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Being able to carry 2 weapons is awesome, however we need to know how the armor skills will work. Can you have your character automatically switch gear when changing the weapon? If not then your options will be limited if your current set is heavily oriented on a sharp melee weapon, blunt melee weapon, bow or bowguns.


Because of this, gunlance and chargeblade


They said something along the lines of giving armor more skills. Ie quick sheathe 1, load shells 1, attack up 1 on one armor piece. There wont be some kind of jank system where your skills or armor can swap based on primary or secondary weapon. What you equip is what you use, armor wise.


Rise Kushala Daora armor pieces : "My time to shine has finally arrived!"


I'd have to assume they will increase the skill points for each decoration or augmentations, or they are gonna have armors packed with more skills then they were originally, or they are gonna make the customizability so extensive that we will be able to choose what skills we want and don't want. These are the only real 3 things I can see, also not to be rude but you haven't answered the original question lol


I have not answered the original question because I don’t know how the armor skills will work. But in order to answer your question I will probably go with GS/CB; LS/GS; Bow/DB; IG/SA; Hammer/CB. I don’t really know how to use bowguns yet. Edit: I will alternate depending on the match up.


I'm thinking about going GS/cb tbh with you. It's been a real while since I've used my original main(charge blade) and want a reason to do a run with it lol


I was thinking more of a dynamic skill usage, like how mind’s eye/ballistics work in world, the skill will have different effects depending on your weapon type and no longer limited to class type. But there are no clases in MH! Well we have the division of blade master and gunner. So I think skills might work on an expanded dynamic concept. Edit: When I say expanded I mean that it will take on from the mechanics of world. Dynamic is for the changes a skill may acquire depending on your current weapon. As an example, in previous MH titles you either used mind’s eye in order to not bounce, or ballistic to reduce the distance for ideal damage with ranged weapons. However in world it’s more dynamic, since the skill alternates between mind’s eye or ballistics depending on whenever you are a blade master or a gunner.


This is exactly my thoughts, and maybe all in on Dodge Stam use, and go IG and DB? It really comes down to how the skill system works.


Two of the same weapon so I don't need to sharpen them


This would have helped me in world when I accidentally crafted two fatalis lances😭


I haven't gotten to Fatalis yet so I don't know exactly how crafting his weapons work, but if it's the same as with most of the others, just upgrading down a tree, I'm pretty sure you can roll back the upgrade and get the materials back


Fatty weapon doesnt branch from any tree, so there’s no way to roll back😭 e.g like the Rbranchy


Oh ;-;


Well atleast it's for convenience sake lol


glaive and gun lets go


That's a very interesting combination lmao


the most important thing for me is to have something hurtling thru the air at the monster. bullets or my hunter’s entire body idc but something’s got to fly


*me looking at the giant pile of gore magala bodies I have in my basement* uhm....I think I'm good on ammo


u reckon u can toss those up and use the greatsword like a baseball bat


You be the pitcher and I be the batter??(Forgot the name for them)


let’s fuckin go 💪🏻


Meet you in 5 minutes💪🏽


I'll probably go switch axe and insect glaive/greatsword depending what I'm facing


You know I was thinking about pairing swaxe with dual blades, but idk. I haven't mained charge blade in awhile and I feel like wilds will change that lol


They change up the mechanics each game so I'd love to trial it a bit more


Once we get a demo, we will definitely will be able to trial the weapons lol.


Either sword and shield and bigger sword and shield or bigger sword and shield and swax for the mighty morphin combo.


So, sword and shield. Copy lol


Insect glaive + light bowgun


Hunting horn and insect glaive


Interesting 2nd pick


2 hammers mate, one for bonking, one for smashing


And for the extra speenage


Greatsword and SnS - best of all worlds


But get this, beyblade


Hammer/DB is a nice second choice


Fair enough


IG will forever be my main, will probably put a Bow or other ranged weapon in my Saddle though, on the off chance I decide it's a good idea to proc ailments. Currently I run a support oriented IG in World that focuses on Sleep, Blast and Paralyze so being able to relegate some of that to an alternate weapon will be handy.


