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My god I can’t comprehend doing this as a glaive main- how many weapons does glaive actually do better than with wakeups? I can’t imagine its many


I'd guess only Lance and Duel Blades


Lance can be good if you do the max sprint thrust. But that only makes it marginally better than dual blades for a slightly stronger hit. Gs, hammer, swaxe, CB and GL all have it beat with their nuking abilities.


People always forget bout my poor HH encore that's only beat by GS


I know hh can deal a lot of damage, but even so, it's still consistent DPS compared to the absolute nuke of a great sword.


I mean HH impact echos have a MV of 150. They literally ARE 2nd place after GS. And its a ton easier to mess up a GS wakeup than an echo wakeup. HH more than deserves to be on the wakeup list.


Waking up with HH encore is one of my favorite things in this game. I always let a GS user so it if there is one in the game but if not. Game on baby!!


High MV, sure, but they are uneffected by sharpness multiplier and cannot crit. The combined multiplier of purple sharpness and crit boost together comes out to x1.946. That means for example that an 85 MV like hammer's lvl3 charged attack comes out on top after multipliers HH is still high on the wakeup list, but it isn't 2nd place.


Finishing Twin Thrust is 25+50 MV, so it's either the first hit getting wake up bonus or you get only the second hit in with the same amount of normal Finishing Thrust. But regardless, you need to create distant before you do a wake up. The better way for Lance wake up is actually facing away from the monster, do a charge, then immediately do a Reverse Attack slap. This is also 50 MV, but you can do it immediately right under the monster as it goes into sleeping animation.


I get that. The distance thing isn't an issue. I imagine most lance players know the distance needed. It becomes second nature to know how long you need to run to get the max charge.


Like if you do the downward thrust do it just after the wake up call! It's what I do at least, when the monster is still in it's animation of "waking up". It's not that hard to wait 2 seconds for your teammates to do the first attack!


Um, the kinsect can explode bombs, so glaive is better than a lot maybe, as far as not taking damage, anyway. Send the bug to do the dirty work.


This is what I used to do when I ran glaive. If there wasn't someone with a nuke weapon in the group, I'd just shoot the bug at the biggest bomb. Big big numbers followed.


No but then the bug does hardly any damage for the actual wakeup hit


IG-nored the CBs and IG-nited the bombs.


Absolutely brilliant, now get out


now come back in and do a handstand


I though you were doing PvP for a second


Imagine mh as a pvp game… which weapon would be broken in a 1v1?


DB hands down without a question.


Laughs in huge shield


It would be a stalemate until you try to attack, then DB goes brrrr. Even lance poking has enough lag time that a light db hit can go in, and if there's knockback, its over. Now, if flinch free works on "light" hits, then DB is absolutely screwed by just about every other weapon.


Im fairly sure speed and range paired with counter can come in handy in this fight


Bowgun goes brrrrr


Funny enough, GS strat would remain the same: charge, hope for a lucky hit to land, post the one success and delete the 30 misses from your hard drive.


HH no doubt.


Leroooooooooooyyy M'Jenkiiiiinnnnnssss


That's Hhnnng'Jennnkiinns! to you.


longsword-coded insect glaive


It never would've been perfect because: 1: you guys were too far for the actual axe to hit the head for the big sleep damage multiplier 2: the saed would hit the barrel bombs first


You want the bombs planted at the back and to ignite them with the phials so you don’t get knocked back, igniting them on the first hit can make you miss the second hit of the Axe before phials come out.


Damn that CB looks nice. What is it?


Looks like a mod of the Shagaru Magala CB


Damn that sucks, I play on ps4💀


Nah that looks like a circular pizza cutter I think which is also insanely cool looking, but looks way too thick for my liking


looks like guild palace or whatever its named to me. one of the event CBs


It looks like an HD remake of the Shagaru Magala CB. Not sure how the subreddit feels about links but I'm pretty sure I know the one if anyone wants it just shoot me a DM!


Wait so it’s a mod in pc? 💀


Yes, that's not a charge blade available in the base game or Iceborne.


Honestly that’s an L for mhw lol why wouldn’t they bring back those amazing looking designs that they own already?


The monster this is made from didn't return for World or Iceborne but it's a fan favorite for obvious reasons.


Average IG main


As a bow main, I’ve considered waking with an uncharged shot at unoptimal range just to piss my friends off. Or maybe waking with multiple arc shots so they can’t even get close lol.


How to wake up with LS for maximum damage? Only bomb i guess. Helm Breaker will wake up in the initial stage, and going down to do actual HB will result with normal HB damage. Iai ?


You stand with your back faced towards the monster, poke, iai sheath back into it's face and then iai slash.


Without the bomb i believe? Or that second hit from Iai could be bomb trigger also?


It can trigger bomb and slash at the same time yes, you just need to position yourself correctly You can also kill some small monsters for free red gauge before you do this to maximize damage.


roblox keeps getting better i swear