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The closest thing to a tank build you'll probably find is Divine Blessing 5, which is uncapped from 3 by Gold Rathian armor. Make sure to slot in decorations for Health Boost 3 as well.


I’m going for that but I think I need mr70


Have you fought fatalis and alatreon yet?


500 hr playtime noob here lol >lightbreak weapon, few raging bach pieces and few teostras You don't neccesarily need the gears to provide survival skills per se. Higher rarity gears have enough slot for you to decorate for max health boost, divine blessing and stun resistance. Those 3 are a must imo and the decorations are quite common drop. You should have plenty of them by joining the Zigore and Teo event. People do those all the time so it's easy to flar and join. Don't be afraid to slot even more comfort skill like ear plugs and stuff. Staying alive is much more important. As you farm the monster over and over, you will grow more familiar with their moves which will allow you to build for more offense. (and a little spoiler, >!Fatalis set gives you max health right off the bat. Giving you more room for offense deco!<.) Try to learn how to punish monster. Knowing just 1 move will be a HUGE help. Watch videos and learn that. For ex Diablos horn attack. For the longest time I'd wait after its second head swing and roll to close gap... but then I saw how poeople just leave some diatance and charge their hammer right in front. Diablos return its head to the center after the second swing and you can simply position yourself there and wait. So easy and simple. Just watch how people fight. [Learn and steal their technique](https://youtu.be/S8lcZHL4j88?si=A_qR1k-eLtpfoLxL). If you want a brain dead range weapon, go with Sticky. You just shoot where ever, ignoring 100% of the mechanic. Draw back is you can carry so little ammo you need to craft on the spot and return to camp to get more mats mid fight.


Thanks for the comment, what is sticky?


Its a type of ammo for LBG/HBG. They stick to the monster momentarily before exploding, dealing same damage through out the body not affected by tenderize.


Sticky ammo from the bow-guns. They are incredibly easy to use. I always use it for any first hunt because it helps me focus on learning the patterns of the monster. In my case it also helped me to use the clutch claw more efficiently and use the terrain traps too. Since your ammo is limited you find more and different ways to deal damage. And I love inflicting sleep when a monster is making me anxious so I can breathe and use some explosives.


Well dam im googling alot, I got the hang of the playstyle but no idea what weapon to craft


If you reeeaaaally wanna try out lbg or just get a few higher tier weapons w/o taking the time to farm mats just to try them or going back to lower level missions to practice a new weapon you should totally do safi and kulve sieges if you have not yet. They rotate on a two week basis available from the gathering hub once you’ve unlocked them. Safi aqua shot is one of the best lbgs for water and sticky ammo. Just make sure to search for lobbies by filters and choose the current fight monster. For safi at least, once a group in your lobby wins you get to choose 1-4 weapons from a random list


I will do it when safi is on I have now kulve stuff but is it normal craft?


You upgrade kulve stuff to master rank using materials from its mr event quest under the events section. I find it easier to get a good weapon with safi over kulve tho because kulve gives a ton of weapons at once but they have a range of rarities and strengths (look up the kulve taroth rewards lists to see) and the easiest way to get the kjarr weapons people recommend is spending kulve mats at the vendor with kjarr academy where as safi is all same rarity weapons but they range by status/element and you can only get a few at a time. You also can add 5 augment upgrades to safi weapons (easiest way to get what you want is put a related lower level type through the augmenting at weaponsmith. Like if looking for a certain monster eccense put any monster essence on and keep saving potential)


I can answer some of this. There are no tank builds in the way you seem to be thinking. The issue is defense doesn't scale linearly; you get exponentially decreasing returns on physical defense, and there aren't many ways of working around that. The closest thing to a "tank" set is something that goes for RNG-based damage reduction by way of Divine Protection Secret (40% chance to reduce damage taken by 60%, which maths out to 24% DR on average), Health Boost, and maybe healing bonuses through medicine jewels and Vaal's 2 piece set bonus. Elemental resistance skills do not apply to every fight, nor do they apply evenly. This isn't going to be a good build though. Ignoring the opportunity cost of damage skills you aren't taking, the fact is these are nice-to-haves, not build-arounds. You aren't going to be especially tanky, when you're relying on luck to reduce damage taken. As for the second/second-and-a-half question, the answer is "sticky LBG." Look up a pre-fatalis, possibly pre-safi set and have a go. It's reasonably safe if you manage to learn how to dodge and avoid eating all the attacks that one-shot ranged players but not melee, and the only complexity comes from building the muscle memory of crafting ammo from the wheel while you reload. And for the final question... Look, post-release progression is well and truly buggered. You have access to the hardest shit in the game by MR 24 or something, but aren't realistically ready for most of that nonsense until you've augmental all of your gear, of which the highest rarity is locked behind MR 100. Gear up, fight whatever, grind up that rank, and eventually you'll be ready to fight the two big lads at the far end of the difficulty spectrum.