Ooo I may do that tbh, a close melee weapon with a ranged weapon would be a nice combination. Now I'm reconsidering what I want lol


Yeah unless they end up getting seriously nerfed, ranged weapons have too much utility and damage output not to be included in a 2 weapon build. I don't like rotating through and maintaining ammunition types and such to main a ranged wep, but having one in my back pocket for moments when a paralysis or pierce shot is needed in a pinch, or to hammer on a flying enemy that I can't safely engage with my Glaive, is too good to pass up. If they do end up nerfing ranged weapons enough that they're still tedious, I'll just use 2 Glaives, one for dmg and the other for utility.


To be honest, I highly doubt they'll end up nerfing the ranged weapons. Especially since parrying is now a thing, I'd have to guess the difficulty is now balanced around every weapon equally so that they won't have to nerf the weapons lol.


I hope so as well, however the devs *did* state that all weapons were reworked to a degree, with ranged weapons having the largest changes made among them all. Could just be that they made them more user friendly or less tedious, or it could be that they nerfed them since they have been a bit overtuned. I'm hoping you're correct in that they simply brought the Melee weapons up to Ranged's level, though.


Well I'd have to guess they reworked the weapons to work around parrying since I mean no offense, most of the weapons aren't at all parry friendly lol. But I can also agree with them being overtuned in world/rise. So I can definitely see a nerf happening, but I highly doubt it will be a nerf and just a balance around the parrying


That's an interesting concept. I think parrying should largely be relegated to weapons that can guard and dodging should be the focus of other weapons, personally, but adding a parry mechanic wouldn't necessarily be problematic. Though the devs did also state that the reworks were intentionally done for the purpose of making each weapon feel distinct and unique from each other, so having them all with a parry seems counter to that statement. Still I'm very interested to see exactly how they managed to tweak them all!


I can also agree with this concept as well, for example charge blade having a parry with its shield and either going straight into axe mode or filling all our phials with a finished combo would be a nice concept. That or swaxe going straight into a elemental discharge(I think is the explosion move??). And yeah that makes alot more sense now. So yeah I can see a "nerf" happening. And I say nerf with quotes because I can see them buffing and nerfing weapons at the same time. We'll see tho, I'm definitely interested to see how much more differentiated the weapons will be. Now that's also to say, how will skill managing work as well. Will we have complete customizability(which means we can choose what skills we want) with our builds now?? Will we get a completely new armor class?? What's gonna be the deal with that as well


As far as Armor goes, I don't really think we'll be able to carry two sets of armor with us for two totally different builds. Rather we'll have to either build one set of armor to benefit both weapons as much as possible, or to focus only on one combat style, in which case players will often run two weapons which both benefit from the same skillsets which, honestly, most melee weapons DO benefit from the majority of popular skills). Something like a Greatsword with Dual Blades on backup for example. When the monster is enraged or otherwise active you can slash away with DB, then swap to your GS when the monster is incapacitated for those seriously hard hitting attacks, and repeat. There are many ways to build around and capitalize on those two weapons without really sacrificing much on either, except maybe Elemental damage for the DBs or guard for the GS. But all in all it provides two entirely different playstyle approaches without sacrificing much in the way of armor. And each weapon could potentially incorporate their own decoration or two to better capitalize on their strengths within the build.


GS and another kind of GS. I believe in GS superiority


Ah yes, another greatsword matters member. Welcome to the club








How am I gonna stop some big mean balahara from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind? The answer...use a gun. And if that don't work...? Use more gun! (but seriously, I want to try out so many weapons and I hope they're all fantastic)


Considering what we have seen with the greatsword, they are 100% gonna cook lol. How am I gonna stop some mean ole balahara from turning me into a 5 star meal?? Well the answers obvious! Giant metal slab on stick, and if that doesn't work. Even bigger metal slab on stick!


Probably a hammer and not worry about a whole lot else


Makes sense


Hammer 99% of the time with dual blades just cause they look cool.


Ykw, you just raised a good question for me. Will the weapons appear on our waist or back?? Will we be carrying both of them?? Or will they be on our new mount buddy


Hammer and switchaxe, hammer for the blunt damage and stuns and swaxe because it's my main. Sns and swaxe would also be cool for me.


