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not every opinion is worth listening to yknow. if you like evade window, use it—it’s in the game for a reason.


people out here just listening to everything on the internet


B-but if we listen to everything… are we technically also listening to this advice? D:


i'm listening to it right now and i'm LOVING it


People call literally every defensive skill a crutch and then proceed to complain about getting one-shot. Don't worry about it.


Honestly EW falls under utility for me than defensive. It opens up a lot more chances to get damage in, and makes existing damage chances easier to acquire.


It's a comfort defensive skill that lets you more safely play closer and more aggressively, particularly in cases where monsters have attacks with large hitboxes, and even in many cases makes it so you can i-frame through attacks that last too long for the default i-frames. And yeah, it's nigh mandatory on weapons like charge blade because of it.


How does it help on charge blade? I almost never dodge with that weapon. To rephrase that a bit which moves even give you i-frames xD


Your roll gives you iframes. They probably meant savage axe charge blade, which doesn't gp often so it needed the EW to help out with survivability.


would you include the hammer in that instance?


I always run it on my Hammer, helps you stick to the head if they like to use it a lot


I have EW on my switch axe build. Believe me or not but i use it most while hopping in sword mode lol. Pretty convenient.


I don't have to believe you because i use it on SwAxe myself LMAO


Evade window mandatory on CB? Just guard point, it's significantly better and creates openings for follow-ups. Evade Window is better on weapons that don't already have good defensive options, like Dual Blades or SwAxe.


They likely meant savage axe CB instead of SAED CB, two completely different playstyle.


Oh, that's right. I don't play savage axe so I forget it's even a thing.


SA is the secret 15th weapon in the game.


Also, I wouldn't say DB doesn't have a good defensive option lol.


What does DB have in World other than evading? Genuinely curious, I know it has the counter Silkbind in Rise, but what am I missing?


I heard someone say that for weapons like Switch Axe, evade window is an offensive skill, and I have to agree.


Back in 4U Evade Window (and Distance) were considered core skills on Lance because of much it increased your damage uptime.


it feels so good doing a casual quick side hop through a big attack from the monster and continuing to fight. i LOVE evade window its a must for me


Which is basically also the point of every other defensive skill. It lets you be much more agressive.


This is the way.


The gamer mentality


"is healing a crutch?" "is using armor a crutch?" "*is mayonnaise an instrument???*"


"Is dodging a crutch?"


Items are a crutch. I see speed runners drinking and smoking every conceivable drug before attacking the monster. Why bother they are only detracting from the true experience of Munster Hunter. I play the game with an entirely empty item bar like nature intended. I don't even sharpen until after the hunt.


Gear upgrades are a crutch. I soloed Fatalis with only the level I iron weapons and leather armour the game gave me at the start


"And neither is horse radish."


Aka the classic max damage everything turning into a complete glass cannon. Damage isn't all about optimal dps or damage per hit. It's also about how long and comfortably can you sustain damage and especially something like evade window on longsword can massively help you


The other thing about the "speedrunners run max dps setup" is that they specifically use max dps setups in order to set up chain part-breaks so they can perma-stagger the monster and kill it in one go. That type of setup is pretty useless to a normal player who doesn't have the damage break points for every part break memorized by heart. Running a defensive setup is much better for the average player. Edit: Even then im pretty sure most speedrunning builds run evade window as the sole defensive skill because it lets them avoid certain one-shot mechanics and play more aggressive without getting hit.


They do. For instance, bow speedrun on Furious Fujang comes to mind.


Or they run something equally useful/"crutchy" and are completely blind to it. "Evade stats are a crutch!" says the HBG user who malds if everyone doesn't peel for him.


If evade window is a crutch, then health boost, divine blessing, etc. are as well, to an even higher degree because evade window still requires player input. You can still die even with extra iframes if you mistime the dodge, especially against lingering hitboxes. If the players that say "evade window is a crutch" still run other defensive skills, they might as well take off those crutches and run felyne heroics every hunt


If they are so good they should just run peak performance because apparently they don't get hit.


I like divine blessing because it feels like gambling whether I get whacked or not. Adds an extra little thrill whenever I get hit.


