• By -


How were you able to save that much? Whats ur living situation like and what do ur spending habits look like?


We keep groceries down by buying a whole cow, pig and bulk chicken breasts from local farmers. Roughly $400/per quarter beef. $150 / half pig. No new car payments, we go out to eat every Friday and then have some drinks. The rest of the days we cook at home. Only subscriptions are Spotify and YouTube TV. Electric bill around $100/ month. Propane fill up roughly $600 , 3-4 times a year. I spend $15 on gas a day to get to work. My company contribute 20% of my hourly into my pension. Free blue cross healthcare on the unions behalf. I have a ROTH IRA maxed out. Invested in stocks. I venture WAY outside my comfort zone at work to better myself in the future


Hell yeah dude


Where are you at finding those prices for 1/4 beef? Does that include processing? Looking to do the same where I'm at, just have no idea what a decent price point is. Also, great job OP


This year I had to pay $550 for a 1/4 beef. $125 processing. Just local guys who have the meat. I’m in central IL. $400 for a quarter is typical, I was reluctant to spend $550 but it was what it was. If you buy from the meat locker it’ll be more expensive . My processing is done at Chenoa IL Meat Locker


Illinois, that makes sense. Food prices are ridiculously good in the countryside here compared to a lot of other states


If you have a farmers market in the area you could talk to some of the local farmers/ranchers directly there. My dad had a coworker who owned a ranch so he’d buy half a cow every few years from the dude until my dad transferred to a different school.


Wtf all of these terms are foreign to me living in the tri-state area.


Brother the tri state area has massive amounts of farming and cattle. Even if you’re in nyc you would have farmers markets with local farms bringing in produce and meat you could connect with. They’re not familiar because you never looked into it lol


You're never more than an hour away from a farmers market in the tri-state area, IMO. Lots of farmers.


Just say - I'm union. That's all I needed to know fucking wish everybody would get the fuck on board and unionize


Hey I’m 35 and a hell of a worker been doing construction and everything related since I was 16, I’m an iron worker as of now. I live in Virginia, where do I gotta go to find work with one of these unions, these benefits are amazing and I’m only getting older and I really need to start because my children are almost adults now and I want to be able to help them out, so I need one of these union jobs.


If I were you, I'd take some of that savings and buy a newer car for commuting. $15/day is insane to me unless work is paying for it. Pre-pandemic I spent less than $40/2 weeks of commuting (70 mile round trip).


You using high yield savings at all?


Hey I mean having an excellent money management plans are excellent for growing wealth over time!


Dang, you able to get bulk chicken thighs too?


Bought a house with land at 21, $1,400 a month for mortgage. $200,000 purchase, $30,000 down. Financed at 1.99%. daily driver car is a 2001 ford escort. Split all bills with my GF. Don’t go to bars, don’t smoke, no drugs. Biggest expense is boating, I have a 38ft powerboat. $1,300 a month payment. Truck is a 2000 Ford 7.3 power-stroke. Just smart spending and savings


OP - smarter than the majority. Great work dude


Yeah i dont plan on living past 50. No reason to save up


Don’t fall into that trap. I’m 48 now, and I wish I’d have thought about what would happen if I did make it to 50.


There's always the Remington retirement plan


Remington Retirement Home kinda has a nice ring to it but I didn’t know they sold retirement plans? Where do I sign up? Wally World?


>Remington Retirement Home kinda has a nice ring Only if you miss




Sadly wally world no longer offers it 😔. Have to go to Scheels.


I figured my retirement plan would be a suicide in the apartment I’d be renting when I’m 40 or 50


Growing older you realize 50 isn’t even that old. I’m still way off there but 50 year olds who have stayed active live better current lives than any 30 year old who has let themselves go


Its not about being smart ,its a choice, sacrificing all yours 20s staying in to save money or go out be dumb and make some memories, sure you can do it at 30 but its not the same much lamer


You can have fun and create memories without going out and making dumb decisions like spending your money on booze drugs and countless useless things.


Still costs money to experiance new things. Travel over the world, fucking do something with ones life. If you only stay at home and save money then its a damn sad life


Also lives in an area where buying land for that cheap is plausible.


Smarter? He's spending 1300 A MONTH on a boat while saying he doesnt go to bars like thats really thay big of a monthly expense.


But he will own the boat soon. He would never own the bar.


I think owning a bar is cheaper than owning a boat lol


If it flies, floats or fucks it’s cheaper to rent.