This is a breathe of fresh air lol, I've seen alot of gun and insect glaive. Also you're a swaxe main, so you immediately get the Chad title


Aha yeah, I'm a swaxe main but I also love to use GS, HH, SnS and Hammer. If my main could also deal blunt for those stuns I'd be a happy man but Hammer or HH for stuns is also good. Well there's exhaust phial but it's really not that great unfortunately.


Exhaust phial is actually really great late game. Since you can get alot of those clutch flinch moments you need to run away and heal n such. Before tho we'll it's ass lmao And hell yeah greatsword💪🏽. For me it's greatsword, charge blade, longsword, dual blades, Swagaxe, and bow lol. But primally it's greatsword and longsword. Hence why if you have looked through the thread, I'm a bit hesitant on my locked in answer lmao


dual hammer(one with sleep effect) because why not


Fair enough


Bow for sure, and then GS, CB, or SnS for my second.


Im starting to think about Gs and bow now thanks to you and another comment lmao. Idk I'm gonna have to reconsider now


I'll probably end using GS/SnS since my friends enjoy the Support SnS play I do, but they also enjoy my wake up hits with GS. I'm the only one in my group who mains either weapon lmao


Funnily enough I'm in the same boat but charge blade instead of sns lmao. But I'm the only guy willing to do wake up charges(I also demand them mfs since it's the best feeling in the world)


Oh absolutely. That slight pause when you land the wake up hit. Chef's kiss.


Glaive will definitely always be there but charge blade, hammer, and great sword are all good secondaries and I can’t decide which of the lot I’ll use. Although if gunlance keeps blast dash it’ll be a strong contender too


Glaive and hammer will definitely be an interesting duo. Alot of insect glaive tho lol


I will alternate with all melee weapons but for the main run it'll be CB or hammer. For the second slot I plan to use bow if I cna fire it from the mount, if not it'll be lbg.


I'm honestly debating if I wanna go greatsword and longsword or greatsword and bow now lol. These comments got me rethinking my decision🤣


Having any kind of ranged weapon for use on a mount would be very useful. Especially one that can also shoot status ammo. We have not yet seen an attack from the mounts that doesn't also dismount you and even if there is one, you'd still give up the ability to get in a few cheap shots and continue running while at a safe distance.


It's just questionable how ranged weapons will work exactly because if they deal full damage and cna use all ammo, why even get off the mount in the first place?


Assuming skills can support it, my flair is pretty much what I'll be doing. Hyper offense without a shield and hyper offense with a shield, what's not to love?


It's also to assume if the lance will get a major buff this game or not. These last few games it's been uh....💀. But the hyper offense will 100% carry you throughout the game


I loved it in Worldborne even if the damage was lower. I see a lot of talk about Hammer's clutch spin move and DB's spin insta soften being the only real good claw moves, clutch counter was a ton of fun and did a surprising amount of impact damage. Risebreak...I'm still disappointed in the changes lance got there. Put power in the side slap for some reason and almost all of its silkbinds were flashy rather than sticking to core lance gameplay (and the super counter guard with lingering buff the numbers were mediocre iirc). Very much hoping to see it be more of a return to form...been playing through 4U (my first MH game) with a lance and other than missing the advancing hop a lot it's been so satisfying.


SnS for faster monsters and GS for slow


Very interesting combination


Or the gs can help with someone like Legiana since fighting them with an SnS makes me want to pull ly hair out


GS/HH build for HH and main that, switch out to GS to cut tail and wake up shot. Skills/build depending on how it works (and assuming you dont switch builds with the weapon)I'm stacking damage/evade extender on the armor. Sonorous/focus on the weapons. Apart from that they both benifit from the standard damage builds so I should be good atleast in end game. Leveling is going to be a balancing act If the buffs from HH stick around after switching though, I'm going to have some real fun buffing my own GS! Shits going to get crazy! HH buff for attack up and sharpness(please give us sharpness HH isn't was bonkers in rise!) Then switch to GS and go ham! Switch back, reapply buffs, stick with HH for a KO, switch back, go ham again! Side note, having a specialised skill gem for weapons only that apply skills like focus/Sonorous/artillery. While having defensive skills/QoL tied to armor would let you swap weapons to your hearts content


I'd have to assume the buff affects are going to stay since the weapons still on you. If I make a guess, as long as you have the weapon on you or equipped, any buffs you place on yourself stays. So yeah you are gonna be 1 nasty hunter lmao


I’m gonna mix it up and bring two charge blades


Interesting lol


An insect glaive and a second, different, insect glaive.


