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Might help to know what weapon you're using and what your build is. General advice: you have 50 minutes to complete the quest, don't be afraid to play safe and poke him down. Use defensive skills like health boost, stun resist, etc. Make sure your armor is upgraded.


I tried a few different weapon approaches, I usually go by dual blades, hammer or insect glaive, but I'm thinking about trying going long/greatsword too


There are a ton of attacks that leave him open for one good hit, so try to stay back and learn the moves that leave him open, and then examine how quickly he can do another attack after said move. Next, pick a weapon, I main GS, so I can vouch that it's good for one quick hit for like 200 damage against him. Other than GS, try to pick a good burst weapon that can be pulled out quickly. Hammer should work, I think. Some of his moves will change depending on his rage level, so be careful of that. I think when unenraged, if he does a grab move, it'll give you an opening, but that's not the case when he's enraged. Also, when he does the move, where he flies into the air and shoots down a volley of landmines, if you're close enough to him and facing towards him then you can roll towards him and that gives you a really good opening. I've done the Mew Are Number One quest plenty of times to farm Great spirit gems, so I had to go through the pain of learning all this dudes moves, and trust me, you can beat him too. It might take some patience (it takes me like 30 minutes each time to beat that quest I mentioned), but you've got this if you can play patiently


For hammer you can abuse your level 2 charge (uppercut). Stay mobile and dodge around then use the uppercut to snipe hits on the head. Hit and run until you get a KO. I don't play DB or IG so I don't know the matchup with those.


I have a lot of trouble with Furious George as well. There are some good with tips on fighting him on youtube, Your best bet is to add some tremor resistance to your build and take advantage of him after his slam attacks. Dual blades can wreck him if you're set up right.


Longsword is one of the worst matchups for him imo with charge blade and switchaxe, doable but quite hard. Greatsword with hit and run playstyle is very easy on the other hand. I would go with the greatsword. Just hit his head until he is beat out of rage mode, wallbang him once or twice, rinse and repeat.


Have you tried telling him to calm down?


Sticky Light Bowgun and Critical Draw Greatsword both have excellent matchups against Furious Rajang, being extremely low commitment attacking weapons. In general, Evade Extender is extremely valuable in the fight.


As a hammer main, my strategy was just run and keep doing the 2nd level charge while running that does the uppercut attack. I just kept doing that until he chilled out for a half second.


Also very good. Sometimes you can't get to 2nd charge in time for a punish, but the stun for free knockdown also makes for a relatively east fight if you use hammer.


Mmm monke


Just chill u got 50 mins and 3 karts 4 if u eat for moxie or safeguard fight to LEARN not to kill if u just try to kill over and over its gunna piss u off Watch the moves Look for openings to punish Don't get greedy rajang will fuck u if your greedy Every weapon works use what your best at USE WALL SLAMS it percent health damage Health boost 3 is pretty much necessary 👌 If need be get better armor he should never 1 tap you DONT HIT THE ARMS IF RED DONT TENDRIZE ITS NOT WORTH IT WHEN HES PISSED ONLY HITTING HIS HEAD CHILLS HIM OUT Hopefully this helps and when u do kill him rember theirs a quest for tempered furious rajang NOW THATS BITCH


I managed to get him with IG. Just take your time smacking him in the face every chance you get, but don't commit to combos unless you are sure you have the time. The times I would punish him most was after the belly flop and the beam. When he would shoot the beam I timed it perfect to vault and nose dive his head. After the belly flop I could bust out a short combo on him. I honestly think I spent more time running and dodging from him than I did attacking lol. He actually ended up being my first failed mission.


I found he was much more manageable with a full stack of Tremor Resist on my build. The amount of ground-quaking attacks that leave you stunned were getting on my nerves. The fight felt much cozier after that.


Stun resist was more beneficial to me than the quake resist. A well timed dodge or properly placing yourself will fix the quake problem. If you get stunned when he’s enraged it’s like a guaranteed cart.


This and ear plugs help a ton making it harder for him to lock you in place.


Gunlance makes it a joke fight


I'm finding the opposite. I use gunlance and find he moves around far too much, everything he does bleeds through my gunlance no matter how much defence and guard i have. He's a literal progression wall right now and with near guaranteed carting in the first 2 minutes, I don't know how to proceed. Clutch claw doesn't work, he always shakes me off no matter when i do it. My weapon bounces off most locations except the head which i hardly ever get a chance to hit. Close to uninstalling as I've made no progress whatsoever against him.


