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I don’t have the guts nor the discipline to be one lol. Also it would be super scary. I’d probably try to become a handler tho. Ps: even with the skills and abilities to become one, it ain’t worth the risk


Whats scary about a Rathalos opening its mouth to hide you in its stomach?




Nah, id join ecological research or argussy.


You see those dudes carrying boxes around in the background at the docks and markets? That's a little more my speed, let's be real.


Oh to be a cat doing a funny little dance while making a hunters food. On a side note, I think it'd be really cute if in Wilds, the cats cooking the food actually sang a song like the dango song in rise.


Lol absolutely not. Maybe one of those riders from stories tho.


Got to Tame them all!


No All hunters ingame are prodogies 1 in a million and even still normal inworld(not the game) Hunters are at risk of dying every hunt. Ravi and Mae both a A-list and a highrank hunter both passed after a bad hunt even with preparation and incidents happen where the questlist would list a Kulu-ya-ku only for the hunter to arrive and find out its a Yuan Garuga and never return And lets not forget all the nation ending monsters that show up every now and again, Fatlis, Giagosmorm, Shara ishvulda, Ultora and lets not forget the Elder Dragons them alone walking changes the enviroment to suit their needs and them being around warrants an evacution of everything in their path And even then invaders could always show up


I feel like as an international and apolitical(?) organization, the Hunters Guild would be explicitly absent from any national conflicts. Like, invaders would be under order to leave members of the guild be as long as they avoid the soldiers. Could you imagine the consequences of paspissing off the Guild? They have a secret sect of knights who are explicitly deployed to "dispose of" anyone who overhunts or purposefully harms the balance of nature. I imagine they could also be sent out to "persuade" those who unnecessarily kill the hunters who are tasked with maintaining that balance. That, or they could simply stop sending Hunters out to regions that have been charged with killing them. Don't forget that Hunters are extremely specialized operators. It could take a hundred soldiers days to complete a hunt that a group of experienced hunters could deal with in hours. The consequences of making an enemy out of the guild could be disastrous, so I imagine all armies would be careful around guild members. Damn, it's kinda scary to think about just how powerful the guild is sometimes...


I think they meant invading monsters like Bazelgeuse and Deviljho.


They 100% did, but that is a fascinating thought. I don't like to dwell on the idea of human conflict too much in *Monster* Hunter, but its crazy to think about if Hunters had to engage in battle. Someone getting torn to ribbons by Dual Blades, a Great Sword bisected someone, a squad being evaporated by Charge Blade phials, bowguns. Gonna be a helluva convention.


doesnt the guild knight armor give them enchanced strenght to take on the rougue hunters?


I don't know that the armor gives them that specific enhancement. But my understanding is that Guild Knights, while respected and can be often looked to as leaders, are also known for some shady work. Ones that aren't stationed at a post or elsewhere are often enforcers and manhunters to poachers and Hunters that break Guild rules. Like how the peoples and armies of the world aren't as good as the Guild and its Hunters at dealing with nature and its wilds, the Guild Knights are better dealing with people and their ways. For good or bad.


Jesus. Just imagine the horrors of getting to your quest location, trying to find a Yian-Kut-Ku and getting face to face with a monster with piercing red eyes instead.


I would die on my first hunt lmao so probably not


Get overwhelmed by a small pack of Jagras? Sounds about right. I don't think most people can handle a pack of hyenas or similar in real life.


That's exactly what would happen


Only if the guild support in game is accurate. None of our hunters die even from the most egregious of injuries and we have potions that recover from injuries in seconds. If death/maiming is on the table against giant lizards then heck no. 


Aiden faced Fatalis' fire for a good 3-5 seconds, maybe even longer, and he was just fine and recovered fairly quickly.


A fire that melts sheet metal


Aiden literally god confirmed. @ Capcom\_USA I want him as a fightable monster in Wilds Master Rank.


Nah but i'd prolly be a researcher


I’d likely be a chef instead. If for whatever reason I can’t, then I’d be a run-of-the-mill researcher.


