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My FIL’s old patients are driving me up the wall this week. He was a doctor and so part of the estate’s duties when he passed are to retain all his patients records for 7 years and release them upon request (HIPAA laws). Well the issue is that his clientele was an average age of like, 80, and most are much more on the “ok boomer” than the “sweet old grandma” end of the spectrum. They call in to get their records, do not understand why I have to ask them to sign a release form for it, do not use email so they require their 10k page charts to be printed out and mailed to them, will not agree to just releasing the last 2 years worth of data (acceptable under HIPAA, and no, ma’am, I’m not sure your new doctor will find your lab results from 1964 useful). Add that to the people on meds: “but why can’t you refill my prescriptions” “sorry sir; I am not a doctor and the practice is closed, that’s not something we can help with” “but what am I going to do I need my meds” “sir I recommend you find a new family physician and set up an appointment, we would be happy to release your records directly to them and they can help you with your prescription refills” “But I don’t see why you guys can’t just fax in a prescription refill; I was a good friend of the old doctor and he never needed an appointment to do that” “Sir; I apologize but we are not medical professionals and this isn’t something we’re legally allowed to do” Etc ad nauseum until they finally get it. I am trying my absolute best to be kind to them, because I get it and I would want someone to be kind to me in their position, but holy hell after 100+ of these calls I just want to scream. I’m starting to let these go to voicemail and I sit on them before returning their calls because I am dreading having yet another of the same 20min conversation where I have to explain to a grumpy, hard of hearing person why I cannot in fact just flop on my face and roll over and acquiesce to all their demands. I already hate phone calls, admin work, and dumb people for the most part, so this is basically my personal hell. Ladies: if you see a doctor not part of a large institution, especially a solo practitioner, ask them about their BCP plans if they’re incapacitated. You do not want to be in the position of needing a rush appointment with another doctor because your meds have run out but their practice has closed.


Oh my GOSH. I am so sorry you're having to deal with this and I absolutely can't imagine. Nothing but love and hugs for you ((hugs))


Thank you, I need those today


Is it possible for you to get in contact with your late FIL’s physicians college to arrange for someone to take charge of these files? It is surprising to me that a relative would be tasked with this, especially someone that isn’t a medical professional. What a pain for you to have ‘inherited’! 


Wish I could, but we checked with the state medical board and if nobody is taking over the practice, the estate is responsible. He didn’t set up a succession plan for his practice so we had no choice but to close it down. Also I’m not sure he had any friends, lol. I genuinely try to wish people well in general but all of this has made me experience true hatred, honestly.


The situation sounds ridiculous I’m so sorry! It’s a lot that’s been imposed on you so that’s a pretty valid response 


Thank you, genuinely means a lot!


Oh man, the way I felt it squeeze in my brain when I got to the part about the med refills. 😂 


Crying laughing haha


Oh man, I feel for you. I used to do release of information at a hospital records department as my full-time job. I only handled mailed-in requests, not phone calls, and it still regularly baffled me how people just Do Not Get that HIPAA exists, and no, I'm not going to break it just because you think you're special.


I salute you being able to make it through a full day with these people. I mean I’ve had to wrangle records release departments myself and idk, I try not to be TOO difficult? Just tell me where I need to sign so I can get my husband’s CT scans on a disc, thanks!


How do you deal with feeling alone / left out at work? A lot of my work friends left the team within the past couple of years and I just don't find myself connecting with the new hires (mostly due to them being a few years younger than me and also me being one of their direct managers and wanting to give my direct report some space). However, I do feel like an outsider on my team and it makes me really hate going into the office. I don't particularly like my job so that + the social situation is really making things tough. Any advice? (I have been looking for new jobs but that's been a slow process so far.)


If you're a manager then it makes sense that you aren't going to feel that connected friendship vibe with non-management new hires. Whether you're their boss or not, you're a boss. It's time to go connect with other managers either in your agency or industry.


I started commenting then saw your comment- tagging on here since u/Smurfblossom has said what I wanted to as well: I think it's normal to feel and actually be on the outside some as a manager. Can you start forming your own connections with other managers and people at or above your level? It does depend on company culture, age, etc but it can be hard to be a good manager if you are focused on socializing with and being friends with the people you are managing. It's a lot to expect of people you manage to be your friend


I’m new at my job and the youngest on the team, and on top of that I don’t loooove the work I’m doing (it’s fine just a bit boring), so I’ve been dealing with this a bit. On the other hand the pay and work life balance are great, so I’ve been really focusing on getting my needs filled outside of work. I started horseback riding again, adopted a puppy, plan things with friends, plan trips, etc. I wish I had a job I really fit in with my team and was mentally stimulating too, but I can settle for one with nice people that offers me a good life outside of work when I give myself other ways to fill my needs!


all 3 of my best work friends left in the month of june (2 on their own, 1 got fired) and i feel the one thing i have to do is also leave. the worst parts of my job and the company are slowly showing through and its not fun anymore. i totally sympathize with the age gap with your other coworkers, all the men i work with are 55 and older, and both the girls are newly 20 and 21. i mostly have been keeping to myself and reading in my office in my downtime.


