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piece of advice: you're immune to damage while you're laying on the ground, so you can avoid a bit of her nova after she already sent you flying by not standing up, and then try to superman dive repeatedly to survive the rest ;)


I see. In a sense, like playing dead?


Yeah that’s a pretty good way to put it. It helps against getting hit multiple times by the same thing


Remember kids! The best way to survive a fire is to play dead in the middle of it! Fire can't burn you if it thinks you're dead!


I learned this many years ago in 4, then forgot and learned again in world, then forgot and had to learn again in rise because that damn wirebug made me want to recover faster than I should. It feels so unintuitive but man its useful to know


The curse of rise, it's so tempting to wirefall but it's better to just lay there and wait it out


Lunastra's fire is hot and hateful. Ground is cool and friendly.


I mean, heat *does* rise.


Definitely do not want to just continue attacking when she does that. Also stop pressing buttons when you’re on the grond during it. You’re invulnerable as long as you’re still on the floor. Lunastra’s aura gets more sparkly the closer she is to using this move. When her aura reaches maximum sparkle hitting her with a flash pod will force her to burn it and reset her aura, allowing you to trigger it safely so you don’t have to deal with it unexpectedly.


Does Crystal burst work as well? Also, this was my second time getting killed by that move. I'm learning, very slowly though


It does! any flinch caused during the nova will cancel it. (Only AT Luna has immunity during her novas and can not be interrupted)


Boosting your fire resistance, and perhaps using a more mobile weapon like the insect glaive, would make a HUGE difference.


That move is pure BS, you're not alone on that


I’m not sure it forces her AI to use it but you may be able to interrupt it that way if you are caught in a bad spot by it.


I bring farcasters specifically for the Nova. I’ve never been able to sheath and then flash them out of it in time.


You don’t flash lunastra out of it. You flash her to trigger it safely so that you can force her to burn it while you’re ready for it.


Full video here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IW9VQF8Cc0A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IW9VQF8Cc0A) I'm enjoying the game so far and as some of you know I'm already at Iceborne. I'm also enjoying practicing my drawings and video editing while I'm still job hunting at the moments(probably the hardest monster to hunt) Anyways, enjoy :D


Thank you for actually posting a video. Most people here are too scared to. Noticed you were plinking away at high rank stuff, so I made a generalist armor set that'll be sufficient for 99% of content you're doing. https://i.imgur.com/1CGsjwj.jpeg Big thing is it gives you - Divine Blessing 3 - Health Boost 3 - Weakness Exploit 3 - Flinch Free 1 (for multiplayer purposes) - SEVEN empty level 1 gem slots for you to put anything in. Use those gem slots to put in stun resist and/or whatever element resist you're going up against. Not having to worry about getting set on fire and wombo combo'd by a monster is going to save your life over and over again.


You can pry my full Stun Resistance from my cold dead hands. Every since I started wearing it, I can't NOT have it.


Saving this. Gonna add Fortify, Stun Res 3, and then whatever else fits. Gonna get my father to make this set too when we get him to high rank!


I like your attitude to try to out bonk her ult move


Once you hold a comically large hammer, everything starts to look like a nail.


As a hammer main i agree, things started getting weird around the house after a few hundred hours


Windproof also helps.


Like against Kushala Daora?


Surprisingly, the skill Windproof doesn't work against Kushala. You need Kushala Daora Flight (Kushala's armor skill - you need 3 armor pcs, I think) to counter its winds. Windproof 5 is needed for Lunastra's nova. Or use your Rocksteady mantle.


>Surprisingly, the skill Windproof doesn't work against Kushala This finally explains why I have had so much fucking trouble with that flying bastard, windproof *doesn't actually* make you wind proof! Thank you for the info


Yes. This is the middle finger of Capcom saying: to defeat Kushala you need to defeat her and get her armor set. . . Or you can buy a gun. I bought a gun.


You can also take a Hunting Horn with the song All Wind Pressure Negated. Not to be confused with the Wind Pressure Negated song, which doesn't work for kushala.


Need to enunciate the first doot for Wind, to specify all of it.


Some hunting horns also provide a song for windproof


Somewhere I read that windproof also doesn't work with lunastras nova, and you have to use kushalas armor. I'm not sure if i belive that or not though I haven't tested it


I swear to god, this monster is just a sadistic prank


Probably the worst fight in the series. No idea what they were thinking with her design in World.


I like what they did to her fight in Rise at least.


She wasn't in Rise






It's a weird one for me because it's obviously very frustrating through most of the fight. But killing her is extremely satisfying. I think in World alone, Kirin, Lavasioth, and Kushala are all worse fights. Kirin and Lavasioth are just not fun to fight. And Kushala is probably even more annoying than Lunastra, just much easier. She could still definitely use some tweaking in the future because some of her attacks are pretty bullshit. That damn tail especially.


I still prefer fighting her, even arch tempered, over meth monke. Furious or otherwise


At least meth monkey is funny looking when he curb stomps you


Yeah Lunastra is actually stronger than Theostra


Stronger and the worst fight design in world


You clearly never fough kushala


I've done, would rather fight kushala than luna


Women ☕


Oh my god I got your Palico the other day for a tail raider that’s crazy


You've been graced by my grandfather's presence


What causes the yellow health regen?


I think it was one of my Palico's musical instruments. I don't know which one though 


It was the coral gadget


Maybe op used a Immunizer


Would you believe me if say, "I never bring Immunizers at all."


Yes, I only just started using them myself 400 hours in


Wanna advice? Get Fire res +20 to not get insta murked or plagged by fire.


I very much dislike fighting her. She's rude.


I would be happy if they removed lunastra from the game tbh, im totally fine with all other monsters but luna is just enfuriating


Unlike Teostra’s Nova which is a one shot hit, Lunasta’s Nova is a Large DoT that persists. You can either play dead and wait out the whole thing, gtfo, stun it (flash maybe? Unsure if it’ll work mid nova), Elder seal her before this happens, or don a Flame Mantle to stop most of the damage.