Supposedly he got handed shit to him dont believe thos fake fool. He's one of those folks who claims self made but had support all along


I mean isn't that just how life is two people I went to high school with recently got married purchased a house I think should be wroth atleast 300k or 400k Granted on of them was working for mommy and Daddy's business since he was 17 Other one been working as a CNA all through college think 4 or 5 years But I know for A fact mommy and daddy gave him some down payment money they just had the money like that It sucks but that's kinda just how life is there are those that have and have the connections And there are those that have nothing and build themselves up Even if that was the case not like guy didn't work for it


Dude. Stop with the boats, and start doing drugs. You'll save more. Trust me. 🤣🤣


Yeah let me see someone grow their own boat. I'll wait




Native Americans been building canoes for centuries out of trees….they literally grew boats.


What is tree?




Does weed boat?




But does the boat weed?


Smoke, smoke, smoke the boat....




This guy boats




Bust Out Another Thousand


No smoke, drugs, or bars, and been in construction since 18? Classic reddit bullshitting.


Sorry I work construction and know lots of guys that have that kind of money. They are all tight asses too.


IBEW member here and can confirm this … Im one of those guys lol


I guess ibew has changed In 2011, 1st year apprentice made 13 an hour. Having to pay 700 for books and buy your own tools which was 100s of dollars, AND having to drive up to 70 mile radius to Job sites....you were in the hole for the first few years making so little.


Hey Brother! IBEW Lu 58 here. I’m one of those guys also.


IBEW local 613 brother


What’s up brotha! IBEW Local 47


Yeah if only i couldve unionized when I did concrete for three years. My boss was an alcoholic and my other co-worker wouldnt show up to jobs if his meth dealer was being flaky. Editing already: All of the tightwads replying that you’re clean congrats!! Follow up with me in 20 years and count how many beers it taking you to get through another day.. The only thing I saw people look forward to was going to the bar to over tip the waitress.


Yep came to say this. For every 10 Dipshit crackhead tweakers on a job site you have 1-2 very tight asses who aren’t fun but do good work.


Bro he says he put 30k down on a house at 21. That means someone gave it to him.


Lol imagine projecting this hard


Imagine having humour fly over your head this hard


Must be the safety instructor 🤣


yuuuup. ​ People dont realize that the majority of people that build our stuff is actually built by people high on the job lol


What fucking house are you getting for $200k I'm jealous Edit : I don't live in the US, stop replying with US answers


3 bed 2 bath , 2 car detached, single attached garage, on 2 acres. Private lane. Central IL


In California specifically Los Angeles 200k gets you a 1 bedroom 1 bathroom house in a gang infested area. Edit. Idk maybe we got a good deal. Our house costs around 200k.


That would be more than 200k in LA


There is no such thing as a 200k studio in LA. Even trailer parks on the edges of the city are 350+.


Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Mississippi, Ohio, and West Virginia off the top of my head. Pretty affordable decent homes. Just got to open your eyes.


I'm in Canada. Affordable housing is a myth here


Let me get this straight: someone else paid all your living expenses for the first several years of your adult life which allowed you to purchase a home in a miracle housing market and then you have the audacity to say it was “just smart spending and savings”? GTFO of here, daddy’s boy. You had more financial and professional resources at birth than most people will have at middle age. Hard work and smart spending was a very small part of your success. Your spending isn’t even smart; it’s irresponsible. Having a deep well of financial and professional support was the real determining factor.


"I'm thrifty" -pays more on a boat per month than the house


I just did the math based on what he said, and the average hourly rate for construction workers in central IL (median, not entry level), and before subtracting the maxed out IRA or taxes from the mortgage we're left with about $205,000. Over 9 years. You're telling me he only spent $100,000 in 9 years? Bull. Shit. Even if he was making $100k over that same decade in 'investments' there's still taxes / mortgage tax / the BOAT / so much other life stuff.This dude is full of it. Edit, found another comment >I’m a lineman. In my Local we top out at $57.00, all overtime is double. I’ve made $100,000 since 19. Figured it out, he's working for daddy's power line company. 'Straight outta high school' give me a break


Now it's time to invest, get a sp 500 mutual fund, you'll make about 7k a year intrest on what you got now a year and if you don't touch it the compound will make you a millionaire before your body gives out.


Finance rate is crazy. Wish that was still the case now.


200K home? That 2016 market was different, but what state?