I get that. I don’t run health boost for that reason. However, l hate the gamble with Divine Blessing. I run it more when I have a big shield, with more opportunities to benefit. With Lance, I tank Kulve’s lava puddle and it feels *good* every time I hear that proc noise. Lol


If u think about it, any of the "DPS" skills are a crutch since "you were unable to defeat the monster with the natural state of the weapon you're using"


That's the thing, is most people saying EW is a crutch also say HB3 and DB3-5 are crutches. Anything that increases your safety is a crutch because it makes the game "easier" for bad players. Every single one of my dual blades and SwAxe builds runs all three of these. My other weapons run at least HB3 and DB3-5 and sometimes random points of EW if I have space.


(read it all before dumping out, I'm on your side) all skills are a crutch. Anything that increases your damage or affinity is a crutch, "what you can't kill it without bossing your damage?" Anting that boosts defense or health is a crutch, "what you can't kill it without it hitting you?" "Oh! you need higher defense to survive? Baby!" Unless you are fighting the monster naked with R1 weapons, you are being carried by something. Now that you see how ridiculous any of that sounds, insert any specific skill you want and you can see how equally ridiculous "X is a crutch" is. Play the game the way you want and enjoy. Anyone who has something to say about it can kick rocks.


Old MH players who did kick only runs, "What you can't kill it without a wep? carried"


Kick only hunts are bonkers though, 4 people get together and just kick the ever loving shit out of something!


Just like my fraternity initiation!


I remember doing Great Jaggi kick runs back in the day. Shit was so much fun.


I'm new to the MH community, but honestly, this mentality (and I haven't seen it only from you; it's quite common) is such a refreshing viewpoint. I've held that opinion on most games I've played, but the rest of the community for those games was like "RAAWWWRRR! 1% DIFFERENCE MEANS THE WORSE THING IS \_GARBAGE\_!" It's only garbage if it's not fun. If it's fun for you... that's the whole reason you're playing the game, right?


The Dark Souls community and their inhability to admit that they don’t know to use the mechanics of their game and its consequences to the gaming community as a whole


I take Wide Range and feed everyone a good amount of mega potions, defense boost, attack boost, immunizer etc. i said to myself, maybe I’m being too much of a medic, so I stopped doing it and couldn’t believe how much people die cause they don’t give themeselves potions lol. I shall take care of my team, and that’s what makes me happy.


I'm the same; I carry a sword and shield, but my main tool is the item wheel


I've had the inverse experience as of yesterday, used to run support but would get dumpstered by Fatalis and they would to despite me trying to help. By swapping to a more defense orientated build and focusing on keeping myself alive and being in the fight outside of the occasional dust. my Fatalis hunts have been way better. They may not seem it, but they can carry their own weight and heal themselves when they know they don't have a Support SnS waiting to suck em off for every booboo.


I agree. Though, not only am I a medic, but also have an assortment of Switch Axe for different elemental damage.


I am new to monster hunter and a hh player joined me for the first time yesterday and I felt invincible. It was like playing on easy mode, you bet I was so much more careless with them around


Monster Hunter Iceborn? If you’re on PlayStation I am always glad to help! I’m no 999mr or 999hr, but I have put a good 360+ hours on it lol.


On PC, and I have a big problem losing sessions idky so I usually play alone


Ah alright. And that’s interesting. I’m on ps5 and haven’t had problems, even when I used to play it on the ps4.


Recently threw on wide range for my SnS build with free meal and it's been pretty fun and useful.


Oh yeah. Level 5 wide range, with level 3 fast eating is where it’s at.


I don't even have the full effects. Just like 1 level of each skill on my Fatalis fighting build and it's just kinda fun. Think I'ma make a full build around the skills for casual play though.


Yeah. I call that set “Helper”. I have another set called “Powaaa”, which, if you guessed it, is a set for super attack power and no helping whatsoever other than slaying monster faster.


Nah, evade window lvl 3 is that sweet spot that makes you near untouchable if you time your dodges right. Works wonders on SnS


just wondering, i don't play SnS, why would you stop at 3? or is that just a comfy level and saves you the spots for other skills?


