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Use what you have. As long as the diaper isn’t giving your baby a rash, it’s fine. Your baby is going to be exposed to toxins no matter what you do. Diapers and other baby products already adhere to strict standards about what kind of chemicals are allowed to be used. They are safe. Companies like Honest and Coterie are basically just designer diaper brands that cost a lot more money and prey on the fears of new parents.


This! Also they all fit a little different so it's whatever works for your baby. I never liked pampers because of the fragrance and they don't absorb well, but I always used up the ones we were given until one days he got a bad rash and the little elastic ruffle chafed the rash and made him bleed. I liked Huggies/Kirkland (these are the same from what I can tell) but the extra Velcro at the side chafed my LO's chonky thighs Then I tried rascal & friends and never went back! Way softer and more absorbent than pampers or Huggies. Cheaper too. I never needed to use overnights since I started using these. Only thing is they don't come in NB size and the smaller ones don't have the pocketed waistband to catch blowouts but the waistband is very tall so it was rarely an issue.


I tried the honest diapers with my daughter because of the cute prints they offer. But to me they were not worth the price. They leaked through the bottom of the diaper and I was having to change her more frequently. I am a huge fan of Huggies and now use them for both my son and daughter. I do like the Honest overnight diapers tho they seem to last longer.


We're a Huggies family, too. When we tried Pampers, our daughter had lots of blowouts. At least for her, the Huggies seem to fit her a little better and the ruffles have saved the day many times.


Same. We tried pampers too and they amount of blow outs were ridiculous. Huggies are definitely snugger and fit a lot better.


I have had three babies and all 3 have used a different “preferred” diaper. My first we HATED honest and huggies. Pampers pure were our 100% go to. Absolute favorite until she was potty trained. My son leaked in pampers pure and honest diapers fit him PERFECTLY. Loved them for him. For my youngest huggies are her best fit! It really depends on baby 


That is so interesting, the ONLY diapers that work for me lo to not have a rash (sensitive skin) is Honest diapers, but we have NEVER had an issue with leaking. I would also like to add though, that i have friends who hated Honest diapers because their baby was chunky. honestly diapers are definitely built from more skin cut babies.


This is so interesting to me. Honest are the only ones that gave both my girls bad diaper rashes. We swear by Pampers!


Oh man pampers were the WORST on my daughter, Huggies were okay for a little but then it got worse as she aged


Same. Tried honest and leaked every single time.


i tried all kinds of diapers when my son was born, higher end and the cheapest ones and i honestly have to say that there were very, very little to no differences. he doesn’t have a sensitive skin tho, that might be a factor here too.


If youre trying to avoid chemicals go the clotch route. But if youre using disposables anyway, not way too much of a difference. Go with whatever you & baby like.


We tried Pampers, Huggies, Honest, Dyper, and Coterie. While I loved the idea of Dyper, I did not love it. Overall, we really love Coterie. Never had leak issues unless we needed to size up. Hardly use any diaper cream (as we rarely get rashes). No baby waking up at night due to wet diaper, and still don’t have a need for overnight diapers even with our oldest being a little over two. After using Coterie, all the other diapers we had tried felt plastic like in comparison. At the end of the day, it’s whatever works for your family and your kiddo. I know I have seen some moms on other posts comments one brand worked for their first and a different brand worked better for their second.


I never tried the first one but I had problems with honest leaking through the bottom of the diaper. Pretty frustrating.


I was going to say the same thing! My son always leaked through the Honest brand and Luvs and it wasn't like he was going hours without a change unless it was overnight.


Same here I hated honest because of that plus I felt like they were so thin and like cardboard.


Same! Mine once leaked through to my shirt immediately after changing her.


I don’t think it’s worth the cost of the diapers. I use Millie Moon, mostly because they are so soft and the cost is very similar to Huggies and Pampers (sometimes cheaper with Target discounts). We used Pampers Pure for awhile, too. At my shower for my second, I did ask for Millie Moon, Huggies, and Pampers Pure (top 3 picks), but of course people will buy and gift lots of different brands. If someone is being kind enough to spend their money to help with diaper cost, I’m not going to refuse it. Obviously if my baby has a reaction to the diapers, we would switch, but otherwise I’ll use what’s been stockpiled and then switch to my preferred brands once the others run out.