Not OP. At the risk of sounding like a boomer who writes tone-deaf editorial pieces, it really is by not buying avocado toast. It’s not just about the toast, mind you, in case you think I’m tone-deaf. It’s ALL those little purchases. “I’ve been running errands all day, I deserve a little treat. I’ve been diligent in the gym, I deserve a Milky Way in the checkout line. Yesterday was a long one, I’ll treat myself with Starbucks this morning.” Those things. People like to point out how a $5 coffee five times a week is only $1300, but $1300/year in OP’s case would be $11,700 *just on the coffee.* Could you use an extra $11,700? I bet you could. I know *I* could. Definitely spend the money on things that A) you need, and B) good experiences with loved ones. But all that extra little shit? Leave it on the shelf.


he's a union electrician making 150k-200k living in the midwest. do you know what percentile that income puts him in *nationally*? 90-95th. do you know what kind of lifestyle that is in the midwest? 99th. dude has tons of money because he *makes* tons of money. you can't save your way into becoming a millionaire. stop it.


You are doing it right and are ahead of me 29M and I am a software engineer


Don’t be afraid to leverage yourself man. Go contract, network, meet people. You’ll start growing once you put yourself in uncomfortable situations and figure it out.


How to give someone advice without actually saying anything




I can’t tell if you’re saying it’s bad or good, but that’s definitely good advice


It is good advice lol I just read that exact same sentence in another thread where someone asked how to give advice to people to make money without actually telling them anything you did to make yours


Ahh gotcha haha didn’t mean to come off like a douche, I get what you’re saying for sure


He’s a nepo baby, they all talk like this because they can’t admit “my dad got me a job i shouldn’t of had so soon” So instead, he “leveraged himself” which means what in construction? Showing up?


Bros giving advice to a software engineer 💀


And it’s some nebulous ass vague advice like a fortune cookie lmao


You’re better at saving no money than giving advice, lol. On a serious note congrats


How to draw an owl


You have 100k+ in a regular bank account ? Much better places to put your money.


You should take your own advice and network with someone who knows anything about finance. You have way too much money sitting around in a savings account.


You can save that much in a year as a software engineer if you're smart about how you're selling yourself. Especially if you do freelance work on the side or get 2 full time positions.


🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥keep it up


Hijacking top comment to make sure everyone is aware that OP had someone else paying his living expenses for the first several years of his adult life and fronted him a lot of cash to buy a home in a near perfect market. OP also has strong professional connections that got him a job paying way more than is generally feasible no matter how hard you work. Contrary to his claim, smart spending and saving are a very small part of his success; having a deep financial well to draw from is the real difference. In fact, OP’s spending seems more on the irresponsible side (like $1,400/month power boat payments, or about 80% of an average home mortgage). If this post makes you feel inadequate, don’t let it get to you. OP had more financial and professional resources from birth than most people will have until mid-life. I have no doubt that OP worked hard and deserves praise for it, but that is far from the most significant reason for their success.


I was gonna say, $30k down payment at 21? The fuck?


I mean, I had nearly double that from just doing a 4 year military contract at that age. It's definitely possible. I still call bullshit otherwise.


Join at 18, pull two deployments, live in the dorms your first enlistment, walk to work... Easy. Just had to give 30% of my paycheck to Redbull.


Thx for this. Puts it in better perspective.


I think it’s important that these testimonies be placed in accurate contexts and genuine perspectives. I’m glad I could help.


I am marrying into a family with money that owns a Construction Business. (A successful one at that) Her brother / Uncle were the exact same way. Don’t get me wrong, they are masters at what they do. But they also were *given* a career and skill. I can’t say for sure if this is what occurred here but it’s *insane* how often these kinds of people think they actually ‘worked hard’ for it or anything like that. Weird world


How do you know all that?


I gathered this information from OP himself in several different comment chains on this post. Read on and you will see what I mean.


The detective we didn’t know we needed.


You’re a legend.


I just want people to know the truth and stop feeling like failures when they’re doing ok.


Conversely, I want fucks like OP to understand the shoulders they stand on. This post gives me big “hard work, sacrifice, bootstraps” vibes.


I'm the opposite. At 26 I have a few times more than op. EXCEPT I know I have had privileges that many won't I got a job paying 100k right out of college a few years ago My parents paid for college and most other expenses Due to the pandemic I didn't move out until recently My parents didn't ask for rent so I had near 0 expenses I understand I'm insanely lucky. But I don't like people who boast as if they did it on their own. I don't even like talking about my financial situation tbh. I never bring it up irl and rarely online


Yo bro can I borrow money tho


I love you


Just read his comments, "he" bought a 200k+ house at 21.. probably with a small loan of 1million from his daddy


So another case of someone being privileged without them really understanding it?


