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Both, i want serious and funny lines. Nobody is serious all the time and vice versa.


I think different voice packs should have different vibes some should be silly and some should be more serious we get like 40 of them, might as well use the space we've got


Yes, to all of it. Include the option to use whatever you want, or turn it off. That way people can stop crying because "my hunter talks" ~~and everyone can be happy~~.


I don’t mind but I always want the option for Monster Hunter’s Simlish.


No option for "None" at all? I turned mine all the way off in Rise/Sunbreak. Hopefully the option to do so sticks around. I prefer grunts or dialogue relevant to the story over cringey 1-liners.


Both would be good. During story-centric hunts, they should be serious. But for more standard hunts, they can have a mixture of serious and funny.


Where is the 'no voice lines' for the hunter option?


Funny voice lines, because MH shouldn't take itself too seriously. This is a vibrant, thriving, *happy* world despite the fact that it's filled with walking apocalypses. I imagine most hunters are in it for the thrill of the hunt as much as any moral or monetary reason, so it's more fitting for them to be cracking jokes. However, I don't think Capcom is going to pick only one side, and that's even better.


I just hope the voices are *better* this time around. A lot of the English voices in Rise are really grating... My friend's dumbass character saying "carve carve carve!" all upbeat makes me want to gag.


Honestly, a bit of both


Wilds from what we've seen seems to lean into a more grounded and serious narrative. I think too much whimsy would kind of conflict with the overall tone of the game.


Mix of both, I just don't want the hunter talking in corny one liners during hunts.


I wouldn't mind the silly voice lines, if they were actually my style of humor and not really cringe. I prefer serious voice lines, but silly lines that are a little more on brand, I guess, would be fine with me? Example, like my monster mount callout is always something like "Let's go for a ride big guy!" Or "Giddyup!" But asking a monster if it has insurance is just..... odd..


You know why MCU superhero movies was so good in their peak? Because they know how & when to insert funny lines for serious characters.  Then everything falls apart when everyone just tries to be funny. Also i don't trust capcom's sense of humor, we don't want another jill sandwich situation in monhun. Tbh I don't care if the hunter or palico speaks, I don't care if goddamn para toads starts speaking, i play monster hunter because hunting is fun, not because my character is mute.


Doesn't matter I'll put on MonHun language anyway


So long as I can still mute the players only for gameplay, I don't really care what the voicelines are.


I think a mix of both is the way to go. I want my yoink back.




I hate the rise voicelines a lot if it was funny I would love them, they.. they are not... every time I get excited over a cool thing im about to do then I hear "HOPE YOU GOT INSURANCE!" I die from cringe there are other more cringe voice lines but my brain just deletes them out of my memory because of how bad they are and I am a person who loves the cat puns and goofy moments but this is the worst attempt at adding more goofy funny in MH history to me


Zero voice lines, please. I don't care what they say as long as I can turn it off.