I was thinking of being a Handler, not a Hunter. Yes, actually for-the-most-part non-life-threatening jobs as opposed to GLORY BE TO THE HUNTER!


And even when you do nothing but shout words of encouragement and annoying nicknames, you still get half the credit!


Maybe but then I would only use gunner weapons and a lot of traps/bombs. The goal during the hunt would probably be to engage as little as possible with the monster.


Hunter? No. A Rider?! Heck yeah, gimme that funky stone and count me in. Well I guess if all the stones are taken I'd maybe give being a Hunter a go... just for the Seikret... that would count as being a rider too, no? Okay I'd do it for palico as well.


1000% i always wanted to die in glorious battle and eventually my wish would be granted ... I guess if it wasn't glorious id be too dead to care.


Sent to Valhalla by a single Kut-ku fireball


I'm the polar opposite of a hunter. I don't have the stomach to hurt anything but give me a job as a Monstie Stable Owner from MH Stories and I'd love that


If the rules of that universe still apply then yes why not. Start off small, aim for the sky.


Hell yeah !!! *Dies to Aptonoth*


Probably using a heavy bow gun against small fish until I run into something like an Anjanath and realize I'm not cut out for the hunter life


You know they have fishing rods for small fish, don't go overboard


Hell no. Even if I had a decently exceptional talent for hunting, I still wouldn't do it. The knowledge you might not die while fighting a Rajang can only console so much when the murder monkey is charging at you, about to bite your entire head off.


I would deny the guild if they asked to to go fight that demon monkey.


Absolutely not! Hunting is a dangerous profession, and most of them aren't anywhere near the playable gods we usually think of.


Yeah, but... big weapons and big monster!


Do I have the strength all hunters seem to have? Then sure! Would I be the one doing exploratory hunts? Probably not. I still have some sense of self preservation after all.


Ehh, I’d probably be a guild researcher or smth if it had to be monster related. I feel like if I lived in the Monster Hunter world, I’d be very interested in monsters and their biology/ecology, as well as the endemic life forms scattered throughout like poisons toads, flashbugs, etc. I’d probably like messing w the captured monsters too, getting up close and studying them. Being a hunter sounds cool, but exhausting, and I’d likely be spending most of my time getting specimens for the guild to research as well as hunting monsters that disturb the ecology (since that’s usually what hunters do anyway, just get the rouge monsters that don’t avoid humans) and I figure if I’m gonna be out doing all that I’d like to be able to research it myself too. It WOULD be nice to have the strength and crazy endurance of a hunter though, I’m disabled irl and can hardly imagine having normal person strength/energy in OUR world, let alone the gargantuan feats in Monster Hunter, so I’d be bouncing off the walls lmao. Idk the more I talk abt the more I think despite the danger being a hunter would be pretty cool. Still tho, I think my personality fits a guild field researcher better. If not monster related, I’d probably just be a vendor or writer or smth. Monster research would be more of a hobby and I’d annoy the hell out of any researchers I could find to get their notes lol. OR if we’re counting anything I’d be a palico. Just a cat, nothing else. My job is be a cat.


I'd probably prefer to become a trainer or a blacksmith or a weapon researcher. These big dragonators need to improve more.


Yes I would definitely be but i would be only if I have that monstrous strength of the hunters or the skill effects and all.


Yeah of course you do


Do I still have asthma? It's a lot of running.


Dont worry you have a stamina bar that refills fast when you hold your knees


Fuck yeah!!! I did beat down a robber a few years ago with my 20 lb fold up cruiser scooter which acts kinda like a great sword. I’d be up for the job!!! >:3 Let’s get slaying




Ya no, unless you’re willing to put yourself through shit that would give navy seals nightmares you’re not gonna be able to handle that shit.


Nah, fuck that. I'd like to be a researcher or handler tho.