Exactly that. It’s, in my opinion, all the levels you need of it. Just so you have room for other skills. Although, when it comes to comfort skills, everyone has a preference on levels. Like evade extender, 2 is about all anyone needs without it being an excessive dodge distance. But earplugs, you’ll want all 5 for the full effect. In short, if you want 5 levels of it and have everything else on the build you want, go for it! But 3 gets you through every roar or hit if timed right. Comfiest for me, but maybe not for thee


People that put down EW as a crutch are fucking losers. EW is a part of the game and it services a highly skill reliant aspect of it. No matter how much I-frames you have, if you're shit at dodging EW won't save you. That's why even if you have noobs with busted armor sets they still cart on the regular because they don't have the skill necessary to use it properly. Tbh I'm surprised they didn't latch on to Guard and called it a crutch, because that would've made more sense even if it's equally stupid.


Truth. I don't think I've ever guarded just because I'm use to rolling from DS and BB. But I wouldn't dare say that the block mechanic is cheese 😂


....there's a block mechanic?


They must have a different version of the game.


I run Hammer. I don't block, I bonk!


I don't think I've ever ran with a weapon that has block. Oh wait, I did dabble with sns... And used the shield for beating things with.


yeah sns block is the worst one tied with gs, but even those can get you out of the "oh shit" situations sometimes, though to be fair it's always your fault you're in those in the first place. other block weapons have much more useful blocks, especially charge blade since it's a shortcut to saed.


Tackle on GS is perfect for me. I just roll, tackle, into rold, right click for movement and it works really well. Idk how many times I've tackled into a stun or roll over knockdown. Really satisfying being a gs tank.


Arguably, looking at it from the min/max high risk reward mentality, guard isn't a crutch because you need some amount of it against certain monsters so you can execute guard points on charge blade. Essentially, guard becomes an offensive skill especially if combined with offensive guard for the attack power boost as well as the additional windows you get to safely damage monsters. The min/max mentality is consistent and makes sense. They're going for anything that increases damage and the bare number of necessary defensive skills required to survive if execution alone cannot cut it. Any amount of defensive skill is added in service of damage, somehow, usually in the form of extra defense provides an attack window that no offensive skill can surpass. That's one way to play the game. The elitism part is to pretend it's the only way to play the game and that anyone who doesn't follow it is wrong.


Part of this would probably be that Guard is an indirect DPS increase in some weapon like Lance and Charge Blade, since getting only low knockback allows you to continue attacking earlier while your Guard input timing is the same with or without a level into Guard skill. Of course it's never a crutch skill, but since Guard is technically a DPS increase so they don't wanna lump it into that category lol


Evade window is a crutch Defense boost is a crutch Part breaker is a crutch If you can't solo fatty with low rank leather armor and a bone S&S 1 you aren't a real gamer


No, evade window is peak. Not only does it come on Fatalis armor as default, but it’s also one of the most useful skills to get out of a bad situation. It’s come it a point where I-framing moves have become a standard for me. Sure, it makes some fights easier, but isn’t that the point?


No, evade window lv 3 is the best. Or evade extender, depending on which weapon I use. But if I have room for evade window 3, I'm putting on evade window 3. The default i-frames are kinda shit


I use max evade window and extender for my Lance build. It's so good.


Not at all. It let's you stick to monsters much easier and is near-essential for quick kills with stuff like Savage Axe CB.


Ignore those people. If you're having fun you're playing right that's all that matters.


I'm a bow main, and EW 5 is mandatory for me. That's how I maintain 95% damage uptime. Close Range coating, stick close, Dodge everything, shoot till it dies.


Honestly I'm not a master trying to get through master rank so I'll take anything just to survive


No. Something I think people who see it as a crutch overlook is that it provides significant offensive utility by allowing you to iframe attacks you would otherwise have to avoid with positioning. On weapons with low reach especially, this can give you much better uptime on the monster.


bruh who tf cares what others thinks


Nothing is a damn crutch. Anyone with elitist mentality is toxic and should be ignored.


Nah, this ain’t a competitive game to be sweating about. Use whatever skills you need to make it as comfy as you want it to be. Very rarely but when I got some shade about my Shield HBG build I just shoot back “You’re no Team Darkside either..” just and watch them mald over it.


If EW is a crutch then GL users should refrain from using evade extender, bow/db from using dash juice/constitution/stamina surge, CB from slotting 1 point of guard, and HBG from crafting sticky ammo.