I don't have advice, but I wanted to say I'm going through this, too. My former company had a RIF in February, and my whole team got decimated, leaving me feeling very alone and isolated in the aftermath. I started at a new company in May with a proper team again, and surprisingly, it's just as bad. I was definitely delusional in thinking it would be more social and connected.


Everyone at work waited until the last possible minute to do things and now shocked face it’s the holiday break and there simply isn’t any time.  Had one client get shitty with me when I told him our closures. “I don’t close so why should you?” Uhm because I believe in giving my people time off to rest and relax?  Why aren’t YOU giving your employees off? This sounds like a you problem, my dude. 


Ugh, this mirrors my frustration this week. I have no idea why a project would schedule deliverables for this week they way they have, and then be shocked when it appears no one is working Friday (or their offices are flat-out closed). God forbid anyone take a few days for a long holiday weekend in this stupid field.


I work in construction/logistics and the amount of people who work in corporate offices I deal with who don’t consider the warehouse guys actual humans who deserve breaks/aren’t robots is shocking and sad. 


It’s been one heck of a last few months. I’m now officially engaged and we paid our first mortgage payment together! Only 359 left 😂. (Our plan is to pay it off much more quickly once I graduate law school in 2 years.)


Congratulations on the engagement, mortgage, and law school!


Thank you! It’s definitely been a busy time. I’m 1/3 of the way through school and I can’t wait to be done!


I’m scared to start my first adult job after graduating and I want to move out of this disgustingly humid and hot city !!! I want a walkable city with beautiful trees and where I feel safe being a pedestrian and woman !! Other than that, I’m tempted to start learning dutch to give myself something to do. It’s almost 4AM and I am in misery. Alas, the time will keep moving. Hoping to be in another state in 1-3 years!


Setting a plan can do wonders for motivation. Doesn’t hurt to scribble something out on paper (and adjust over time). ☺️


don't be scared of your "adult" job, we are all just making it up as we go and generally, no one knows what anyone else is doing, and this somehow feels more true the older you get


My husband and I have just calculated that we'd need to find an additional 20% of our pre-tax salaries in our budget every month to afford the monthly payment on a house in our city. We are currently stuck in commuting hell because we can't afford to live close to work.


I am so sorry, I really feel for anyone in this position right now. Something has to give! the housing situation is awful


Welcome to a new fiscal year, with new vendors and contractors. Despite the loudest subsection of the community's complaints, I will not apologize for living up to my fiduciary responsibility. Also, I did everything short of hiring the Goodyear Blimp for public notification re service changes. At this point, if you don't know- that is a you problem. I bought an ancestry test for like $105 because at some point I can't just say half of my ancestors were slutting it up around Europe.


we made it through the end of the FY, time for those of us who scrambled to close it out to take a break from answering anyone. Whenever my team gets stupid emails I like to tell them to just let them "marinate", hopefully eventually the person will try to look back in their emails and find the answer on their own


We made it!! With 80% of the emails I get, marinate is a valid strategy. The other 20% comes from firestarters and it is much better to smother that before it turns into a public echo chamber of nonsense. Fingers crossed FY2025 is kinder to us all.


Just checked on my student loans because something funky is happening with Mohela and I saw that my repayment will go from $120 to $575 in October 2025!! I spent like 20 minutes clicking around trying to see why or find a way to keep it low but between Mohela switching systems(?), PSLF document processing on hold, and forgiveness tied up in the courts there's nothing to do for the time being. At least I have over a year to prep and I'm sure something will change in that time but it's so scary!