Wasnt someone already debunk that whole scaling linearly = bad value to stack? IIRC he said yes it scaling linearly but that extra 1% in defense translate to living with 1hp left rather than being 1 shotted.


Unless something changed while I wasn't looking, damage taken is calculated as 80/(80+defense). My augmented and upgraded Brachydios 5-piece has 1041 defense, which we can plug in to get \~0.071, or 7.1% damage taken. 1041 defense grants 92.9% damage reduction. If you went and played with that formula, you'd see that if I went and DOUBLED by total defense to 2082, I could plug that in and get \~.037, or 3.7%. Note that that means you need to double your defense each time you want to halve the damage you're currently taking. Taking Defense Boost 7 for +35 defense and +10% total would take my Brachy armor to \~1184. That maths out to 6.3% damage taken, a less than 1% difference. The scaling on defense is whack and it takes a lot of investment to get bugger all in return. The 1% increase in functional health might save you, yes, but it might also do absolutely nothing if you eat a combo or just a bit attack. I have to stress this, the difference is defense MIGHT save you, if the stars line up perfectly. Slot in Health Boost and Divine Blessing instead. Slot in Evade Window if you want. Do anything other than fussing over exactly how much raw defense you're packing, it's not worth it.


> That maths out to 6.3% damage taken, a less than 1% difference. Less than one percentage point, but it's actually like an 11% reduction in damage taken ( (0.063 - 0.071) / 0.071 = -11.27%). But yeah, I don't disagree with your general point that that 11% less damage isn't good return on those skill slots vs Health Boost and Divine Blessing.


I think the argument was made by looking at defense's results in terms of Effective HP, rather than % damage mitigated. I don't have the numbers handy though. I guess it goes something like this: If you have 150 max HP and 0 defense, you have 150 * (80+0) / 80 = 150 effective HP. If you have 150 max HP and 80 defense, you have 150 * (80+80) / 80 = 300 effective HP. If you have 150 max HP and 160 defense, you have 150 * (80+160) / 80 = 450 effective HP. If you have 150 max HP and 800 defense, you have 150 * (80+800) / 80 = 1650 effective HP. If you have 150 max HP and 1600 defense, you have 150 * (80+1600) / 80 = 3150 effective HP. And so forth, with every 80 points of defense giving you 150 (or whatever your base max HP is) more effective max HP.


Those are altreon and fatalis?


Aye, Allan and Fatty.


On my first play through I noticed that most carts come from being stunned. Since then, I'm not leaving town without Stun Res 3. My other favs are evade extender 3 and divine blessing 2-3.


You know it’s surprising how few builds I see online actually have that Stun Res 3. Me and my friends have come to see it as a must have in our setups, though I am admittedly prone to face tanking hits I really shouldn’t because I get to focused on doing damage.


You kinda rushed through everything a lot of things require time and better build like other comments have said divine blessing is the closest to a tank build but the gameplay loop of mh is just to learn the monsters move then you’ll realize how much leg room a lot of move gives sometime it’s better to play by the monster than just doing whatever you always do


Lance is tanky as hell, and you get to be super aggressive with it. It seems boring and awkward at first since you can't roll, but once you get used to hopping for location and the clutch counter claw it's amazing. For skills go for at least guard 3, 5 is a bit better but harder to get to without sacrificing other skills. Guard up is nice at first to help you learn some of the harder monsters with unblockable attacks. After you get used to them you can get rid of it if you need more slots. You'll also want flinch free at lvl 1, but you probably already know that as a hammer main.