I think a lot of people look at these types of defensive skills wrong anyway. Evade window and evade extender, and others, allow you to play more aggressively


After playing souls games and likes since demon souls dropped. I will never complain about a skill or anything that gives me more I-Frames.


It is a crutch, just like using a controller or keyboard. Are you really playing this game if you don't physically dodge irl?


The people who try to put other people down by claiming any skills in the game are a crutch are just projecting their insecurities. It's a PvE game. Christ.


Who cares? I don't. Do you? You shouldn't. It's in the game, why not use it? Because you should just learn to iframe instead? OK, and? If I have this new blender that makes juice in 3 seconds does it mean I shouldn't use it because I should make the juice by hand instead? It's so dumb.


They forgot the number one rule. If your dead, you do 0 DPS 😂


That's dumb, people who play dark souls don't think light rolling is a crutch they actively try to get more I frames by being able to light roll.


Some weapons it makes good sense with the weapons moveset, some it's a crutch, nothing wrong with a crutch tho, some people need them to enjoy life.


If I'm being honest... yea probably but not for the reasons people think. There's not an ACTUAL thing as a crutch, it's just an issue with habits. a LOT of players try to treat the dodge roll exactly the same as the roll in Souls games... except this isn't' a Souls game. It's true the roll has I-frames but the window is SUPER tight and that's what causes a lot of players to look at the roll as a positioning tool rather than a dodge. Evade Window, while a good skill, is turning the roll into something else and while I want to stress it's FINE if you want to do that, you're going to train yourself on the timing Evade Window has rather than just using the default roll and end up having to slot it into every build... and hey it's your build, if you want to use it then use it. I'd just rather have that slot for something else.


Just use it if you like it. I personally sacrificed one health boost for one EW for my FC LS set for Fatalis, it makes rolling the P3 entry roar more consistent. And I have 3000+ fatalis kills. If it's a "crutch" then it is what it is, I'll still enjoy the game the way I like.


Yes and no. Are you using it to have a better chance to avoid something you could have dodged with the default i-frames? Yes. Are you using it to avoid something the default i-frames are absolutely not enough? Then no. As a practical example SnS' backstep has enough base i-frames to completely avoid the bomb barrel in the training area. Slap Evade 5 on that and now you can avoid Safi's ring explosion. Using Evade 5 on attacks which last only a couple of frames can be considered a waste, at the end of the day if you cannot for some reason do enough with the base i-frames even for attacks which you can avoid with it I guess it's worth it but it's still worse than not running it


Does it make hunts easier for you? If yes then use it. Not everything has to be min maxed for peak damage. And in some cases it increases the dps cause if you can press the attack more because you have to spend less time down on your face you’ll do better damage.


It's one of defensive skills available and it's perfectly fine to use it.


If you’re not playing with no armor, lvl 1 iron weapon, and using your toes to play on kb&m you’re a filthy casual.


no, i personally dont use it but i dont see any issues if peeps wanna use it. Just ignore them, i mean some of them just copied their build off of someone elses effort to carry them.


I only know just a few moves of each monster and I'm not planning to practice to become speedrun level expert. I always have a few evade window in my build.


I mean, technically, but pretty much all skills are. That’s the point. Pay no mind to the people that act elitist about which skills are best and which are “nooby.” Stacking all the “best” skills doesn’t matter if you can’t survive. Wasting time healing and carting pretty quickly regains the seconds you save from slightly higher DPS. In short, play what you like and what helps you clear hunts in what you consider to be an acceptable amount of time. Swap out comfort/utility skills for more offensive ones if you want after getting more fights down, but that’s also optional.


Hard to call it a crutch sometimes when World manages to have some of the most ass hitbox work I’ve ever seen. Or maybe I already suck. Here’s something to consider, doesn’t how much damage you can do if you don’t live long enough to do any of it. For example, I always ran full stun resistance in all of my builds until I got Fatty armor and realized it came free with it. Not optimal? Sure. Do I give a fuck? No. The only person you should want to prove anything to is yourself. Do you hate yourself enough to become a 5k hours peak performance or heroics runner? Get practicing, otherwise, go have fun.


No lmao. My build is entirely health regen, evasion and affinity. It's a PVE game. If you can hunt monsters without dying, you're doing it right.