If like Rise my village was threatened then of course. I'm not about to hop on a boat to go die to monsters for fun though


With a handful of exceptions, hunters do not make up the majority of any given town or village. Setting aside any physical differences the average hunter has with a normal person, being a hunter is relatively rare. It seems like there are more because of the multiplayer aspect of the games themselves, but in actuality in canon; it’s a pretty niche but vital job. You’d be far more likely to get a job as a merchant, blacksmith, chef, etc. than you would to be a hunter. Plus most people wouldn’t be willing to risk their lives to go punch a pickle. So in all likelihood, no probably not.


Fuck no, I'm not mentally tough enough to handle shit the Hunter's do on the regular. One moment you could be drinking with a buddy, the next you might encounter an apex somewhere whilst having a chill collection quest and they wiped most of your party.  The MC of the games are the cream of the crop type of hunters, the kind that you probably won't see in every generation. You're more likely to be a regular low ranker that's stuck with either low risk quests, or at best taking down dromes and such. 


Nah I'd fully become a researcher tho maybe dabble in sns (slinger and shield). I hope cooling and heating gems work instead of being a game gimmick. I'd become the mostest bestest Gillie mantle user.


Considering most hunters face the risk of death by being burned, frozen, mauled, melted or eaten alive I think I’ll say no


Oh yeah, I TOTALLY wouldn't get flattened, eaten, charred, paralyzed, intoxicated, drowned, exploded or cut in half on my first hunt...no siree...


Nah, I would ride


I'd give it a shot, probably be done after nearly dying to a pack of Jagras though


Do you even count how many times you get cart in GAMEEE?!!


I won't, I can deal with killing virtual animals in a game, but if the monsters were real, I couldn't hurt them. I don't care how ugly they look, they act like animals and I just don't have the heart to hammer an animal's head. I'll probably be in the kitchen doing dango with the palicoes, or maybe taking care of them. I'd also go on expeditions taking pictures and gathering resources and info about the habitat.


In game if you go down you get carted. In the cartoon I watched Hunters actually do die permantly. Also I think you need to be somewhat superhuman to do what they do like not take fall damage. I'd want to but none of us have the ability to actually be that fit.


No I don't think lore wise they are even normal human being, we can't just become hunters by training, most of the time NPC address hunters like they are some totally different species... And I think lore wise the guild or whatever organization there is are all hellish to work in.


I literally put it in that you have superhuman abilities and the skills of a hunter if chosen to be one


Monster hunters are basically half ecological protectors half military so I feel like I would already come from a long line of hunters and I'm already trying to be a wildlife conservationist so yes while doubling as a researcher


Nope. Even in the world of MH, being a hunter that can take on even a low tier Wyvern means you're a good hunter. It's a really, really difficult job.


Ripped apart by velocipray haha...


The logical side of me says no. The daredevil side of me says yes. I'll be safe as long as I stay a mile away from anything that can be even remotely used like an insect glaive. If I touch an insect glaive though, its so over.


I'd love to be a low-ranking Hunter. Like, the local village hunter who gets paid to cull a couple velociprey now and then, gather some materials, maybe occasionally having to deal with more dangerous threats like a velocidrome or a Kut-Ku. If I had a hunting buddy or just a palico to come with and watch my back I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard. Maybe if a more dangerous threat like a rathalos shows up I'll call for a full squad of hunters to help me safely deal with it. And when an elder dragon shows up and starts threatening the village? Send out a request for expert hunters to show up and deal with it for me. I'm not a hero, I just do my job. They can deal with the walking natural disaster. Seems like a good life.


No. Why would I want to do that?


i would like but realistically i don't think so, outside gameplay when you cart once you're straight up ded, i would attempt only if fighting LR monsters reported almost zero deceases


Actually, the whole point of the cart is there is a palico rescue team on standby. They distract the monster and cart you to safety, but realistically, one cart, and you're done hunting for at least a few months


Hell no, i ain't risking my life by being an hunter it also doesn't help that i don't like fighting, I'll probably try to become a Scrivener since i enjoy the Mh lore and ecological aspect a lot.


Nah, I'd become a smithy. I actually really want a MonHun spin off about the smithy. Idk how you do the gameplay for it, but it'd be fun.


