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That’s ok, just wire it to me so you can go back to work and have purpose


Such an altruistic person, I'm in awe at your self sacrifice.


I’m good that way.. Jokes aside, this is a common problem for ppl when they retire and ppl who create their self worth through their occupation. Op needs to take time and explore some options for charity work wtc


I make 60K/yr and have 5 kids. Get some perspective. You can literally live off interest and travel the world at your leisure with that kind of money.


60k 5 kids how do you do it


Thankfully my wife now works part time as well so it's not as big of a problem as it was. She did somehow manage to go to college through all this and became a nurse so I'm very proud of her. We have student debt because of it but on the SAVE plan so don't have to actually pay anything for it monthly. But back when it was just me working I guess what helped was just staying in a starter home/living below our means in a fairly LCOL area. So low mortgage ($850/month), one car, no big debts we couldn't handle etc The other big help was the fact that I've never once had to pay for childcare. Either my wife was stay at home or my oldest kid is much older than the others. So now that me and my wife work my oldest watches them when we need her to. We pay her for it but it's obviously cheaper than taking them to a daycare. Without that help there's no way we could both work/afford childcare for them.




Another way is to convert some from 529 plan (thats fairly new development, I think 2022, so not many people know about it)


Genuinely curious to understand how you manage this.


I'm happy the load has lightened however I still Don't understand 5 kids is a lot of mouths to feed and I commend you however that is insane What state do you live in? Your budgeting must be on point


Not having a car payment and paying under 1k for somewhere to live is essential to do a lot of other things.


I mean I don't have a car payment and my rent is similar and I'm drowning over here.


Depends on where you live too lol. I have a wife and 3 kids and at one point I was making around 45K a year, she didn’t work, and yeah kids. I make double that now but honestly it doesn’t feel much different. Make more, spend more, finance nicer shit, equally as broke lol. How it goes for 90% of us I’d say! Lol


Financisl Irresponsibility


At 60k with kids, the real killer would be insurance. But that's low enough to get an ACA subsidy. I'm in limbo as we're wanting my wife to quit her job, but we're also right at that threshold. So I need to either make sure our income is low enough to get the subsidy so the family has insurance, or find an extra $20,000 a year for the premiums (and still hole we don't have to use it)


Just not using condoms. Simple


his wife makes $400k


5 kids and no money. Why couldn't it be 0 kids and 5 money?


I make more than that with only 1 kid and I'm going to have to perform sex acts to buy a house.


Because people keep having kids even when they can’t afford them.


"Get some perspective" Love it. I picture this person as woody harrelson crying into $100 bills in Zombieland


Yea but we also tick off of doing hard things and being rewarded for your work because it makes us feel special. Us humans like to feel needed, we like to feel like we made an impact. Money can grant us the ability to search for our purpose without worrying about a roof, food, and living expenses.. He finally has the freedom to not be tied down by money so he should be finding his purpose no matter how wild it is.


Right like bro, go find some impoverished villages in south america and figure out how to get them better access to resources or something. The fuck are you aimless for, there's so much you could be doing to help people.


Yeah $17M is an insane amount of money. I feel like it's hard as fuck to be 'aimless' when you can just aim in literally any direction and not miss.


>Yea but we also tick off of doing hard things and being rewarded for your work because it makes us feel special. Us humans like to feel needed, we like to feel like we made an impact. Speak for yourself. I'm here to live my life with as little physical human interaction and work as possible and then die knowing I lived doing things I liked and not things society likes.


Honestly, traveling the world would get old fast. I derive a lot of my self esteem and general happiness from being productive and contributing to something that I feel is worthwhile. Simply having more money than I’d ever need wouldn’t make that go away. It’s a shame the way work culture has turned out in the modern day. Not saying I blame the worker, there are certainly plenty of shitty and unfulfilling jobs, I just think not enough people have gotten to experience what it’s like to do something you find meaningful and be good at it.


Can you make me rich?


The best way to feel better is to help others. I think OP should get into wealth exchange therapy.


Effective altruism


I can help


I can't even conceive of what it would feel like to be able to pay off my medical bills and buy a car with AC right now - much less this kind of wealth.


That’s your First Step- Start Conceiving it.


Second step - Meet old men behind the Wendy's dumpster


Instructions unclear, conceived more babies.


I, too, would like to see you make this person rich.


I also choose this guys money


lol right? 20k would change my life. Can’t even fathom this level of money.


Just 10K would be so life changing for me! Get to spend more time with the kids and even maybe drop one of my part time jobs. Currently sitting at 1 full time, 3 part time.


I know. If you have too much money, please send some my way


I’d take some too, please


You won the game, congrats


Now he feels like a looser.