Since "tank build" Already covered by most commenter, I'll suggest you to try sns. Its considered jack of all trade with its only downside is it have low reach. You can block, have good iframe backhop, you can blunt damage to stun enemy, you have good slinger burst build into combo, you can play raw combo or elemental combo (which is less efficient but still good), you could easily initiate mount if needed, you could chug drink while still drawing weapon (but its almost as faster if you sheath your weapon first), you could play "support" or you could be the most dps dealer in your party. It's control is simple enough you could survive most hunt, but it'd take weeks or months to finally master it (well I guess most weapon are like that). Oor you could try out LS, it have good flow, one of the best iframe move (like, i think if you get 4-5 evade window, iframe will take 1 second), but you gonna have to read monster move.


I will try SnS after I feel more confident with hammer and saxe


Tank : Equip a lance and then add Health+3 Perfect guard jewel which let you party unstoppable hits like uragano armor. Block 5 (from charm till you get fatalis head) Guardian (bonus damage when you party) All the rest like your current build. You Will Just stand there and hit mobs tò death. Juat be fast in tour reactions.


If you're looking to tank, can't get much better than Lance or HBG with full Guard skills.


My brother in hunts, here are your survival options: - Health Boost 3 - Divine Blessing 3 (or 5, if you use the Kirin set iirc) - Medicine 3 - Speed Eating 3 (combine with Medicine 3 for ultrafast >50% hp recovery in less than one second) - Stun Resistance 3 After that you can start building damage


Also temporal + rocksteady are my go to mantles, and I think most everyone's go to mantles. Just be careful with the rocksteady since it WILL make you eat the entire laser beam of whatever monster you're fighting


Doesn’t the Divine Blessing lv5 come from Gold Rathian?


Mega brain dead build pre fatty that's still dumb broken and range. Gold rath chest/waist Safi piece on rest. Run hb3 on deco, run medicine 1 at least, health augment on hbg regen effect, equip shield mod on hbg think lvl 3 is what is recommended not sure would have to look at old builds. Gaurd up for more memes and really not caring about being hit by literally anything. Equip burst cannon cause Boi that thing existed and just said f balance, take your new shotgun, spread spammer, and literally melt all bosses in the game. Wanna tank Safi? np you can let him whale on you 24/7 and shoot for hp regen effect to remain at full hp once proc. Wanna do ko damage to the boss but use a gun and no sticky equip impact mantle with ko jewel. Seriously, look up Safi Burst Cannon spread builds, also known as glutton 2.0 or guess 3.0, since zinogre hbg existed beforehand.


I dont know what safi is, but gold rath I think I can hunt I'll look up a guide on HBG


Safi = short for Safi'jiva, the adult form of Xeno'jiva. He's one of the two rotating seige bosses (the other being Kulve Taroth).


I reached all the game to fatalis with only the normal green mantel....... I was devastated when a guy asked me why I still using just that one lol


I’ve got a good tanky HBG build where you’re still able to solo most, if not all the games monsters, but you’re able to block essentially everything and not die, hit me up!


is that the sticky? is it very complicated with the ammo part? i also dont know what safi is if it has any connection to it


It’s not sticky, it’s spread, so more involved than just sitting back and shooting stickies and wasting time, don’t worry. Still a lot of fun, just comes with being safe while you’re in the monster’s face. It’s very fun and very strong, probably one of the stronger builds in the game


Ah I though it was a word for hbg, so your comment suggest there are many playstyles is it noob friendly? can you link up or I just go youtube?


Honestly I think it’s pretty noob friendly. The build gets very strong once you have access to zinogre. Once you have access to to him, it’s easy to get what you need. The weapon and play style itself are among the simplest in the game. The only thing that might be more complicated than usual is that you might wanna use radial menus to craft more ammo when you start running low. I’m on PC, but if you have some time in a couple hours, or even later on in the day, I wouldn’t mind showing you or even just walking you through it, whatever you want to do. I’m sure you could probably look up a guide on YouTube. That’s where I found it and it’s a lot of fun.


But yeah, there are several different ammo types that you can play with. Spread is like a shotgun, pierce is a shot that goes all the way through but is only really consistent with longer monsters, and sticky/cluster, which is mostly for solo hunting and pretty removed from the fun of the game imo.


