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I sometimes join lower level players on their hunts while running a Hunting Horn build


You contribute so much joy to so many people.


šŸ˜ŠGlad to see that my efforts aren't in vain. I'll usually just camp out in the corner of a "room" and play my heart out.


If you are concerned about out damaging the low level hunters you could always bring a low level weapon. Melodies are great but I know if the monster gets boosted hp from multiplayer I always appreciate everyone in the hunt joining in the booking instead of just buffing.


It gets boosted?? Now I feel badšŸ˜‚


It goes in tiers. Single player has a base hp and status thresholds, it goes up a bit if a second player joins, then it goes up a bit more if a third player joins, as well as the palicos going away, but going from three to four doesn't increase it any further from what I can research so if you are the fourth you aren't boosting the monster hp!Ā 


To my knowledge it gets boosted when thereā€™s two players. And boosted the same amount with 3 or 4


Correct, 3p and 4p has the same hp amount (wish i and my two friends knew during fatty)


Yeah Iā€™ve got a 3 person group as well so it kinda sucks. I donā€™t really mind it tho, makes it a bit for challenging (not that iceborne needed it)


currently indoctrinating a fourth member so all shall be fine soon >:)


Nice. Weā€™ve got a fourth but he doesnā€™t play much and is still in early game


Despite what people say, it's still less average HP/player vs solo with 3 players. Paraphrasing a steam thread from the user Purr; Black diablos in MR rank - Solo, 22,080 HP - Duo, 36,984 hp or 18,492 / player - 3p 55,200, or 18,400 / player - 4p 55,200, or 13,800/ player Duo gets the palicos which do contribute meaningfully, but I'd say it really shouldn't be much different than solo in terms of difficulty. Maybe slightly harder if you're running a good palico setup, it might do like 6k damage or some such in solo, but it's pretty minor and in exchange you get a lot more coordination.


Usually follows the pattern of: A boss has 100% HP with 1 player; 150% HP with 2 players; 200% HP with 3 and 4 players. Same goes in Monster Hunter Rise. Some bosses/creatures might deviate from the exact values by some amount. There's a variation around the norm, and probably whole-ass exceptions to the "rule" as well


Then there's Fatalis, which if Kiranico numbers are right go 66k -> 114,949 -> 171.6k. Pretty crazy scaling, 1x -> 1.741x -> 2.6x. (Per person: 1x -> 0.871x -> 0.867x) 2 players is barely worse than 3 players. Some monsters have 5 possible health states, ranging from very weak to very strong, which decreases/increases health by some amount. The Felyne Weakener daily skill increases the chance of weak health states. It doesn't affect some monsters though like Fatalis or Kulve Taroth (probably all the major bosses). There's also a bug with health states in older games where a monster can literally have 1 HP, but I haven't seen any confirmation that it occurs in MHW.


Bruh, please dont corner horn. The weapon is an elegant design that allows you to deal damage and give damage to allies. Hell hitting a recital with a song queued does more damage than an empty recital. Also youre not gonna be risking pulling aggro away from the other hunters if youre fighting with them instead of playing your sweet tunes on the side, far away from the monster. Please give HH it's highest potential


I only corner horn when hunting low/high rank monsters, never during master rank hunts. And that's only if I see them using Defender gear, otherwise I'll just go ahead and join in if I feel that it's taking too long. It's circumstantial.


If you wanna help low players, why not stack up sleep/para, slugger, part breaker and hit the monsters head with a low lvl saxaboom?


That'll make it too easy! I don't want to spoil them


Oh. Not actually playing the weapon. Just corner horning :/


In low/high rank hunts. Obv not during master rank hunts


Giving support to the brigade to the rhythm of heavy metal......and one or two cumbia too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


HH main here (my first MH its W and my first main weapon it is HH) and I agree, I have a ton of HH different for each situation lmaoo xd


My man


I do this. I'm far from a real HH user. But it's just fun to help lower rank players, but not too much that it ruins the experience for them


Sane, but even at high rank HH is so OP


My body is a machine that turns Teostras into Attack Boost +4


Day of ruin goes brrr with teammates that don't tenderize


Lmao. I just found out after about 200hours on my first character that clutch claw tenderizes. And I don't even use guard because who'd use that? GS user here.