Now that is loose butthole


Op literally saying his money didn’t make him happy. Reddit: you win, congratulations!


Of course money doesn't "make" you happy, it just _allows_ you to be happy. Being completely worry-free and allowed to just live my life would make it pretty fucking hard to be unhappy though. Money would literally solve every single one of my problems near instantly lol.


Shut the fuck up lol


For real. Bitch is fucking rich and goddamn complaining. Get some fucking hobbies and work at McDonald’s


I mean seems like he just has depression. Money doesn’t change that


He can afford to get some therapy though


Yeah it's kind of a slap in the face to people that are still working. I don't have time to feel sorry for you because I'm trying pay my bills.


My wife is over here debating quitting therapy because she straight up doesn’t have time to physically go in because of work and the video sessions just don’t work that well. A lot of the stuff they were doing requires being there in person. Meanwhile this guy is over here has all the free time in the world and is complaining.


Exactly. Posting on r/money is worthless in this case. OP, please hire a therapist.


Bro can afford the best therapists. A lot of us working class folk can’t afford to go to therapy and have to rawdog depression. He just needs to get some perspective. He can always go back to work if not working makes him feel very aimless. Get hobbies. Go travel. All the shit people tell us poor depressed people lol


Womp womp. Dude has 8 extra hours a day to solve his depression. He's an actual wet sobbing pussy.


The money seems to getting in the way of his happiness, I would gladly hold onto it for free to help him out


Okay well the rest of us are just as depressed *and* poor. OP can shove his bills up his ass.


He can literally hire people to give him constant mental support, 24/7


He could hire a lot more than mental support with that kind of money


They're rich enough to have working at McDonalds as a hobby


I keep seeing these and starting to believe it's satire. 17MM? off Nvidia? Their stock isn't even worth as much as a lot of other fortune 500 companies Anyone can photoshop this crap and I've been wrong before but 17mm off Nvidia I think ima call BS. That's more than a lot of mainstream singers are worth like doja cat


It's the most valuable company in the world right now...


Still seems insane to have held 17MM worth through all of that.


Nvda is up 3000% in the last 5 years. You do the math


options trading can make people filthy rich


If he’s worked there for 5+ years it’s definitely believable. They are the most valuable company in the world by Market Cap


lol glad someone said it


Bump this to the top.


Ikr, fuckin moron guy sitting on 17 mil and wants us to feel sorry for him, joke


Heed this persons wise comment!


Thank you for saying this. ohhh no I have 17million I am aimless and sad :'( Get a grip, help people, travel, buy that expensive toy you always wanted. Get a few hobbies, meet new friends! Come on man.


Wish OP would give me some money for gold so I could award this comment.


This should be the top comment.


Hes just doing it to show off. Def probs dancing


2x and again for good measure.


Reality check for OP: If you have more money then you can ever spend and you feel like your life is directionless right now, that means your life was directionless before you got rich so nothing really changed except you can now fund any of your hobbies or dreams. Go buy a dune buggy and take it off sweet jumps.


Good fortune is wasted on some people


TRAVEL!! see the world. immerse yourself


Travel is nice for a short while (on a 2 month holiday at the moment), but humans need purpose.


Your purpose becomes exploring the Earth's wonders. When does that get boring?


It doesn’t


Fucking ingrates, amirite?


People who never travel are equating being stuck at jfk for 6 hours as too much of a cost vs running with the bulls, seeing the great migration, or banging a 6,4 blond woman on the beach in Croatia They want any excuse to not do anything, it’s culture turning people in to simple consumers who stay at home all day and spend money, because literally everything else is a “hassle” Reason this idiot is sad with 17mil (other then the 9 million tax liability) is he *hasn’t* traveled and his perspective is skewed to the hassle thing


You know depression is not limited to people who are poor, right? Having money doesn’t automatically erase people’s pain, worry, anxiety, and fulfil them overnight.


Travel isn’t a panacea. And yes, you can get bored traveling. 


long travel gets really tiring too


It does. At least for some people. I did a 4 month backpacking trip through South America & by the end I felt like nothing could surprise me or impact me, no matter how beautiful. I started to have mini panic attacks waking up in the mornings cause I didn’t even know what country I was in until I could gather some context clues & put my timeline together (these lasted 1-2 months even after being home). It feels very self righteous to judge people who have money for not being happy but oddly enough I think that this very attitude identifies you as being one of those people. You think a number or the ability to “travel forever” is all you need to be happy but anything becomes normal with time. It’s called the Hedonic Treadmill, your baseline will return to normal after anything if you give it long enough. Seneca: “It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor.”