Everyone else is giving you build ideas, so I just wanna chime in with this. Raging Brachydios is a unique fight. Essentially a "boss" since it has unique mechanics. It's always the same size, it has upgraded versions of normal Brachy s attacks that use an upgraded version of its element (bring blast res), and I'm not sure if you've made it to the end of the fight where it locks you in a single room and gets a whole new moveset, but that is very much not normal for a normal monster fight. So you getting clapped by this dude more than other monsters and feeling like it's a massive difficulty spike is how it's supposed to feel because it's like... if you've ever played borderlands, you're essentially fighting the badass version of normal Brachy. If not, it's essentially a boss version of a normal enemy. Furious Rajang on the other hand... To be honest this one never felt much different to me. Just play it slower as if it's a normal Rajang that's enraged more often. It's slightly faster and it has I feel like only 2 new moves? It also chains them more. But it does the same thing where it just sits for a second after attacking multiple times or after specific attacks. Just learn those moments. I'd use hammer personally. Break those stupid horns and make it look like an idiot. BUT if you do, always try to fight it in the middle of an area. If it staggers into a wall it'll get to do its beam attack instead of falling down.


Yea I killed him few times with people so I've seen the last phase on the latest runs I managed not to die the entire hunt but its mainly due to people taking its aggression 70% of the time but the amount of dmg it does if you fuck up for a single hit is insane I think I just want to run away and hit it only when his down or I have the temporal cape which all seems non efficient thats why Im considering the range weapon option


If you do go ranged look for weapons that rapid fires preferably ice, if not then water. If you've already done Safi you can get an aquashot and rapidfire sticky 2 ammo, and less importantly water ammo. It's very cheesy, but it works amazing especially in multiplayer hunts since the team can wail on it after you knock it. Another range choice is a Safi spread HBG. As far as DPS goes nothing beats it as far as I know. Seen runs of tempered elder dragons where the monster [gets knocked once and the weapon does so much damage it just continually gets knocked until it dies. ](https://youtu.be/74XVBIau2pw?si=L6okj804qA7FQOMd)


The biggest thing I can say is learn your decorations/skills and tailor them to every monster you fight. Find out what you need to bring for your items, what ailment is he weak against. ( sleep or paralysis) and give that type of weapon to your palico. My palico make every monster sleep or be stunned at least 2 times per monster fight. There’s a great video on YouTube called : Monster Hunter World: Iceborne | All Skills RANKING By Professor Birk who goes into insane detail about every skill and how it actually works in the game and when if at all is it useful. I feel ya when you say some Monsters seemingly one shot you. Before I watched that video iceborn was brutal for me. Now there’s only 2 monsters I can’t fight solo with my build, Savage Deviljho, and Rajang. I use a great sword and hardly ever block because I always forget. Look up how to get the temporal mantle and the rocksteady mantle. While you’re at it try to get all mantles and their upgrades. There are times where I would clutch claw a monsters head to wall slam it and die because I was wearing the rocksteady and they would hit me with they’re fire attack or something that does constant damage to me while I was on it. So in that case, like lunastra. I’d use the temporal to be safe to wall slam and tenderize. And fireproof mantle to fight it when enraged so it’s BIG AOE attack hardly did any damage to me at all. Instead of one shotting me.


I absolutely love the researching part of this game. It’s actually really complex because there’s so many ways to play it. Any questions feel free to ask me! Although I’m only MR60. So idk what the later endgame stuff is like MR69, 99, 100+


I'd advise Teo helmet, gloves and boots paired with gold rathian chest and waist. Pair that with raging brachy hammer Not only will it provide you with lvl 5 divine blessing, but it'll also give you teostra skill secret so your hammer won't lose sharpness on critical hits, something you should be doing anyway. Then, slot health boost and stun resist decos until lvl 3 respectively. Also upgrade those armour pieces for more defense and dependant on if you're fighting an elemental monster or not, eat for either Elem resist L or Defense up L. Once you become comfortable with a monster and you can shed the higher defence, swap out gold rath chest and waist for raging brachy to get Agitator up to lvl 7. Note: gold rathian unlocks at Mr 70, if you want to become even more tanky, hit Mr 100 and get your coral Highlands region of the guiding lands up to lvl7 to kill tempered namielle and a zinogre to get health augment on your rarity 12 weapons Additional note: what platform do you play on? I'm pretty active on xbox so lmk if that's what you're running on Lemme know if you need any guidance and good luck!👍