There's alot of insect glaives lol, is the popularity spiking up now??


Prob some melee(DB/Hammer/SWA) + HBG with status ammo. Love sleeping monsters and blowing them up with barrel bombs. Even though it might not be the greatest dps, its just so satisfying everytime. Maybe I'll finally use a hunting horn too for once.


I do too up until I charge an attack and hit it as soon as the mon sleeps. Then I'm just upset lmfao


Probably swagaxe and hbg. Some hunts I’d just rather not be in the monster’s face for, hence the hbg.


Which makes sense, I'd like to have a smooth run every once and awhile


Lance and HBG.


Now that's a weird but interesting duo lol. I'd like to know how that works now


I'll just main lance and switch to HBG when I think the monster is easier/less annoying with a ranged weapon or when I want to mix things up a bit. But probably 90% of the time I will be just using the lance!


Double Slice Zoomers and Big Bonks for me, or Double Slice Zoomers and Light PewPew, with the latter having the benefit of my go to skill build of evade extender/window + whatever other skills so I can dodge like a mad man Even if we only have access to a single armor set on the go, the only thing I do hope they implement is allowing you to have deco loadouts for the same gear so if you do have two 'conflicting' weapon types, at least the deco loadouts will allow you to gain some semblance of skill adjustment to the different weapon type OR at the very least the ability to hot swap decos individually That was a pain point for me in IB/SB is no deco augmenting even at camp so if you accidentally forgot to gem in something important you gotta abandon/return from the quest to make the edit and jump back in (a small grievance, but a grievance nonetheless)


mobility my absolute beloved


My view of this is that they will make us have absolute customizability with our armor and skills. It makes the most sense since we can now have both melee and ranged at the same time on the same hunt. Or as you said, we get 2 load outs and they switch soon as we switch weapons.


Swaxe and HBG... alternately, Doot and HBG


Charge blade and either an insect glaive or a heavy bowgun.


So many insect glaives @_@. I'm actually sorta surprised lol


I'm a charge blade main, but I have to switch to insect glaive to fight certain monsters that spend most of their time in the air.


Gunlance and a sticky ammo Heavy Bowgun. I like explosions, and they both use similar skills, so making an armor set that gives me bonuses for both weapons shouldn't be too difficult unless the armor options are really bad.


Highly doubt they will be bad lol, we are able to bring both ranged and melee. They are definitely gonna be absurd


switchaxe and hunting horn >:) i'm so ready


W fucking combination right there


Lance and gun lance. I WANT MY MOUNT TO SUFFER :) Big gun and little gun? Maybe... heh... But in all seriousness. Longsword and probably heavy bow gun. Or switching longsword with switch axe somtimes rarely. Currently on a roll with heavy bowguns and longswords.


I feel like heavy bowgun is gonna be the trademark weapon for monster hunter wilds lmao


Please make gunner weapons more interesting though... it was a step in the right direction, adding mines and wyvern heart and wyvern snipe to the guns. But the ammo's feel SOO bad to use if not using sticky or wyvern fire. I swear... Pierce? Ya, no, unless it's long and it's nose to tail always... not worth it. Normal?... Feels soo unsatisfying to use just a wet fart sound being fired and a low thud sound...elements? Same fate as Pierce, really. Slicing? a shadow of it's former self... clusters are ok. But rip team mates. Make normal 3 Ricochet when shot or add back siege mode on bowguns... something please I swear... make me feel like I'm making a difference. Nothing like lining up a wyvern snipe just right... hearing it tick through the monsters, a slight pause then all blow up. Stuff like that is what I want.


Insect glaive and hunting horn. My two main, i can bring the buffs, have blunt and sever damage, my beloved bug and all around fun!


Lol your I think the 3rd one who said this, but your reasoning makes it alot more different lol.


Two hunting horns.


This has been officially confirmed by capcom?


Dual blades and long sword




I will most likely not use it, I am there to hunt the monster with one weapon and one weapon only. Edit: In before the final boss forces you to.


This is also very fair


Depends on how the skills work in wilds. Also depends on the changes they make to the weapons themselves. I can see myself using hammer and hunting horn. Since i didn't really like the gs new focus atk.