Also Seneca: "Are you surprised, as if it were a novelty, that after such long travel and so many changes of scene you have not been able to shake off the gloom and heaviness of your mind? You need a change of soul rather than a change of climate"


Much better quote than the one I thought of!


purpose? I don't need purpose with $17M, an xbox controller is all the purpose I need.


You have millions, you can help so many people with so many things


Absolutely, I suggested in another post to look into some sort of missionary work. Perspective is an amazing insight to have that most people won’t get the opportunity to have


Volunteer while you travel, use some of that $ to see happy kids play with real soccer balls, help people with cataracts get cheap life changing surgeries. Idk. Easy for me to say.


Agreed. Ive spent months in other countried "travelling" and eventually you find yourself living without purpose. I really grew to hate an aimless life


Real. I get bored after 10 days on vacation ..


We had lockdowns during Covid… I was getting paid to sit at home and play cod… I was depressed…


Everyone travels to escape the “routine” but the routine is also needed. I’ve noticed when I travel after 2 weeks I miss doing things at home.


I’m exactly the same mate


Find some volunteer work that helps something you care for. That is way better purpose than working a 9 to 5.


There are two types of people in the world 1) one who would get bored after winning the lottery and need “purpose” 2) others who would be ecstatic and find unlimited ways to enjoy their financial freedom


Brother…. You get to *decide*. Think about that for a moment. You get to decide what you want to do. If you’re really struggling bc you’ve basically burned out on pleasure seeking then just work a low stress job for a little while. It will give you a routine. Nothing crazy to make you stressed and then you’ll find time to decide what the next 5 years looks like for your life. Maybe it is working as a mountain safety patrol for a ski resort in the winter and river rafting guide in the summer. Maybe it is being a flight attendant and seeing the world. Maybe it is getting a pilots license, getting extremely healthy, reading a book a week, volunteering at a local shelter, volunteering at a church, getting a teaching degree and teaching at a school. These professions and hobbies do not pay but are rewarding for the soul. It seems like you’re seeking fulfillment which none of us can tell you what *will give you* fulfillment. You’re going to need to find that on your own. But the good news is, you have time. You’re young, you have money, explore how to spend your time and don’t get overly attached to possessions. Rent here, rent there until you find a place to call home. Rid yourself of commitment that you can’t replace with a new interest or hobby. Nothing has to sustain you forever. Now you get to do things, as you please and decide if that is fulfilling for you. You ran the gauntlet on retirement pleasure seeking, now seek something deeper.


The crazy thing is, everything you said can also be done without any money. Unfulfilled losers think money would make them happy, but they never make it, so they never get to find out that it doesn’t.


They can be done without money, but your ability to do them is pretty significantly impacted when 8-10 hours of your day are spent on work, commuting to work, etc. Money can't outright buy happiness, but it sure helps to be financially stable and not have to worry about healthcare.


"Once i get rich I'll do the stuff that people who are not rich do and can do"


Very good answer. The other comments were dunking on op, but looks like he was actually asking for advice.


Find a hobby or craft where you can actually create something :) something you can sell or gift or donate. Woodworking comes to mind! You could always find a job you really like, even if it's not the greatest pay because, well.. ya know lol. Try traveling maybe, too? The world is your oyster!


For me, doing the hardest version of a hobby is always better even though the results are worse. An example is woodworking without power tools. Hand drills, block planes and chisels really slow the process down


Give me all money, no longer rich & aimless, problem go poof, everyone happy.




Can you tell me what your initial balance was? When did you start trading NVDA? Was this done via trading options or shares?


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Unless he was doing some crazy risky stuff with options, he was probably already rich.


Almost certainly these were RSUs from working there, probably was a SWE


In 2004-2005 shares were the equivalent of $ .14-.16


I can understand the aimless but how could you get depressed with $18M?


How does money affect long term clinical depression


I hear altruism can cure that. Can you free me from my student loan debt? It’s a measly $25k


I have 60k student loan, I win OP


This feels like a bragging post rather than anything else. OP, you could easily purchase a small business and be your own boss and have employees, basically play work and it won’t impact your finances.


Possible sarcasm post, but if not then you could look into 3D printers. They’re pretty fun to mess with and or just have them build endless things. You are your own limitation


Yeah or hire someone to train you personally.


I really need rich people problems.


Right? I would rather be depressed with 17 million than zero dollars and crying myself to sleep


Hol' up, is this 17 million?!!!