You've probably rekt him by now, but I've just encountered him with hammer (having watched footage of him a few times in the past so I had a big advantage knowing his moveset) so can outline a few things I'd pieced together by the end of the fight while they're fresh in my mind. I did get a good 40 minutes of case study after all. My inexperienced musings: Moves that give at least lvl 2 charge head bonk opportunities if you're near him: belly flop, laser beam, beyblade spin, grab attempt, floor-lightning fork. Try and react quickly to those - charge the hammer up early if you can see he'll miss either from positioning or because he's raping your cat with them. Belly flop and laser will be the best opportunities. Can even get lvl 3 hits in on occasion (high risk). Note that I wore 1 level of tremor resist, which I *think* prevents his belly flop from making you crawl around on the floor like a pussy even if he misses you. Come at his head fairly side-on. If he does ANY of those moves near a ledge, see if you can get a ledge bonk right on his features (maybe even 2 if you catch him early in his laser). Great damage, good KO and builds mount. Triple whammy. Don't try and manufacture it too hard, be patient; just hang around a ledge and react accordingly. He'll undoubtedly be frustratingly out of reach sometimes. Slope spin2win can do wonders but should be done sparingly, in long openings. His aerial lightning scattergun move I found ALWAYS got me when I rolled any kind of sideways; however, it didn't hit me once once I started dodging backwards. I think that move is made to punish the staple side-strafing and looking for bonk opportunities. Can maybe be avoided directly forwards but sod running straight towards that furious fuck. Similarly, I always superman dived away to avoid the enraged super ball bomb. I would sheath more often in his super saiyan 3 phase for that reason. I'm sure there is a reliable way to roll it, I just prefer diving away like a little bitch, for now. When mounting, he likes to do quick spins with little wind up which rek your stamina. However, you can simply move to change body part and you will avoid that happening (even though beyblade is going brrrrrr). Easier than having to react with holds when you're in the middle of stabbing him in the back of the eyes imo. I can't think of much other guff to add. He was definitely a twunt, but once I had those key moves with openings engrained in my mind and developed a dodge plan for his big bullshit moves I became a lot more comfortable making decisions and reacting to him flailing about. I found him less of a twat than Raging Brachy, who is big enough to have an unreachable head and absolute shit up the arse hitboxes.


Oh and wear lvl 3 stun resist.


I main Sword and Shield, but I found dodging towards him (forward) as he's gearing up for the lightning scatter gun attack not only puts you safely away from the attack, but also right next to his head. If only side-dodging wasn't so deeply ingrained in me :(




I usually like to learn the moveset of a monster before calling other people, bit this cursed monkey just keeps wiping the floor with me lol


You can always get a victory with an SOS, and then come back later with better gear from the mats you get. But if you wanna face him solo, just like another poster said, choose your weapons carefully maybe have a bill that has like a strong shield. I usually use gunlance with a shield gem so I get like perfect blocking.


Assuming your build is fine and you've got some augments then it's just a matter of taking your time and poking him when he's enraged. Focus on survival and he'll calm down eventually


Damn dirty apes


For him, you gatta run some type of evade extender or guard up build, he moves fast and hits like a truck. When he gets furious (arms harden) hit and run on the head until he snaps out of his rage and the arms soften again. Try and get 1 or 2 mou ts off when and where you can as it really helps control the fight. I've fought him with great success using bow but you really have to watch getting hit as you take more melee dmg but it's very easy to hit his head consistently with it, I also use swagaxe trip play, meaning I power up axe mode and go for the head, very good at knocking him down this way and breaking the horns, sword mode when he goes down with hardened arms to prevent bouncing


With how aggressive he is, I found that using the Palico shield gadget helped a lot.


Pro tip i heard but not tested yet: you can create an opening to wall bang him by using the claw and jumping off before he grabs you then quickly use the claw again while he's still stuck in the animation The spinning attack is also an opening since he always takes a breather after the spin


If you tenderize using light weapons, they drop slinger bomb. Use it on goku’s face a few times after it went super saiyan 2 aka metal hands (do it sparingly instead of rapidly so it staggers and swings it’s hand across it’s face) and after a few slinger bomb face staggers, it’s rage subsides. Or use drain gem aka exhaust and poke him repeatedly during rage, it’ll run out of stamina fast and give you decently long openings.