I was in a twitch stream recently and someone was talking about how cool a shop manager type game set in the universe could be, and I feel Blacksmith could be fun and actually making gear and weapons could have some dope mini games attached. I would LOVE an overcooked type game but you're palicos cooking for hunters.


I mean, I am in the army, so I am to guess I probably would.


I've always associated the hunters as their world's military meaning I'd come from a long line of hunters


Although in Monster Hunter, there are several separate nations, many with their own armies or navies. The Hunter's Guild are basically extremely skilled and powerful monster trackers, researchers, and exterminators. The militaries could kill monsters, but it would be more dangerous and cost inefficient. Not to mention, but in most games, the village the main character protects is in the middle of nowhere and doesn't have the ability to call for aid from a government.


If I had the talent, muscle, and training, hell yeah I would. Magical Doots FTW! All monsters will fear my toodling!


I would mostly be one if not a mid level one.


I would be dead in an hour.


Rider please


it feels like id join if i got a role model or maybe a knack for the thing


hell yes.


I enlisted here. There in MH-place is an actual mission I can and do believe in: environmental protection, and defense of sentient life. I would sign up in an instant.


Were I still single? Hell yes I would. Adrenaline, doing shit that is going to absolutely destroy my body, good chance of dying but not purposely killing myself? Sounds right up my alley in my early 20's. Now that I have a wife and children? No way in hell.


Id be far more likely to become a researcher like Bahari, or someone that supports hunters. I do not have the guts to fight those huge monsters. Though I'd love a baby monster like the Elder in Kamura has.


Are we talking the same rules as in the games? Like can I get eaten and killed in a single bite? If I can stand as much damage and chug potions and get carted back and not die, sure. Don't know how many ranks I would advance, prolly would take a looot more time than in the games.


I go on long canoe trips and am a hunter in this world, I would probably be a hunter in that one too. I learned to hunt from family, so I am not even sure I would have specific reasons to do it, I like the adventure, I like the food, and it's what I've always done.


>I like food Now you got me wondering what a Banbaro tastes like.


I would like to work for the guild, but hunter? Hell nah


Nah I'd rather just be a researcher! Much less danger! And if I'm lucky I get protection from a hunter or two!


A smith or engineer more likely. I'd be happy being the one that enables others to do their jobs and come back alive.


Given everything I've seen https://preview.redd.it/jzjc6pxrtx8d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b095fce29d09d2ccd35ae97cb5a8420439bd9c32 Yes


No, however I could absolutely see myself being an ecologist.


Yes I would. Because I come from a long line of warriors and feel like this era is just not made for me. I would much rather train from birth and hunt monsters to prtoect our people and die by the hands of a monster if I must. Rather than sitting around listening to people cry over unimportant BS as I slowly wait to die.. like I am now


The canteen food would be my reason. Unless it’s Rise. Ain’t nobody getting meowscular off eating fucking dangos.


I wouldn’t mind being a mercenary since my skills probably wouldn’t be up with a hunter but I would be a close second


Nah I’ll work in the kitchen with granmeowster chef thanks


I'd probably be a researcher, blacksmith, or chef (if the felynes allow it). If I had to he a hunter, I wouldn't go past low rank the risk of death isn't worth it. Side note: I would probably actually use bowguns if I was in the universe cause melee seems like a great way to get turned into a pancake real quick IRL.


It depends on how much of the game is canon vs the actual Monster Hunter universe. As an example, in the DOOM games, you gotta collect health and armor to stay alive. In the DOOM lore, the Doomguy is immortal and just doesn’t get hit, and when he does you can bet he’s not going down. So anyway, if I were to follow the game world’s canon, then maaaybe I’d consider it. If I have to be a hunter in a world that follows realistic logic, then most definitely not. I’d be living in fear even if I just lived in a village in a Monster Hunter setting.


no... while I love hunting monsters, it is pretty clear that from an ecological perspective, the humans are actually the problem. outwards expansion of civilization is causing natural habitats to be destroyed and the humans pretend like the monsters are the ones invading human territory, when in reality, it is humans invading monster territory. the guild is really the antagonist in the monster hunter universe. also some of the justification for the morality and ethics behind actively going out of your way to cut off or skin monster parts isn't addressed but when you think about it, it's really fucked up how the armor and weapons are made.