Great job using your resources and skills to come up with so much wealth at such a young age. You’re in a financial situation where you’re better off than a large majority of others and you should be proud. 1. Use your skills to illustrate what a person can do to reach your achievements. Start a financial education channel or something like that. You know..TikTok, Instagram etc. believe it or not I have a lot of friends that do something similar and they are quite happy since they’ve learned how to edit videos and build a fan base which are all fun things 2. Meet people that have similar interests. Don’t be afraid to strike up conversations on public if you’re at a place you like such as maybe a museum or sports bar etc. 3. Join a karate or boxing gym. You’ll get your ass kicked while smiling and build a brotherhood 😎


>Use your skills to illustrate what a person can do to reach your achievements. Yeah about that, if he does it three times in a row and can predict when it will happen the fourth time, I'll subscribe. Otherwise, it's just having some money, taking some risk, and getting lucky. You never hear about the people that tried the same, gambled wrong, and lost their shirts.


Dad? It’s me! Your long lost son!


Give your money away and get a new job. I'll Help.


Give it to me then. At least 10% of it would change my life completely.


Come join r/fatFIRE and get verified. They have meetups and I think the next one is in the Hamptons. Networking with high net worth individuals can help as they may have been in your shoes when they initially retired early. For your mental health, I saved this post for the day we retire: https://www.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/s/6MJ7JnFd69 Before retiring, you need something to retire to that gives you purpose. If you're feeling lonely after a year or two of hookups, maybe it's time to seek something more long term. It would be a good idea to shield your wealth until you know you met the right person. If you still have trusted friends and family, they can help filter out your rose colored glasses. Good luck.


>It would be a good idea to shield your wealth until you know you met the right person. Even after finding the "right" person you should shield your wealth. Life is full of surprises.


First off. That's awesome and good for you. You could get a job that is just to kill time and distract you. You said you like videogames. What if you tried to create your own. Went to coding school and made a game or two


Also, I'd love to learn how you got to where you are. It's genuinely impressive


Congratulations. You are lucky enough to have your whole world turned upside down. This happens more often than you would think. You gave up your job, but it had social perks of sharing the workload and the camaraderie that work offers. You have not found an adequate replacement, yet. Many retirees go through this. At least they have a cohort of age that binds them. You don't have that support system, either. I would suggest taking a half step back, and try volunteering. You do not need any pay. There is a large void of need out there, you can pick your hours, and feel genuinely good about doing something to make others lives better. Do you like animals? STEM? A clean environment? You can choose what is important to you. I FIRE'd and now volunteer/teach children. Education made the essential difference in my life, so it is my way of giving back. You have much to offer, more than you realize. Pick your niche, and see what happens.


Invest in yourself. Take up a hobby, learn a skill and help others learn how to invest.


Let me borrow 15 million real quick and i ll tell you if I have the same feelings.


I swear, some times people can have it all and yet still be lost. 


i hate shit like this lmao…i’m a multimillionaire not working poor me…


Be like Mark Cuban and lock in the gain before a crash.


I will give purpose to your life again in exchange for half.


How sad for you


Lol. Rage bait


for info, i am 31/gay/male/chinese/single i thought id enjoy my hobbies of video games, gym, watching shows, and hooking up with guys, but after half a year of doing that i just feel nihilistic about everything i think i was happier when my net worth was five digits and i had a job


Use some of the money for therapy


You can always find a new job to find purpose ?


Go help the homeless, go do real philanthropy, feed people. Devote your life to charity in service of your fellow man. I know what I would do I I was rich and that would be it.


33/gay/male/greek/single looking for a gamer gymgoin hubby


I wasn't gay, but for 17 million who knows


In this economy you go gay for only $15.99


That's way too damn expensive


nah, youre gay


43/straight/male/white/single will jerk you off for rent money and gifts.


People need purpose, you’ve lost yours mate. I’m 33m NW about a tenth of yours. Find something fulfilling that you don’t necessarily enjoy doing, as anything worth doing isn’t easy. Immerse yourself in making others lives better, maybe doing some missionary (not that kind) work. Your perspectives will change, you’ll appreciate the life you have and you’ll find your purpose


Lmao bro been doing the wrong kinda missionary all this time 😔


Your NW is still impressive at 33 dude. Congrats


Thanks mate, I’m very proud of myself, I feel incredible and insignificant both at the tame time reading these posts lol. It’s good to give me perspective to not compare myself to anyone else.


There's always going to be people better and more successful than us. I wish to be where you're at one day, especially at your age man.


