. There would've been someone else in tbe company that Jay was priming, like every company, and he was just screwed over cause family. Should be illegal for family companies to hire outside, clearly bias. As someone with two broke asf parents that bust ass daily for bread, I am jealous of Claire 🤣🤣


There was someone that Jay was thinking of handing the company to once he retired. But from what I remember, that person stole money from the company and was let go and it was around the time Claire needed a job and of course Jay is happy to have his daughter succeed him.


But still others way .ore qualified than Claire. She literally got it cause she's his daughter. Phil should've been with gloria and Jay and Claire in a ditch.


Jay made the company. He can choose what happens with the company. Im sure that if Claire was bad at her job, Jay would have let her go


I hate myself for doing this… but whom is used when the pronoun serves as the object of the sentence, and while “his daughter” is the object of the first clause, “whom” serves as the subject of your third clause so it should be “who wasn’t working for 20 years”


Ryan used me as an object


First of all how dare you


its reddit who cares


Well boys looky here another Grammernazi who can't argue the facts made thus he must resort to basic 12year old insults to feel they got the upper hand when matter of fact the only hand he wqs blessed was his uncles tight grip.


I knew I would regret that comment lmao


Actually jay hired Claire when the guy he was grooming to take over quite.


Still there would atleast 5 people ready not a family hire with no experience and etc.


There were many that were ready, but jay never got anyone’s hopes up and then let them down.


Wasn't the reason they bought the upstairs apartment because Cam was the Phys Ed/Coach while Mitch had a job?


I think so. They originally didn't own it and had to think hard when they decided to buy it. Then renting it out really helped them out.


When Cam was teaching he probably made around that.


A good lawyer in LA makes well over 200


Yes, but I don't think that was Mitch.


He went to the top law schools in the country. The problem wasn’t that he was a bad lawyer, it was that he was an ENVIRONMENTAL lawyer. Those guys don’t make much money.


Environmental lawyers make a lot of money.


150k average for California. That’s not much


Government lawyers, sure. But private practice env. transactional/regulatory/litigation attorneys are in a highly paid niche.


So they make green...


And if I'm not wrong he was working in the DA's office. So, most probably a Govt job and the salary could be within a specific range, and if he is a good lawyer it could be on the higher end of the range. Google says, in Los Angeles asst DA gets around $130K in average


Most of the jobs Mitch works would not be paying 150k. An assistant DA back then would be lucky to make 90kz


Don't forget they rent out the upper floor of their house


That's middle class? Damn


They also rent their upstairs apartment so they have some passive income


It's very expensive where they live and Mitch's career history is a bit spotty - he changed jobs a lot and there were periods he didn't work at all and if they weren't that great with money or were overextended (having a kid at all and then supporting a child + a stay at home parent is expensive) to begin with, then imo it makes sense that they were struggling a bit more.


He’s got a rich daddy


That only matters if you actually ask them for money which it seems Mitch didn't. The point is that it makes sense that they were portrayed to be struggling because Mitch's employment was not consistent.


Mitchell was way too proud and had too much emotional beef with his father to ask for money imo


Oh I don’t think he asked for it. I think he most likely had been gifted money for things like housing, education, loans. Etc.


I knew they had to have money after the double kitchen fire and remodel. But its funny how they were always portrayed as like just getting by sometimes.


But isn't that how life Is? Sometimes you got it, sometimes you don't. 


Mitch was in house counsel at that one company, he did well


You also have to consider that Jay most likely paid for Mitch’s law school. He’s not struggling to pay off a ridiculous debt on top of everyday expenses,


I always wonder about the legitimacy of Phil’s numbers calculated on here. If his firm lists north of 1 mil+ (and at this time he sold around 1 a month), cut in Cali is slightly lower around 2-4% average due to higher home prices, would be around ~40k. His monthly sales were when Phil was still hustling at his big firm so the 40k likely went to his firm, which he would then receive a slice of on top of that, so probably closer to about 20-30k a month for himself. Then, when he split off to become independent, his selling rate decreased but I’d assume evened out with the increase in individual gains. If you look at it, only the top 2% of realtors in California make over 150k. Phil was probably pulling in 300-350 on a good year and likely around 250 on average. (He is not the “#2 Realtor” in his area. Cali has ten figure homes for sale. The most expensive one he looked at was probably for the Coldplay dude, which looked to be about 10 mil. That is easily surmountable by all the celebrity/big realtors in LA selling 25 mil homes *monthly*). If I recall, Phil & Claire (and Mitch & Cam) were gifted the down payment of their home and have appeared to have substantial financial support from Jay in building up their life. This likely also enabled them to save at higher rates, combined with Claire inheriting Jay’s company, allowed for their easy early retirements.