Old player here, 1.8k hour record. Experiment, Optimize, Improve. I make builds for every weapon.


I do that too with every MH. I don't think I've had any less than 400 hours in every MH game


Going in blind (reading that I should avoid defender) I must say I had the most fun browsing armors at the smith picking which to farm/craft. Now that I have end game gear, half the fun is gone.


Yeah Fatalis killing build diversity feel kinda bad. It's a fitting reward after defeating him thought.


> killing build diversity Hence why I pretty much ignore fatalis and alatreon in my latest playthrough. I know I wonā€™t use the gear much beyond fiddling. I also largely ignore the safi and kulve weapons I have (which I collected *just* for black dragons and some otherwise-impossible builds).


Yeah the big thing I like is working towards the next upgrade for my weapons and armor once I have that it can get boring kinda fast


And that's why there are three save slots :D ... at least... that's what I use em for


imo it'd be fair to say we completed the game at that point. Fatalis (and AT velk) being the last boss the game will ever have after all (can still go back to master monsters moves and punishment but I hope you get my point) . Besides, with the knowledge we've gained by then, we're not exactly threading in the dark browsing for what to craft anymore; we'd know exactly what we need.


> we'd know exactly what we need. Yeah, if you're doing the same weapon. Not saying I disagree with you btw, I'm just saying that by cracking open a new save, and choosing a significantly different weapon/build style you're kind of going through that same motion of "Hmmm... what armor skills would work best with this goal?" Of course there's the obvious lack of magical wonder that comes with meeting a new monster for the first time. But I've always found that going up against a monster with a different weapon changes your whole approach to the encounter. Plus, monsters you had a hard time with might become easier with a different weapon, and the opposite is also true so it just makes a new playthrough feel different. At least... different enough for me to consider it a good time investment and refreshing change of pace from the endgame grind.


> we'd know exactly what we need. I just recently discovered that randomizer mod can also randomize armor skills so you might want to try that.


Yeah right now Iā€™m doing a playthrough using only charge blade been loving it so far


Honestly yes on my first playthrough there was no defender armor and I remember I loved it so much more just making up my own armor that looks cool, not just "oh shit is pretty nice armor" with no context and "huh none of this is better.. I oughta stick to this armor then" and kinda steaming through the first bit of the game without any real challenge. Much prefer making my own build


900+ hour mark. Honestly. Just beating the shit out of whatever. Plus inspiration for dnd.


I did not like beating the shit out of Teostra for over 300 times for a piece of atk jewel 4 lol


Seeee thing is. I didnā€™t need to make that mf endangered to get an attack four jewel. But hunting the same thing to that point is tiresome


My DM had us fight a Chaotic Gore Magala. One of the most satisfying fights of our campaign to date


Holy, that mustā€™ve been one hell of a fight. I havenā€™t gotten the chance to run them as encounters of bbegs but god do I need to.


He obviously reflavored the monster to fit the world lore. We were on a personal quest for our Cleric, and she needed to defeat something we only knew as "The Light Eater." It is described as some sort of primordial being that consumed and fed off ambient light. We tracked it to an abandoned mine, fought it, and in classic MonHun style, after it took a certain amount of damage, it changed zones. It tried to leave the mines to go outside... in the middle of the day... We chased it outside, and it was way up in the air just absorbing a ton of energy. Thankfully, I'm a Fighter/Gunslinger with some ludicrous range, so I could keep laying on the damage while the rest of the party tried to close in. I don't quite remember how we won, but we did. I think our Cleric, rightfully, got the final blow, though. Super cool encounter.


That is super fucking cool. I need that


The game wouldn't be the same if it wasn't made by japanese people. A western MH would take itself too seriously. At it's heart, Monster Hunter is quirky, silly and inviting.


