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I really like Personal Capital. It helps me track my net worth and lets me view/analyze info about my investments. It's free too.


Seconding this. It’s empower now. Not as good for budgeting but pretty good for investments and net worth tracking.


Empower is fine. I don't love the visuals but it works.


Same. I use Empower, it's free and gets the job done.


We're using Monarch Money. There's a whole subreddit for it. It's fine for what we use it for. There is a delay between the expense and MM updating, so for me it's not something I'd rely on for up-to-the-minute decisions, but to see all our accounts in one place like that is helpful to us. 


In Canada I find a lot of the apps don’t always connect super well with our banks and financial institutions, so I am just updating a Google spreadsheet 😂 it works!


I've switched to Fidelity Full View, and it works okay - there's a net worth history chart, and it gives you a pretty good breakdown of your current investment allocation. I haven't had trouble connecting any of my accounts, including Treasury Direct which I always had to do manually in Mint. Free if you have an account with Fidelity.


I will have to check out fidelity full view.


Check out [MoneyPatrol](https://moneypatrol.com), it's a free app to track your Net Worth and the founder is the former head of analytics of Mint.


I’ve been using getroi app for about a year now and I really love it! I love the interface, the spending graphs, custom categories, subscription tracking, etc. Plus, the net worth tracker that allows you to track your assets and debts separately is really cool 


I use Monarch to track transactions and spending and Wealthfront to track net worth


I did some research on alternatives and ended up going with getquin. It's been working really well for me so far. I like how it automatically syncs my accounts - checking, savings, credit cards, investments, 401k, the works. Saves me a ton of time from having to manually update balances.The net worth tracking and reporting is solid too. I can easily see my total net worth and how it's trending over time with some nice visual charts. It's motivating to see the progress!getquin also has some planning tools to set financial goals and track against them. I'm finding that helpful to make sure I'm on target for things like growing my retirement savings.Overall, it was a fairly smooth transition from Mint for me. If you're looking for a comprehensive net worth tracker, getquin is definitely worth checking out. Hope you find an app that works great for your needs!


For simple snapshot of balances, I use Nerd Wallet. It will automatically update connected accounts. Easy app without clutter.


I am using https://www.kamunity.io . See if you’d like to try it. Covers most of the features that Mint had , and a few other interesting ones. It is also free


I use Exirio. Free, and it provides a lot of metrics.


Have you tried https://www.exirio.com?