Isn't it stated in Monster Hunter that the only monsters you hunt are monsters that are causing problems


I would be a weapon smith. Let me design a new heavy bow gun that is more like "oh I can shoot you from this tree across the map".


Honestly, if I couldn’t die then sure. If I can, man I would be too scared too(unless I got nothing to live for).


I'd wanna join the Smithy!! Make YouTube videos on how to make your own RC valstrax with easy monster parts


I would love to, but it the whole "grabbing giant beetles with your bare hands" thing would turn me right off. I'd rather get mauled by an Anjanath.


Yeah, I could do it no problem without armor or weapons


No I'm far too attached to my life to consider that. Research though? Yeah probably.


I would absolutely, I would find the different monsters so exciting to see, and get a sense of duty/honor by protecting my village.


Yes I would, probably because : >you get the strength speed durability and skills of a hunter if you are choose to be one As I am, I care about my life like most people do, but not that much either. Having some sicknesses means I'm not at 100% in a normal life (*physically*). So if I became a hunter with a suitable body for the task, it wold mean my life would already be better on some aspects. I would probably just try to be a late-bloomer hunter, taking all my time and being very careful while choosing missions and progressing through the ranks. So, I get a better body, and a risky life, sounds like a good deal. And if I die, I guess that was it, no need for more. Also, hunters have some evolution possible if they are capable enough and want to, such a Guild Kights. I guess becoming a guild knight later on could also be a good option, collecting info and tracking illegal hunters and poachers (*might be even more dangerous in some ways*). Could also become an instructor ?


I would prefer to be the blacksmith, because im sure I would die on the first hunt


Yes, I enjoy watching death fly at me and somehow not hit me. Seems like the best job ever tbh


No but I would love to raise domesticated monsters


I would, for the purpose of researching first hand the ecosystem, creatures and understanding our role in nature. IRL playing the game during my teens led me to pursue a career in Earth Sciences. If I had the chance to do the same in the MH universe I would totally do it, no questions asked.


I'd probably be a forger tbh. I sew and leatherwork irl as well.


If I get my characters immortality then sure why not If not fuck that


Ill be a researcher, or a guild employee.


Consider this. A diablos charges at you, and you are not able to get away in time. You won't be flunged around. You are going to be skewered by one of the horns. A hunter needs to be chill even if their all party dies, and I am telling you this is going to happen. Most of the time, 4 will embark on a quest with only 1 or 2 coming back, and one of them might be maimed. So no, I would rather be a guy carrying shit. Also, being a handler is worse. You keep losing hunters, and you can't predict everything. No matter what you do or prepare for, sometimes it isn't enough.


I'd definitely be a rider. It'd be a little similar to being a hunter but you'd get to work with a monster too.


I was military so maybe? But probably closer to like a security corps than anything when it comes down to it. But i do really love the idea of blacksmithing or researching so idk.


No, I'd be a blacksmith


Hunter, no doubt for me! I'm more of a background character irl, but that's why I would LOVE to be a Hunter! Since I get all the skills and training and all that... I don't even have to hunt the difficult ones, just the more simple ones are fine. And if I die, well that's life!


….No, but I would train to use bowguns out of necessity for defense of my home. Firearms are easy to use and realistically I don’t know why anyone would ever want to be in melee range of a fucking monster as fast as say, Nergigante. Well I guess you don’t really get a choice when they’re that fast. For a more fun answer, sure. In a team only. Going alone is basically suicide and I value my life more than being badass. I’d still use a bowgun. I don’t even like bowguns. I play Longsword and Switch Axe in game.


I could honestly see myself being more on the research team. It’s easy to study monsters after they’ve, you know, already been hunted.


Honestly getting boosted to the physique, skill and dexterity of a hunter is tempting. In that case probably would become a hunter, but I'd want a solid team with good reconassaince and adaptability. Also would probably live and die by the light bow gun, engaging with a plus sized rhino on a regular basis as a small furless ape sounds like suicide.