Wish I got into it earlier, quite fun. Only problem for me is most discords I found are big LFG , no "Guilds" to make new friends. I did make one but would like to meet more .


shooooot. Just joins SOS's on harder monsters and people will add you with HASTE. If you type at least.


Itā€™s 2019, I just got my first paycheck ever and was searching for a game to buy. My eyes landed on monster hunter World: Iceborne. (Didnā€™t know it was a deluxe + dlc and that was my first time purchasing a agme online so I accidentally bought the deluxe +DLC) I wasted a lot of money on it. 19 year old me died a little. I played the game. Died a shitton to Anjanth. I quit the game then remembered how much my dumbass paid for it. I played it again and killed Anja. I celebrated and felt proud of myself. I reached Nergi. Died a lot to him. I was frustrated and quit the game again for an entire month this time. I get bored. Played it again and looked up how to counter Nergi. Weak to Thunder? Cool. I beat him with a Swaxe thunder element. I celebrate loudly and continue playing. Beat World, now onto iceborne. I understand the game better now. I reach Barioth. He fucks me up. I get it now so no quitting. I make an armor and take my time with him. He beats me again. I get upset because Iā€™m a sore loser and turn off my ps only to try again tmrw. I beat him. I celebrate and check his armor. Shits cool. I farm him. I get better at countering his attacks. Fuck you Barioth, Iā€™m the daddy now! 2020. I reach my archenemy, nergigante again. You sonuva bish! I get him with easeā€¦ huh? Only to be dropped next to another Elder fight. I panic and cry a little. Obviously, I lose the fight against Shara. I try aagin. I lose again. I look up how to defeat. I win. I celebrate. I finish Iceborne, Guiding Lands yay. I understand how to play. My armor and skills arenā€™t bad, Iā€™m MR65 now. Fought Aaltreon. Died. Fought him again. Die again. I had a angy brachy blast weapon. I look up whats the deal with this fucker only to realize I needed an ice element. Oh this make sense. I farm Kulve. Have her armor now and an Ice element weapon. I fight Alatreon again. Kicks my ass again. Itā€™s 3am now and I have to sleep for uni but my will to kill him was stronger. I try again. And again. And again. I beat him. Wait, he died super quickly?? I donā€™t celebrate. I check again online only to see I beat the weaker version. I get frustrated. I fight the fully developed one. I die. I die. I die. In game and on the inside. Iā€™m tired, drained and pissed off. Itā€™s 5am. I fight Ala one last time and I kill it. I sigh in relief and in frustration. I move on to Fatalis. My heart thumps. Scared to fight Fatalis. I go to fight it anyways. I see how powerful it is. I get scared again. I fight it nonetheless. Spent 25+ mins in phase one. Passed phase one. SOS is now available! Except I donā€™t wanna SOSā€¦ I turn off my ps, sulking. A guy on reddit seeks help against Mighty monkey muscle madness. I offer my assistance and we beat Furious George. Guy offers to help me with Fatty. Idk how to say no so I said yes. He invites me to a fatalis only lobby filled to the brim with mr999 Japanese players. I post a quest, they join. They beat Fatalis for me. I didnā€™t celebrate. In fact, I felt like a loser and was pouting to myself the entire time. We farm him a couple times. Guy says goodbye and leaves. Now Iā€™m alone. I leave the session and try to fight Fatalis on my own. He one-shots me. I get frustrated and stop. I try again alone but canā€™t. I join a Fatalis lobby but this time, I promised to pull my weight. I do good. We managed to beat fatalis. Together with randoms. I do it again. And again. And again. I get better at fighting it. I farmed half his gear + weapon. Had my fair share of betrayals. People closing the gate early. Me dying to its Nova. Me complaining to my friend (who had the game). Her laughing at me. 2021. I understand its movement now. I know which attack Fatalis will do by sound alone. I donā€™t need to look at it to know if itā€™s targeting me or someone else. Iā€™m drained. Tired. Pissed off. Frustrated. I have GL at level 7. Luckily I did the Coral first (because I wanted the Kirin layered wink wink) and now I have health regen on my weapon. I can farm Fatalis alone now. I help others now. MR500. MR600. MR800. 900. 999ā€¦. Iā€™m proud of myself. I celebrate.