Was Phil’s income stated?


No but it’s estimated based on things like “#2 realtor” and the types of houses he shows. Combined with averages we can see on google


That’s crazy money. I’m not from Cali but that number puts him at $540k/year. Insane anyone would try to box that into middle class


California happens to be an expensive state t live in. Like New York, you’d need to make over 100k just to breathe. It would most likely be considered upper middle class where Jay would be considered upper class.


Exactly. We’re a single-income family with two kids. My husband brings in $200k/year and we are barely middle class. It’s crazy.


To add: the high school kids where we live have Teslas, if that gives an idea as to the kind of wealth floating around. It’s pretty gross, if you ask me.


Tesla's are like 25k now They're essentially cheaper than a civic


Lmfaooooo 😂😂😂 I looked on fb marketplace after reading your comment and found the 2014 Model S for $13k


Model 3s are so cheap now. The Tacoma I want is more expensive than even a base Model Y


Yeah tacos prices have sky rocketed in tge last 5-10. I have a white fleet model I bought in 2018 was $16k. The cheapest new Tacoma is 32k and the higher end stuff in the 50's. I've officially hit that point where I say stuff like "When I was a kid" and "Back in the day". My first brand new vehicle was an '05 Colorado, put 375k on it snd it cost me $13k. I'm old. Lol


But if you make 200k, and Phil is making 540k that’s literally double what you guys make.


Yes but take into consideration that they live in a very high COL state. Plus have 3 kids they are going to put thru school.


It's weird how money is so relative because for some people 200k$ is their net worth for some people. Or even for some 200k$ is the total amount of money people will make in their whole lives in some countries


Assuming it’s a consistent 45k, that means Phil makes 540,000 per year, which is just bonkers to me


As he’s stated that he never went a month without a sale and that most of the homes he lists are probably worth upwards of $750k in a really good part of California (likely close to LA), it’s a fairly reasonable estimate.


A private practice lawyer in their 40s in la makes a lot more than $150k


Considering the money they pull, Phil and Claire's home actually seems reverse sit-comy. (Most sitcom shows show characters living in much larger spaces than they should be able to afford)


Not really. It’s the LA suburbs. You need to make over $80k just to breathe in a nice apartment. He has a house unlike Mitch and Cam with 3, no, 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and a spacious basement in prime streets, which would easily be upwards of $900,000. Plus the 2008 crash made it even harder to get a good mortgage and probably hampered his earnings, that’s why he was initially struggling. He probably pays $60-80k a year just for the mortgage.


Wait when did he retire and sell his company? I thought claire was running it


I had done these calculations a while ago. I estimated that Phil makes a little north of a million dollars annually! Here are the details: https://www.reddit.com/r/Modern_Family/s/Qeg8G4fYl0


Mitch as a very good lawyer? Lol tell me you being sarcastic


He passed the bar on his first try, and he edited the law review. He won all those cases before Gloria's case in Florida. He won an award.. He is good.


He ‘s lazy and does have an attitude though. Like he was doing Phil a favor.


The episode that really shows their wealth is when they try to pay Jay back for covering their down payments. The Dunphys had that money ready to go loool


It’s explained that Claire received a large bonus from jay in that episode. That’s why they have had the money ready.


Yeah but think about how large of a bonus that is to cover a down payment? Also later in the ep Phil is also wanting to pay him back with no hesitation. They were well off lol


Back when they bought their house, the down payment probably wasn't all that much


If we're going based off the actual prices of real life. The neighborhood the Dunpheys live in is very expensive. Homes there were in the millions 20+ years ago


It was sold in 2003 for a little over 7k, it wasn't a million dollar home. 20% down is less than 150K which Phil early makes in 6 months.


Zillow/Redfin/Realtor all literally say that house sold for $1.025mil in 06/2004. ETA: I grew up in the neighborhood next to Cheviot Hills, those homes were always dream homes for me.




