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bro i'm not 15 anymore. if it has "realistic injury and fall damage" and i fall flat on my ass then i aint getting back up again, imma just lay down and give up.


Lolz this is the most legit answer ever 😂😂😂 here I am in my early 30 and already struggle to get off the couch lol


Id love to become a Researcher in all honesty. Go on expedition with hunters who are physically able to do the lifestyle of a hunter and Id research habitats and watch from a distance and learn movement patterns Used to love the idea of being a Huntong Horn or Lance main but took a leg injury that healed, but now if I walk too much my shin cramps up around the scar and I wouldnt trust it to keep me alive


Counter point, they have some damn good healthcare. Drink an ecto cooler hi-c and cuts and broken bones are fixed in seconds.


You won't be able to heal if you die to fall damage 💀


I meant if you get swiped by a monster the size of a building, you will get a more permanent cart that has a lid.


I legit would suffer some injury from my low back pain. Due to this is more likely I'll end up being a shop npc.


It would suck. Life would be hard and brutal. Danger would be everywhere, and a regular person wouldn't even stand a chance against a velociprey or two, much less something like a Great Jagras or a Rathian. I would still choose to go in


If I'm given the kind of super human strength that's standard for mh, definitely. If I'm the same as I am now but the weapons are light enough for me to use, not a chance.


Huh......I didn't know they had super strength. I thought it was just anime logic. Like Cloud from FF7


Nah, the size of their world and gravity are both different from ours


Gravity is confirmed to be the same, living beings in general are stronger due to bioenergy shenanigens. Hunters aren't exactly super human, but comparing a hunter to a researcher is like comparing an Olympic athlete to Joe from accounting.


Ohh I probably just heard that from someone's headcanon haha. Do you know if armor skills have an in-universe explanation?


Definetly not worth it. With realistic damage you wouldn't survive most monsters, specially with them breathing fire.


"Skill issue" *flesh melting from their bones *




What kind of food am i getting? If it's Rise sorry but no but if its actual meat and veggies then count me in pard!


Rise has actual food seen around the villages, but you just eat dango before hunts for some reason


since we do go out on missions and eat whatever food they serve, at lease let me have some meat and veggies since it may be my last lmao


I actually googled Dango, and it's made out of rice irl. So we are not eating candy or sweets like so many people are saying. It's just fancy rice


The monster hunter universe does not have "computer" so I would not be able to play Monster Hunter World anymore


Imagine leaving this world when MH Wilds releases next year.


I meant the MH universe, and wilds is part of that so you can choose to go to where wilds takes place.


Yeah but now I will actually die if I fail


So MH but I have a realistic chance of dying alongside none of the conveniences of modern day earth......Nah.


Hell yeah I'd jump in. I get swing around a big ass hunk of monster bone or steel? Shiiiiiid I would.


Gimme a Kinship Stone, and sure.


I'm down. I don't even care what the circumstances are. Drop me in. I'll probably get eaten by a Glavenus right away, but I'd die happy.


Fuck yes I'd jump in. I know my gamer ass isn't fit for hunting so I'm just gonna be a quest maiden handing out quests. Life would be so much simpler.


I'd seriously consider it. Sure, monsters can be deadly, but so can cars, carcinogens, militaries, natural disasters, mental health issues exacerbated by existential dread from rigged systems and a dying planet... In that world the food is fresh, the people are genuine and cooperative, there's economic opportunity everywhere, and there's still plenty of mystery.


I'd be dead In like 5 mins to whatever the little pack monsters would be where ever I ended up


Hell no, i like my relatively safe and comfortable life.




I know you made your specifications but if we could adhere to the gameplay as the "physics" for the world... I'd jump right in instantaneously.


Fuuuuck no. I wouldn't do it even if I had the impossible durability of in-game hunters. That lifestyle would be awful.


As a handler sure, as a hunter fuck no.


Realistic injury? Hell no. I still have a long life ahead of me and things I wanna accomplish.