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To be fair, she tends to spin a lot so I occasionally accidentally hit her head instead of her tail. In the long run, I want the tail severed and the head and both wings broken, so it is not a big deal if I occasionally hit the wrong part.


Especially in multiman hunts she is a god damn beyblade


It's a large part of why I always try melee in new games, and then end up back on bow or bow gun. I meet way more melee hunters than ranged, and I would rather watch ya'lls cluster fuck from back here lol


So you like to watch…group stuff


MH Voyeur


The problem is you hitting the hammer/horn user


Not if I start out where hit tail used to be.


Circumcised vs uncircumcised rathian






It’s real bro r/okbuddyrathalos


Ok, but the okay one wasn't real hahaha


A lil fact .most of the okbuddy subs are ok and not okay in case if you are searching for some you will find some okay’s but not much


That's good to know, thanks a lot


No problem


This Meme is older than GU.


GU isn't that old dude


It's been 6 years, 7 if JP release.


Holy fuck... I remember the release of Tri and being so excited about it...


It's 6 years old! Not that old in the grand scheme of things, but it feels weird to think that the G-Rank version of the 10th anniversary game is gonna be that old.


Not the point, really.


Maybe, but I haven't seen it, so it's new to me lol.


No, I see the head as the head, and I attack the head.


I see an unbonked head that must be bonked. It's to hard to cut tails with club.


It’s also harder to kill an animal by stabbing its tail than stabbing it in the head no?


In case you weren’t kidding, heads are weak against blunt damage like hammers and tails are weak against severing/slicing/cutting like long swords. Swords focusing on the tail ends up cutting the tail which disables a lot of moves for most monsters, so in a party swords should almost always go for the tail


No, tails are not weak to cutting weapons. E.g. Gold Rathian's tail has 20 cut hzv, and intact head - 22 hzv, which is 10% difference in damage already. Broken head is 55 hzv, which is a 175% difference. For normal Rathian it's a 56% difference, which is equal to 100% affinity, Crit boost 3 and Attack boost 7 on top.


I believe going pedantic by including hzb/ezv is not the way to play monster hunter. Because this doesn’t take into account actual practical applications. We’re talking about party positioning which these numbers wouldn’t matter in an actual setting. In solo you could theorycraft this all day, but still doesn’t matter imo because the nature of gameplay is adaptability. It’s easier to say “blunt for head, cutting for tail” because it makes sense instead of saying “yeah cutting can also deal pretty good damage against the head, higher even BUT you really should still go for tail, trust me”. And unless they changed something, this doesn’t even take into account that blunt does KO and cutting actually severs the tail.


This is what I was getting at. Cutting can go other places. Sure it might not be top damage there but hammers/hh have less options. Bringing up hzb/ezv only showcases entitlement. Telling a hammer or hh to go for the tail is basically telling them to go sit on the bench. (Barring a Duramboros hunt that is.) Blunt is basically forced to go after the head because those values are so strict for them. Also the only real way a cutting weapon can fill part of the role a hammer/hh does is a SA with exhaust vials. But only psychopaths like me play those because the damage they do is so much lower than the meta blades.


Rathian has always had a glass jaw. Using them as the defacto example is pointless. All Rathian have that trait. Point is hammer and hh suck almost everywhere else. In addition to giving up their role in the fight. KO/Exhaust. As a cut weapon you can go somewhere else. As a blunt you are limited. Some other notes on this, Barroth is weak to blunt on the head and Resistant to slashing. But Barroth is a speed bump and gets overlooked. Duramboros however is one of if not the only reverse case of hit zones. The only tail blades can't cut. Hammers can break it though.


Well, it's Rathian on the picture, but anyway. Yes, trying to break Diablos' head is dumb if you have a hammer on the team, but many other monsters? Almost all of them, actually. I just checked Lunagaron, Garangolm, Shaggy, Valstrax, Malzeno, Mizu, Violet Mizu, Velkhana. I can continue, but I can already see that for most monsters tail is a 30%+ worse hitzone than the head. People here are very meticulous about 2-3% damage you can get from this or that skill, but when it comes to losing 30-40% because someone doesn't want to lose 1 skill slot - sure, why not.


You obviously don’t know shit about hit zones. Go do some research and come back with what you found. Because damn near every monster the best hit zone value is always going to be the head for slashing and blunt. Ammo gets weird.


Maybe read the discussions further before spouting bullshit. I swear reading comprehension is a rare quality these days…


Cutting the tail doesn’t stop moves makes them a but shorter. Raths still poison when they do tail slaps with a cut tail, Velk regrows tail armor, Glavs both still deal armor down debuff and fire when you cut their tails and they do their spins. Basel still has bombs on the tail when it’s cut. Need me to keep going?