Can I ask why?? And I mean either way interesting duo lol


As i said i didn't like gs focus atk whatever it was so i'll probably not play it at all. Other than that i don't play many weapons so... Bowguns ofc im gonna try too but later on after i unlock argosy and farm enough pierce ammo. Again tho it depends on how they change the weapons, i might end up playing gs or trying a new weapon who knows..


CB and Swaxe so I can go even further beyond and bring 4 weapons


I- I actually never thought of this wtf


Hmm. Assuming we can’t swap skills on the fly: - Swaxe and Glaive/HBG/CB/GS (build for Focus or Power Prolonger as needed, but probably crit + evade builds generally) - Glaive and Glaive (TWO BUG BUDDIES! 🪲🐞) - Sticky HBG and Gunlance (Artillery, Guard, Evade Window) - Aerial Glaive and DBs/Bow (*all the stam skills!*)


Greatsword (sharp hammer) and Hammer (blunt greatsword)!


This man knows his weapons


Insect glaive and heavy bowgun if the floor is paying taxes u best believe ill stand my ground as if I was american


I try to change my main every game, so I think this time I'll go switch ax and light bow gun.


Funlance and Hammer, I have different tastes lol


Lance and great sword/Charge Blade


Maybe Chargeblade and hammer. Insect glaive and longsword is cool too.


Charge blade and hammer would be absolutely nasty with the constant stun rate. Plus with the high flinch rate, disgusting duo lol


Two Charge blades


1 for cc and 1 for elemental imma make a guess??


Exactly 👍


Me big bwain


A gun and another gun....😬


Main 3 weapons so it’s going to be a hard pick, it will really depend on what armour I’m using and how the weapons are done differently probably


Heavy bowgun Light bowgun


It depends on if you can buff with hunting horn and then return it.


I’ll have one greatsword☝️and one more greatsword☝️.


I'm going to bring two charge blades. One impact and one elemental


Hell give me longsword and dual blades


I think I'm probably going to go Lance/Hunting Horn. I love my pokey stick and doot stick


Hammer and one of the bow guns 


Greatsword and another fucking greatsword


A hunting horn, and a second hunting horn.


Probably two Dual Blades with different elements. Some monster’s element weakness changes during a hunt. Like if they roll in mud, are charged up, have a dress on (kulve), etc.  I might even go Dual Blades and a HBG for long range or a bow, but 100% I’ll have Dual Blades on me.


GS and LBG. Sleep and TCS spam


Either Greatsword+SnS, or Greatsword+Insect Glaive. Sometimes you need power, sometimes mobility.


Since HH and CB are my favorites, I'll likely just bring those two - or two Hunting Horns. Just because.


Greatsword and Greatsword


Obviously its going to be longsword and longsword. why you ask


Fantasizing is fun, but having expectations and taking things for granted is a shortcut to disappointment.  Depending on how the armor skills would work, and weapon balancing, what you decide now might suck balls in the game.  So although I'm a HBG main, i have absolutely no problem adjusting to use any weapons that'll work best with the system. I'm not that bad either using LBG, Bow, LS, GS, GL, Lance, and Hammer as well. 


Y'all think we'll be free to choose two of any weapons or limited to 1 melee and 1 range weapon?


Me its going to be SnS and another SnS to counter another monster weakness


Longsword and Insect Glaive. Glaive go brr.


Lance and gunlance, obviously Poke poke poke become poke poke poke, poke poke poke, kaboom


Understandable have a great day


I mostly think it is better for hunting two monster at the same mission. Same weapon for different elements.


+ HBG/GL * GL/Bow - GS/GL + GS/HBG Idk, all of them :D


Me: so what's gonna be the main 2?? You: YES


Hunting horn and Heavy Bowgun


I was a LS main for so long, but after the return to world campaign, I've equally fallen in love with the hammer, and the charge blade. So any of these 3.


I'm finna stuck between greatsword, longsword, bow, and charge blade


SnS and GL or LBG Like those SnS main at heart


Hammer and another hammer. But really hammer and charge blade or longsword, one to bonk and one to sever.


GS/Bow. Both awesome. 1 ranged, 1 melee. Larger skill overlap.


Most likely I'll do Lance and try picking up shield mod HBG. And when I feel like switching things up. IG and bow.