I had a small pack of honest that I tried and we had lots of leaks with them. My friend insists on using honest even though her kids have blowouts literally every time Huggies for newborns and pampers swaddlers were our preferred disposables. Eta we switched to cloth to save money and had even fewer leaks


We had so many leaks in honest


My lo can only use Honest because sensitive skin and we have NEVER had any leaks, I find it so interesting a couple comments have said so! Is your baby on the chunkier side ? I know my friend hated them because her baby was and the fit was horrible for non slim babies , I wonder if it was less of a diaper leak issue as a fit issue ?


My daughter was very slim, my friends baby was chunky


I love cloth diapers bc I feel like they are what I would want to wear if I was in diapers! I love that I’m spoiling my baby’s butt in pure cotton and wool and I can wash in natural detergents so no chemical exposure is important to me. And even the more expensive styles end up saving money.


When they are newborn/very little, you change their diaper A LOT. Every two hours for most babies. So I would just use whatever you have because it will go fast. After that, use the brand you prefer.


Luvs. Great price and never any issues.


Get whatever’s at Costco. My son has sensitive skin but the pampers from Costco were perfect so were the Kirkland wipes


I have 3 and have always used pampers because they fit them the best, and we rarely had blowout with them. Huggies wipes are 100% superior IMO as well. The thing is, this is my opinion, and what worked for my kids. Diaper brands, just like clothes, have different fits, absorb differently, stronger holding tabs, etc. You gotta use them to figure out what works for your LO.


My girl has been using the Rascal brand diapers since the start :) haven't had an issue or anything even remotely rash like so far! I like penetan cream as well for over night and travel, just to create that nice barrier.


We use walmarts parents choice diapers and have for the most part from the beginning. We were given name brands like pampers, huggies, luvs, and a few honest ones, but while they worked they were expensive and not worth the price if parents choice worked just the same. We did have a few months at about 4months were we did luvs or huggies at night because baby started leaking every night (thankfully baby didn't care but I was tired of changing the bedsheets.) Only lasted a few months and baby is back in parents choice full time. Didn't notice any difference in blowout frequency with the other diapers. Doesn't matter how absorbant the diaper is if it can't absorb pee after a poop. Also blown up the back in a pampers with that 'blowout guard', multiple times. Those things don't work when your kid poops in downward dog. A stockpile of diapers will be super helpful early on, and you'll go through it faster than you think you will.


My baby has sensitive skin and I truly don’t think the expensive diapers make a big difference. They look better? I think that was it really. And the Coterie ones are really soft. But, we use good old Kirkland and they are great. Never any leaks. That’s kind of the big thing for us when it comes to dipes.


Also have a sensitive skin baby and the honest diapers made her rashes worse because they didn’t absorb as well as the Huggies. I was tempted to try coterie because like you said they look better (I hate a diaper with cartoon character) but it was never worth the price.


Coterie leaked everywhere for us and didn’t actually absorb much of anything. We liked honest brand okay. It doesn’t hold quite as much as a regular diaper would, but my son would get hives from everything else.


We got a free pack of coterie- they felt very nice and soft but didn’t seem any better than our usual pampers. The only really bad diapers we tried were some eco friendly biodegradable ones that didn’t work at all. They leaked everywhere.


We ended up using Pampers Pure (Harmonie on France) because they felt the least plasticky. We tried the "cool" brand there — Joone — and weren't fans because of how they felt but it's really family / child dependent.


I normally buy Mama Bear brand on Amazon. They have no chlorine, phthalates or parabens. They only start at size 3 though. When my kids were little though, I used whatever I had in stock first and then I would buy whatever I had a coupon for. They go through so many diapers. Just be happy that your mom is stock piling. It will be a godsend.


The difference is minimal. But if you wanted to use another brand you may be able to do a return without a receipt to a Walmart or target to exchange for what you wanted.


We have tried Huggies, Kirkland, Honest and Millie moon. In terms of rashes, Honest and Millie Moon have been best for my kids. In terms of performance, Huggies and Millie Moon have been best. Honest tends to have more leaks once my kids are crawling/walking. Huggies has a strong pee smell and my first was never bothered by it but my second whines for more frequent changes with Huggies. Millie Moon seems to be best but we do have an issue with shorts being damp from moisture wicking thru the diaper. My second is a bum shuffler tho, so it may have more to do with that than the diaper itself.


For me, diapers are an area I splurge in. Wipes, not so much, I can use just about any wipe on my baby with no issue, but pampers are by far the softest diaper we have tried, so we buy those. However, if you baby doesn’t have sensitive skin and doesn’t seem to mind, then use whatever you can.