I consider it just a straight up DPS increase because I can play more aggressively with EW. I love both EW and EE and use it on a lot of builds.


I've never used it, but if people want to use it more power to them. It wouldn't be in the game if it wasn't meant to be used, don't worry about it and just do what you want.


Nah with evade window you can dodge many things you cannot without it. And by that I still mean barely evade. With fatty armor we can fit all the relevant dps skills and then on top put in skills like evade window that enable even more aggressiv play


I'm older. I like the comfort it provides. Yeah, I get scorn from the Max Deeps part of the fantasy but I do zero DPS at the camp.


a crutch would be divine blessing 5, temporal mantle, HBG with shield is just a hard crutch, and MAYBE pushing it with this one imo blight res. cant think of anything else that could even be considered a crutch so no. not at all.


This applies to any game, ever. If a developer adds in a mechanic, using it to beat the game is fine. Only when you start cheating to do stuff, do you fail to "beat the game".


People that tell you to build only damage fall into one of two categories: people who have never played anything less than a four person lobby, and people who long ago maxed out their builds and have mastered every fight so well that they've forgotten how long it took to get that good. Neither is correct for anyone but themselves. Defensive skills are better than offensive in solo hunts where you have fewer healing opportunities and are better for learning fights to begin with since you can survive mistakes to learn from them. Evade Window and Extender in particular are good because they actively give you new opportunities in fights, including offensive options like rolling in. So no, it's not a crutch, some people are just dumb elitists who think there's a single metta build that must be followed to the letter, even when they suck too much to use it well.


If you play the game with your eyes open and sound on then you might as well be playing hello kitty kart racing, little girl.


Evade Window and Evade extender have far too much utility to be pure defensive crutches. There are a lot of attacks that your character cannot roll through without window. The attacks linger too long and you will be clipped. It lets you play aggressively up on a monster and dodge what you would need to run from


It's a skill that makes the fight have 10x as many skillshots as it does normally. It has the most skill expression and that's why it's my favorite skill.


Imo everything other than the very first weapon and armor you get in the game is a crutch. /s Play how you want bruv ❤️


Evade Window if you use. bow or other weapons that uses evade as a defensive tool like the Gunlance


Is using a crutch a crutch? Just have fun and get by doing what you enjoy. If you never want to die run all the defensive utility abilities. If you want clear time, invest hours into perfecting the fight. Just have a good time doing it!


As (almost) everyone here has said already, no. There are actually some enemy moves that CANNOT be dodged through with base I-Frames, and as a result you have to dodge away or space yourself, losing your aggression momentarily. Choosing to use EW for case uses like that to maintain aggressive play is a legitimate DPS increase for many weapons, especially those that utilise successive hits. As an IG I would prefer to evade through an attack while I'm midair than back away and ruin my momentum, in cases where monsters such as Tigrex can hit me when I'm an entire body length above him. Better to just EW through that nonsense and continue my assault than waste time waiting for him to chill out. It may not be as meta on paper as just increasing my DPS, but I prefer to increase my uptime by 20% rather than making my individual hits 5% harder.


I use it to have the Dark Souls dodge


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“The very fabric wavers and relations shift and obscure.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I didn't read all the comments, but the other thing evade window helps make up for is any lag or latency issues. Everyone's Internet speed and latency is different. If using a controller they have different latency. I don't think you can "get gud" if you know your playing with issues like that.


Nothing’s a crutch. It’s in the game. Just play the game how you want to play. That’s the point of all the decorations and effects, to cater to your playstyle. If that means you want a bigger evasion window, DO IT!


Those extra frames you're getting will save you sometimes, but not enough to carry you through the game, definitely not a crutch. although I believe it's usefulness goes down the longer you play since youll learn the monsters attacks and be able to avoid/dodge them much sooner, making the extra 4 frames you get not very relevant.


I love it but I use it sporadically because I'm afraid of developing such attitudes and I won't be able to hunt well anymore without it 💀


Hmmm is my expensive shaver charm which allows me as a bow user to weaken monster parts with one smack a crutch? How about my beloved item prolonger skill? Free meal??


No more a crutch than attack up and everything else that benefits you in the game.


If you think it isn’t who cares it’s not a competition. But yeah it’s a crutch


So are weapons and armor. If you're not punching them you death do you even hunt?


