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Rise is great. Its very different from world. If you've played other MH games it should actually feel more at home than World did. If you've only played world just expect it to be different.


Of course it is. Why wouldn't it be?


Worldborne is the better monster monster theme-wise, but risebreak is the more fun game by far imo. The build variety, endgame anomalies are fun to fight and monster roster is really nice. My only minor gripes about it would be spiribirds implementation, ecology and dango replacing bigass meals. When i came back during the resurgence of world and joined online, my best buds alatreon and fatalis felt slow as molasses


Idk, I think rise thematically feels more like monster hunter than world.


fuck yeah


Is it multiplayer and if it is, is it fun


I played all of Rise/Sunbreak after World/Iceborne. I never returned to World ever since.


Yes. I completed world since world came first Now I'm going to complete rise If you played old monster hunter before aka GU or older, Rise definitely felt like that except with world's control The only thing you need to get used to is the switch skill. Its not a bad thing at all. In fact i prefer wirebug over clutch claw


Absolutely it's more monsters hunter! Also a great game to boot anyway


What do you mean? Rise+Sunbreak IS the newer game. Most people here experienced world first, rise later. That being said, rise is a bit more agile, fast and forgiving that world. Less grounded and more vertical. And like most monster hunters, a lot of fun.


I started with 4U and played each game as the came out. I put a ton of time into World/Iceborne. Nearly 700 hours. More than any of my friends. But I can't go back. Rise is just more fun imo. I like the faster pace and I LOVE wirefall, but most of all I LOATHE tenderizing. Absolutely hate it.


Some people may prefer World over Rise, but they’re both pretty universally loved at this point…… not sure that this really needs to be asked?


Played World, then played Rise. I found both games fun, and have put in a lot of time into both games. Now? I don't really go back to Rise, while I still play World every so often. I find it to be better, but that doesn't mean Rise isn't fun.


Imagine being the idiot who downvoted you for having different tastes. That's now how you use the downvotes kids.


The thing is that I'm pretty sure it's a very common opinion to have, lol. It's why many are going back to World.




I had about 3000 hours of MHWI before rise/sunbreak and I love both games. They play differently, and sometimes you want a serious endeavor, and sometimes you just want to Anime. I still play both as of now.


After a while you realize all of the games have the same base gameplay with their own new gimmick thrown in. Play them all, they're great. World is my least played in the series (~400 hours) as I felt like it didn't add much to the series other than graphics. Wilds is looking interesting though.


Definitely. Rise/sunbreak got better monster type, there are lot of cool skill to play with. Because of built and armor skill, it is really fun to create your own armor set that suit you rather than copy what hype in meta. There are lot of Qol such as shortcut and it is quick to get back to action. Story are very minimal that those weird multiplayer stuff in world didn't exist in rise/break.


World's map is better but imo Rise just has better characters and combat


Yes, but keep in mind that Rise is a different series than World so it's going to be a very different experience! World is part of the "main" series. These games are slower paced. Rise is part of the "portable" series which is designed to be faster and more arcade-like. Personally, I love both games for different reasons and both have their downsides. They are, however, independently great games and definitely worth a try.


Yeah. It was fun.


It's fun. But didn't capture me the same way. But world was also my first monster hunter game so it has special polish on it. The pace is faster and monsters are faster... but it was satisfying as a bow player. The wirebug is a cool concept and I like how things were swappable. But ultimately I played on switch and it was hard to do online without lag


So world is 100% better than rise in pretty much every conceivable way but I wouldn't call rise bad, like all it's problems are basically because it's a switch game but the monster hunter gameplay is still there


No. Rise and Sunbreak made me wish to return to Iceborn real hard. You didn't have to be a genius to realize from the get go the game wasn't going to be bigger or better and that the Switch was holding the game back hard. Here comes the downvotes just for having a preference.