Dodging and rolling constantly while also jumping inconceivable heights..... So I heard the kitchen could use some taste testers


If I have the opportunity to EVOLVE into a hunter I would, but I won't register as a hunter with my current abilities lol I may be one of those lazy ass hunters who can pull their weight but just take the obligatory quests.


Isn’t lore-wise, hunters are basically superhuman?


Yes and if you join you become one I put that in


I could take it, or die doing something reallly cool.


Hell no I ain’t got what it takes, I would most likely be a researcher or handler


When I remember monsters like Dalamadur, Teostra, Deviljho, Alatreon, Fatalis, Lagiacrus and Khezu exist… yeah, thats a hard pass for me


Yes but with light crossbow all the way, I'm not getting near those fuckers.


I’d probably be a corner horner or something where I can be at range and out of danger


Fuck yeah.




I'd prefer to do research.


Yes. As a way of life, and protecting the surrounding area from invasive/aggressive monsters, I would definitely become a hunter.  I think things through, so I have a feeling I would be well equipped for a hunt. Weapon choices would be Bowgun/Bow or Lance/SnS. Along with traps and tranquilizers, where applicable.


If i have a body that can tank a Fatalis fire breath like the A-lister did in World, then yeah.


If I get to be born into the world and traj to be a hunter rather than being dropped in now middle aged and bad at out of shape then absolutely, the quest descriptions imply thatinsters are terrifying and everywhere, I'd rather be trained to hunt them and have a fighting chance than he a dockworker and get roasted by a rathalos on my first holiday to the isles


Yes. Don’t come at me with that “Pokémon would suck in real life” mentality. YES!! YESS I WOULD.


With the assumption I have all the speed and abilties.....it basically becomes Monster Hunter but I-frames and Panic-Dodge is removed, meaning everything just got FAAAR harder. I have to experience drowning, burning, shocking, freezing, acid burning, being poisoned, bleeding, and stunning as well as no faints, only death basically. With that in mind, I guess it depends on the normal payout. Like is bagging a Rathalos alone a day at mcdonalds level paycheck or is it, I can survive off 1-3 weeks type of paycheck? Because that matters a lot. If the Mcdonalds paycheck, nah, just gonna work as a Blacksmith or Librarian or something. If 2-3 weeks, I will be a hunter for about 10-20 years before stopping.


Sure why not.. what do i have to lose.


I’ve felt scared going up against monsters in the video game, no shot i could do it irl lol


I would die fighting Velociprey. 🙏


Yes. It's literally been my dream life since before I even found the series. This modern world sucks.


Beats sitting around unemployed and miserable. Hunting monsters for a living sounds like a hoot


Nah I'm scared to die horribly and also a vegan, so there's literally nothing in it for me 😅


Absolutely would, shields don't break so staying safe and alive would be easy. Plus I get to fight cool monsters and see beautiful lands with thriving ecosystems.


Better than my desk job


Yes for Hunters are an important pillar in keeping the ecosystem safe.. and my life would have purpose 🥹


Yes. I'd probably get stuck fighting velociprey for the rest of my life but it'd be exciting at the very least


Yes, though I doubt I would try to be like the protagonist. Likely just one of those NPC ones you run past in the hub


For sure


I would be the one researcher teaching this world how to use more effective traps... Fucking have an Anjanath step on a landmine or something. Send an army of hunters with Gillie mantles to cover the entire locale in landmines. Idk synthetic bazelgeese pods or something like that.


Would rather commission a life sized metal hammer for my house.


I’m passively suicidal, so yes


since first playing id wonder what it would be like on the field researching :D! i think id find more enjoyment that way if possible hehehe


Lemme be the guy learning how to cook from Meowcular Chef or Granny.


If I do get the skills and durability of a hunter then I would be one find alatreon ether tame it befriend probably kill it and mount its head on my wall next the pickle tail


Depends, if the twins tell me to I will.