Yea, they were well off because Phil was a very successful realtor and Claire was a ceo. But in that episode Phil was paying back with Claire’s bonus


Did phil know yet? I dont remember exactly, but doesn't she tell phil about the bonus after he pays jay.


I just watched this ep a few minutes ago and I don't think Phil knows about the bonus. I can only assume they really have that money to pay Jay


He knows. Phil worries that if Alex goes to her safety school, it'd be more expensively (presumably because it'd be out-of-state). Claire says, "don't worry, I still have my bonus" and Phil gives her a "uh, no you don't" look because he paid back Jay.


So he didn't know? This exchange is after Phil paid Jay.


I assumed he knew about it (she specifies that she *still* has it), which is why he felt comfortable paying Jay back on the spot, but Claire didn't expect him to spend it so quickly. It seemed they'd agreed to add it to what they budgeted for Alex.


They bought their house before the market crash of 2008, sure house before weren't cheap but kind of explains Phil's situation and everything more clearly


At that point in life you should have that kind of money especially when living in CA.


Luke beats them all with the Rolls Royce!


Plus the frozen money


Frozen ASSets


Have you seen the houses they live in? Everyone in that show is loaded


Mitch and Cam only live in half of the house, it's a duplex.


I always thought there was a larger part you just weren't showing us.


Get outta here, Pepper 😂


It's a shoebox!


Don’t they own the other side of the duplex?


Maybe eventually, but in the episode with lillys castle we meet the lady who owns the top floor. But really it's never clear how many units there are, how it's divided, who owns what etc


They bought the upstairs unit


No they do end up buying the other end of the house and renting it out. They are doing pretty well for themselves. They own multiple residences. And in the beginning cam doesn’t even work so it’s a single income household. Not that any of this matters they would definitely be the worse off of the families, from what I can see.


Tbh even a duplex in a nice part of La is still 700,000 plus


Because I’m a dork for this show and I live in so cal, we drove by both the Dunphy and Pritchett Tucker houses and they are both in really nice areas. Current Zillow for Dunphy house is around 3 million (https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/10336-Dunleer-Dr-Los-Angeles-CA-90064/20499429_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare)


Doesnt mitch have a prius?


He definitely drives a prius at one point, he mentions it in the episode with Mark Zuckerberg


Mark Zuckerberg 😂😂😂


They should've sneaked Andrew Garfield cameo teaming up with Mitch in that episode yelling at Jesse Eisenberg


He does. And I think Cam had a Volvo S60 at one point.


I think he drives the Prius on principle. It is a very obvious choice for an environmental attorney.


i liked phil's car then they changed it with a red suv, they made a episode gifting haley the car but not for phil its like a prop they replaced like who will notice


They changed cars a lot on this show, because it was a TON of product placement/revenue. There are several episodes where they are not-so-subtly highlighting the features of the Toyota or whatever vehicle they’re in.


Like the EXTREMELY subtle Audi placement in avengers endgame


In the episode where Phil buys the Porsche convertible, he tells the salesman that he leases his car. So it makes sense that he changes cars often since he doesn’t actually buy them.


Yeah but u see they made a episode of that too and the car's gone till end, i am just saying u just cant do without mentioning like people wont notice


I'm not sure what you're referencing here, are you saying they gifted Haley a car but then Phil started driving it instead?


nope, its different car but it seems weird as like 20% of the scenes are shot in car and i find it difficult when i see they using other cars (not of other characters but totally new ones.


As a realtor in Southern California, Phil has to drive a nice car to shuttle his clients around - no one wants to buy a $2M house from a realtor driving a Toyota Yaris.


Also, he can get tax breaks by writing the lease off as a business expense.


What does Mitch drive? - Claire is the ceo of a well to do company and is presumably paid well - Jay was already a multimillionaire at the start of the show - Gloria is the wife of a multimillionaire - Phil is the #2 Realtor in his area. He makes more than enough. For a long time, Phil and Claire had a minivan and a Cadillac. I think it makes sense they had a Mercury and a Toyota for Haley once they got financially better. I remember Mitch driving a Prius, that’s definitely not a luxury car though?