Stabbing it in the tail is to assert dominance. Carving said tail in front of the creature is to disrespect. "You see this? Mine now." Head is to put it out of the misery you put it through. (Reddit was acting funny earlier and wouldn't let me post this)


Longsword slander will be continued until the end of times I see


The perfect ~~girlfriend~~ monster.


Those legs look mighty tail like. If I can cut the bottom tails, I get more time on the front tail....grabbing my whetstone


takes more damage on the head, so you hit the head. i dont care about the tail tbh, you get them constantly in quest rewards anyway in the newer games.


I second this fellow Touhou player


Bros out there malding about not getting one extra chance for carving with no substantial change in drop rate and making the hunt take longer to complete. I'll ignore the head every damn time my dudes.


It does make the hunt a bit easier though. Not that rathian is very difficult, but I'll still prioritize gold rathians tail if I'm not running antidote


personally, i just like the rush of slicing the tail off and seeing it fly like 20 feet in the air. very serotonin.


You should let blunt weapons prioritise the head.


What do you mean "let"? They are welcome to hit the head as well, nobody is stopping them.


No one except the LS user staggering them every 0.00000001 nanoseconds


If you play in group hunts, consider running the smallest level of flinch free. It allows you to ignore most allies attacks. Including the entire DB and LS moveset. It'll be a force multiplier so everyone keeps more uptime instead of running around and avoiding someone that doesnt want to bother with 1 flinch free.


People only get staggered by a LS if they deliberately choose to. It's been like this for 6 years already.


If your not running FF then its entirely your fault.


Mf doesn't know what lvl 1 flinch free is 💀


The LS just has 10m reach. The ones staggering every 0.00000001 nanoseconds are the Dual Blades


I feel like the start up to my blade dance is pretty recognizable, and unless you or the monster hits me out I’m gonna keep going. Just don’t stand on top of me and it won’t hit you.


Or they could just run FF like a sane person. DB players shouldn’t have to worry about staggering anyone


if you’re getting staggered by a DB user that’s kind of on you for standing 3 inches away from them




Flinch free or play solo, it's not that hard to slot


All the LS players came over just to say "i'm the main character and you should waste a slot so i can continue to not hit the tail", the way of the blade does not include taking jokes


I can see basic online hunting etiquette has completely gone out the window. 🤷🏻‍♂️




doesn't the power mode of hammer include a free anti-flinch on world? I think it did, not sure rise


nah, just bring in all 4 to flinchlock the rathian and be done with the quest. if everyone just hits the head like you're supposed to, you get more flinches, which in turn gets you more damage on the head. its exponentially more damage. that's why you dont go for the lower hzv areas if you can. if you really need a taildrop, sure, maybe. you could just ask in chat, that's what its there for, but sadly monster hunter players in the west seem to be incredibly scared of communicating.


Yo tail comes off. I'm sure if you hit it enough, head will come off too..obvi


This is just flat out wrong and is a terrible depiction of longsword user mentality. They would also see the wings as tails too, every part of the monster is the tail, not just the head.


I'm pretty sure they see every monster part as a shitzone and you, another hunter in the party, as the tail.


Also other hunters


This is stolen. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MemeHunter/comments/mihtca/longsword\_perspective/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemeHunter/comments/mihtca/longsword_perspective/)


Needs a version where the top picture is a sleeping monster and the bottom picture is the same (awake)


I get yellow numbers on head and tail, so I will hit head and tail


They're the ssme picture


Where is the problem with hitting the head?


Monster hunters: "There is no problem." Hammer/HH: "YOU'RE IN MY LANE!"


I get yellow numbers on head and tail, so I will hit head and tail


They should add a skill in the game that allows you not to disturb other hunters. For players who don’t know how not to get in the way. It’s kinda like driving- some drivers just live in the passing lane. Alternatively, maybe increasing the consequence would deter people who just don’t care. Like make it less appealing to play alongside people who don’t want to cooperate.


woah its almost as if this skill exist...


There is a skill for the other players to accommodate a long sword user. You know, three other people slotting it in. Versus a new skill so that the special user could go ham without a care or really aiming. Joking aside I would love this for hbg cluster spam.


I have that skill on my hammer: it's the uppercut that launches teammates when they flinch me at the head.


Ah yes, the front tail.


You hit the tail while everyone else hits the head. NOT ONLY will you be hitting less... You will be doing half or even less damage.


Boowomp, maybe run Flinch Three next time


I get yellow numbers on head and tail, so I will hit head and tail


I will give longer players some credit, sometimes when you're going to the tail, the monster turns around.


I will give long sword players some credit, sometimes when you're going to the tail, the monster turns around.


Yeaahhh pretty much,focus on the tail first and then go for the head.She spins alot so you end up hitting bkth alot