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Count on another 30-ish to get to the final boss. There's lots of postgame, of course, and that's not counting Iceborne


Got it thanks! Also I do wanna buy Iceborne, why does it have such horrible reviews in steam? I saw a lot of DRM complaints but is that it or is it a bad dlc?


The dlc is great. The negative reviews are mostly a protest from when Capcom retroactively added their DRM to a bunch of their games


why is drm bad? Does it mess up performance


Not really, DRM is anti player because it basically means you don't own the product, as once service ends for the game you won't be able to play it.


Ah retroactive DRM, the only thing worse than on-launch un-announced DRM


Nah. It was because everybody latched onto a fear-mongering tweet that had zero evidence to back it up. The retroactive DRM they added is actually something they have historically always done. It was just people not willing to educate themselves.


What the other person said, but also consider that most people don't review the DLC and just review the base game as a whole and it's implied that a lot of those reviews include the DLC. This DLC is hailed as one of the most expansive/best ever created afaik.


There are some bad reviews due to two certain monsters that were added and were incredibly tough, rather than adapt and make a build better suited for those fights a good amount of people had the bright idea and took it upon themselves to just review bomb the game because their op blast build wasn't working




Some ones jelly of the blasting band wagon... Nah I'm playing lol. I've got light break, and kjarr para. And safis shatter. And the fire glaive at the end of the tree. And the water end. And the ice end. I don't have the thunder yet. But that definitely made me laugh, cuz honestly blast can take out most the monsters up to that point if needed. Pretty accurate.


Yeah blast had such a power creep with safi and raging brachy that reasonably people were upset when their "easy win" build didn't work on the elemental fight. To be fair there were others that were reasonably upset at the dps check of that fight but other than that I believe it's one of the best ones in the game


I’m gonna guess DRM, (idk personally, I play console) because Iceborne is great imo


Iceborn is like 2.5 more game lol


The DLC is AMAZING. It is also the signature extension content (the Master Rank) for all MH games. The only problem is that Capcom somehow outta nowhere decide to put DRM back one day. When this game launched back then on PC the optimization was just trash. I upgrade my gaming computer every 2-3 year with the best parts on the market and it was barely keeping a stable fps. stutters all over the place. And when they took out the DRM, the difference was night and day. Also Capcom issued Youtube strike/ban to some of the MH content creators' video becuz they used "mod and hacks" in the game. But these mods are widely accepted and used in the mh community over the years. Its specifically made for time-attack video where monster would spawn in a fixed place with constant health pool instead of each time everything just spawn with random stuff. We are not talking about those rule breaking mod, stuff like trainer app that make you one shot stuff. I think Capcom is getting a bit cocky since they are doing good ever since RE6. They forgot they were on the same level of EA back then. They spend a decade carefully bring their reputation back and now, they decide to fuck it up again I guess.


What's with the player ban on PvE games? That's so unnecessary imo


Ikr? they are banning people with pve and offline content. like, fr. Thats why people are angry.


That's why, it was all extremely positive until they added DRM. However, the game is still amazing, and modders already updated everything to go past it. DLC is amazing, doubled the game plus more with Iceborne. But yes, if all of LR took you about 30 hours, then HR alone will easily add another 30 plus more with DLC and HR event quests unless you immediately go into expansion, then probably..... 80-100 hours more easil, depending on pace of course, which you will improve so maybe less.


Got it, its insane how well review bombing works at making new buyers cautious. Well doesn't affect me much so I think I'll go ahead I grab it soon. Thanks


Yes, please do, Iceborne is completely amazing.


Some of the backlash is unrelated. But some of about how people hate the clutch claw and Tenderizing especially but those problems mainly come in the extreme endgame content


iceborne is one the greatest dlcs of all time, up there with fromsoft’s if not better.


It's not bad at all. I don't know what DRM means, so I won't comment on that. If I had to guess, Iceborne has a mixed reception because of the clutch law.


Digital Rights Management. Basically anti-piracy


Aight thanks for the vouch!


iceborne itself is imo better than the base game, its all just protest reviews


Iceborne is by far the best part of World. I don’t think any MH game is truly complete without its expansion/expanded version (if it has one) and World is no exception.