Most likely yes. I'd love to be a biologists in MH. Main reason is because the powers and physics in the world would make people strong and fast. Plus abilities making hunting easier! But if it's like real life hell no. I CANNOT hunt a t-rex with a great sword tail LMAO


If I keep getting carted then yeah but if I can't cheat death then no, I am already afraid of most irl animals now imagine monster hunter ones, haaallll nah


Hell no dude I'd be foraging for shrooms and shit


Do I get to become absolutely yoked and essentially a super human? If so sure. If I have to stay my normal human self, I'm trying to get a job stirring the soup.


As long as I don't have to hunt giant monster spiders-pretty good deal actually- hang with the anjan clan if I could find them


I’d accidentally horrifically maim myself when first trying out chargeblade transformations and that would be the end of my Hunter career


In a world of crazy potentially dangerous but definitely delicious monsters, I would cook them.


Yes, i might be killed fast tho XD


No lol, not at all. Unless I was guaranteed to be on the same level as the player Hunter, which is to say the literal 0.0001% of Hunters, I would hard pass on being a Hunter. Maybe I would be just a Low Rank Hunter that does shit like kill Dromes and collect mushrooms, but you can bet your ass I'd be shitting myself if I ever had to face anything bigger than a Velocidrome.


I would definitely become the Guild Store Clerk. BAM! Suit up Huntah!! 💪


Absolutely. It would be cool as hell to travel with friends and take on larger than life monsters. And the average hunter is way stronger than the average human in our world so I’m assuming I can get just as strong as them through hard work and discipline. Like I can just imagine hanging with the boys and downing a cold one while we ride to our next destination. Kind of like in MH4U


If I could eat some jerky and withstand flames hot enough to melt steel then I would be the most fearless hunter ever.


Aren’t hunters considered barbaric by everyone outside if the guild? Like I thought the world was basically mideval times, but with certain country or continent areas full of monsters?


I see myself more of being a researcher. Being able to record specific monster behaviors, register newly discovered monsters, be part of the group to first explore an unexplored area, etc., but I'd probably still bring a weapon, I just won't be in the front lines most of the time.


Hey, a job


Hell nah


If it meant I didn’t have to sell websites to procurement idiots then absolutely


I would crap my pants at the sight of an anjanath. Hell I'd probably be scared of jagras's too.


I might try, but I'd prefer to be a Chef, like irl.


Nope I would become a rider much safer profession since you have the monsters fight the monsters for you, much better survival odds assuming I'm an NPC, if I'm somehow the main character i will consider becoming a full fledged hunter since that should come with some plot armor, like in that animated movie where they fight a lunestra and the rookie hunter makes it out alive even though it's like his third hun, plot armor people free for all MCs


So the question is would I become super human? Yeah I think I would.


No. Animals are more important to me than humans.


You sound like a super villain


Absolutely not. I’d be more interested in studying the monsters than hunting them tbh


No, I would feel horrible killing creatures like that in real life.


If I had their genetics, I'd give it a try but starting by, like, the Dromes or the Ggis


I want to be a chef


I'll do it just for the ability to land on my feet safely after jumping from any height.


I had the same thought cross my mind the other day, probably because I've been watching too much isekai. But if I had to live in a video game/got dropped into one and it became real life, I'd probably choose Monster Hunter.


Interesting how many focus on the danger but if we are talking about somewhat realistic conditions the boredom is what would get me. Hours on Hours stalking through the woods with cat sized bugs all around. And my reward would be to reach deep into monster guts to pull out and carry around which ever dying flesh is needed? No thank you sir. I don't go to the supermarket when it's to hot outside and I would not roam the desert for hours, shitting in the sand and drinking fucked up drug potions.


Only if death isn't a consequenz I would need to face and getting hit by monsters isnt really painful.


Hunting monsters for the drip


I would likely be an engineer or something. not saying I am always smart, but likely would have taken a support role in this.


Carpe diem, I’m hunting until I can’t anymore.


Ship, airship, or sandskiff pilot.


If there’s no other way I could support myself then yea I’d do it, other than that I highly doubt I’d do it