> For a long time, Phil and Claire had a minivan and a Cadillac. I think it makes sense they had a Mercury and a Toyota for Haley once they got financially better. Also Claire never wanted to get a "luxury car" for the longest time. Remember when she got all backhand complimenting on Phil's sports car purchase? Like you said, it makes more sense once all their kids got jobs and they didn't need to financially support 3 growing kids.


Doesn't mean much then and slightly off topic but have you SEEN the new Priuses? Goodness they are NOW.


They are now. But it wasn’t exactly that hip or cool before the vegan and green crowd took to it like moths to a flame.


Hybrid and EVs are $5-20k more than gas vehicles. Cam was a SAHD for years, thanks to Mitchell. He presumably graduated with no debt.


Yeah but not a luxury car like Mercedes or BMW.


He's an environmental lawyer...


Right, who goes on to other careers but apparently doesn’t switch cars. Pretty smart of him, if I say so.


The real flex is not caring what people think.


Claire in that episode is in a Camry. Mitch a Prius. Jay and Gloria was between Mercedes and Audi the whole show. Phil ig got the Cadillac after the 911 was gone after an episode.


Are all of them considered luxury cars? Camry is a regular economical sedan, so is the Prius. The only luxury I can think of are the Mercedes, Audi and Cadillac, which makes sense because 1. Jay is a multimillionaire businessman and angel investor, and Phil is the #2 realtor in his area in an industry where the cars you drive and the looks matter.


Camry and Prius is like a regular person car they aren’t crazy expensive. Prius now though is insanely expensive, it’s mostly bc they are in high demand so they are marked up. Mercedes, Cadillac, Audi, BMW, Lexus, Porsche, Jaguar, Land Rover are the luxury brands in the USA! So Claire driving a Camry honestly fits to just have a basic vehicle that fits in and looks nice. Prius are economical so that also fits in with the boys.


Right, that makes sense. And Mitch being an ex environmental lawyer, tracks that he would have a Prius. Dunphys seem to like Toyota and Mercury vehicles, we’ve seen Claire driving a Minivan around, the Camry and a Mercury as well.


Phil has sold atleast one house per month in the show. That is like a lot of money. Claire is also the CEO of a closet company so the Dunphy family is affluent.


There were some episodes where he was about to go a whole month without selling and he always managed to sell one at the last second.


There is promotional consideration involved and/or it is product placement. However the characters really could afford it in their pay. Haley got a more basic Toyota for her 21st birthday and Claire had a minivan.


Claire can’t be satisfied


Wouldn’t say Cadillac is rich. Jay definitely is rich. They’re probably at the lowest level of upper class of the highest level of middle class


Respectfully, if you think a Cadillac isn’t a rich persons car, you are from a rich family


I do contract work for a lot of wealthy families. The only Cadillacs I have ever seen are Escalades and even those are few and far between with the custom Mercedes Sprinter craze. The rich and wealthy don’t drive Cadillacs. The upper middle class does.


Brother I make 9k a year


How old are you? A child? Thats unsurvivable


25. Got lucky and parents are separated but own 2 houses. Nothing fancy. Saving for college, live in a small Town and it’s pretty affordable with my pay. If I budget.


Not really it depends more on the age of the car. You can pay way more for a new Hyundai than a used Cadillac.


They’re Cadillacs, not Lamborghini’s or Bentley’s. Have you no thoughts about their homes?


Did people really think the family in modern family were hurting for money? From all the storylines, there was never one about financial hardship from the adults. Only time money was talk about was wen Mitchell’s richer gay friend would say he’s poorer because they lived in a duplex


There was an episode when Phil was worried he wasn’t going to sell a house that month.


And the houses he sells are multiple millions. When he’s teaching the real estate class at the college, the display screen shows “comps” as $3 million+. A 2 or 3% commission on $3 million means $60-90k. PER HOUSE.


That storyline wasn't about the money it was about Phils realtors block


Also money, he’s the sole breadwinner, it might not make them homeless but they have ongoing costs like any family and to not have income for a month would hurt




So the Dunphy's have the minivan, Claire's Camry, Phil's Cadillac, Haley's Corolla and a spare red Buick. Mitch and Cam have their iconic Prius that they seem to swap between the standard model and the minivan model almost regularly (two Priuses?), and Cam's red Volvo. The Pritchett's have Jay's Audi, Gloria's Mercedes SUV and Manny's Honda Accord.