Thanks mate, stay the course, and continue to learn 💪 we can all make it, even in a mediocre wage


Give everyone in here 50k and then become a philanthropist


Grass always greener on the other side bro, I wish I can retire at 30 like u. Nothing stops u from getting a job and being a cog in the capitalist machine again. Rejoin the working class if it gives u a purpose. Only difference is u don't have to worry about money ever again like us normies. With that said plz buy me a Porsche 911




First of all, congrats! I get that you might feel a bit lost even with all that money. Try sitting down and making a list of things you love but couldn’t do before because of money—travel, cars, hobbies, whatever. Remember, money's just a tool... use it to find what truly makes you happy. For me, having that money would mean being able to help people in need, which would be amazing and give me a real sense of purpose. Maybe it could do the same for you. Also, consider getting therapy, it helped me when I was feeling down. The money itself won’t make you happy, but I hope what you do with it will.


how about just go back to work, like a small meaningful job?


Or just do something fun like go be a bartender


Losing your friends comes next. They still have to work and can’t hang with you during the week. They will become jealous and resentful. Start a new company doing something you really like to do. The vision of retirement we have been sold is not fulfilling or true. For me, happiness comes from creating. Get back to creating.


Money alone doesn't make you happy or give you purpose in life. It's about spending it and making memories. Pack your stuff, get to the next Airport and let the person at airline counter choose the destination. Check into the nicest hotel at the destination and explore the area.


Try philanthropy and taking on a part time job


I'll join the beggars here. 20k would literally save my life. (Debts)


He’s not. He’s doing this for attention.


Start a charity Open a small bar and don't worry too much about profits Go backpacking - I did that in New Zealand for a year and it was great, but I was limited by having to work Get a random part time job Take a bunch of random courses Or you could give me the money But for real, I get it. Having nothing to do can get boring fast. Hopefully you get to stay busy


The thing about purpose in life is that you're the only one that can find it. I've met a lot of people over the years, wealthy and otherwise, who have found a career or a cause and called it purpose. But no amount of work or money or causes will ever take the place of the spiritual soul work that has to be done to really discover purpose. Existence really only has flavor when you taste it all; joy, grief, happiness, loss, victory, privation, and wealth all have to come together to paint life in its fullness. If you've bought your way out of the experience of existence, it will feel empty. I think that's why Jesus said that the love of money was the root of all kinds of evil. It's not about the money, it's about the connection to the divine. I'd recommend reading On the Threshold of Transformation by Richard Rohr. Yes, it's a spiritual devotional with religious overtones, but I think if you approach it with an open heart, you might get some good stuff out of it. I know a lot of people here will scoff at your situation, but you're having a real human experience, and it sucks and it hurts, and I bet there's a lot of panic behind it too. And that's ok. If you earnestly seek something better in your heart and for your life, you will eventually find it.


If money is not a problem, have a large family. A lot of kids. You’ll have no time to have these thoughts.


Wish i would of invested in them years ago, now I'm just hoping to save enough for a decent window unit ac to be able to relax in my living room but if I were you, I'd do some soul searching to see what would make u happy.


Boo fucking hoo, dude. I bet crying into piles of cash dries up those tears real fucking quick.


this mf is complaining about having too much time and money


I think giving will definitely make you happier and give you some sort of purpose. Let me know if you want my Venmo.


no way people think this is real


What app is this? Could someone fake a net worth and just post something like this. Not saying you’re lying but if it’s a legit app that would absolutely take away any chance of this being a troll post


Imagine being this idiot


Feel free to give me your money so i can have your burden and depression


I notice you have 0% liabilities...I'm a massive liability but a lot of fun...just sayin.


You can start investing in startups. That’s an exciting space.


Then give me the money and go back to work. I’m not going to sympathize with a millionaire


give me $1mil i survive off $14k a year, 1 mil would make me happy :)


Dude, just start marlin fishing, golfing, high end escorts, and ruining other people’s lives like normal rich people do. Plenty of hobbies out there to explore.


Oh fuck off.


Stick with it, you never know what life throws at you. You just don’t have to prioritize money anymore.


“So now I brag about my money online and cry about how miserable I am” alright sad boy toss it over here and I’ll send you post cards from every country on our planet that you can use as tissues.


You should volunteer, find something like Americorps or peace corps


Whats something that you thought was true about being this rich compared to the reality? Anything wierd exept the boredom and the things you mentioned in the post


Give em to me I’ll be depressed 😂


Start a garden and watch the plants grow. I love it.


You can donate to my nation….donation.


Find a passion, you are rich enough to explore any and everything you find even remotely interesting. The only thing you dont have unlimited access to now is time.


I think about it all the time. What would I do after I get retirement type money? Ultimately in fear of aimless and for having a purpose (trade stocks till day I die) I prefer to remain at 40k in my portfolio rather than 15 million 😌


You can make me rich if you want to? 0.1% of your money would solve all my problems hahaha