Good luck thinking that way. What is and is not a crutch is up to the person hence the first part of my comment.


I was never a fan of evade window over taking the distance version instead


if it lets you live to do more damage then your fine


A medium roll in elden ring has 26 frames of invincibility, a roll in MHW has 12frames on +0Evade window and 25frames on +5. IMO evade window enables a way more aggressive playstyle, if you actually plan to dodge into attacks and iframe them instead of evading a hitbox completely and therefore losing out on time to get back into range which means a loss of Dps. Its even being used in speedrun builds. If someone actually says "gitgud" because you use evade window, they most likely suck at the game.


Any skill is a crutch if you lean on it to much.


Evade window makes certain weapons go from "fuck this piece of shit I don't wanna play it" to "oh this is actually kinda nice, let's play more".


Try hards will say that any non-offensive or non-damage skills are a clutch but I'd argue every skill can be viewed as a damage skill, including Evade ext/win since they allow more consistent dodge and continuous pressure on the monsters


Evade window and evade extender (especially in conjunction) are a game changer. It can make the game feel a lot more like darksouls where you can I frame through many attacks. But from what I've tested the I frame windows in Monster hunter a very slim in comparison to darksouls even with max evade window. Thus even if all your builds have evade window max incorporated in them you're still playing a game with bigger faster and less forgiving attacks/hit boxes than Darksouls with a less effective roll/i-frames. Gamers generally agree soulsbourne games are some of the most difficult rpg games that exist. So Not a crutch.


I think evade window even finds some application in some speed runs because it enabled you to roll some attacks you otherwise couldn't. It makes the game substantially easier for sure but it feels very natural. It's also a skill that pushes you to be more aggressive opposed to other "crutch" skills leading to overtly safe and lame gameplay. It's a good crutch imo


Heck even I use defense boost 7, do what you want dude


No, those people are stupid because hurtboxes frequently linger for longer than your iframes. Some attacks are literally impossible to roll without it. It's easy enough to get that I would consider the game to be balanced around having it. There's this toxic mentality in a lot of games where people think maximizing your risk, regardless of the associated reward, is the "correct" way to play the game and that anything that lets you survive a mistake is a crutch. Personally I don't think those people even play games, I'm pretty sure they just watch streamers and speedrunners. That said I just run Guard 5 so I don't even have to dodge to take zero damage lmao. Crutches? I'll build a whole scaffolding.


If it's in the game use it.


I wouldn't call it a crutch, but I would say that I treat is like training wheels. You use it when you are new to i-framing attacks(default window is really small, compared to other games), so you can get a hang of it as you start using rolls/hops for the i-frames. And you gradually leave it behind as you need it less and less and trade it in for some other skills.


Evade window is honestly more of an offensive skill for most weapons, it allows you to stay in an optimal position to do more damage. The survivability aspect of it is also great, but it’s not the only part of it.


Ignore anyone who says something so mind boggling stupid.


I always wear max evade window and max evade extender to a Fatalis hunt. That way I can play more aggressive. That way I can slap my daggers around and dash out of the way at the last second.  Is it a crutch to bring it a Fatalis hunt? Maybe to some people, but do I care? No.


Yeah bro, every skill is a crutch. If you're not doing naked runs with a greatsword you're not good at the game


I mean technically every single deco is a crutch. A real unassisted playstyle would be no gems, but that'd be stupid since the game is designed around them.


no, you can tell especially at the tail end of iceborne that you're almost expected to have skills like evade window and health boost. the set you build is all up to you at the end of the day so just make what you want to use


Why do we care what others think of our build if the build kills monsters?


Do what works for you.


Evade window, and extention are the main skills i include in all builds to have extra mobillity. Its kinda a must have for me to enjoy playing the game. Honestly all the skills are crutches in their very nature. Id rather make my own build though then follow the same basic meta every hunt because a skill is considered crutch. You know ... because thats how the gameplay loop of mh is literally designed. Im trying to say i think calling it crutch is kinda dumb. :3


Years ago I followed the general advice of the sub and ended up with a super attacking/offensive build. I switched to things like Vaal Hazaak’s armour just to try some things out, and the game ended up being significantly easier as I was surviving things that would normally kill me. It was astounding how much more manageable the game was when I used defensive skills. People here play the game very differently. This sub has a lot of veterans and speed-runners who want to kill the monster fast. That’s a completely different goal to the people who want to survive and win. Pick what works for you.