To answer your question, OP. This is what keeps me playing^ the milestones. The satisfaction I get of killing Fatalis over and over.


Making efficient or random builds, and practicing and getting better at hunting monsters. While I primarily play and farm solo, playing with friends also brings me back to the game. > what do you do to avoid burnout? Forget that the achievements exist even though I just need both Vaal crowns xD. (EDIT: I have terrible luck with those 2)


I'm new and the Palico customization drew me in. I love customization in video games and the fact you can make your own cat sold me.


Much better than in Rise too IMO. Here you create your one and only pawrtner, in Rise and older games instead you end up with 200 different cats and not caring for a single one, sadly.


This was me! Came for the cats, stayed for the gameplay(and the cats)


YES! Those little kitties resulted in hundreds of hours of fun šŸ¤£


I started with Tri. The main reason I started was I like monster design and MHā€™s is among the best out there, and the box looked cool. I also kept playing because I wanted to see them all, not that I got very far. I was interested in 3U (because of neat monsters again) but didnā€™t know if I should really invest in it, so I booted up Tri again and beat up a Great Jaggi in the arena with a hammer until I could kill it. I think a fair amount of stubbornness is at work here too, to be honest. It clicked and Iā€™ve been hooked ever since. I love the dancing feeling the fights can have when you really understand the monster. Beyond that, Iā€™m a traditional JRPG player for the most part (MH is my only real action series), and I find it a little confidence boosting when I can solo fights the community considers difficult. Itā€™s not something Iā€™d brag about, just more of a ā€˜I donā€™t suck as much as I thoughtā€™ kind of thing. It feels nice. As for burnout. I play as long as Iā€™m having fun. In the early days that may have meant playing through village and some hub but never really playing Master Rank (I greatly prefer solo play). Later with Worldborne it was up to the guiding lands (because I donā€™t really like the grind that MHā€™s endgame tends to be). Risebreak, I played everything the game had to offer at the time (I need to go back and finish the last bunch of content they released). I just find that game more fun in general. Now Iā€™m back in World trying to solo Fatty. The funā€™s starting to die down a bit, but that lizard is dying before I quit again.


I started MH with Worldborne and I love the core mechanics of combat. Particularly that the game is designed to be played without a soft or hard lock on. Not only am I responsible for precisely aiming my attacks at specific points on the monster but also for controlling where my character is on the battlefield. It just feels like the game gives you so much control over you're own actions and everything really feels deliberate, especially against the tougher enemies. Just beat Rajang today for the first time and that fight really had me going back and forth between the Guiding lands and training area to work on my movement, combos, etc. TLDR: precise movements, attacks and combos > button mashing into a target while using lock-on systems


I hit my wall with Furious Rajang (after thinking Rajang was difficult). But I did the same thing. Even tried a different weapon against him (did not go well, lol). So now I'm just going to chill and enjoy other hunts while mentally preparing to go up against him again šŸ˜…


Haha yeah I'm looking forward to that fight šŸ™ƒ


This game was a way of living to me when it came out and my friend group that played the game with me would pester the crap out of me til I got on. They were my driving force to play and be a good player. Differences in schedules and time split us apart. I'd love to have that again someday.


I relate to this one so much.


I started with MHW. I still remember the first rathalos fight it was too hectic. Simply i love fighting monsters in game, instead of humans. Also trying with different weapons and failing hilariously can keep me occupied.


Trying new things, making builds for other weapons, different playstyle


I had no idea so many weapons are fun, and I actually love hunting monsters again and again. Makes me feel like I'm getting to know them more while I'm improving, and I love that they're all so memorable, compared to most games where bosses feel like amalgamations design-wise.


