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Fully honest, they just get wiped down as soon as possible which keeps things from getting too gnarly. After that about every other week I literally take it apart with a screw driver to get all the cloth part out and wash it in the washer.


Woah. I have never thought to remove them and wash them. I just have a pack of baby wipes by the high chair and give them a wipe down after the carnage is over


Mine isn't horribly hard but it is inconvenient with 5 screws and two tightening straps. I just did it last night and now it's basically brand new.


Removing and washing them was quite the hassle, so I wipe them down as often as possible, and then hose it down when I have the time to let it dry (we’ve removed the cloth seat cover). Works like a charm


i just wipe with a washcloth and then spray with that clorox kid/pet safe sanitizer


I bought some smocks that suction onto the tray. Keeps the mess contained! Wish I had bought them for my first


When they got bad I removed them, scrubbed with dawn and a dish brush, then the washing machine.


Sleeved shirt bibs. Baby goes in, straps go on, slip on the sleeves and velcro behind the neck and tada! Straps are protected from the worst of the mess (moisture can still get through but it isn't near as bad). They were cheap, supposed to be hand wash but have survived the washer, and hang dry in an hour or two. They've also survived accidental trips through the dryer. I've had the 4 for maybe 9 or 10 months, and have washed straps... twice... both times during a cleaning spree. While the breakfast bib is nothing short of vile with oatmeal, the seat is full, the arms and headrest of the highchair are coated, and the baby managed to get oatmeal down her back, the straps are clean.


I remove and put them in a garment bag and wash them normally


Omg I bought a Bissell steam shot after having my twins and it's awesome. I wipe down their chairs/straps every use but also use the steam shot to steam the hell out of it once a week or so. Stains and gunk disappear in seconds from the straps, buckles, and every lil crevice.