Oh they do understand perfectly well. Why do you think they made this post?


What's really really telling is his post from 7 years ago where we says he has $40k saved and wants to invest. In 7 years, he's only able to save $90k with his income. He wastes an incredible amount of money, but wants everyone to believe he's a financial success by scrimping and saving. This post is wild as hell.


I never trust posts like these because almost all of them have some financial backing that they refuse to mention in the title. Some of us have to work for every penny


Makes it seem kind of pathetic that he decides to brag about how much money he’s saved. What a loser


I will let you make your own conclusions about that. I am merely here to provide previously omitted but very important context.


It's fucking cringe. Thank you


It’s a common thing with these “successful” people


Good work. This sub is turning into a humble bragging, with misleading description of their situation pissing contest.


OP real quiet after this comment posted. 🧐


Thanks for that man because my god was I feeling like a POS 26 year old with absolutely nothing near close to this.


Also, is this a savings account? Why would anyone keep that much money in a savings account?


Hahahah of fucking course! I hate when people post without this context. Like yeah go you, you have savings. I’ve paid 60k to my various landlords I would be minted if I hadn’t had to pay off someone else’s mortgage…


Ofcourse that's how it always is


Appreciate the realistic breakdown of all of this. Makes it make more sense that not everybody or even a majority of people should expect this


I'm gonna choose to believe you, cause it's comfortable.


Also, no kids, no student loans, and no sick or disabled family to care for is a huge contributer that many do not experience


I love how people are saying you are jealous. It’s not jealous, OP is just talking bullshit. It’s not possible to save that much with all those bills going straight into the workforce at 18 without any help. It just isn’t possible.


That’s why I’m here; people need to know that.


Plus a small 1M loan from his dad...


Rinse and repeat with these stories lol


and there it is! seems to be how all these “see I can manage it!” posts go, obscuring the immense head start they had just so they can feed into more class divide.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who went into his comment history. Where does a fucking 21 year old get the mental fortitude to save 30k? Oooooo from not having to spend his own money. Moral of the story. Be born into a club.


Oh man thanks for the context


He also started with 200,000k


Just work hard and don't spend your money. Duh. /s


Nah, he pulled himself up by his bootstraps. /s


Im 17, total screw up, might fail highschool and have to get my ged. Im not dumb by any means, nor lazy, just find it highly difficult to force myself into doing school assignments and overall am not the most organized. Would you recommend a construction job? I would be very willing to put in hard work but i don’t have any experience for that sort of thing so I’m not sure. Trying to decide between that or trade school.


I’m a lineman. In my Local we top out at $57.00, all overtime is double. I’ve made $100,000 since 19. If you’re on storm work or hurricanes you’ll work 7-16’s. Across the country. But you’ll be bringing home roughly $15,000 a week. $8,000 in your account. My usual 40 hour check is $1,800. We’re on 5-10’s now, making roughly $2,400 a week.


Nah…that’s not right bro you mean a month? 15000 a week is 780,000 a year


That’s hurricane and storm pay. Compare it to travel nursing. He’s only getting that when responding to natural disasters and emergencies.


If you live in a big city, you can even do travel near your own place!! As long as it's 50 miles out you get a stipend. I knew this 19 year old girl who took up two contracts and made $80k in 30 weeks. Lost touch with her during her second contract though but i was like damn i wish i was that smart at her age


He said for the story work/hurricane week, he’s pulling 15k that week.


Yeah that's right, you work 7 days a week, 16 hour days. It's rough and you're paid accordingly


That's kind of a critical point though right? You just say "construction" and everyone thinks laborer and not one of the highest paid trades by a lot


Construction is very good to get into. There's so much work available with not enough people to do it, and there will always be work. Depending on which part of construction you get into you could get paid a lot. Im a first year electrical apprentice being paid $28 an hour. You could go with trade school which in my opinion is a good idea because it gets you familiar with all aspects of the work or you could just jump straight into a apprenticeship and start getting paid, but the only problem with that is that like with me if I only did one thing I wouldn't know jack shit when it came to taking my jman test when it's time. There's no such thing as a total screw up unless you give up, if your always looking to improve or do something then your living life right.