I guess I'm in the minority on this post, but I love Coterie diapers. They are so soft compared to a lot of other brands, and we never had a problem with leaks. My daughter also had really sensitive skin, and they didn't irritate her skin and helps any diaper rash she got go away quickly. Since they are so expensive we used them for overnights. I will say though, that the shape of your baby may effect what diapers work. It also may change as they get older! As a newborn we used Pampers and they fit her the best, but as she grew she had a skinny bum and Huggies fit a lot better.


Totally agree with all of this ! Except my baby only Honest diapers and wipes work for her for that reason. I would also like to add that brands like Honest do diaper subscriptions on their website and they are so much cheaper per diaper that was making them very comparable to the average brands.


Use whatever works best for your baby. We used Hello Bello because of the subscription service and the cute prints, and they worked well for my daughter for a while. Then she started getting rashes and we visited my MIL and she had Pampers so we just used those while visiting and the rashes stopped, so we switched to Pampers. I also tried the Target brand and I hated them because I felt they always smelled of pee, but I know lots of people who love them. My other friend swears by Huggies. Baby products are heavily regulated. Whatever diapers you get will be safe. Just find one that’s in your price point and works for your baby.


I have very sensitive skin and my son has awful eczema. So many seemingly innocuous things irritate his skin, but diapers were never an issue. We used a combo of Pampers, Huggies, and Kirkland. They were all fine.


Long post: I have tried so many different brands. I haven't tried coterie. My daughter has ezcema so we had to be careful of what we used. All have the lines to tell when peed except Hello Bello unless they changed that. The Dyper bamboo ones were my absolute favorite when they had bogo sales or other deals. Huggies are snug so if you have small legs on the baby (mine doesn't) they are great for that. Parents choice (Walmart brand) are the cheapest and best compared to name brand. Off brands like Sam's, Costco and Target all are good. Hello Bello suck. Luvs are ok. Pampers are horrible. Try different brands in small packs to see what works. And once they are in training pants they are mostly the same except: Huggies (pull ups) have velcro on the sides so they can be used like diapers. Easy ups (pampers) have no line to tell if they peed. Edit: also if sensitive skin get fragrance free wipes. Or unscented. The sensitive skins one still have fragrance. Diaper rash cream look at the ingredients, get ones that just have zinc oxide.


I used Hello Bello until it became cheaper to buy the Costco brand. Then I switched. Do what works for your family!


So I love love love the Honest diapers. But we use whatever is cheapest now that my son (15 months) is no longer super sensitive. But when people ask what kind of diapers we use, like my parents who want to help us out, I ask for Honest


My husband and I have skin issues. LO developed eczema pretty early. None of the diapers we’ve used (Kirkland, Pampers, Huggies) have been a problem. 


Imo, this is such a valid concern. Diaper companies like this legitimately thrive on making people feel scared.  That said, my child has very sensitive skin, so we have to use chlorine-free diapers for her. We used Hello Bello for a long while, which are decent. Mid-range as far as quality, and mostly chlorine-free, but they just started using it in the diaper-making process. Very good price. We just recently discovered Pampers Pure diapers, which are pricey compared to standard Pampers, but I think they're still cheaper than Honest, Coterie, etc. If you have Thrive Market, they also have some great TCF diapers at a great price point!  I will say, though, we get Coterie and use them as overnight/nap/travel diapers. Not so important during the newborn phase since you're constantly changing diapers, but they do very, very well with keeping in leaks for long stretches when the kid gets to where they're sleeping a bit longer.  Good luck!!! And please remember that you're already a good parent just for being concerned about even the most "inconsequential" aspects. 🥰


I wouldn’t know because I refuse to pay those astronomical prices to catch my children’s poop and pee 😂 thankfully we’ve had luck with regular brands on our kids skin, so Costco diapers it is for all our babies. I’m pretty crunchy and try to steer clear of toxins where I can but the diaper thing was one I just had to let go


I used what we were given until he was in a size two and then I saved whatever I had left to donate or give to a friend whose baby shower was near. You learn what you like as you go through it you won’t know until the baby is here it’s great to be in the know about the chemicals but like others have said they are are exposed as soon as they leave the womb.


I do use coterie now and I haven’t had a problem and I love them but I have tired so many brands. Huggies, pampers, honest, luvs, Sam’s clubs, proudly, and we tried coterie and we haven’t had a problem with them and I like the automatic shipment.