Evade window can be broken... it doesnt really matter if you do a "little" lower damage but literally never get hit. Use it if you want, its good.


There will always be people who only value what speeds up a hunt. What you value can be different. I personally like comfort skills, because I'm not a meta player. I can't perfect dodge every attack. But with evade window, it's a whole lot easier. I don't want to struggle for a 10 minute hunt and potentially lose, when I can comfortably enjoy a 15 or 20 minute hunt that I'm almost guaranteed to win.


people just dont like letting people play games any other way but theirs


Love it for my Fatalis fights


90% people whom calls evade window a crutch also uses Rock steady, Temporal, and Evasion Mantles in their loadout. EW5 is as forgiving as Evasion Mantle, but EW3 is the perfect sweet spot for having enough frames to dodge with the chance of still messing up. There's no shame in having EW5, because unlike Evasion Mantle which gives you damage boost for each successful dodge, EW5 just simply keeps you alive with a 5-level commitment.


Depends on the weapon and which game. Like the lances or switch axe, window/distance are very useful and make the weapon feel better, 8vs heard the same for hbg. Other than those, they are kinda pointless, tho. I mean, use what you want but, kinda skill issue, yeah


this isn't dark souls. use whatever you can to help you on your hunt.


I personally dont use evade window since my play style is not based on evading. But its a whole different story in Rise. It all depend on the weapon choice and play style.


Never leave home without it


Surely you can just say git gud, but there are moves, expecially thick ones that don’t hit fast that will hit you if you don’t have evade window being in the wrong angle. But there is an evade window cap with the iframes if you consider using it with evade window. I think you should play it if you’d like to, don’t send off everything by other believes. This way there would never be someone finding something new about a game… just play what you consider good, if it sucks you‘ll notice and if it’s good you made a good choice, it’s really that simple.


You can say the same with all skills. Health booster, Wex, Slugger, etc. As it implies, get hit less and hit more. Regardless, it's what makes the hunt fun is what matters


Use whatever the fuck you wanna use. Don't listen to some random cunts on the internet. I try and mix it up using different skills and weapon combos all the time


The term crutch wouldn't even apply to a game like Monster Hunter IMO. Crutches, to me, are more like tactics like cheeses or exploits. In MH, your objective is to capture/kill/gather. Utilizing everything the game offers is just good game sense.


It can be a crutch if not all your builds dont have it since your roll timing will vary. Evade window makes a lot of difference! So best thing to do is to make sure you slot the same level on each of your builds. In my case, all my builds have mandatory evade window lv3. Its non negotiable.


Fuck no. I personally prefer Evade Extender because I don't have to worry about I-frames if I'm just not in the way of the attack. Some sort of evade skill is really useful on weapons that don't have much mobility. I don't think I've ever played with Switch Axe, Savage Axe Charge Blade, Lance and Gunlance players who don't use at least one of them


I have always wondered, does EW extend the dodge window on longsword counter and Sword&shield backstep?


It's not necessary and it can be more difficult to play without it if you get used to it, but thats more of a muscle memory or instinct thing with any adjustment to how a game plays. Personally, I don't really judge anyones playstyle unless they're intentionally trolling or so bad they look like a troll. I love comfort skills myself. Ran gold rathian maxed divine blessing 5 and some other protection layers in MHW. Do what feels good for you and to hell with metas or what people think of it. Im sure people have some thoughts about when I join online hunts as a longsword main. The true goal is to surprise them. Perform so well that they dont know you're running a wide range support build while still dishing out the highest damage numbers of the group. I believe in you.


I max out EW and get clear times I’m super proud of. That’s the only reason I need to use it


I like it because I play an unhealthy amount of Souls games and love more i-frames on my dodge


Yes and that's okay because some people need crutches


Comfy & utility > min/max Unless you have God reflexes/experience. People doesn't seem to know that even the most dedicated speedrunners with min/max gear take hundreds of tries to get that "sub minute" run.


People will tell you meta max dps builds all day, but you know what makes me actually finish hunts? Not carting and failing the quest.