Respect. Construction is a hard fucking job


A job that doesn't last long with long term injuries




Local construction worker whose spent nearly 10 years in the field finally has 130k+Congrats, but you're working 12 plus hour days 6 days a week are you not? I'm sure that this field isn't good for peoples long term physical health. You're also losing money leaving that in a standard bank account. Invest it in something. Even stocks. That money could bring you well over 15k a year in dividends alone at that point along with whatever else you continue to invest.


5-10’s right now.. usually 6 - 12’s. Definitely not easy on the body


Not construction, but I’ve worked 5 12s in a warehouse for almost a year (we dropped a lot of mandatory OT when we got a lot more people hired) and I got used it it after about 6 months. Have you gotten used to that level of work yet, or are you still sore on a regular basis?


I’m completely used to it. My feet will be sore but that’s it. I still go to the gym every day for an hour after work as well. Like everything, you adapt and get used to it. I get out of my boots as soon as possible


Damn dude. Even after getting used to it I never went to the gym after (I did go out drinking with family since they visited though). Have you tried out different insoles/boots for the foot soreness? I managed to get my boots dialed in to the point where I’d only start feeling uncomfortable towards the end of a 14 hour shift (2 hours volunteered past 12 for double time).


I’ve never thought about that, do you just get like an insert or something? That’s actually an amazing idea


yeah, man, inserts are great, especially if you already have a good boot to throw em in there are stores that will literally scan your feet and how you walk and whatnot and tell you exactly the kinda insert you need or even getting a custom pair of workboots can be super useful I injured my back when I was in the army, and inserts and whatnot make a huge difference (get 2 pair of workbooks and trade them out daily ( like 1 pair one day the other the next) when your working long days it gives time for the soles and everything to decompress wearing down the support less and will help them last longer and your joints will thank you ) Sorry for the long post. it just feels like information people need to know


Would have about $180,000, conservatively. $220,000 at the often quoted 10% average return of the market. After 10 years of 12 hour days for 6 days a week I’d be expecting to see closer to $1M in that account.




You should invest some of it


Right? $130K just sitting in the bank is so much wasted potential unless there’s a reason he needs to drop like $100K at a moments notice


Agreed, all the comments saying good job, but I’m over here shaking my head. There are so many ways to invest this money to have it grow for us, over both the short term and long term.


OP isn't good with money. He just makes a lot of money.


Going to need that 100k for a spinal fusion and a knee replacement in 10 years


He should invest most of it.


Head over to r/wallstreetbets and turn that $133k into $133.00!


Hell yeah homie! As a fellow blue collar worker I'm stoked for you!


$133k. Yikes man! Better start getting your money up


considering most people his age don't even have 40k id assume you're joking?


What does "most people" have to do with it?


Congrats bro! Keep it up!


You are the motivation to all of us in the trades! Hope to get there one day


Do you have all that just sitting in a regular ass account? Any kind of interest rate on that account? Need to move it to an HYSA like immediately. You've lost a ton to inflation in the last couple years


No kidding. If real and this is all he has he’s not exactly doing great and has lost a LOT in terms of retirement investing. You can’t go back and contribute for previously-missed years.


All in crypto you be millionaire by 28 yr old


Or completely broke


That's why you put a small amount in Bitcoin and don't touch shitcoins.


22M working at retail cause i cant find my strengths and have a hard time saving. i would kill to be like this


Find a new career and invest that. Every construction worker I know has a fucked up back.


I really hope that’s not a checking account. You need to invest that badly


Great job dude, you’re doing great




shout out to the union


I hope to god you’re not dumb enough to be leaving that amount in a zero interest checking account…..


How's your joints and back tho? You good?


Good job people are no longer training for and can't be replaced by the Internet or LLM.


Op you are the definition of hard work, well done.


This is why I don’t push all my students into college. I know some of them won’t thrive there, and they’ll make sooooo much more money doing some kind of trade work.


Ok what do you want us to do with this knowledge?


What state are you able to buy a $200k house? Asking for a friend 😅


Enough to fuel a child’s Fortnite addiction for a week


Good, very good. Now go buy a new Ford F150, fully loaded. Add a lift kit and new tires. Spend no less than 50,000 at a nearby casino over the course of a couple months. Get married and divorced, losing a substantial chunk to alimony. The rest is for alcohol and cigarettes.


You’ve done this for 9 years. Realize you made company owners over $1.5 million dollars. At this point you have enough to start your own company. Do that.


Bro can i have some of that monay?


y do u have none of that invested


I really hope that’s not a checking account. You need to invest that badly


Let's go man. Keep doing your thing. Also...prenup