New player here, little less than 50h. Some friends told me to come play with them, discover the MH licence, and... well, it's damn chill. First "bad experience" only due to internet problems. MH is an unexpectedly nice gaming experience


My only bad experiences is when I fire a sos flare and get some random join and die making me fail that drives me up the wall


SOS keeps me engaged. Specifically helping new players on hard hunts.


Monster hunter is just boss fight the game very enjoyable fights with cool lore videos on the game to watch on my downtime


The weapon grind. I've made it to very very far


#T R U E #C H A R G E


Been playing since Dos, though I skipped almost all of the Nintendo titles until I could emulate them. Monster Hunter is a rhythm game and I play it for the same reason you'd play DDR or Beat Saber, it just feels good in my hands. I avoid burnout by playing other games.


I'm crafting layered armor. And when I get them all, I'll hunt with different sets of layered armor. Maybe ā€œmainā€ a few weapons I barely touched.


Came for the big ass weapons and monsters, stayed for the challenge and beating the "walls". Fell in love with countering/guard points, predicting movements, the dance you and the monster do, the combat is just so good. Fell in love with the foolery of multiplayer, made a new save Hunting Horn Multiplayer only. I fuckin love HH, CB, LS and Bowguns. World and Rise have climbed their way up my top games ever like it was nothing. Then there's MH community, the bro-ship of people who main a certain weapon, I love it, the hammer guys, the GS guys, the HH guys. Wilds isn't coming till 2025 and I dont even care, Im gonna milk every drop of Sunbreak and then back to Iceborne to finish my HH only play through and I haven't even touched the previous games yet!! The game, the monsters, the weapons, the combat, the community... 10/10


Wall banging monsters and seeing them flail on the ground is so satisfying


3K hours in my first MH game. There's no other game quite like it. I guess it helps that I don't play each hunt to perfection. As a bow main, I do like to abuse the iframe and punish the monsters. The rush you get from iframing Fatalis' fireball and immediately countering it with a head break is something else.


1.5k hours I'm finishing up the low rank layered armor and grinding my way to that 999, shouldn't be too long at 816. Got all the achievements. Will keep working on learning Lance and sns before wilds comes out so I don't totally suck until i can build a decent hbg.




After a long day at work coming back and slamming something with a switch axe, itā€™s joyful and Iā€™m helping people whilst doing it so itā€™s a win win


Got drawn in after I saw two of my good friends constantly playing. Weā€™ve got a lot of games in common and play together so I said screw it and got mhw. So glad I did, itā€™s such a fun game


The grounded lvl of 'realism'. The incredibly immersive world with attention to the tiniest of details like life beyond the massive monsters you fight


Tried this game for the first time this year, and I've got to say I'm really pissed off that it took me this long to do so. I think it's the only game I have ever played that I get the feeling of the weight of the weapons and the feeling of fighting a real big ass monster where it's a fight for our lives (us AND the monster) and not just a hero vs a boss. And it also skips the traditional 1000 mobs to get to the boss witch is amazing and I wish there were more games like this one. (I started on mhrise finished it and went to world and never went back)


i came back after a long time of inactivity, and i joined my friends from lowrank into master rank, currently we are stuck at safi jiva, alatreon and fatalis, and my guiding lands are underlevel, and too lazy to level them up Never went this far before, back when i was playing alone I got into master rank, beat shara ishvalda and farmed it for fun, but after that i got bored and went inactive.


im still nutting from the ability to run and chug


I really love the lore of the game and enjoy how the teamplay works. Whenever I start feeling bored I try to play a different weapon that isn't my main (IG/Lance). Right now I really want to get good at SNS.