Just pay attention to law suits and recalls on products.


The coterie are so soft!!! However, I would use all the free diapers that you have first before buying your own. Be smart with your wallet.


My baby gets diaper rash (or blowouts) with most diapers we tried. Parasol has been the best. You can get ~8-10 diapers sent to you to try for free.


No. Every kid is different. Their bodies and bathroom tendencies are different as well. You may have to try a few brands to find something that works for you. You’re going to experience blowouts - it’s a rite of parenthood passage. Get what you can afford. Best thing for run of the mill rashes is wipe less and change more. With my first we were gifted a few different brands and found we preferred Pampers Swaddlers. Same with my second and we needed to use overnight diapers as well after 6/7 months old bc the regular diapers were leaking at night. Honest brand gave both kids baaad diaper rashes that cleared up when we stopped using that brand. My kids are long and lean. My besties’ are thicc and she swears by Huggies. My sister has used every combo of diapers + wipes for her sensitive skin baby and ended up back at Pampers anyway.


I like pampers diaper and water wipes. Anything else gave my daughter chemical burns. Btw if you have a bad diaper rash, antifungal cream, triple antibiotic paste, mylanta anti acid and triple paste work miracles. Recommend by my doctor. My daughter was raw and bleeding and it cleared it up. We didn't realize the wipes we had were burning her


My kids get eczema and diaper rash any time I use a brand that isn’t Millie Moon or Honest. I’ve never tried Coterie. Do your kids have sensitive skin?


My son got diaper rash from Honest. I wasn’t sure it’s what caused it so I tried again and same thing happened. Ymmv


If you end up having sensitivity issues with disposable diapers, you can do cloth. A friend had a baby where they had to go this route. It was more work (more laundry), but you find a way! We always had good luck with the generic diapers from Costco or Sam’s club.


Whatever diaper fits your child, your wallet, and doesn’t cause rashes is the best one My oldest got rashes in everything but pampers pure. My youngest completely destroys all diapers but pampers because of her output. Pampers and coterie fit really well but coterie couldn’t keep up with her output either. Huggies and Millie moon fit her terribly. Start with something and see if it works. You mom doesn’t really get to be mad unless you asked her to buy those diapers for you. No one should stock pile anything because you don’t know what works for your kid until they’re here


I have super sensitive skin, like there is only one laundry detergent I can use because every else makes me break out in hives sensitive, and my kiddo got my sensitive skin. I started out using pampers for him because I "didn't know better", but at some point decided to try Millie moon because a friend recommended them. The Millie moon diapers gave my son chemical burns. So kiddo is almost 20 months now and still uses pampers because they work well for him (we also tried Huggies and Kirkland with poor results). You won't know what works best for your baby until you try, and it might not be what you expect.


I use Millie moon, they are soft, no allergies for my son’s sensitive skin. Only sold at target but target does do a lot of diaper deals.


I got a mix of coterie and less expensive brand for one reason - “the pant” which is a pull up style diaper coterie makes which can also be removed like a diaper (still has Velcro tabs). My baby refused to lay down for changes if anything interested was going on and especially in public. Those diapers were reserved for those occasions and I had a mix of both stashed everywhere. So yea expensive, but I didn’t use them every time!


We used pampers swaddlers with our son until Size 3 and then switched to the pampers 360 (which are more of a pull up style and easier to slide onto a mobile toddler). Our daughter has been in Kirkland brand her whole 20 months of life and the cost savings is insane. We may switch her to the P360 soon now that she's so squirrelly. Try out the affordable diapers and you'll know within one poop or pee if baby reacts to it. The more costly brands are just for looks and status.


We cloth diapered both of our kids but would buy disposables for travel and for overnights once they started sttn. First I tried fancy planet friendly ones and they leaked so bad. Up& up have always been my go to. Affordable, unscented, my kids didn't react to them either (my younger one reacted to some other brands).


Coterie and Millie moon diapers, my babes has never had a leak in or a diaper rash. Coterie absorbs an insane amount.


I use Mama Bear (Amazon Brand) now after using Huggies with my first baby, and they’re the same! Just use unscented/hypoallergenic diapers and you’ll be fine.


Anything scent free is fine in my book. We like the mamma bear from Amazon. By far the cheapest and work fine. We tried coterie a few times because people gave us a few packs. They are definitely the softest but we still had blowouts and didn’t notice any difference in my daughter’s skin. I would say start cheap and work your way up if they aren’t working. Good luck!