For what seems like a skilled newbie? Maybe another 30-40 for the story. There’s some annoying quests that might take a couple tries first go around. Post game there is another 30-50 if you don’t want to get Iceborne immediately. I think I had like 120 to maybe 150 hours before Iceborne launched originally. Iceborne adds another couple hundred hours at least just if you want to hunt everything. Farming for gear becomes an absolute necessity at higher ranks unless you want to really grind out that win. I think I’ve spent a hundred hours or more apiece doing just the siege hunts in Iceborne. Also after a while I just jump in to help new people through Urgent Quests when I’m bored. I enjoy helping or giving advice to people that might be going through it the first time. I’ve done a couple hundred hours of that. Absolutely hilarious to jump into a low level hunt and just status the monster into being unable to move and let the newer people wail on it. I don’t like to use super high level gear but I view stun and status locking as an exception.


That sounds fun lol So if I did hypothetically buy Iceborne 5 mins ago because it's on sale right now, is there a reason to be doing post game content if anything you get will immediately be outclassed by the first Iceborne gear? Is the postgame tied well enough with quests?


Nope no real reason to do post base game. Some people just like experiencing the game like when it was originally released. You should make sure to do all the optional quests with rewards for the canteen or the Harvest Box as those carry over to Iceborne. Also I would do all the quests for obtaining mantles. They also get upgrades in Iceborne. And finally I would get all the Felyne gadgets. Plunderblade is very very useful for cutting down on the amount of hunts needed to make gear.


I'd say it's worth at least giving some post game a try in base World. Kulve Taroth is a siege fight that's available sometimes that's very fun imo and can give some of the best weapons in the game. She isn't always available tho so I wouldn't necessarily wait around for her if she's not there when you're ready. She cycles 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off alternating with a different siege monster that's exclusive to Icebornes post game. There are also some good event quests available in HR that are fun and also include some beefed up versions of existing fights. Extra health, extra damage, altered AI, and some new moves/mechanics for each. These include a new, more interesting Zorah Magdaros fight and Kirin, who you may have fought in LR. They're near the end of the event quest list and feature monsters with orange outlines on their icons. Other than that, yeah the first equipment you get in Iceborne is already going to outclass anything you get in HR so if that's all you care about, then by all means start the expansion immediately after the credits roll. I'm not your parent


You CAN jump right into Iceborne, but I'd highly suggest playing through all of HR because you face new monsters that weren't in LR. You have a lot of game left. PS, definitely Iceborne, it is incredible. But first play through HR!


Yep iceborne gear will immediately outclass any postgame gear from the base game. You can do some optional content in base world but if you want to push power it comes later


For fun. I've got 1600+ hours in the game. My new character is at 70 hours pre-Iceborne because the content available is just really fun.


Only thing i'd say is maybe even close to necessary is just grinding out hr and doing the pre-requisite quests for rocksteady and temporal mantle. These are going to be the strongest mantles in game and will make the progression with the central mechanic of iceborne (the clutch claw) a lot less painful. But just like the other instances when you progress from lr to hr, first thing you wanna do is go on expedition in the new mr zones, and grab as many ore and bones as possible to fashion you a new set and / or wep.


Damn some of you move fast af. I used around 300h for base only. I love this game so much I really didnt want To move forward too fast, I just Explored, studied, experimented and learned all kinds of things while slowly moving forward.


Do every event quest you can, even the AT monsters!


You got a ways to go


If your plan is to complete all the optional quests, then you're looking at somewhere north of 80 hours total. There's a quest locked behind high HR, and that'll be a grind to get to. If you're also grinding to complete your build(s) before you get Iceborne (with decos), minimally you're going to hit 100 hrs of total playtime, and it goes up from there depending on if you're making builds for other weapons as well


You're about 2/4th's through the tutorial Lots of hours left potentially hundreds.


Cracking HR is basically the halfway mark of the base game. FYI: also check out the event quests. Some of them unlock additional weapons, armors, and layered armor. Others are good for adding some variety to grinding certain monsters for mats.


def a bit, did you do all the optionals? there's another one at hr 100, so it's good to get to that point before heading to ib, you're gonna have to endure the handler repeating the same phrase over and over though lol


Dude i spent 1800hrs already in mhw+iceborne, end game is near endless, learning new weapon feel like playing entirely new game, colecting armor and weapons even though im suck at it, get the perfect build, perfecting your combo, etc..


If you have iceborne and didn't reach mr 20-30 you didn't even start the game. All of that is just tutorial. If you don't have iceborne i think killing teostra and lunastra is the end point. (at least for me)


you could be looking at 80+ hours of gameplay. You’re right.. high rank is where the game really expands




If you just hit HR, you have another 20-30 hours left. Don't jump straight into Iceborne! Play through HR first, it isn't a repeat of the same monsters. Only the first few are repeats.