Playing dualbldrs or bow and feeling like a fuxking god when i perfect dodge every attack or just keep seeing numbers with DBs. Plus the fashion you can have in this game is crazy


Ever since World's release, the franchise has piqued my interest. At the time, I didn't really have the budget to get into it, and when I finally did, most of my friends were on PC, and I only had my PS4. I wasn't brave enough to pick up a game from a franchise I had never played and run the risk of not liking it. I wanted to dive in with friends. So imagine my excitement when Rise got announced. Brand new game, only on Switch (at least for the first little while), and friends who were willing to accompany me on this adventure. One of which was also an MH freshman like me. Immediately fell in love with the game when the demo dropped. Played Rise, then Sunbreak for well over 500 hours and then finally... World started to catch my eye again. Now that I discovered I liked the general gameplay loop, I felt confident I'd enjoy World with, or without friends to accompany me. And so one day, when it was on sale, I picked up World and never regretted it. Nowadays, I think I slightly prefer World over Rise, but I still really enjoy both games and play both regularly. Thank y'all for helping me and my unskilled ass through all my SOS calls. Especially on the hard stuff


The same reason it pisses me off, the combat has weight. All the weapons are viable so I don't feel like handicapping myself from not going the best weapon, which means I can experiment and it depends on me. The combos are diverse without being overly complicated like fighting games nor too simple like some button mashers. Basically the game is just the right amount of overwhelming.


Finding new ways to optimize hyperaggressive lance play. Hey I COULD guard advance here and position to safely poke BUT ten bucks says I cound counter the first hit then power guard counter through the combo for a juicy jaw poke


Almost 3k hours into World. Over 6k dual blade hunts. What's fun for me? Going brr. Why do I still play? I'm not done brr-ing.


I mostly play solo because my schedule is different from my friends, but I keep going because I love the challenge. One man vs a world of dragons, some of which have teeth longer than he is tall. I know the fights are "easier" solo, but that didn't make me feel any less accomplished fighting an azure rathalos with nothing but a light bowgun and a dream.


I like doing sos hunts for difficult monster fights I rep my Alatreon gear because I earned that shit. Maxed attack Maxed wide range Maxed health boost Max resentment. Max divine blessing. Fortify if my tank somehow gets beat. Just so I can tank even more.


The progression, the challenge and most importantly the satisfying feeling of smacking a giant monster in the head with a hammer and watch them reel from the impact.


It was the teamworks ngl, and the one that holded me longer was hunting horn, but yea, i said goodbye already to this game.


Making new builds and hunting new monsters, I guess (not that there is anymore of that after hunting Fatalis, though). Also mods that improve my own and NPC character looks. The beautiful landscape and animations are pleasant to watch as well - I especially enjoy looking at the cats doing stuff, like baking bread, mixing spices and such. I'm at the point where I'm about to quit though. I was planning to do so after hunting Fatalis, but I ended up grinding it a bit more to get sets for all the weapons I use. I'm done with that though, and just testing out some weapons I haven't played yet. I'm pretty glad I've been doing that testing to be honest, as I only recently learned thanks to it that I'm very bad with high commitment weapons, like SnS, Great Sword and LS. I'm both greedy and aggressive, constantly aiming for the highest damage combos despite not having the openings for them. Low commitment weapons like Bow, HBG, Insect Glaive and Gunlance (non-full burst style) fit me way better.


For me, what initially drew me in was the concept of co-op melee combat against large boss monsters. But what kept me interested was the incredibly deep combat and skill system, along with some of the coolest and flashiest weapons out there (I main charge blade).


Itemization; I like pretending I'm an anime protagonist with my edgy Silver Sol Alpha armor coupled with my physics defying Rathalos Gleamsword. Definitely not compensating for anything with that massive greatsword on my back.


Its har for me to explain. Its something like The fear of going to fight a monster and thinking im not going to be ale to beat it and when i do beat it the relief of realizing it wasn't that bad. In turn if i do get defeated, after a couple attempts, then my: "ok MF now im gonna grind a whole bunch of Mons to get better gear and we will see who is boss next time!" mode activates and the satisfaction of getting the win from the rematch is even better.