Mitch and Cam also have that red Chevy Malibu they locked Lily in (which is most likely interchangeable with the Volvo just like their priuses..?) lol it gets so confusing


I was gonna mention that and was gonna say "Cam's iconic red saloons" 🤣 but yeah like the other commenter said, they traded it really early on for the Volvo


That episode was so early in the show though, so as the years went by, they probably just eventually upgraded to the Volvo


tbh i never really thought about that lol thats seems so obvious now


For people who live in southern California and are successful in their fields this is normal. Only Jay is rich rich, everyone else I would say is "comfortable"


They really are. They are many moments when they seem privileged. Especially the Dunphy kids. The episode where they all stay at the hotel and complain and the one with the laundry mat always kinda bug me. The kids are kinda spoiled. I know it's a TV show and it's not deep, I love the characters and the show is still great.


Imagine being Dylan dating Haley. When I saw his mom it all made sense to me. In the last episode when Haley is talking about sneaking out and seeing him Phil is like, “of course I know, he has a 30 year old car with no muffler.” I was poor growing up, not homeless poor but we def had to skip some dinners here and there. I married my ex wife and their parents had money. Well, their entire family had money, like nascar driver money… I got out of the army and was gonna buy a double wide and my wife’s family made fun of the idea and wouldn’t let us put one on their family property cause it was trashy. We are divorced, guess who lives in a trailer behind their parents house on some land… Some people don’t realize how much they have and just take it for granted ya know.


Have you not seen their houses?!?


Claire and Mitch never drove luxury cars. Claire always had a toyota sienna and then a toyota camry. Mitch always drove a toyota prius the entire series


Phil’s car was definitely a lease, there’s an episode where he buys the impractical sports car thing and has to drive the minivan instead. I’d say most of them have the cars on lease and upgrade at the end of the terms? Phil could also claim his as company car, Jay as company car etc? They’re supposed to be an upper middle class family right? Mitch is a lawyer and they were able to adopt privately abroad.. gotta have some money! Jay is obvious but not super fancy rich - Remember the episode where Manny wanted to go to private school, they could afford it but it wasn’t the world Jay was from, he’s a self made man so is probably smart with his money. I just watched an episode where Gloria put a hair in her food to get the meal for free and he was so proud, rich rich people don’t do that haha Phil does well in real estate, enough to have money for Claire and Cam to do the house flip?


Phil is clearly rich. He is paying for 3 kids school, house, bills etc for years. Alex and Hailey’s college fee. They didn’t say Alex got a scholarship so I’m assuming he’s paying for it. I don’t know about Mitch and Cam because they show them struggle with money a little - Cam working two jobs when Mitch quits. The upstairs down payment also came from Cam’s ‘inheritance’.


I'm clueless about these things but I have a point. It may be moot but could it be that Claire and Mitch had shares in Jay's company? Could explain how Mitch had money despite inconsistent job history. Idk if that works that way because Jay also gave his position to Claire. Also dk what that means in terms of the ownership each child had on Jay's assets. Actually could someone explain, now I'm intrigued 😂


The cars are the cheapest thing they have. The LA real estate the family owns is a much higher indicator of wealth than some $50,000 cars




It drives me absolutely crazy how none of them carpooled in this episode. 


Cars shmars


Any car fan to say which model of cars are these?


The only ones not rich are Mitch and Cam. Public defender making $100k and assistant principal making $80k. Phil is making $50k per house. And he sells at least one per month.


Then how was Mitchell and cam able to offered buying a big house with amenities in a rich neighbourhood on a random day and adopting a baby on the same day ( which is expensive btw ), I think by the end of it Mitch and Cam were rich




what eps is this


Season 11, ep: the prescotts


Yeah all 3 houses were running off of one working individual for most of the show




fork found in kitchen


Just watches this episode yesterday for the first time. Lol!


Jay Owns a big company what do you expect?


but I don't understand why are they using one car ler person it seems like such a waste :/


I would like to think they just leased all their cars coz Jay , at times drove an Audi sedan , sometimes a Mercedes suv etc.


“Modern Family” is a terrible title. Especially considering all of the above in CALIFORNIA


This guy is right. Nobody has lived in California since 1987.


Still modern if it took place in modern times dude