Mohela is a clusterf--k at the moment. I got an administrative forbearance notice due to SAVE being reviewed, but my monthly payments haven't stopped. 🙃 The payment increase probably has to do with recertifying your income. My payment is set to skyrocket in September by $400, but in my panicked Googling, I found that was the likely cause since I'm on an income based plan and haven't certified in a while. ETA- also on PSLF and have 2.5 years left


Yes I saw that on r/studentloans & it definitely made me feel better!! It is super frustrating that so many systems are down right now but that helped calm me down haha


Here's a sneak peek of /r/StudentLoans using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/StudentLoans/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Well - it's over. I have to admit I was getting cautiously optimistic - but the SCOTUS has killed the Biden/Harris debt relief. Here's some practical FAQ's about the debt relief eligibility and implementation](https://np.reddit.com/r/StudentLoans/comments/14n280k/well_its_over_i_have_to_admit_i_was_getting/) \#2: [Supreme Court, Republicans to blame for lack of debt forgiveness, students say in poll](https://np.reddit.com/r/StudentLoans/comments/152v9q9/supreme_court_republicans_to_blame_for_lack_of/) \#3: [I got the IDR recount email: my loans will be forgiven!](https://np.reddit.com/r/StudentLoans/comments/14zii3o/i_got_the_idr_recount_email_my_loans_will_be/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


My team recently brought on a handful of new hires, and today during a team meeting folks were all bonding over their upcoming summer plans with their spouses and partners and one teammate's upcoming wedding. Though I'm sure she meant well, one of my new teammates jumped in with "What about you, \[PracticalShine\], what are you guys up to this summer?" I felt so awkward – I'm the only person on my team who's single and lives alone, and the assumption that I'm part of a "you guys" makes me want to crawl under a bridge, and put on the spot I sort of stammered out a "Oh, It's just me, no big plans, (teammate), is your dog your ring bearer?" deflection. It's fine, and not a big deal, but I hate being singled out (pun intended) and it stung a bit extra after this last weekend. That's my frustration of the week so far (and it just started, it was a holiday in Canada yesterday, LOL)


what summer plans are you all looking forward to the most? i am going to shelter island for the first time this month. also excited to spend july 4th on my boat and to wear a bathing suit i feel confident in for the first time.


Hard-hitting question…What do you all use to keep your hair out of your face while working out? I have those little corkscrew wire things and they worked great at first but for whatever reason, they don’t work for me anymore. I don’t know how to braid LOL. I’d prefer a bun because I do workout classes and ponytails just hit me in the face the whole time, but I can’t get a bun to stay in place.


I wear a bun for workouts too. What do you use to hold your bun?  I have found that those [plastic claw thingies](https://www.amazon.com/Goody-Womens-Classics-Claw-Count/dp/B00E9SP4C8/ref=sr_1_6?crid=I4YWBCDB9PDB&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.l5053VXTNxWggBELED1A3w3SusNfCGf8O3OoBO1veA2cJXZE62PLjL3p_KgrHnaE28S-6eZzWQPoOXzYv3lTyKthdlLq1akkYetonZT-UpA0KbTw5lcIfyvSIfcheu1OTfZxIsWgDrZIBt7AzII3_9sXZtgBHKJhmqwDqtZXz6Cv2YATiq0_MyjxtGMTt6oCc9wHp4fEO4OIti0cd-LnQBAW2HWOTLeU2xrwZhPHEi9JjKsqA6CylW3FmVzgEVKibcSzCqe6zapvgPGtXoajCz6gYGms1YHZiXFNAZDdvlo.znSP4qpPsHQHLuN2DMn5-IpQCmKGbftQ35TGmlFytwA&dib_tag=se&keywords=claw+clips+medium&qid=1719935326&sprefix=claw+clips+medium%2Caps%2C155&sr=8-6) work really well for - but my hair is coarse and longish. Scrunchies don’t have enough hold for my hair. A hair tie (those small, [elastic circle thingies](https://www.target.com/p/scunci-no-damage-elastics-4mm-20ct/-/A-79655236?preselect=52596145#lnk=sametab)) work well too.  I also use bobby pins to pin my bangs back, as I can’t stand having them on my face while I’m working out!  You may find some good tips on YT, by looking up [ballerina bun tutorials](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ballerina+bun+tutorial)!


I like claw clips too - except for hot yoga. I need to be able to lay down on my back and cant do that with the claws LOL


LOL that's fair!


I find doing a regular braid down a ponytail prevents the ponytail from hitting me in the face. 


I finally left my job two weeks ago and had imagined a life of instant rest and relaxation. Instead of funemployment it’s been unenjoyment because of the sea of administrative tasks and obligations. (My employer fumbled offboarding really hard and I’ve had to chase them for everything.) Every day it’s been something. Now that it kinda seems to be calming down, there’s a Bay Area heatwave to deal with. H8h8h8 🫠


With the upcoming holiday this week management stupidly approved every leave request without considering there are onsite staff requirements for every department. We all have Thursday off because it is a federal holiday, but staffing requirements are enforced the rest of the week. I'm the only person that didn't put in a leave request this week and its looking like they're going to ask me to put in extra hours to address the shortage. I really am going to tell them to go fuck themselves. Managements screw up is not my problem. They didn't want to feel like assholes telling some of the parents no you can't take yet another vacation with your kids and as far as I'm concerned that comes with the job.