Just as the trailers intended.. GS and HBG.


Bow, insect glaive and whatever else I wanna learn at least one of the blunt weapon probably hunting horn. Bow hunting horn could be neat give myself stamina buffs and swap.


Insect Glaive and a bowgun/bow, so I have one melee and one range. Or it go Glaive/hammer to swap between blunt and sever as needed


My 2 mains Insect Glaive and Charge Blade


So many insect glaive users in this comment section lmao


Light and heavy bow gun. 😂


For me since I am a hammer main, I gonna bring a great sword and hammer. The hammer for knocking monsters down, and then using the great sword for cutting the tail off.


Depending on how fast you can switch to the other weapon If it's about only 2-3 seconds with quick sheathe GS + Lance/Gun Lance - Block incoming attack, switch to GS and punish. If you can switch Mid-Air, Glaive + Hammer/GS - Jump then Guillotine drop on the monster If you can get multiple special attacks off with no CD then SA+CB, Discharging phials like a mad man. If you can use grapple claw and switch in between the animation HBG + GS/Hammer/CB, stagger with HBG Claw into knockdown then punish. God damn wilds is so full of possibilities.


If we can change armor too I'd go for lance and switchaxe but if not I wouldn't want to play sa with guard, offensive guard and guard up XD, so idk since lance is my main


Yeah lol, how skill management will work has me double thinking kekw


I’m debating between getting a Sever/Blunt combo so CB/Hammer but I’m also interested in a slow and fast loadout like CB/DB Iceborne made so many frustrating monster moves for slower weapons like CB so I’m wary they’ll double down on that


Since I bet you watched the trailer, if you peep the moment where our mount immediately picks us up when we get hit. I'd have to assume our movement n such will much faster then world. But still sorta slow and clunky if that makes sense


2 goddamn DBS if their giving double effects like world im carrying both on me at all times


It depends on the purpose. People are treating it like you take your two best weapons. But if they offer the same thing, what's the point? I think the best way to look at it is your main, and then an auxiliary weapon for versitility. Like if you use a blunt, take a sharp for better severs and vice versa. This is likely what I'll do. Main one and have the other there as a bonus. In terms of what it depends on how the game plays. I love dual blades, but they don't feel the same in mhr as mhw


I can definitely agree with this, but for me. I just want an excuse to play charge blade and bow lmao. But I also don't wanna not pick up greatsword so I'm sorta in a pickle rn🥹


prolly two HHs with different buffs in em... DOUBLE THE DOOTS!!


I main Hammers, so my secondary is either gonna be the Insect Glaive or the Bow.


Pls bow lmao, I've seen too many ig comments😭


I'll have to abuse the hell outta whatever severing attack they implement for the bow if I wanna cut off tails, then.


Aye worth it lmao


I don't know yet i will test every weapon in the training area for a few hours and base my decision on gathered data


Monster pending more than likely, but a staple will probably be SnS and the other will be whatever else. Except lance. More than likely horn cause the musical hammer is so fun


Hunting horn and sns would be a cool duo


Buff myself and the gang then swap to the other all beefed up. That being said, builds are gonna be interesting


Being able to change across all 12 weapons in World just by going back to camp, I don't see what's the big deal about carrying 2 weapons. It's unlikely you would be able to swap in middle of combat anyway.


Because if you want to play another weapon but have to go back to camp to change weapon and then run all the way back the monster, then I can understand the big deal about it. Besides this was a curiosity thing


As a God fearing, beer loving, powder snorting American, I feel like there's only one correct answer.  And that's to go dual Heavy Bowgun, Rambo style.  They will feel the power of my bottomless defense budget.




Ill probably bring 2 bows of different elements if the monster has 2 different elemental weaknesses, like Barroth. But if Raw bow is a good option, I'll be bringing Bow and HH.


You could always pick one main and have a pocket greatsword for wakeups.


for multiple monster hunts (im assuming they still are there) two different elemental charge blades as needed could be cool. or 1 CB raw 1 Elemental maybe charge blade for just "fuck it we ball U//SAED spam" or Lance for "Defensive pokey pokey poke constantly in the monsters face" gameplay. but depends how skills work i guess.


I want to dual wield hammers. Twice the bonk, double the damage.