I'm kinda new to the game, but the number of playstyles this game offers is pretty staggering. If you figure a build and a style that works, then why worry?


I wanna say yes......but in reality its really not. I'd argue Divine Blessing is more of a crutch than Evade Window, because you still gotta time evades, vs Divine Blessing basically can just overly keep you alive and surviving hits you got no business living, kinda can cause you to dodge less. Especially Lv5 Divine Blessing.


I am an hh main, and my mandatory utility items are evade window and evade extender. I have tonplay a self improvement song just to get to regular movement speed, as it is classified as a heavy weapon. People see the 2 skills as utility skills, however, my playstyle utilizes movement as defense to counter the slower speed.


All skills are a crutch. Unless they're running no armor and no decorations, they really shouldn't be talking.


Play the game how it suits you best, there is no "crutch" in the game. It's the unfamiliarity with your weapon of choice and the monster's moveset that fucks you up, so feel free to learn them to your best however you want. We've all been there so no need to feel embarrassed for using it nor should you care when people tell you to git gud, most of them are trolling


If you need it use it. If you like if use it. Don‘t give a shit what people say. I like to slot evade window if I run out of damage skills because it‘s a great defensive skill


My rng sucks and I barely have any evade window decos but I sure as hell would be using them even if someone talks down to me about it! Hammer is quite hard to use already without my trusty evade extender 3


Yup. It is. MH is also just a non competitive video game. Play it however you want to. Evade window + evade distance can be a crutch or turn you into an offense monster (ie lance).


People who say this skill or that weapon is a cruch are idiots. They are not worth listening to.


I am the best charge blade NA, I use EE or EW sometimes depending how I'm feeling Use what you like


I knew a guy in Uni who used to say crap like that. The dude was a freaking joke. He would call things like EW or Guard crutches for bad players, but at the same time would blame the "artificial difficulty" when he get hit. Basically he thought he's so good that the only way he got hit was because the developers purposely made it impossible to dodge. He was also constantly moving goals about what makes someone a good player, as long as it works for him and not you.


A real hunter uses only the bone stock starter weapon without any equipments, anything else are considered a crutches 


get hit much? use it. it doesn't mean you're bad? you're giving away slots to achieve where you're lacking. just like everyone else does.


This sub is too focused on what you should use and what you shouldn't. I used Kulve Taroths full armor until I made one with Gold Rathian, Raging and Kulve It had no "meta" skills but I loved it At high rank I used Vaal's full set because I liked the health regeneration It is utmost healthier if you don't take advice from this sub.


Nah, use it if you want, it’s a great skill and you should feel no shame for using it


It'll allow you to approach certain monsters in potentially ideal ways so it can be argued that it's a defensive skill that can make dealing damage drastically easier if you master its usage.


Nah most of the goal in the game is beating a monster as efficiently and cleanly as possible how someone does that is between them and god


Nah most of the goal in the game is beating a monster as efficiently and cleanly as possible how someone does that is between them and god


Nah most of the goal in the game is beating a monster as efficiently and cleanly as possible how someone does that is between them and god


I always run evade window 5 no matter what others say about it. It makes my hunt more comfortable, i actually have higher dps using this skill, it lets me stick to the monster as close as possible.


I prefer Evade Extender over Window, simply because of my "Why time the I-Frame when you can just leave the attack area?" mentality. Plus if you ever pick up IG, Evade Extender makes you fly like twice or triple the distance. But even then I don't run Evade skills often.


Keep in mind many things cannot be dodged through without some evade window (provided you aren't flopping like a fish). So it's quite expected by the Developers for you to use evade window or guard. Play the game how you choose. There is no popular stigma in this community like darksouls regarding build choice. Although some people do hate on multiplayer but that's another can of worms.


Honestly I'm just worried that it's changed the way I play the game. I run EW5 in Iceborne endgame and I play noticably different with it on. I'm gonna get to Wilds and have to relearn how to dodge or something.


Yeah, but no harm in having it. Especially after you got the basic damage skills


I pair window and distance for my bow build. Can slide right into places you need to be at any time you want without any fear.


Do you find it fun? Does it help you enjoy Monster Hunter? If the answer is yes to either, or both, just keep doing it. It literally doesn't hurt anyone.