If anyone is playing on playstation, u can add me to co op


in all honesty, I played because of a Vtuber and I stayed for the monsters, the environment, the feel of every hit (GS main) and the playstyle variety with the weapons and builds. I wish I played this game earlier so that i could witness how it was when it released. Hopefully i can do that with Wilds even if its not gonna be like Worlds.


Big sword hit big monster


Cool dragon. Cool music. Cool ecology. Cool axe. Cool axe can also turn into Cool sword and go BOOOM. šŸ‘


I love helping people fight Shrieking Legiana. I love to hunt it and people want to get the quest done quickly. Itā€™s a win-win situation for me


For me the game feels like I've had escalating skill progression with still more to achieve. And the gratification is always there when I achieve it. 700hrs in, still working on Alatreon


Started on MH4U and played MHW (base) on 2019. Took 100 hours and I admit I was burnt out. Game is really good but I prefer the feel of the older gen. 2021 and I played all of Rise/SB. But I miss hunting my favorite monsters (Brachydios and Yian Garuga). So, I decided to buy Iceborne on sale during 2023/2024. Took me a while to adjust especially since I really like Rise (had a habit of using wirebugs when sent flying by monsters haha). Then I started to enjoy MHW:IB again and am still going. Right now, I am just still hunting my favorite monsters and trying to improve sets and MR on MHW.


GRIND. EVERYTHING. IN. THE. ENTIRE. GAME. Also the Combat system is great. Makes u not grind of a list but do fun fights that progress ur list as a sideeffect. Every Weapon is viable. Arent many games out there that can claim this.


Hunting with friends. I haven't answered an SOS since pre-Iceborne. If they're not playing, I'll run Guiding Lands on my own for a bit to brush up on my skills but otherwise I don't play.


Believable pure hand made level design. This already doesn't reach big heights in allot of AAA budget type games, and with the rise of automation and ai, we will probably even see less of it. Great gameplay loop. Jolly cooperation. Monster with big characters and diverse movesets and interactions.


Smacking monsters and see myself improve over time. Also helping people in need and teaching them builds and how to play.


rocket powered Greatsword, don't really wanna play new MH games without the wyvern ignition


fighting bosses


Why hasn't someone created monsters in MHW yet? Impossible?


I'm gonna tell you what no one has the balls to admit. PORN


(I ainā€™t new. Far from, but Iā€™m sharing anyway.) Suppose I mainly like strategizing before and during hunts. Choosing the weapon, skills, items, and lovingly-rendered meal to give my hunter. Then the combat tests my preparations in real time. I love that. Also, the themes (fantasy, nature) simply strike the right chords for me. I avoid burnout by rotating weapons semi-regularly, and sometimes Iā€™ll binge a weapon I havenā€™t picked up in a while. Coming off of my latest lance binge, Iā€™m presently using the trusty boomstick, gunlance.


As a new player my friend wanted me to play it we got through base game but Iā€™m still stuck on a monster so i havenā€™t played in awhile


The thrill of figuring out a monster's patterns and eventually styling on it.


All the different plays styles and builds really keep the game fresh and fun to me, and joining newer players to bully LR/HR monsters when getting slapped as well.


To this day, my favorite thing to do is protect my fellow hunters from attacks from damage they could have avoided. (I main Lance) Examples: 1) I have blocked Fatty's Fire cone breath when people were too far away from the edge of the cone to avoid it. 2) I have blocked many Safi Direct beams for stunned hunters. 3) I have been the shield that Hunters hid behind when Namielle was spamming water jets. 4) Blocked Rocks for stunned Hunters that were fired by Tigrex. 5) Blocked Lasers that Xeno has shot at fellow Hunters. 6) Blocked Multiple monster projectiles that would hit stunned Hunters. 7) (and this is my favorite) I am the one that Tenderizes!