Alternatively, maybe they would compensate you will additional vacation days or something?


That is not a thing, you're just expected to be a team player. Well I told them to fuck off and now they're scrambling to problem solve.


Glad you stood up for yourself. You should not be the victim of their poor planning.


>What’s frustrating you this week? The intersection of my hobbies is a third party commenting on something they have no understanding or basic comprehension of. * On cars: *I don't know why you'd waste 30k on a new car. You only need to get from point A to point B. Stop fueling it with avocado toast and you could afford a house!* **I know George Washington crossed the Delaware River in a reliable ol' Corolla but I'll take my chances on something comfortable and stylish that is within my budget.** * Regarding skincare: *Fancy marketing and bullshit! Just use head/shoulders/dog/car wash!* **Soap, floss, and SPF are what I consider basic hygiene items but I guess this isn't true for everyone. Just please stay away from me and take your bad breath and BO with you.** * On books: *dOes AnYoNe ElSE hAtE -insert popular author here-* or *I don't understand why XYZ is so popular!* **Congratulations, you've discovered the concept of other people having their own opinions. Please disconnect from the internet immediately and go touch grass.**


Honestly, there seems to be so little tolerance or understanding of how low the stakes are for a lot of difference of opinions. I don't know if I notice it more now that I'm older, or if people have always been so insecure that their opinion must be the "best" or "right" one over the most mundane of things.


Yeah it's wild just how intolerant people are of other people's opinions and you're right that it's probably coming from a place of insecurity. Some people need the echo chamber to justify the number of kids they have, what they eat, and where they go on vacation. Just do what makes you happy and fits within your budget. Happiness is not a one-size-fits-all metric.


I'm a legal intern and feel like there's nothing for me to do. I've asked for work, but even the attorneys don't have enough work. If I didn't have to track all of my time to the tenth of an hour, I think I'd be less stressed, but it feels like I'm just giving myself research projects to fill time right now. On the bright side, it's a long weekend and I'm visiting my best friend!


I’ve got a fun weekend trip planned (taking Friday and Monday off), and woke up very sniffly + with a sore throat today 😣 anyone have advice (real or placebo tips) for not getting sick, besides lots of tea and sleep?!? 🤞


All the water! And try to eat healthy/avoid sugary foods and dairy (sugar will aggravate your sore throat & dairy increases mucus production in some people). Maybe try gargling with salt water?


Gargling w salt water! Neti pot or other saline rinse! Vitamin C + Zinc +positive thoughts lol




take a sick day and go to a beach or something!


1. I haven't gotten a pay raise, outside of a CoL raise, in over 2 years and it's staring to feel like I won't ever get one. 2. I'm feeling fomo because all of my friends and coworkers are travelling this summer and I'm not. 3. It's taking me forever to get through the books on my summer reading list.


Am I allowed to say I'm frustrated with myself this week? I feel like I'm failing at everything (behind on work, my flat is a state, feeling like a crappy friend/sister) and I'm just so exhausted and fed up of it all at this point.


You are allowed! But I would question whether it's *you* that's the problem and even if so, that you might deserve a little grace.


1. I just registered for a very niche certification exam and I am freaking TF out because the pass rate is 40% and I am tired, and accidentally took last week off studying because we went on a family vacay 2. I have been budgeting for 2 years and mostly its tracking with small tweaks but, I started increasing my amounts automatically going into savings, investments, etc. and I went to check those balances and for the first time ever feel like I may be able retire before 75 and not be homeless... maybe this made me realize I really have to trick myself into saving, out of sight out of mind; otherwise I obsess over it too much nd then make impulse purchases


I have to trick myself into saving too! It’s a valid strategy and honestly I think that’s the secret being people who are “good” at saving


I’m feeling unmotivated at work (been feeling this way for most of the year now). Plus there’s going to be a heatwave starting tomorrow and I am not ready. Also, I turned 35 last month and while I’m happily married, I just don’t know if my partner and I can have a kid. We don’t feel like we’re ready financially. But what if the time comes when we’re ready, my body then betrays me and we have trouble conceiving? We’re so tired all the time and to bring a kid into the mix? How would we ever survive that? I think about this a lot.