This is kinda what I’m doing so far Just understood the augments today though lol Started doing the guiding lands Thanks for the help


honestly I felt new for such a long time and it was because nobody I played with for guidance told me about decorations and armor effects, I was just a clueless little baby getting beat to shit with no damage buffs or vitality buffs until I got to Iceborne. Sit down sometime and just scan through all your decorations, go through your armor, upgrade your armor you plan to use for a while, place the best decorations you can and maybe trial and error some builds a little bit, you've got this. It's definitely complicated first starting out but you've got this ♡


1. Don't just Unga bunga with hammer if you want real results. You need to learn to predict attacks and hit your 3 charge finisher more consistently. There's still a time and place for a bit of bunga, though. 2. I wouldn't recommend a tank build, but the best defensive skills are health boost 3, divine blessing, and your choice of evade window/extender, if you want. 3. AFAIK light bow gun is the simplest, but I would just stick with what you know. It isn't going to be easy just bc you switch to range. In fact it will probably be brutal. 4. You could try Lance. Without being good at it you won't get a ton of damage in and so your fights might take longer than normal, but it has a low skill ceiling for basic guarding and turtling. Otherwise just stick thing hammer for reasons stated in 3. 5. Not exactly sure where you are, but in terms of progression you can just keep doing main quests or special quests. They have separate quest lines. IIRC if you have no main quests at this point then your goal would be MR 100 to fight ruiner nergigante. Hope this helps


You were kinda right I’m sticking to hammer for now at least until safi comes around and I’ll grind for that hbg After today grind I got a lot more comfortable with any high lvl monster so I’m feeling the improvement Btw I’m at the point that I got alteroen but I’m too afraid to even try, the admiral dude said something about using elements but my hammer only does raw and boom boom So I’m grinding other things for now


So a few things: Don't just use HBG to make the game "easier" unless the weapon genuinely interests you. AFAIK hbg is hard. For alatreon special assignment you will need an ice elemental weapon. Since you are using hammer (less elemental dmg, gets a modifier for the fight but still less than other weapons) it might be a bit tough. You need to deal enough elemental damage or you lose. If you are fine with doing multiplayer for first fights then there are many people who could help over at the mhw discord server. I can help as well if you want. As far as elemental hammers, the best for ice element is safijiiva and kulve taroth, but if you don't want to deal with rng then frostfang barioth (you can fight this in an event quest) is your next best bet.


I don't really recommend doing solo unless no party or you are speed running. most of the quest in general is not designed to be played solo. Which quest is that Raging blow-up fist dude? do you mean Raging Brachydios? even I still have a hard time with that..that is really a difficult quest and require preparation. if it's the correct monster I suggest to your party to equip Anti-blast(blast resistance) lv 3 and maybe a fire resistance too. use water element and ice element to neutralize the slime if the monster fist and tail is color green it will have no to green slime only it's not that fatal .. if it's red neutralize it first using those 2 element. raging monkey..you mean Furious Rajang? it's one difficult monster to beat.. use counter element. iirc I use Ice on that. try blinding them too. you will be rewarded for beating it.. the armor has good chunk of def and elem res to Thunder! Furious Rajang is like a Tempered Rajang for me. I struggled on the quest too.. I use Furious Rajang set on Alatreon. really helpful so I won't get 1 hit to most attacks. it's just a matter of practice, preparation, gameplan and getting a good team on SOS. it's normal to hit a wall or struggle with some quest. I've been there even I'm MR100+ I still get carted with Raging Brachydios. 1. I can't help you with that. not knowledgable to other weap. I'm a gunner sorry. 2. I use Lightbow Gun. It's not a noob friendly but I can tell that it's simple to use. 2.5 ranged weapon like Lightbow gun.. it's also a mobile weapon , you can also have high survivability using range because you can use a deco like Intimidator(small monster ignore you) and Stealth(big monster quickly lose track of you) you just focus on firing while the monster is not focus on you. the problem with range is when a monster charged at them while firing you can't get out fast but there are ways to prevent things. 3. I can't tell other quest.. but iirc around MR 50 all are optional and special mission and will give you on Assignment quest on MR 100. I won't spoil anything but you need to prepare because many monster way stronger ahead.