I just keep grinding parts for builds I want ( i still havenā€™t beat fatalis, so bear with me) and rn Iā€™m just prepping for fatalis. After that ima try to get all the sets I have the best decos and augments


Helping people with quests, doing seige, and trying new weapons. Seige is great to just do over and over again because it takes a good amount of teamwork, and everyone frequently communicates, so I pretty much spam seige events.


i got this game like 2 weeks ago and i dont really know if im playing it correctly because fights last like 40 mins for me but it feels rewarding so


The combat is satisfying


The satisfaction of fighting a monster over and over again to the point where u master that fight and get hit once is what I love about this game..seeing yourself become the monster brings joy to my heart


The incredible depth of game mechanics. Itā€™s a fun game, easy to pick up, and then you find out something new and it adds even more depth, and then you discover something else and even MORE depth. Itā€™s crazy how fun it is even before you have a good handle on everything the game encompasses.


The grind and how you can jump in a hunt randomly


I'm not gunna lie I just love the community and the fact fhat anyone can play


Played MH since the first game and I still love it. Nostalgia and the COOP mode.... Hanging out at a friends house doing network games on PSP (I actually miss interacting with the player face to face as opposed to now where we just chat or voice)... Helping out new hunters with their quests (advice or playing runs with them)... The challenge of every monster... Collecting weaps and armor... Combination of decos (I used to run a sort of "Blacksmith" thread back in SkiesofCroda site to help other players experiment deco builds hehe)... Goofing around... That's pretty much it... :)


as someone who got into the franchise this year, at first it was the customization. I love character customization :) what made me stay was the vast detail and attention put into the game (world for context), the world itself, anjanath (i love my fire/lightning chicken sm <3) and being able to play with friends finally. World was the first game we were able to play together, so thereā€™s a lot of memories I will forever cherish. ^^


I really love just going out into expeditions and walking around. Not even hunting necessarily, just watching the monsters and smaller creatures go about their day to day life, exploring every corner of the world. I pray wilds will have world design equal or better than world.


The ecology of the game. Sometimes it's nice to just watch the Monsters. Anjanath taking a sip from the pond and such


I like the grind towards fatalis armor. Just finished my third and final save last week. I'm ready for wilds


Besides the amazing and satisfying combat. I personally love making my own story in my head for my character and background and lore for everything, I do this for any game tbh but Monster Hunter leaves a lot of room for that kind of stuff and I LOVE IT! Lol


The combat is fun. I main LS


85 hours atm, so fairly new, my first installment in the series too I remember being curious about it after iceborne dropped and it got a surge of attention, but i was still in uni back then and the little i could play, i did with friends in their fav games. Completely forgot about it until Asmongold played it some months ago and said MHW is one of those games that you need to play yourself to feel the little things that make it amazing. Some of my fav games were like this so i knew exactly what he meant and **boy, was he right.** As for what makes it fun for me.. challenge, immersion and surprisingly, fashion. * I play alone, no palico either. I like getting my ass beat and overcoming it, but it has to be fair. This game actually feels more fair to me than most, if i get annoyed at some mechanic i quickly discover a way to deal with it, in an organic way. That's priceless to me. The depth of combat is really impressive too, rather like elden ring (or actually the other way around). Like chess, simple on the surface but very intricate once you get into it. That's like crack for me, hah. * Immersion in this game is better than any i've ever seen. The crafting and the way you live off the land, which also actually feels alive, the way that you *feel* monsters reacting to your hits, the story that's not inconsequential but doesn't take control away from you, the way you skin monsters you beat and then make gear out of it... just.. *chef's kiss.* * Which brings us neatly to fashion. I'm a middle aged dude who doesn't really care and only wears jeans and shirts IRL. Ingame however, i'm the polar opposite. I really like making and dressing up cool or beautiful characters. Usually women, yeah, i'm very hetero, i don't find men appealing and i'm very glad that women somehow do, sue me, hahah. The way you can mix and match pieces of gear is superb, especially since you can upgrade older pieces to still be relevant, i'm the type of player that would rather die a couple times more than wear a stupid looking helmet ;D. I already have like 7 different sets. Belts kinda suck so far though, i've literally only worn the leather one, but hey, i can just use the leather one so it's cool.